
Kid Kyuhyuk

Warning: Not a kid Kyuhyuk!!

Songs : Sunny Hills - Thump Thump Thump & 4 Minutes - Making Love


‘Hey Hyukjae.’ The teacher called, making Hyukjae turned his head to the voice. He was playing with the hem of his high school uniform shirt, waiting for his boyfriend who had made him wait here for almost two hours. ‘Why are you still not yet back home?’ She asked when Hyukjae looked at her confusedly.


‘I’m waiting for Kyuhyun, seongsangnim.’ Hyukjae replied politely. His relationship with the other wasn’t a secret from the teachers anymore since his boyfriend bravely and boldly announcing their relationship during assembly, making Hyukjae all blushed and both of them were given detention after that.  


‘Aigoo you loverbirds.’ The teacher teased. ‘I saw him at computer lab. He probably forgot the time already.’ She said and Hyukjae bowed thank to her, running to the computer lab.


‘Ouch.’ Kyuhyun yelled when he felt someone hit his head with something heavy. ‘Yah, who do yo- Hyukkie!!’ He yelled excitedly, seeing his lover in front of him. He stood up to hug his sweet lover, but was stop by Hyukjae hitting him with his bag. 


‘You idiot! You makes me wait for two hours standing like a handsome model in front of my class and yet you are here playing your stupid game.’ Hyukjae yelled, still not finish hitting Kyuhyun with his bag.


‘Ouch.. Ouch.. Hyukkie… stop. Its hurt.’ Kyuhyun said while protecting himself with his arm shielding himself from being Hyukjae’s rage victim. Kyuhyun pouted cutely to his sweet lover when Hyukjae finally stop hitting him with his bag.


‘Stop making that face. I have the right to be angry.’ Hyukjae warned and Kyuhyun pouted more. Hyukjae rolled his eyes; irritated. ‘You make me wait you for two hours. Two freaking hours.’ He said angrily.


Kyuhyun quickly went to his sweet lover, hugging and tugging at his left hand like a child. ‘Mianhe Hyukkie. I was too engrossed with my games that I didn’t realize it already two hours.’ He said cutely, trying hard to make Hyukjae stop angry at him. ‘You don’t mad at me anymore, right?’ He said cutely and Hyukjae let out sigh. It took him a kiss to make Hyukjae all smiling again.


‘By the way, Hyukkie, what did you have inside your bag? Its heavy and hurt.’ Kyuhyun said pouting and rubbing his sore head.


‘Two dictionaries.’ Hyukjae said and Kyuhyun pouted more.


‘Cho Kyuhyun!’ Hyukjae yelled, slamming open Kyuhyun’s bedroom door hard. His eyes squinted to small, trying to focus if he was entered the right room because he didn’t have his specs or his lenses with him at that moment. He once was enter wrong room, and end up seeing Siwon, Kyuhyun’s roommate lying . A bad experience to him he must say.


‘Cho Kyuhyun, you better wake up this instant.’ He said yelling when he was sure the one lying on the bed was his boyfriend.


Kyuhyun just groaned, snuggling more to his pillow, ignoring the flame he had started inside Hyukjae.


‘Cho Kyuhyun!!!’ Hyukjae yelled, enough to wake up Siwon, who was sleeping at the other room, Minho and Changmin who were sleeping at the room after Siwon. But still his boyfriend not even awakens yet. ‘Cho Kyuhyun, you idiot!’ Hyukjae yelled once again, making the trio coward at their own bed. Hyukjae’s anger wasn’t a pleasant scene to watch, especially in the morning.


Angrily, Hyukjae grabbed the pillow and hit his boyfriend with all his might.


‘Yah, Siwon! I will kill you.’ Kyuhyun yelled in his sleep, annoyed because he thought it was his roommate, Siwon who was hitting him with pillow. He grabbed the pillow, opened his eyes and glared at the other dangerously, but his glares turned to kitty eyes once he saw it was his own boyfriend instead of Siwon.


‘Hyukkie! Good morning!!’ He said brightly, trying to get his morning kiss from his boyfriend. Hyukjae, of course, slapped him away. ‘Ah Hyukkie…. Why? Let me get my morning kiss.’ He whined to his boyfriend.   


‘Idiot Cho Kyuhyun!!’ Hyukjae yelled, once again hitting his boyfriend with the pillow. ‘I wait for you for almost two hours and yet you’re not even showing. I called you but you never pick up. I was worried if something bad happen to you so I rushed here and what did I see? YOU sleeping soundly on your bed!!!’ He yelled and the hit never stop.


‘Ouch... Ouch... Hyukkie… Hyukkie... I’m sorry. I forgot today we got date.’ Kyuhyun said cutely, trying hard to stop his boyfriend from hit him with pillow. ‘I’m sorry okay?’ He said, trying his best to look cute with his bed hair once he got the pillow under his grip.


Hyukjae puffed his cheek, sitting on the bed while crossing his arms, sulking and irritated. Its only took Kyuhyun to give him morning kiss that he was all smiling again though.


‘He’s late again.’ Hyukjae felt like wanting to smack his head to the wall, while waiting for his boyfriend to pick him up from work. Donghae, his co-worker, who was also the teacher at the dancing academy he was teaching at, just shrugged his shoulder.


‘Not even a surprise to me.’ Donghae said.


‘Why did my car have to break down? Or else I don’t even need him to pick me up.’ Hyukjae whined. ‘It has been two hours already.’ He whines once again.


‘I told you just follow me. I can send you back.’ Donghae said, still not giving up offering Hyukjae for ride. He was tired of listening Hyukjae’s whines about Kyuhyun being late once again.


Hyukjae shakes his head, stubbornly wanted to wait for his boyfriend since the other had promised he will pick him up since he was on leave today. Hyukjae thought they can spend time together though.


‘If he was not playing his stupid games, it must be because he was sleeping.’ Hyukjae reasoned out, and the thought makes him angry. He once again dialed Kyuhyun’s number, this times succeed.


‘Hello…’ A cracked voice greeted him, making Hyukjae flared up because he knew Kyuhyun just awake from his nap.


‘Cho Kyuhyun, you idiot.’ He yelled through the phone. ‘You promised me you’re going to pick me up from academy and its been two hours already.’ He yelled.


‘Ouch… ouch… Hyukjae.., I’m not Kyuhyun.’ Donghae said, because Hyukjae had been hitting him, iamgined he was Kyuhyun.


‘Oh !’ Hyukjae can hear Kyuhyun cursed and abruptly wake up. ‘Oh , , .’ Kyuhyun cursed again, and Hyukjae could hear the sound of door being shut. ‘I’m sorry, Hyukkie. I was asleep.’ Kyuhyun apologized through the phone and drive to Hyukjae’s place fast. 


‘Hyukkie… I’m sorry.’ Kyuhyun said cutely and run to the other after he carelessly parked his car. ‘Hyukkie, I…’ Before Kyuhyun could even say his sorry once again, Hyukjae hit him.


‘You idiot. You make me wait for two hours.’ Hyukjae said while hitting Kyuhyun.


‘Ouch… Ouch… Hyukkie its hurt. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for being late.’ Kyuhyun said, showing his kitty eyes to the other. Hyukjae stopped from hitting him, and crossing his arms to his chest angrily. ‘Hyukkie~~ I’m sowwy…’ Kyuhyun said cutely, making Donghae showed a puking sign. Kyuhyun ignored and tried his best to persuade the other. It only took a kiss to make Hyukjae all smiling again. 


‘Damn it. Where’s the doctor? This lady is in pain.’ Kyuhyun said when the woman gripped his hand tight, trying to transfer her pain to him. ‘Ouch, Ms… Its hurt.’ Kyuhyun said, groaning in pain because the woman was gripping him so hard.


He was on his way to the church, for his wedding, when suddenly he saw the woman crouching on the side of the road. Being good humankind, he stopped the car to check on her condition. But to his luck the woman was pregnant and her water just broke. Had no choice, Kyuhyun brought the woman to the nearest hospital, which is farer than the church where his wedding was located.  


He tried to dial the woman’s husband to inform him about his wife’s condition, completely forgetting that he had his own wedding to attend. One hour passed and still the husband not showing. Kyuhyun was able to inform the husband, but since he was far, he requested Kyuhyun to wait with his wife for him. Kyuhyun instantly answer when the woman gripped his hand painfully, and screaming in pain.


Two hours had passed when suddenly his own phone ringing. Kyuhyun gulped, hesitated answered because he know who was the caller and what he wanted with him.


‘You idiot, Cho Kyuhyun.’ Here comes Hyukjae’s yelled from other line. ‘Where the hell are you?’ Hyukjae asked angrily. ‘Don’t tell me you’re still sleeping!’ Hyukjae guessed and Kyuhyun quickly shook his head.


‘No!’ Kyuhuyn denied. ‘I’m at hospital.’ He said in panic, flinched when he heard both Hyukjae and the woman yelled.


‘What are you doing at hospital?’ Hyukjae asked, his angry tone had changed to worried.


Kyuhyun once again shook his head. ‘No, A pregnant woman was about to deliver.’ He said honestly and all he could heard was ‘you wait there. I’m coming to get you.’ From the other line. Twenty minutes more and Hyukjae was beside him, hitting him with the flower he had in his hand. It was their wedding flower and Hyukjae didn’t care as long as he was able to hit Kyuhyun, although that mean ruining his own wedding flower.


‘You idiot! What did you do this time?’ Hyukjae asked, hitting him with the flower because he was angry that Kyuhyun didn’t show at their wedding. He was having a thought that Kyuhyun was actually running away from the wedding when he didn’t even pick up his call. ‘Why didn’t you answer my call?’ He asked and still hitting.


‘Ouch… ouch… Hyukkie, its hurt… I’m sorry.’ Kyuhyun said, apologizing and tried to stop Hyukjae from keep hitting him with the flower. He finally able to grab the flower from Hyukjae and kissed him. It only took a kiss to make Hyukjae all smiling again. 


A man ran towards them in rush, interrupting the couple. ‘Are you Cho Kyuhyun?’ The man asked and Kyuhyun nodded. ‘Thank God. How about my wife?’ He asked and Kyuhyun pointed to the room where his wife was admitted at. And like it was a cue, there was crying baby voice coming from inside of the room.


Few minutes later, a nurse comes out with a baby on her hand. ‘Congratulations, its baby girl.’ The nurse said and was confused of which one is the baby’s father. Kyuhyun pointed to the man and the nurse nodded in understands, passing the baby to her father. Moments later, the man’s wife was being pushed out by stretcher. She will be transferred to a normal ward.


‘She’s beautiful.’ Hyukjae compliment, playing with the baby’s finger. ‘She’s so cute, Kyu.’ He cooed when she was yawning. Kyuhyun nodded, was still amused of that cute little monster in front of them. 


The parents of the baby smiled watching the couple who look so amused with their baby. ‘I’m sorry for making your wedding delayed, Hyukjae ssi, Kyuhyun ssi.’ The woman said apologetic.


Hyukjae shook his head. ‘Its okay. It all worth since this cute baby comes out already.’ He said and patting Kyuhyun’s head. ‘And I still couldn’t believe that my husband is a hero.’ He said proudly. 


And their wedding goes on the next day, with Kyuhyun stayed in front of Hyukjae’s eyes all the while, ignoring the protest from his mother and his mother in law, who was saying that it wasn’t good for a bride to saw his groom at close hours of their wedding. Hyukjae didn’t care, as long as he can make sure Kyuhyun wasn’t late for their wedding anymore.


‘CHO KYUHYUN!!!’ Hyukjae yelled through the phone. ‘I have been waiting for two hours inside this mall and you didn’t even show up? I told you I’m tired and I couldn’t join moms to shop anymore. You promised me you will take me back home two hours ago.’ Hyukjae yelled angrily, and all he could heard was Kyuhyun fainted sound of falling down from his bed, cursing and speeding through his way to where Hyukjae was. Hyukjae was about to cry thinking of why Kyuhyun could never be punctual for him.


I was too lazy to click the 'write new story' button and makes a new one shot story. So, I will just post it here. 

I know this story is dedicated for Kid Kyuhyuk, but I really lazy to do new storry. You don't mind, right?

Enjoy everyone.

p/s: Do you think I should do another Kyuhyuk series? Not a kid one though because I have few plots and it will be waste time and effort to always write a new story. Or should I just posted it here? But I feel like I betrayed this cute fluffy ball with adding adult Kyuhyuk story. what should I do? 

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ReadRealize #1
Chapter 62: Kitty kitty sure is kyu’s fav
ReadRealize #2
Chapter 47: Little kyu is really cute and i love kyuhyuk’sdynamics here
Chapter 30: They save my stressful life, aww soooo cute ❤️
mykyunie #4
Chapter 78: Me encanta este fic y todos los demás. Lo he leído muchas veces y siempre lo encuentro a Kyu u a Hyuk adorables. Kyu siempre causando problemas y presumiendo a su futuro esposo y Hyuk siendo simplemente lindo y cuidando de Kyu.
Es una lástima que no volvieras a escribir porque todos tus kuhyuk son geniales
Chapter 78: donghae naughty... kekeke.. but i'm a little confused... at the end, did they go with Kyu's mom right?
Chapter 78: Noooo please don't lost touch..
I miss your kid kyuhyuk stories..
please continue... We will be waiting.. T__T
kina_kirana #7
Chapter 78: let me stop spazzing over this freaking awesome.
ok...I'm better now.
I love this cuties the most.
Chapter 78: Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaa well when kyunnie can spend his time with lil hyukkie he will do anything to get that and muahahahahahhahaahhahaah he even bring his mom kyahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha..
Well i can imagine donghae's pouting face when he cant get what he wants kkkkk
Thanks for update and enjoy gaming kkkk
Riddlemeidle #9
Chapter 77: Aww, it's so cute! I really love this kid fic story with Kyuhuyk, defenitely one of my favorite ! <3
Chapter 77: so inlove with this (┳Д┳) thank youuu they so cute and lovely.