You Can't Change Me

Few Days Later.....

“Hey, do you want to go to the creek I told you about?” Kyungsoo asked as he grabbed a towel. He always went to the creek to have some alone time, just listening to the water flow through, and sometimes let his feet soak in the water.

“I don’t feel like it.” Kai replied as he lounged on the couch closing his eyes.

“If you’re going to just sit there you’ll get bored and die.”

“Like you are?”

“Me? I’m not really bored at the moment since I know I’m going to go somewhere.” Kyungsoo replied as the younger opened his eyes.

“You look like you would be bored.” Kai mumbled.

“C’mon, you should come with me.” Kyungsoo smiled as he opened the front door.

“Fine.” Kai replied as he stood up and followed Kyungsoo out the door.


Kai sighed as he followed Kyungsoo down the hill.

“How far is this creek anyway?” Kai groaned.

“It’s the same creek you went to, you know the one you went to the other day where you met Baekhyun.” Kyungsoo replied as he happily jumped over a few rocks.

‘How can that kid be so happy?’ Kai thought as he simply walked over the rocks Kyungsoo jumped over.

“So Kai,” Kyungsoo said. “I don’t know much about you.”


“Is there anything you want to share about yourself?” The older asked as he stopped and turned around to look at Kai smiling happily.

“Uh, isn’t me telling you my background enough?” Kai replied as he crossed his arms.

“Yeah, but maybe something like how your life is at school, or maybe what your favorite color is. Or anything really.” Kyungsoo grinned.

“Wow, okay. Hmmm.” Kai said as he tapped his chin with his index finger. “I really want to punch your happy right now.”

“Oh, ummm okay. Kinda scary, but it works.” Kyungsoo smiled slightly. “For me, I feel great. I want to get to know you more.”

“You’re weird.”

“Why thank you.”

“That wasn’t really a compliment.”

“I know, but I’d rather be weird that just be plain normal, that would be pretty boring. Don’t you think so?” Kyungsoo said as he cocked his head to the side.

“I guess that’s true.” Kai said awkwardly. “I never heard anyone say that before. They would usually get offended or some sh*t.”

“You know, you really need to lessen you cursing.” Kyungsoo said as they finally arrived at the creek.

“Why would you say that?” Kai asked.

“Well, maybe because of your cussing you have anger issues or something. Now, I know I’m no therapist, but I’m just saying, since that’s what I’ve noticed.”

“Well I sure ing know that cussing isn’t giving me that anger issue sh*t.” Kai said with a smirk. “Oh, oops, I cussed too much.” Kai said as he covered his mouth with his hand like he didn’t know.

“Now Kai, we all know you’re playing the card right now.” Kyungsoo rolled his eyes as he put the towel he was carrying on a rock.

“Hey! You cuss too !” Kai yelled as he pointed at Kyungsoo widening his eyes like he was in shock.

‘He’s acting like a little kid, not like a rude 16 year old bastard, I want him to stay acting like a kid. He seems, somewhat friendlier. Maybe this can be how I can get closer to him.’ Kyungsoo thought.

“Yeah but I’m not cussing like you, you’re a bad person!” Kyungsoo yelled as he pouted.

“Hey! I’m not a bad person! I can say all the cuss words I want!” Kai laughed.

‘I think it’s nice to know he can laugh, he should laugh more.’

“But you say it in a mean way!”

“B-but I have a reason to say those words.” Kai replied with a child-like voice.

“Doesn’t mean you have to always say those words.” Kyungsoo replied with a baby voice.

“I can say all the ing sh*t I want b*tch!” Kai yelled with a laugh.

“You sir, have a potty mouth.” Kyungsoo said.

“Yeah, maybe.” Kai replied with a frown like he just realized it himself.

“But I know you can maybe get rid of that nasty habit or just lessen your cussing, alright?” Kyungsoo smiled as Kai nodded. “Hey let’s make a bet.”

“What kind of bet?” Kai answered.

“The person that can go on for one week without cussing.”

“What about the loser?”

“The loser gets something taken away by the winner and they can’t get that thing back until the winner decides to give it back.” Kyungsoo grinned.

“Hmmm…Fine, it’s a deal.” Kai smirked as he and Kyungsoo shook hands.

‘Our first handshake ever since he came here.’ Kyungsoo thought.

‘That felt weird, shaking his hand.’ Kai thought.

“So Kai, when’s your birthday?” Kyungsoo asked as he walked around his hands behind his back.

“January 14, and yours?”

“January 12.” Kyungsoo smiled. “Our birthdays are close.”

“Yeah, guess so.” Kai smiled a bit as he started walking around as well.

“Hey let’s play a game.” Kyungsoo suggested, “You know, so you won’t get bored and such.”

“Okay, what do you want to play?” Kai asked.

“Great, so in this game we try to make each other fall while pushing on each other’s hand.”

“That game’s so easy though.”

“But instead being on two feet, you’re on only one foot.” Kyungsoo grinned as he stood on one foot. “The loser has to go into the water.”

“Fine.” Kai groaned as he followed Kyungsoo’s gesture.

‘I know I’m obviously going to win this game.’ Kai thought.

“You ready?” Kyungsoo asked as Kai nodded.

‘I’m glad I’m been practicing my balance skills with one foot for the past few weeks.’ Kyungsoo thought as they put their hands together.




They both of them start pushing against each other’s hands for a while until Kai started to wobble back and fell on his .

“I win!” Kyungsoo grinned as Kai looked up at him with a pout.

“That’s not fair.” He mumbled.

“Well, life’s not fair son.” Kyungsoo smiled as he patted Kai’s head as he looked at him in the eyes.

Right there, both of them kept eye contact for more than just one second.

‘Wow, Kyungsoo’s eyes are really big but, they look cute.’ Kai thought. ‘Wait, did I really just think that?’

‘He looks cute.’ Was all Kyungsoo could think of. ‘His face looks so perfect up close.’

“Erm, here. Let me help you.” Kyungsoo said as he broke eye contact and held his hand out.

“T-thanks.” Kai stuttered as he took Kyungsoo’s hand and stood up.

“Well, it’s time for your punishment.” Kyungsoo grinned as Kai just groaned.

“Ugh, fine.” He mumbled as he walked towards the creek. Kai kept walking until the water reached his hips. “Kyungsoo, are you sure this is even a creek?”

“I don’t know, I didn’t know it could go that deep.” Kyungsoo shrugged as Kai stood in the water shivering. “You can come back now.” Kyungsoo said as the younger started walking back.

As Kai started walking back he suddenly slipped on one of the rocks underneath the water.

“Kai! Kai!” Was all Kai heard until his whole body emerged into the water. He could barely see, he felt his body was being carried by the water. “Kai!” He heard Kyungsoo yell as the water suddenly got deeper until he couldn’t feel the rocks brushing against his feet anymore.

This was one of the worst case scenarios Kai could ever think of. It’s not like he didn’t know how to swim, but whenever he started to panic. That’s when he would forget how to swim.

‘Is this how I’m going to die? I’m going to drown?’ Kai thought as he struggled to keep afloat until everything turn black.


‘This can’t be happening!’ Kyungsoo screamed in his thoughts.

He knew he didn’t know Kai for that long, but he knew Kai long enough that he knew he didn’t want him to die. Kyungsoo didn’t want to loose him, just not right now.

As Kyungsoo ran next the creek or whatever it was he saw Kai’s body floating. Instantly without any thought Kyungsoo jumped into the water and grabbed Kai’s hand and started swimming towards a place under some trees. When Kyungsoo finally reached the trees he pulled Kai with him and set him down.

“Kai!” Kyungsoo yelled.

No response.

“Oh my god! He’s not even breathing!” Kyungsoo panicked as he stopped and right there he knew what to do.

‘I never knew I would have to do this, having to preform CPR on someone.’ Kyungsoo thought as he put his hands on Kai’s chest and started compressing Kai’s chest a few times. ‘Goodness still not breathing.’

Kyungsoo then tilted Kai’s head back and pinched his nose as Kyungsoo put his mouth on Kai’s mouth and puffed a few breaths of air into the boy’s body. After a while Kai opened his eyes and coughed up some water.

“What happened?” Kai asked.

“Kai!” Kyungsoo yelled as he immediately hugged Kai. “I’m so sorry Kai.” Kyungsoo sniffled. “I thought you would die.”

“I almost died?” Kai asked as he didn’t push Kyungsoo away who was still hugging him.

‘I mean, he did save my life. I’ll just let this one go then.’ Kai thought as ge hugged Kyungsoo back.

“Thanks, hyung.” Kai whispered as Kyungsoo buried his face into Kai’s neck while still sniffling.


Hi again, hope you like this chapter. I feel bad for kinda making Kai drown but hey we gotta add some romance right eh? Eh? No? okay....But anyway, thanks for reading this chapter. ^_^

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Kyungsuk #1
Chapter 1: Que hdp los papas
Kyungsuk #2
A leer
Chapter 31: Beautifull!!! T-T <3
Chapter 39: re-read this story again~ very nice story
Chapter 36: This is way toooo late in the game, but why didn't they celebrate soo's bday? just curious, great story:3
tytrek #6
Chapter 40: just finished reading this, this was really good :)
Montiel #7
Chapter 17: Omg it actually looks like them kissing I love it
hihowru #8
Chapter 39: I LUV IT *-*
Chapter 39: The ending was very cute. Thanks for sharing! :D
Chapter 34: Wasn't Kai and Kyungsoo birthday is just a day apart as you mention in earlier chapter ? Kai didn't celebrate Kyungsoo's birthday ? Ahha. Sorry, Im a little bit confused ><