You Can't Change Me

“Are we almost at your house?” Kai asked as he walked up the rocky hill.

“Just a few more feet.” Kyungsoo replied as both of them walked in silence.

After a few minutes both of them finally arrived at the top of the steep, rocky hill.

“You said that it was only a few more feet.” Kai complained as he wiped a drop of sweat off his forehead.

“You didn’t say how long it would take. Plus a few could mean anything.” Kyungsoo replied calmly as he took out a set of keys from his pocket and unlocked the door letting both of them in.

As Kai stepped one foot into the small house he looked around.

“So, where am I going to stay?” He asked.

“There’s only one room so you’re going to be staying with me, unless you want to stay outside.” Kyungsoo replied.

“I’ll think about it.” The taller replied.

“Okay then, did you already eat?” Kyungsoo asked

“Yes, I ate during the trip here.” Kai replied as he rolled his eyes.

“You could’ve just said no, no need to be so sarcastic.” Kyungsoo replied as he walked into the kitchen as Kai sat down on a small couch.

“So, what do you usually do here? “ Kai asked as he lounged on the chair.

“I don’t know, I just walk around the forest, there’s this creek I normally go to.” Kyungsoo replied as the came out the kitchen carrying two bowls of rice and some meat. “Anyway, here’s lunch.”

“That’s boring.” Kai sighed as he walked towards the dining table where Kyungsoo was sitting at..

“Not really until you try it.” Kyungsoo answered as he started to eat.

Both of them ate in silence until Kyungsoo broke the silence.

“So Jongin-“

“Kai.” The taller interrupted him.

“It’s not very nice to interrupt you know.” Kyungsoo frowned.

“I don’t give a sh*t, I was telling you not to call me Jongin.” Kai said. “Remember? I told you to only call me Kai.”

“Okay then, ‘Kai.’ “ Kyungsoo rolled his eyes. “As I was saying, do you know why you were sent here in the first place?”

“Yeah, I beat this kid up, and some stuff that’s none of your business.” Kai said harshly.

“Good, at least you know the reason. Now, do you even want to change?”

“I guess, but I don’t really care if I change or not.” Kai shrugged. “You can’t change me if you’re trying to.”

“You don’t know that.” Kyungsoo looked down.

“I just told the judge I wanted to change to shut him up.”

“Why would you do that?”

“I don’t know, he was getting annoying. I almost always had to see his face.” Kai shrugged again.

“See, you got tired of seeing him, you already know why you have to see him, always hurting others.”

“Yeah, so what?” Kai replied.

“If you want to stop seeing him them stop hurting others.”

“Why should I?”

“Let me ask you something.” Kyungsoo said as he looked straight into Kai’s eyes. “What makes you want to hurt others?”

Kai’s breath hitched as he looked away.

“That’s information you don’t need to know.”

“Okay, I understand, but if you have any problems tell me okay?” Kyungsoo said.

“Whatever.” Kai replied as he avoided Kyungsoo eyes.

‘There’s definitely something bothering him. Something’s triggering this anger, I wonder what.’ Kyungsoo thought as he rested his head on the palm of his hand.

“Enough of that, I don’t really know you that much. As you know I’m Do Kyungsoo, what’s your name?”

“You already know my name stupid.” Kai hissed.

“That’s true, but it doesn’t mean I really know you.” Kyungsoo replied.

“Fine, I’m Kim Jongin.”

“Okay, Jongin how old are you?”

“I said don’t call me Jongin, or else I’ll break your face.” Kai snapped. “Call me Kai instead.”

“Okay fine, fine.” Kyungsoo replied as he put both his hands in the air in defeat. “How old are you Kai?”


“Really? I’m 17.” Kyungsoo smiled.

“Good for you, you deserve a medal.” Kai rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. “Let me ask you a question.”

“Go ahead.”

“Why are you even in this island? It’s boring here, you’ll die alone.”

“That might, be true.” Kyungsoo frowned. “But at least I know I’ll die helping others.”

“Why do you want to even help others?”

“Well, it helps me not feel guilty anymore.” Kyungsoo replied.

“What are you talking about?’

“I was like you Kai.” Kyungsoo confessed. “I was troubled as well until they left me alone on this island until they finally took me back after almost two years. But I decided to stay here after I stayed in Seoul for a month; I decided I would just help others that needed help like me. They wouldn’t suffer like I did.”

“Oh.” Kai mumbled.

“You ask a lot of questions.” Kyungsoo chuckled.

“Exactly, it’s my turn after everyone asked me a million questions.” Kai smirked.

“I see what you did there.” Kyungsoo chuckled.

“No, actually you don’t.” Kai frowned like he was another different person.

“Okay, sorry.” Kyungsoo sighed as he stood up and took both of their plates and washed them as Kai sat on the couch fiddling with his fingers.

“So do you want to see the room?” The smaller replied.

“Sure, okay.” The taller replied as followed the smaller while carrying his luggage.

“Here we are.” Kyungsoo announced as he opened a door that led to a room that only had one bed.

“Okay, so if I’m staying here, I have to sleep in the same bed as you?”

“Well it’s your choice, I don’t mind. If you want you can sleep outside in the cold or sleep on the floor.” Kyungsoo replied as he sat on the queen size bed. “It’s your choice. I’ll respect your choice.”

“I’ll sleep outside.” Kai snorted as he walked out the room and into the living room.

“Anyway, since you’re sleeping outside I suggest you build your tent.” Kyungsoo said as he put a bag in front of Kai.

“What’s this?” Kai asked as he scrunched his nose.

“It’s the tent, I would start forming the tent before sundown if I were you.”

“Whatever.” Kai replied as he slung the bag over his shoulder and walked out the door with Kyungsoo following him. As Kai dropped the bag he saw Kyungsoo going another direction. “Where are you going?”

“I’m going to the creek I was talking about, it’s down the hill and then go to the right a few feet and I’ll be there.”

“What makes you think I would want to go?”

“I don’t know, I’m just telling you.” Kyungsoo shrugged. “Have fun building your tent.” He said bluntly as he disappeared down the hill.

“Like I’ll go look for him.” Kai mumbled as he started to build the tent.


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Kyungsuk #1
Chapter 1: Que hdp los papas
Kyungsuk #2
A leer
Chapter 31: Beautifull!!! T-T <3
Chapter 39: re-read this story again~ very nice story
Chapter 36: This is way toooo late in the game, but why didn't they celebrate soo's bday? just curious, great story:3
tytrek #6
Chapter 40: just finished reading this, this was really good :)
Montiel #7
Chapter 17: Omg it actually looks like them kissing I love it
hihowru #8
Chapter 39: I LUV IT *-*
Chapter 39: The ending was very cute. Thanks for sharing! :D
Chapter 34: Wasn't Kai and Kyungsoo birthday is just a day apart as you mention in earlier chapter ? Kai didn't celebrate Kyungsoo's birthday ? Ahha. Sorry, Im a little bit confused ><