You Can't Change Me

Jongin rubbed his eyes as he woke up from his nap. He stretched his arms and walked out his room to hear quiet sobs.

"Kyungsoo?" He says softly as he walked towards the source of the sobbing. Jongin knocked on the bathroom door to hear a gasp and some sniffling.

"Jongin?" Kyungsoo says as he opens the door while hiding his torn, bloody arm behind his back while smiling painfully. "How can I help you?'

"Kyungie, are you okay? Were you crying?"

"No, why'd you think that?" Jongin formed his lips into a line as he swept a tear away from the corner of Kyungsoo's eye with his thumb.

"C'mon, tell me. What's wrong?" He said as he softly pushed on the bathroom door.

"Nothing's wrong." Kyungsoo replied as Jongin's eyes trailed down Kyungsoo's hidden arm.

"Let me see your arm. Now." He demanded as the hurt boy showed him his arm. "Kyungsoo.... I thought you stopped."

"I'm sorry." Jongin held Kyungsoo's arm gently as he turned to the sink and washed away the blood staining Kyungsoo's arm. After, he sat down Kyungsoo on the toilet seat as he wrapped the wounds with bandages. As he finished treating the wounds he saw a tear drop on his wrist.

Kyungsoo was crying.

"I hate Sulli." Kyungsoo mumbled over and over again in a mantra.



"Kyungsoo, tell me what happened."

"What's the point. It's too late now."

"What do you mean it's too late?"

"That Sulli." Kyungsoo hissed as Jongin gasped from Kyungsoo's usage of words. "She's a ing Jongin!" He said as he grabbed Jongin's arm.


"I don't give a about you lecturing me about my usage of words. I know I told you to not cuss but right now Sulli is on my mind. her."

"Tell me what happened." Jongin whispered.

"Huh, it's shocking that you haven't even been told yet. Almost the whole school knows because of her big mouth."

"Tell me." Jongin demanded.

"Well that girl knocked my books out of my hand and I told her to pick it up but then suddenly it turned into a heated arguement." Kyungsoo said as he looked into Jongin's eyes.

"What's the rest?" Jongin asked as Kyungsoo formed his lips into a line and continued with his story.


"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry she did this to you. I will do anything for you to forgive me."

"Okay then, Jongin. Do me a favor." Kyungsoo said as he held Jongin's hand. "Break up with her, and leave her."

"I will." Jongin replied like he was in a trance. "Now, don't let others bother you anymore. Alright?" He said as he carassed the outline of Kyungsoo's lips.

"O-okay." Kyungsoo replied as Jongin leaned towards him and touched their lips together.


Kyungsoo sat next to Baekhyun and Chanyeol during the morning while Jongin had to go and put his things in his locker. He swung his legs side to side while he heard some bickering from Chanyeol and Baekhyun that soon turned into laughs.

"Are you two okay?" Kyungsoo asked as he noticed Joonmyeon walking towards them.

"Yeah, Chanyeol's just being a stupid head at the moment." Baekhyun laughed as Joonmyeon arrived next to them.

"Hey you guys." Joonmyeon smiled as he looked at Kyungsoo. "Hey remember the guy Yixing I was talking to you about?" He said as Kyungsoo nodded.

"Yixing? Who's he?" Chanyeol blurted out.

"Well, this is Yixing." Joonmyeon smiled while he moved to the side and revealed a black haired student.

"Hello." Yixing smiled as he bowed politely. "I'm Zhang Yixing."

"So this is Yixing." Kyungsoo chuckled. "Joonmyeon told me you're Chinese." Yixing nodded. "You speak Korean very well."

"Thanks." Yixing smiled as two more people walked towards their group.

"Wassup Hun, Han." Chanyeol smiled as the two nodded and looked at Yixing. "Haha, HunHan." Chanyeol chuckled to himself. "It sounds good together."

"Who he?" Luhan asked.

"This is Joonmyeon's new friend, Yixing." Baekhyun replied as he looked at the two boys and winked. "And he's Chinese like you, Luhan."

"I see. Well hey." Luhan smiled. 'Well this is my boyfriend, Sehun."

"Hello Luhan and Sehun." Yixing replied as Kyungsoo noticed Sulli walk near them in the corner of his eye.

"So many people here." Jongin chuckled as he walked towards the group and sat next to Kyungsoo.

"Haha, I know. Well you have a welcoming group Yixing." Joonmyeon smiled as Yixing nodded.

"Well isn't it the school group." They hear a female voice say. It belonged to someone they didn't like. "C'mon Jongin, you don't belong in this group."

"Who said I couldn't?" Jongin replied as he stood his ground.

"Well, you're with me." Sulli said sternly as she gripped Jongin's hand.



"I said no. Kyungsoo told me everything. We're over. You're a horrible person. Did you know that?"

"Me? How am I a horrible person?"

"You're being a little to Kyungsoo. If you mess with my friend, you're messing with me."

"But, Jongin. He likes you." She said as she let go of Jongin's hand.

"Guess what, I like him too." Jongin replied as he held Kyungsoo's hand in his. "I've like him more that I've ever liked you." Sulli stood there, mouth open as she walked towards Jongin and slapped him across the face.

"I hate you. You're a gay ." She hissed as tears blurred her vision and walked away.

"Are you okay?" Kyungsoo asked as he held Jongin's cheek in his hand. "Does it hurt? Do you need ice?"

"Kyungsoo, she slapped him not punch him." Sehun deadpanned.

"I'm alright." Jongin chuckled as he held Kyungsoo's hand. "At least she's gone now." He smiled.

"Well at least everything is now sorted out." Joonmyeon announced. "Hopefully she won't bother Kyungsoo. But, obviously this is going to spread."

"That's true. But don't worry Kyungsoo. I'll protect you." Jongin smiled.

"Same here, I'll use all my power as the school president to stop anything that might happen to you two. If anyone says anything, just tell me and they'll get punished."

"Thanks Joonmyeon." Kyungsoo smiled.


That day no one said anything to either Kyungsoo and Jongin. No one called them names or picked fights with Jongin. They just stayed quiet. They would see Kyungsoo and Jongin holding hands but they would just glance and say nothing. It was a miracle actually, unless Sulli didn't say anything at all.

As Kyungsoo and Jongin walked down the halls they saw Sulli walking towards them. Jongin instantly went in front of Kyungsoo as Sulli stood in front of them.

"I have something to say. I'm not going to harm your Kyungsoo." She said as she cleared . "I've been really thinking today and with the guidance from my friends I am here to say sorry. I'm sorry Kyungsoo for harming you and embarassing you in front of everyone like that." She took in a deep breath and continued to talk. "It was all an act of jealousy and I admit that. I am truly sorry for all the damage I have done to your life at the moment. I just hope you accept my apology."

"It's okay." Kyungsoo replied as Sulli lifted her head up and looked at Kyungsoo.


"I said it's okay. I forgive you."

"After all that she did to you?" A student said shocked.

"Yes, after all that we've went through." Kyungsoo sighed.

"But why?"

"Everyone, deserves a second chance."

"T-thank you." Sulli breathed as she looked at Jongin and blinked. "You know, my feelings for you still remain the same."

"I know, I'm sorry." Jongin replied as he looked down. "You can be with someone better."

"Okay." Sulli said as she looked at them one last time. "See you around." She walked away into the hallway and disappeared into the crowd of students.

"Well, at least she's not after you anymore. But why did you forgive her?"

"Everyone deserves a second chance, Jongin." Kyungsoo simply replied as they held hands and walked around the school.


Hola people! Wassup? I haven't updated in so so so so so (10 hours later) long. Hope you like this chapter hope I didn't disappoint. But this fic is slowly coming to an end with only 1-2 chapters left filled with Kaisoo fluffiness!!! But yeah. thanks for being patient Dreamers. Erh my gerd I gained almost 100 subbies when I was gone.... well I needed 5 more but oh my gerd thank kiu TnT

Meh... suffering from jetlag o_o I feel like I'm nocturnal lmao. Btw i got me a kpop insta n_n if you follow me I follow back~ clicky here



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Kyungsuk #1
Chapter 1: Que hdp los papas
Kyungsuk #2
A leer
Chapter 31: Beautifull!!! T-T <3
Chapter 39: re-read this story again~ very nice story
Chapter 36: This is way toooo late in the game, but why didn't they celebrate soo's bday? just curious, great story:3
tytrek #6
Chapter 40: just finished reading this, this was really good :)
Montiel #7
Chapter 17: Omg it actually looks like them kissing I love it
hihowru #8
Chapter 39: I LUV IT *-*
Chapter 39: The ending was very cute. Thanks for sharing! :D
Chapter 34: Wasn't Kai and Kyungsoo birthday is just a day apart as you mention in earlier chapter ? Kai didn't celebrate Kyungsoo's birthday ? Ahha. Sorry, Im a little bit confused ><