You Can't Change Me

"Hi, well my name is Kyungsoo." He stuttered as he felt the palm of his hands starting to get sweaty and his legs shaking. He let go of Sulli's hand as fast as he could.

Sulli chuckled. "Well, as I just said, I'm Sulli. Nice to meet you. I see you're Jongin's friend." Kyungsoo nodded. "If you're his friend then you're my friend too." She smiled.

"Well, we better get going." Kai smiled as he grabbed a set of keys. "To the movies!" He smiled as he and Sulli walked out the door holding hands while they left Kyungsoo behind.

Kyungsoo stood there still shaking, his hands into fists. His heart hurt, he didn't know why. He didn't want to be jealous of them. He started taking deep breaths and closed his eyes.

"Kyungie?" He heard Kai say as his head was poking through the door. "You alright?'

"Yeah, I'm fine." Kyungsoo said while putting on a fake smile. "Let's go." He said as he followed Kai out the door into the car.


As he sat inside the car he saw Sulli sitting in the passengers seat. She was smiling as she watched Kai trying to put the seatbelt buckle on the lock. He kept missing the slit on the buckle.

"You need glasses stupid!" Sulli chuckled as she locked Kai's seatbelt for him causing their hands to touch gently. Kyungsoo envied them. He knew he shouldn't be jealous, Kai was never his in the beginning. Kai only belonged to Sulli, and Sulli only. He watched both of them laugh then suddenly Kai moved and kissed Sulli on the cheek. This friendly and loving gesture made Kyungsoo's heart hurt, yet again. He was starting to regret coming with them in the first place. He felt like he should've lied and said he just wanted to be left behind and rest. But he knew he wasn't a very good lier either. He wasn't good at many things.

After a while he sat there and staring out the windows trying to block out the conversations Sulli and Kai were having about how much they missed each other and how school has been. When Kyungsoo turned to look at the couple he saw both of them holding hands while Kai drove.

'You know, that's not very safe.' Kyungsoo thought to himself as he rolled his eyes and turned away from the scene.


"We're here!" Kai announced. "Wow, I haven't been here in a while." He said as he got out with the car.

"Same here, what about you, Kyungsoo?" Sulli said as she turned to him.

"I haven't been here in years." Kyungsoo frowned. "So long ago." He mumbled as Sulli frowned.

"Well, you're going to remember this day." She smiled happily as she intertwined her hands with Kai.

"Let's go." Kai smiled as both of them walked towards the theater entrance with Kyungsoo walking behind them.

'I'm definitely going to remember this day. I'll probably hate it, but as long as Jongin is happy, I'm happy.' He thought to himself as he walked behind them. 'So, this is what the thirdwheel feels like. I've only read about these things happening in stories. It really does hurt.'

He followed them as they walked towards the ticket booth.

"Tw-three tickets please." Kai said as Kyungsoo stared at him.

'Ouch, that really hurt Jongin. I want to leave already.'

"Here you go." Kai smiled brightly as he gave Kyungsoo the ticket. "Do you guys want to buy some snacks or some drinks?"

"I want popcorn." Sulli grinned as she looked at the popcorn machine probably drooling.

"I'll just get water." Kyungsoo mumbled.

"Got it." Kai smiled as he walked towards the snack bar leaving Sulli and Kyungsoo behind.

"Hi Kyungsoo." Sulli smiled happily.


"You look squishy." Sulli chuckled.

"E-excuse me?"

"You look cute." She smiled. "It's a compliment."

"Oh, thanks." Kyungsoo said with a half smile.

"Well you are." She smiled. "So are you going to the same school as me and Jongin?"

"Yeah, I'm starting next week."

"Cool, well you can always come up to me and Jongin." She smiled. "I would like to know you more, Kyungsoo. I like meeting Jongin's friends."

"Yeah, well you're really nice." Kyungsoo said awkwardly.

"Thanks." She chuckled.

"I'm sorry, I'm not really the sociable type. You can walk away and act like you don't know me if you want."

"No silly, why would I do that? You're my friend, I would never do that to friends."

"Well, okay then." Kyungsoo said as he noticed Kai walked over towards them with a bucket of popcorn and a few bottles of water.

"We're set now." Kai smiled as he handed Kyungsoo the water bottle. "Hey, if you want you can get some popcorn from us. If you want."

"No, it's okay." Kyungsoo smiled. "I like water."

"Okay then, well let's go." He smiled as the three of them walked inside the theater. "Watch out you guys, it's dark, the floor lights are really dim." Kai warned like they were little kids and he was the adult.

"We know Jonginnie." Sulli groaned jokingly.

"Whatever." Kai chuckled as he walked towards a aisle then stopped. "Umm...There are only two chairs left. We better find one that has three."

"No, it's okay." Kyungsoo said while putting on a fake smile. "I'll find another seat."

"Kyungsoo, are-"

"He said he was okay sitting somewhere else." Sulli said. "Right Kyungsoo?" Kyungsoo nodded.

"Oh, okay." Kai frowned as he and Sulli took their seats. Kyungsoo walked up a few aisles until he found an empty seat.

"Excuse me, is someone sitting here?" He asked politely as the man looked up and him.

"No, go ahead." The man smiled as he let Kyungsoo walk through.

"Thank you." Kyungsoo bowed as he sat down next to the man, or boy. Kyungsoo turned to look at the man and saw he looked very young. He was probably the same age as him. He had jet black hair like him while his bangs were sticking up, he looked very handsome.

After a few minutes the movie had finally started and Kyungsoo was getting thirsty. He took his water bottle and twisted the cap. But the cap wouldn't budge. He sat there for a minute trying to open the water bottle until the stranger next to him chuckled.

"Do you need some help with that?"

"Yeah." Kyungsoo replied sheepishly. The man chuckled as Kyungsoo gave him the water bottle and watched him open it within a second.

"Here you go." The man said.

"Thanks, it was easy for you to open because I loosened it up for you. So you're welcome as well." Kyungsoo chuckled.

"You're very funny." The man smiled as both of them continued to watch the movie.

As the movie continued to play Kyungsoo felt his phone vibrate. He took his phone out and saw it was a text message from Kai.

To Kyungsoo:

Hey, are you okay there? I feel bad for leaving you alone like that.

To Jongin:

Yes I'm fine. It's okay, as long as you're happy with Sulli. Plus I know you're tired from being with me after all this time. Spend some time with your girl.

To Kyungsoo:

Thanks Kyungie, but I liked spending time with you. Remember, that's how you became my best friend. Plus, today is supposed to only be the three of us having fun.

To Jongin:

I guess you're right. But if you want you can drop me off at home after the movie. I feel like I'm intruding you guys who are on a date. Or like a reunion date. I know you two haven't seen each other in a while.

To Kyungsoo:

Stupid! I'm not sending you home. You're staying with us. I'll miss you TnT

To Jongin:

Awww....That's cute. TnT

To Kyungsoo:

Yeah, but after the movie the three of us are going to stick together. We're going to the park after this. I know you're going to have fun. :)

To Jongin:

If you say so. But now shh...And watch the movie.

To Kyungsoo:

Okay Kyungie. See you later bro.

Kyungsoo smiled at the last text as he looked up at the screen again. After what felt like hours the movie finally ended. The ending sent tears to everyone's eyes, the way the main characters died with an act of bravery left everyone including Kyungsoo with a trail of tears.

He sniffled as he used the sleeve of his shirt to wipe away the tears running down his cheeks then falling into his hands.

"Here." The man said as he handed Kyungsoo a tissue. "I always carry some tissues with me." He chuckled as the lights in the theater lit up. There Kyungsoo fully saw the man's face. He looked really young. Now he was sure they were around the same age. The man looked at him with a smile that made his eyes into cresents. "Hey, are you a student?" Kyungsoo nodded as the man smiled. "Really? Me too. Well I have to go. I hope we go to the same school. I'll see you around. Oh, and by the way, my name is Kim Joonmyeon."

"Do Kyungsoo." Kyungsoo smiled.

"Cool, see you around." Joonmyeon smiled as he left the theater.

"Hey Kyungsoo!" He heard Kai say. He turned to see Kai standing up from his seat waving his right hand while he held Sulli's hand.

"Hey." Kyungsoo smiled as he stood up and walked towards them.

"What do you guys think about the movie?" Sulli asked as she looked at Kyungsoo.

"It was okay." Kyungsoo replied.

"Really? I'm glad you watched it. This guy over here was texting the whole time." She said as she playfully punched Kai's arm.

"Sorry Sulli, I was texting Kyungsoo."

"You were texting him?" She said as she looked at Kyungsoo with widened eyes. "I thought you watched the movie as well?"

"I was, I actually told him to go and watch the movie." He replied as he looked at Kai who was shrugging.

"Sorry, I'll try to pay attention next time, okay?" He said as Sulli crossed her arms and pouted while looking at Kai. "What is it?" He asked as Sulli pointed her cheek. "Oh, okay." Kai said as he playfully rolled his eyes and gently kissed Sulli's cheek. "Hey, we should go." He said as he stood next to Kyungsoo and put his hands on his shoulders.

"Yeah." Sulli said as she walked out the theater while Kai's hands were on Kyungsoo's shoulders. Kai walked out the movie theater with his hands on Kyungsoo's shoulders like he was guiding him.

"I think I can walk by myself." Kyungsoo chuckled. He didn't really hate Kai's gesture. He loved it.

"I know you can Kyungsoo." Kai chuckled as they walked towards their car. "Let's go to the park shall we." He smiled as he started the engine after everyone was buckled up.


Heres the next chapter. I'm sorry you guys about the kinda scare in the previous chapter. It was early April fools lol. But I hope you like this chapter. I updated it a little earlier than usual because...I feel bad for being kinda mean TnT oh and please answer this poll ^^

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Kyungsuk #1
Chapter 1: Que hdp los papas
Kyungsuk #2
A leer
Chapter 31: Beautifull!!! T-T <3
Chapter 39: re-read this story again~ very nice story
Chapter 36: This is way toooo late in the game, but why didn't they celebrate soo's bday? just curious, great story:3
tytrek #6
Chapter 40: just finished reading this, this was really good :)
Montiel #7
Chapter 17: Omg it actually looks like them kissing I love it
hihowru #8
Chapter 39: I LUV IT *-*
Chapter 39: The ending was very cute. Thanks for sharing! :D
Chapter 34: Wasn't Kai and Kyungsoo birthday is just a day apart as you mention in earlier chapter ? Kai didn't celebrate Kyungsoo's birthday ? Ahha. Sorry, Im a little bit confused ><