You Can't Change Me

Kyungsoo put his arms around Kai’s shoulders as they walked back to the creek to get the towel Kyungsoo had left. As they walked Kyungsoo stood up on his toes so he could reach Kai’s shoulders so he could keep him warm. He didn’t want the possibility of Kai getting a cold from being in the water way too long.

“You don’t have to do that.” Kai mumbled as his teeth chattered.

“Yeah, I just don’t want you to suffer hyopthermia or a cold.” The smaller replied as they arrived at the creek.

“But what about you?” The taller answered as he put the towel on his shoulders while looking at Kyungsoo with concern.

“Me? I’m fine, I’m supposed to look after you. If you’re okay, I’m okay.” Kyungsoo replied.

“Oh, are you sure about that?” Kai replied as his cheeks reddened a bit.

“Yes sir.” Kyungsoo smiled slightly while still shivering.

“You’re shivering too you know.”

“Yes, I know.”

“Here, it’s your turn to use the towel.” Kai said as he slid the towel off his shoulders and put it around Kyungsoo’s small shoulders.

“That wasn’t necessary.”

“Well, I’m good now so we better get back so we can change into dry clothes.” Kai said as Kyungsoo nodded.

“T-thanks.” Kyungsoo blushed as the two cold, boys walked towards their home.


“We should take a shower since we were in that water, and I don’t think the water was clean.” Kyungsoo announced as Kai nodded in agreement.

“You go first.”

“No, you go. You’ve been in the water longer than me.” Kyungsoo urged.

“If you’re quick with taking a shower I’ll be okay.” Kai answered. “Now, go get your in the shower and hurry up.” Kai said as Kyungsoo ran towards the shower.

As Kyungsoo got in the bathroom he quickly peeled off his soaked clothes and got in the shower where the warm drops of water met his skin.

‘He’s acting so different right now than a few hours ago.’ Kyungsoo thought as he continued to clean himself.


‘Wow, why do I feel so generous?’ Kai thought to himself as he crossed his arms.

Kai sat there thinking to himself still wearing his damp clothes which probably wasn’t such a good idea.

“Hey Kai I’m finished taking a shower, it’s your turn.” Kyungsoo said as Kai snapped back into reality and looked at Kyungsoo who only had a towel wrapped around his lower half.

“O-okay.” Kai mumbled as he stared at Kyungsoo.

“W-what are you staring at? Go and shower, you might get sick.” Kyungsoo said as his cheeks were tinted with light red.

“Nothin.” Kai replied as he walked towards the bathroom.

‘Well, wasn’t that embarassing?’ Kyungsoo thought as he walked towards his room and changed into dry clothes.


‘That guy really.’ Kai thought as he mentally facepalmed himself. ‘But, he’s gorgeous I have to admit.’

Kai stood there underneath the warm drops of water rolling down his body.

‘Am I turning gay for that doe eyed boy?’

‘Am I really supposed to be gay? Or am I biual?’

‘No, I can’t be, I need to leave this island. I can’t stand to be with him anymore.’

‘I’m straight, I’m not ing gay for Kyungsoo!’

‘But then, what if Kyungsoo is gay, as well?’

Kai stood there flooded his inner thoughts while he held himself.

‘I’m so confused.’ Kai thought as tears started to blur his vison. ‘But, if I am. I no one can ever know, not even Kyungsoo.’

As the boy finished bathing he wrapped his lower half with a towel and looked around.

“Oh yeah, my clothes are outside. Silly me.” He chuckled to himself as he poked his head out the bathroom door.

‘No sign of Kyungsoo anywhere.’ He thought as he walked out the bathroom and towards the front door.

“Kai?” Kyungsoo said as Kai turned around a bit surprised.

“Oh, hi Kyungsoo.” Kai replied.

“What are you doing?” The older asked as he combed his damp hair.

“I’m just going to get my clothes in the tent, that’s all.” Kai replied.

“Oh, no need. I took some clothes from your suitcase while you were taking a shower.”

“T-thanks.” Kai said as Kyungsoo pointed at the couch where there were a pair of Kai’s clothes.

“No problem.” Kyungsoo smiled as his cheeks flushed red again while Kai bit his lip and picked up the clothes and rapidly walked back into the bathroom to change.

‘Damn, that boy is gorgeous, he looks so perfect. The way the towel hangs on his hip bones.’ Kyungsoo thought as he bit his lip.

‘Wait, am I turning gay? I can’t be, but then if I am. It can’t be helped.’ Kyungsoo thought as he walked towards the kitchen to prepare dinner.

As Kyungsoo started cooking Kai walked out a few minutes later while he ruffled his short damp hair.

“Hey, what are you cooking?” Kai asked.

“Rice, some beef and some kimchi, pretty simple.” Kyungsoo replied as Kai nodded and sat down in one of the dining table chairs and watched Kyungsoo, like he was observing him. “Do you need anything?”


“Well, if you need anything tell me okay?” Kyungsoo said as Kai just nodded.

“Hey, Kyungsoo, how long do I have to stay here?” Kai asked as he rested his head on the palm of his hands.

“I actually don’t know, depends.”

“Depends what?”

“It depends if you’ve actually changed. If you take a long time to change then you’re going to stay here for a while.” Kyungsoo replied as he flipped the pieces of meat on the frying pan.

“Oh, but are you doing his help thing, as like a community service thing?” The younger asked.

“No, remember I told you I’m doing this because of my ‘family’?”

“Oh, sorry, hyung.” Kai replied as he whispered hyung.

“D-did you just call me hyung?” Kyungsoo asked as he turned around and looked at Kai while widened eyes.

“N-no, me call you hyung? What the hell? You’re probably hearing things while you’re cooking that.” Kai replied.

“No, I heard you Kai, I’m not deaf.”

“Then you must be mental or some sh- I mean you might be mental or maybe there’s a ghost.” Kai shrugged as he remembered the bet he made with Kyungsoo.

“Whatever.” Kyungsoo replied as he rolled his eyes and continued cooking.

‘That was too close. First, he heard me call him hyung. Which I have never call anyone. Second, he almost heard me cuss. He might’ve taken something away from me.’ Kai thought. ‘He might take my ity. Oh god…What did I just flipping say?’ Kai yelled his in thoughts.

‘I swear, I’m not mental! I swear I heard him say hyung! I also heard him almost say sh*t, but he remembered the bet. If he didn’t stop himself, I would’ve taken something important to him, what should it be?’ Kyungsoo thought.

Both of the boys just stood –or sat- there thinking to theirselves while the sound of the sizzling meat occupied the room.


A/N: Hi everyone! Thanks for reading this chapter. I get so excited when I get new comments it makes me want to update quicker XD ^_^ anyway, this chapter's kinda fluffy.... But anyway thanks for supporting this fic. Also Happy Birthday Kyungsoo!! Goodness, so squishy!!


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Kyungsuk #1
Chapter 1: Que hdp los papas
Kyungsuk #2
A leer
Chapter 31: Beautifull!!! T-T <3
Chapter 39: re-read this story again~ very nice story
Chapter 36: This is way toooo late in the game, but why didn't they celebrate soo's bday? just curious, great story:3
tytrek #6
Chapter 40: just finished reading this, this was really good :)
Montiel #7
Chapter 17: Omg it actually looks like them kissing I love it
hihowru #8
Chapter 39: I LUV IT *-*
Chapter 39: The ending was very cute. Thanks for sharing! :D
Chapter 34: Wasn't Kai and Kyungsoo birthday is just a day apart as you mention in earlier chapter ? Kai didn't celebrate Kyungsoo's birthday ? Ahha. Sorry, Im a little bit confused ><