Chapter 16

Fadeless Memory

After the incident, Ji Hyo keeps hinder herself from seeing him, she keeps busying herself in a way to forget her sadness. She tries many ways in order to avoid to be together with him except in their meeting even though she just remain silent and didn’t looks at him at all. Looking to her attitude towards him, Jong Kook feels worried. He can feel that she avoiding him, but he clueless in his wrong did to her. His mind keeps thinking his false but his blank mind can’t search the answer. “I would ask her then” and he exit his room walks to her work desk.

At the work desk, Ji Hyo looks very busy in her working doing the workpaper regarding the murder cases in Namyangju and Ulsan. She really committed in her works like the world will be doom tomorrow even she didn’t budge to looks at Jong Kook who already stand in front her desk. And how should she too since it is her intention to hinder him in the first place even though she had notice him there. She know well his body fragrance, all regarding himself is her like.

“Miss Crime, I need to talks to you”

“Regarding what D.S Kim, I’m busy right now” she reply while busy typing the report on the desktop.

“Regarding you, regarding us” Jong Kook answers in his soft voice regain sympathy from the woman in front.

“Sorry D.S Kim, I can’t. There a lot things need to be done. This report I will send to you later” she said while standing from her chair in order to get the printed paper from the printer. But Jong Kook who was standing in front of her hinders her from continue her walk.

“Can you excuse me, I need to get the paper from the printer” annoyingly she said to him.

“No I won’t until you talks to me. Why you seem so rushing, the report need to be sends next Monday” still hindering her Jong Kook said.

“Can you just move away” in her sneer Ji Hyo rebuke and kick him hard at his leg make the Detective yelp in pain. Holding his injured leg he moves his side to give her way before he continues his walks to his room. Before he walks he glances a bit to her who is still busy with her works at the printer.




At the night after taking his meal Jong Kook sit at the crouch and switch on the television but no channel interest him. His mind keeps thinking the attitude of her towards him while reminisce any wrong doing that he may had done without he notice. He did remember her confession yesterday that might related to her sulkiness but he shake his head in denial his thinking. “She said she just joking right, but how might if it is true?”

Feels empty he grabs his phone in waiting the reply of her from his message earlier. Point his finger to LINE icon, he reread back his message to her that she did not read yet. With the stubborn in himself he text her again in assumption she didn’t notice his text earlier.

Crick….crick…crick…crick… why so silent in here?

Miss Crime, did I do any wrong? Please forgive me…  TT^TT

Please…please… reply me soonest. I’m dying now. :(


Ji Hyo who is lying herself at her bed, hear the notification from her phone. Lazily she takes her phone and sees the notification message from him. She wants to ignore it like she did before, feels sympathy and curious she pushes the read button but she just lets go the message leaving it without reply.  Jong Kook who can see the read sign on the screen, lie himself at the crouch while waiting for her answer. Every minute that he waits like an hour for him, now it’s more than half an hour he feels like crazy. Uneasiness he text back to her.

Reading without reply…. Why you like this? :(

Did I make any mistake? Can you tell me? I’m dying to know. In office also you keep hindering me.

Miss Crime… Sung Im-ah please forgives me. Can you forgive me? m(_ _)m

If you can’t forgive me at lease tell me what wrong I’ve done. Please….please….

It’s so sad…. TT^TT

The whistle in her mobile, caught her attention as she was about to go to the washroom. “Aish, what he wants again from me?” sigh a bit she read his text but some anger reproach her when thinking his numb and stubbornness.

Only you feel sad? I also feel sad more sad than you. How come you don’t know?

Why you so stubborn? I don’t want to talk to you.

Reading her word make Jong Kook became more clueless. In his curious mind he text back in replying her.

Why you so angry with me? What wrong I did to you, please tell me why?

How come I know if you not tell me?

Hahaha… you really so numb and stupid, that why I piss off with you.

Mwurago??? You call me stupid… Miss Crime how dare you! Why you said that?

Kekeke the numb Kookie Monster is angry. You are stupid…stupid…stupid. How come you say my confession earlier is just a merely jock. I’m not jock, I said the truth.

Read her text, some guiltiness comes to Jong Kook in thinking his word and act. Her words really shock him until he didn’t know what to reply too. He is clueless, he don’t know his own feelings towards her. For now, he admits what she said is true. He feels stupid, not just stupid but he is the worst. Take his long breath he replies to her in hoping she will understand him.

Sorry for my stupidity. Thanks for loving me but for now I’m sorry because of my stupidest I can’t think about it. I do like you, but I don’t know it’s just a friend or not. Can you give me time? Sorry to make you hurt. I know I’m the worst. :(

Yes, you are!! Just now please don’t talk to me again. 

“I’m sorry Sung Im-ah” Jong Kook said before he walks to his bed and lie himself there. He wants to take his sleep but his mind keeps thinking of her. He keeps blinking his eyes while staring at the motionless ceiling above him. He also feels hurt thinking his guiltiness towards her.

In her bed Ji Hyo keeps reading the last words from him; the tears keep flowing. She wants to stop it but she can’t, the pain in her heart is like being stab by a knife. In her mind she wants to forget and hate him but she can’t, his face keep flashing in her mind. “Why to love someone so hurt?”



The next morning, Ji Hyo didn’t come to work, in his gloom face Jong Kook looks to her emptiness desk from afar. He wants to text her but he knows it is fruitless she won’t reply to him back, so he walks back to his room with an Americano on his hand – her favorite drink. Along his walks to his room he drops by to the notice board, when he can sense one police woman write Sung Im name there. ‘So she on leave for 3 days, that mean she only come back next Monday’

Take a sit on his work desk, he glance himself at the cup of Americano on his table. “Sung Im-ah this is your favorite drink right?” he said while grab the cup on his table and take it to his mouth; he drink the coffee - the drink that he dislike the most.

“Sung Im-ah you said this Americano is delicious but it is tasteless, I can’t taste anything” he mumbling again like talks to her in remember the memory between him and her at Starbuck two week before.


“Why you didn’t drink Coffee Oppa?” she asks in her curiousness while taking a sip of her Americano.

“It’s not good for your health and it’s not delicious” in his denial face he reply back.

In her chuckle she replies back “You didn’t taste how delicious it could be, if you had taste my style of Americano sure you would like it” while continue her talks about how she make her Coffee.

**end of flashback**

“It’s tasteless Sung Im-ah, just like what I’m feeling now. I feel empty”


After his works at night intentionally Jong Kook goes to the gym to get out his stress and to busy himself from thinking of her. But still her face keeps dancing in his mind, her laugh, he act; all about her and their memory. ‘Why I become like this? Why I feel lonely and miss her so much? Did I love her?’

‘But what is love? It’s really I love her or it’s just a like?’ Jong Kook keeps mumbling in himself clueless with his own feelings. He unsure as he not even once had experience, indeed he had a crush to girl before during his teenage time but it’s only a puppy love. In his clueless suddenly his mobile ring, end his cycling at the treadmill he take his phone where his brother on the line.

“Hyung, I’m at gym now”

“Oh gym, I thought you in date with Sung Im-shi hahaha” his brother jokingly reply without knows the sadness Jong Kook have once he heard her name.

“Hyung, what is love? Can you tell me hyung?”

“Love? For me love is live, opportunity, value and experience. Being in love like we have a new live in ourselves, it is the opportunity that given so we should be thankful and value it because it is the experience that we may have to be with someone that can brings the happiness, sadness, laugh and sorrow even though sometime it is not endless” his brother answer his philosophy regarding love based on his own experience with his ex-wife. “Why you ask Jong Kook-ah, it is regarding Sung Im?”

“Ne Hyung, I clueless now regards my own feelings to her. I admit I do like her, but I don’t know either it is like as a friend or as a lover. I don’t know Hyung?”

“Jong Kook-ah it's easy to know your feeling. Okay now blank your mind, don’t think of anything, then closed your eyes, what did you see?” Seoung Jin said give his instruction while the Detective like an obedient child follows him. Taking his long breath to easiness and blank his feelings and mind, he closed his eyes and he feels shock in what he seeing.

“I see her face Hyung, what it is mean?” Jong Kook said in his blank mind.

“Hahaha… in that case you love her. What you see is come from your heart Jong Kook-ah, she already there capture in your heart. Did you feels happy when to be beside her and feels empty when she not around you, or feels jealous when she being with the other man?”

Thinking his own feelings in shyness Jong Kook just nod his head agreeing his brother question even though he know his brother can’t see it. He feels stupid in himself for not knowing his own heart.

“Hahaha… my brother in love now. Best of luck to you Jong Kook-ah”



At the lovely Saturday morning takes his leave Jong Kook goes to her house. He really misses her like dying, he really wanted to see her and he wants to confess to her. With the bouquet of red roses he drives to her house but he can’t see her car at the gate once he arrived. Didn’t lose hope he press the bell button but no one answering him.

In his glum face he walks back to her car try to contact her but she not even answering his call. “Sung Im-ah where are you? I miss you like crazy”. He keeps thinking and thinking while remember their memory together when suddenly he remembers her say. “When I feels sad I like to go to the beach at Ilsan” . With his certain heart, Jong Kook starts the engine and drives himself to Ilsan with the hope to seeing her there.

After one and half hour driving he arrived at the beach of Ilsan. Get out from his car he walks himself under the tree and screening the entire beach. From a far he can see three little kids playing around at the seaside, built their sand castle and plays along with the wave that without fails keep hitting the beach. He smiles in seeing the scenery in front him when suddenly he saw the woman that he dying for sits alone at the seaside.

Feels lucky rashly he run to his car to get the flower inside his car. Taking his breath and eyeing himself at the mirror he continues his walks to the woman who already capture his heart. “Wait for me Sung Im-ah, I’m coming”.

But suddenly he stops from his walks when he can see her with another man talking to each other. Feels like being stab his heart feels pain when he can see the couple hugging and slowly he walks leaving the place and also the bouquet of roses that drop on the ground. “Maybe I already late”



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another two chapter to go.. who is Kaonashi???


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cancergirl88ak #1
Chapter 39: Love it so much it's rare for me to read a story like this but I like it so much.. thanks for a interesting story
sana82 #2
I read it twice and it's one of my favourite stories.
Chapter 39: thank you for writing
it's amazing story
i love it <3
Chapter 39: I read it again :)
372 streak #5
Chapter 39: thank you for writing this was amazing! love it...write more story n i will read it...thank you again
Chapter 39: sooo amazing i loved it
FarahNisha22 #7
Chapter 39: I love your spartace fictions <3 so sweet both of them
sasasami #8
Chapter 39: thanks a lot..great story..awesome..
kjk_sera #9
your story daebak... Please update new story
Kim-Kyuri #10
I seriously love this type of story!
This is awesome! But i dun have enough karma pt to upvote. So I give my support by subscribing although it had ended. ^.^