You Can't Change Me

As he walked towards the building, guards follow his every step. His hands cuffed. He twisted his wrists trying to get loose. It was no use. He only winced in pain trying a dozen times trying to get lose. The guards opened the door letting him inside the court, he looked around as he saw many people looking at him with disgusted faces and crossed arms.


“Kim Jongin please sit down at the front.” The judge ordered.


It was his millionth time coming to the very same place. He only nodded with a smirk across his face as he sat down still cuffed. He twisted his wrists yet again. It was no use, he was stuck there.


“Kim Jongin, you are here for beating a student I see.” The judge announced as he just nodded. “You’ve been here a dozen times.”


“Yes your honor.” He replied.


“What are we going to do with you?” The judge sighed.


He has been to that place a million times, his parents always having to pay for the damages, there was no use to this at all. With all this it felt like they didn’t even care about him. They just sat there and paid the fines and bail. He sat there as his lawyer spoke for him. He knew he had to keep his mouth shut.




“Why did you have to snitch on me loser!” He yelled as he grabbed the collar of his classmate, Oh Sehun. “Answer me!” He yelled holding his collar tighter. No one ever dared to tell on Kim Jongin or as he’s called Kai and just get away with it without a beating.


“You did something wrong.” Sehun replied gasping for air. “You shouldn’t go off and steal people’s money and belongings.”


“You can’t tell me what to do loser.” Kai snarled.


“Kai!” Someone yelled from the hallway.


“Well I did.” Sehun whispered as Kai loosened his grip on the student’s collar and turned his head to look at his friend Lee Taemin.


“You got lucky this time.” Kai smirked as he turned around and walked towards Taemin. As he turned around Sehun got his breath back Sehun swung his hand trying to punch Kai but eventually failed as Kai held his hand. “Tried to punch me loser? Too bad you can’t.” He said as he swung his arm and punched Sehun across the face. “I told you no one was going to get away without a beating. There I was giving you a chance to go away now you start this?” Kai snarled. Actually Kai always started the fist fights and it always ended up with someone going to the hospital and it sure wasn’t him.


Sehun covered his face as Kai threw another hit.


“You must feel brave now you piece of sh*t!” Kai yelled as he took Sehun’s head and banged it against the lockers. There were drips of blood on the lockers. Students were all alarmed, one student tried to pry Kai off Sehun it was no use he was too strong. After a few tugs Kai finally got pried off with the help of six students. All the students rushed to Sehun and called an ambulance. Kai stood there as he watched Sehun being taken away on a stretcher and into the ambulance.


“Kim Jongin!” The principal yelled as Kai wiped off Sehun’s blood from his face. “Get over here!” Kai just smirked as he walked towards the principal and smirked. “Wipe that smirk off you face boy!” The principal yelled as he took a ruler and smacked it across Kai’s face. This was normal for Kai, it happened almost every week. He doesn’t even feel the pain anymore, it feels like a small tingle. He felt much worse with his parents.




“Kim Jongin.” The judge said as Kai went back to reality.


“I’m sorry about my actions; please give me one more chance.” Kai pleaded, but only if that plead was even true, it was a little lie.


“We gave you a million chances already Jongin, this is the very last one. Let me ask you a question.”


“Go ahead your honor.” Kai replied.


“Do you even want to change your ways?”


“Yes sir.”


“Good, this is your last chance. Are you listening?”


“Yes sir.”


“There is one more option, you have to stay with this person, he’s the same age as you but we trust him a lot and he’s been helping trouble teens like yourself. He lives in a small island surrounded by water, you have to stay there until you get yourself back together.”


“Okay your honor.”


“Good do you accept this offer?” Kai nodded. “Good, this trial is dismissed.” The judge announced as he pounded his mallet on the wood.


Kai was taken to his parents. They hugged him and kissed him. It was disgusting.


“We were so worried about you honey.” His mom said.


“Yeah son, you better not do that again you understand?” His dad said as he ruffled his hair as they walked out and into their car to go home. This was just one side to his parents, no one knows how they really are like.




Kai walked inside the house and sat down on the couch as he saw his parents walking towards him, he saw his dad had a belt in his hand, his mother with salt, yes but it was rock salt.


“Take off your clothes you sh*t!” His dad ordered. Kai did as he was told, he stripped off his jeans and ed his shirt leaving him with his boxers. His mother scattered the salt on the ground and pointed to the salt.


“Kneel!” She yelled as Kai just kneeled on the salt, he the felt the chunks of salt digging into his skin.


“He’s been at it again.”


“He needs a beating, don’t you think.”


“Of course I do.” His dad smirked as he took the belt and whipped him on the sides, leaving more bruises. This was their form of discipline, it felt like hell to him but who cares? He’s got so used to the abuse that he doesn’t even feel like he gets hurt anymore. This was just the beginning, he hates his parents. They do this a lot, but I mean they have a reputation to protect; they don’t even care about him. They don’t want to the parents that have the burdensome 16 year old son. I mean who would?


“Because of you we lost money yet again!” His dad yelled as he whipped Kai. Sometimes he hit him so hard that blood would start to drip, this was one of those times. He looked at his sides and blood was seeping through, he just chuckled and he saw blood trickle down to the floor.


“Just hit me as hard as you can and kill me already.” Kai mumbled.


“Why would we do that? It would be no fun anymore.” His mother replied, it was like him being beaten was a fun thing to do for them, it was their only joy. “Plus you need to be at the island thing, too bad they’re taking our plaything away.” His mom pouted.


“Too bad.” His dad replied. “Let’s make the time we have left last.” He continued to hit Kai it felt like eternity to the boy.


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Kyungsuk #1
Chapter 1: Que hdp los papas
Kyungsuk #2
A leer
Chapter 31: Beautifull!!! T-T <3
Chapter 39: re-read this story again~ very nice story
Chapter 36: This is way toooo late in the game, but why didn't they celebrate soo's bday? just curious, great story:3
tytrek #6
Chapter 40: just finished reading this, this was really good :)
Montiel #7
Chapter 17: Omg it actually looks like them kissing I love it
hihowru #8
Chapter 39: I LUV IT *-*
Chapter 39: The ending was very cute. Thanks for sharing! :D
Chapter 34: Wasn't Kai and Kyungsoo birthday is just a day apart as you mention in earlier chapter ? Kai didn't celebrate Kyungsoo's birthday ? Ahha. Sorry, Im a little bit confused ><