Chapter Nine ♥

Pinky Promise


The rest of the Jeju Island vacation wasn't as fun as the first few days. After the third day, Jonghyun had to leave due to all of the rumors and managers scolding and all of that. SM Entertainment wanted him somewhere where they could keep track of him and know what he was doing every second.
Back at Seoul, I caught his eye a few times in the SM Entertainment building but he looked stressed out and his eyes had bags and his skin was white. He smiled and waved but he looked so weak. I was going to walk up to him to talk but managers were constantly around him and there was reporters all outside of the SM building. Once Jonghyun went in, he couldn't get out and if he went out, he couldn't get back in.
"Jong-" I reached out to tap him but he was too busy talking to other people to notice me or my tap. I sighed and just turned around and went back into the main practice room. It was still summer break but I wanted to get my mind off of everything. I dance and sang for a good 4 hours until my ankles felt like jelly and voice were hoarse and sore. It was about 9 in the night now. I grabbed my duffel bag and water bottle and headed out.
"Jonghyun. Why are you being like this?!" I heard a girl's voice cry. I immediately walked back and pretended like I didn't see or hear anything.
"I don't like you, Sekyung," Jonghyun bluntly said.
What was going on? I argued with myself and debated whether or not I should go or stay to listen to their conversation.
"No.. I don't believe you. I risked so much.. WE risked so much. Do you know how much anti fans I have because of our relationship?!" Sekyung sobbed.
"Stop crying and just walk away. It'd make everything a lot easier," Jonghyun shot. As I turned away to leave them alone, I realized that he was drunk. Yup, he was drunk. His words were slurred and it didn't seem like he was standing straight either. I kept telling myself that I should leave them to be with their conversation but something inside of me kept me hiding behind the corner.
"No. Your just drunk. Your just crazy, that's why your like this!"
I poked my head out and watched quietly as Sekyung grabbed onto Jonghyun. I felt bad for her but she was wrong... Jonghyun had a habit of telling the truth when he was drunk, not telling lies.... He also had a habit of hiccuping a bunch and taking all his clothes off but that's beside the point.
"I want to break up with you but SM says I can't or else it'll ruin my image. They said that I'll look like a coward for breaking up just cause of angry fans... Let's act cute in public and just be normal when no one's watching?" Jonghyun slurred. I rolled my eyes. Jonghyun that jerk. I'm glad that he has a little sense of keeping his mouth shut in public. If that dino said whatever went in and out of his head, he'd be screwed.
"Jonghyun.. Noooo-" Sekyung started to pout and wail. I frowned. Does she think that acting cute will get her out of this situation? Jonghyun hated girls that acted annoying cute anyways.
"Stop. Okay? Stop acting. I know your cheating on me anyway," Jonghyun's slur turned into a mumble. Meanwhile, I gasped. Without sound and still in shock, I decided that I should go and quietly tipped over to the other exit. I had heard enough.
"Hana?" I heard my name and I looked up.
"Oh hi Taemin," I said, still dazed.
"Are you okay? You look like you saw a ghost," Taemin waved his hand in front of my face and laughed when I blinked a couple times in surprise.
"Oh yeah I'm fine," I said. I mentally slapped myself and tried to focus on my conversation with Taemin.
"Why are you here?" he asked, "Don't trainees still have break?"
"Yeah but I wanted some extra practice," I explained. Taemin nodded in approval.
"So why are you here?" I asked.
"Well, me and Minho and Onew hyung just got back from a recording and Key hyung went somewhere with Jonghyun hyung but he wandered off and now I'm hunting for Jonghyun hyung," Taemin said looking around, "Do you know where he is?"
"Actually, I do. I saw him outside the entrance down the hallway," I pointed to where I came from, then bit my lip, wondering if I should've told him that or not.
"Wanna come? We're going to a waffle shop!" Taemin happily exclaimed.
"Uhhhhh..." I answered. I don't think that they could go to a waffle shop when Jonghyun was that drunk but Taemin didn't wait for me to say anything else and pulled me down the hallway.
"It'll be fun Hana," Taemin happily said, dragging me along.
"Jonghyun Hyung!" Taemin sang. I sighed and shook my head.
"NOOOOOOO!" we heard. Taemin looked at me confused. I knew that it was Sekyung begging. Goodness, does that girl have any pride?
"What was that?" Taemin asked stopping in his tracks. We stood there as Jonghyun came in stumbling with Sekyung holding onto him. When she saw us, though, she wiped her tears and stood up straight.
"Hello," she said, wrapping her arm around Jonghyun's.
"Hi, I'm Hana." I put on a smile.
"Sekyung," she replied.
"Whatcha doin' here Hana?" Jonghyun faced me drunkingly.
"I was practicing," I replied. I cringed when I smelled the alcohol from his breath, "You drank didn't you?"
"Nope. Don't make assumptions," Jonghyun waved his hands around crazily as I raised an eyebrow. None of us said anything.
"Okay, fine, I did drink. Hah," Jonghyun slapped his chest, "It tastes good and gets rid of your bad feelings-"
I stiffened, "Shut up."
"Hyung, I don't think that you can go to the waffle house," Taemin muttured.
"I gotta go," I said and quickly walked out the door. Stupid Jonghyun. He pisses me off everytime he was drunk. I had to add that to his drunken habits.
All of a sudden, it started to sprinkle and the sprinkle turned into a heavy rain. I groaned. I didn't bring an umbrella. I slid down against the brick wall outside where the rain wouldn't hit me and sat down watching as everyone in Seoul went where they had to go and did what they had to do.
Jonghyun. He broke his promise. Twice.

FLASHBACK- [ 10/12/2008; 2:12 AM]

"Is that your dad?" my friend asked as there was a throwing up sound in the next room.

I was at a party with my dad, Jonghyun's family and a couple other Korean friends.

"Yeah," I grimaced. My cheeks flushed red with embarassment and dissapointment, "Let's turn on the music," I said walking over to her stereo. I the music loud to cover up the noises of my dad gagging.

"Is your dad okay?" another girl asked.

"I don't know. Let's pretend like we dont' hear it, okay?" I tried to change the subject but they kept interrupting.

"I'm scared to use the bathroom in the morning," my friend said. We were all over at her house. The others all patted her back and told her that she could disenfect everything before peeing.

"Why does your dad drink so much?"

"Yeah. How do you live with this?"

"I'm glad that my dad isn't like this.."

"Stop asking. Why are you all so rude?" Jonghyun snapped at them.

"We were just asking, sheesh," the girls went out of the room and I followed.

"Yah Hana." Jonghyun tugged on me, "Why don't you say something to them?"

"Why would I? I'm embarassed and ashamed. What if they don't want to be my friends, Jonghyun?"

"Who said that you needed them? If they're going to single you out like that, I wouldn't want to be friends with them," Jonghyun scolded.

"I have no other friends, Jonghyun," I pushed him off.

"So what am I?" Jonghyun asked.

"Your my best friend.. But I need friends that are girls too, Jonghyun." 

"I'm not enough?" Jonghyun shot back.

"Just shut up. I'm not in the mood." 
I stalked out of the room and went to the bathroom next door and banged on the door.

"APPA!" I screamed. I shoved the bathroom door opened. My dad was sitting next to the toilet and there was puke in the toilet.

"Your so embarassing. Take care of yourself! While mom is out working, you come here, get drunk and embarass me in front of my friends?"

"Hana... You hate me?" my dad asked. His eyes were bloodshot. It reminded me of 2 years ago when I woke up to hear all of my relatives screaming in panic. I went out to the living room to see my dad being carried to the hospital because he drank too much.

"Don't drink like this. Do you even know how bad alcohol is for you?! How are you even going to drive yourself home with your daughter in the car?!" I screamed at him.

"Don't yell at me," my dad said. He sprawled across the bathroom floor. I sighed and found some Lysol disenfectant and sprayed it all around. I flushed the toilet and wiped up the bathroom so it was sparkling clean.

"We're leaving," I declared. I bowed to the parents and dragged my dad outside.

"Don't drive. I'm calling mom," I said, dialing my mom's number.

"Mom... Can you pick me up at Yeonsoo's house?" I asked my mom over the phone,  "Yeah. He's here- But he's drunk - I don't know he just drunk a lot - Okay, come soon." I hung up. Meanwhile, I looked at my dad in disgust. He couldn't sit straight in the car seat.

"Why do you have to do this to yourself?" I asked, "Are you drinking over sadness or something? Why do you even have to drink?"

"It tastes good. It gets rid of your bad feelings-"

"It tastes good? Gets rid of your bad feelings? What kind of person are you?" I turned my back against my dad and waited until my mom arrived. I looked out the window as rain drops started to wet the window. The sky was a mucky blue and black.

"Moom," I wailed as she arrived and got into the car.

"How did this happen?!" my mom asked frustrated as she started to drive. My dad was sitting in the passenger seat.

"I don't know. The adults were drinking and all of a sudden, I hear him throwing up in the bathroom. I'm so embarrased.."

"Your embarassed of me?" my dad drunkingly said.

"SHUT UP!" I yelled at him.

"Did you tell me to shut up? Did you just tell your father to shut up?!" my dad raised his hand and started to hit me.


My dad then threateningly looked at my mom, "Me. Crazy? Do you want me to get you too?" my dad started to hit my mom. The car went out of control and the tires started to slide and skid against the wet road. It was pouring outside.

"STOP!" I begged but he wouldn't listen. He was drunk. I heard beeping and saw other car's headlights flash in my eyes before all I saw was black.

I opened my eyes and rubbed them, confused and looked around. I saw Jonghyun and his family next to me. I looked around and I was in a hospital bed wearing hospital clothes. All I saw was white walls with diagrams and a monitor showing my heartbeat.

"What's going on?" I asked. There was a bunch of tubes connected to my body.

"Car crash." Jonghyun answered.

"It's a good thing that you wore your seatbelt and were in the back seat..." Jonghyun's mom said.

"Are you okay?" Jonghyun asked with concern.

"Yeah. I'm fine.. But, what car crash" I asked. All of a sudden, I remembered everything, "Oh yeah.." I said.

"The doctor says that nothing happened to your body except for a little bump on your forehead and bruises on your body. You can go home as long as you rest for a while. The reason you passed out was just because of shock," Jonghyun's dad explained.

"How much time passed since the crash? Where are my parents?" I asked. I started to panic.

"Your parents are in surgery and you were knocked out for only about 5 hours or so," Jonghyun's mom explained.


"Yes.. You got lucky," Jonghyun's dad said, "Aish. I told your father to stop drinking after college... Never listened to me."

"Will they be okay?"

"Yes. Your dad will be fine. Your mom is a little harder to take care of," they said.

"I think that I should stay here." I said, trying to get comfortable in the bed.

"Honey, your going to have to stay with our family for now. Your mother would like that the best while she's still in the hospital," Jonghyun's mom patted my back.


I looked out the window of the Jonghyun's parent's car as the raindrops beat down on it. Just like 5 hours ago, I thought.

"Hana. Are you okay?" Jonghyun asked as I lay down on his bed to sleep. I nodded my head glumly.

All of a sudden, Jonghyun jumped on the bed and started to tickle me.

"YAH!" I started to scream in between my laughing fits.

"You look prettier when you smile, so I'm making you smile," Jonghyun smirked and tickled me more. 

"How can I smile right now?" I snapped.

"Oh yeah, sorry." Jonghyun immediately got off of me.

I sighed and looked out his window, "I hate alcohol... I hate it so much." I turned to face him.

"Yeah. Me too," Jonghyun said.

"I don't want to ever drink it," I thought about alcohol in disgust.



"I'll help you by not shoving alcohol in your face when we're 21. I won't be drunk in front of you either," Jonghyun tried to calm me.

"What if my mom's not okay?" I asked. Tears started to form in my eyes.

"Don't say that. She'll be fine. Why would she leave her beautiful daughter here alone?" Jonghyun said.

"Your cheesy," I stuck out my tounge as he wiped my tears.

"No, I'm romantic." he said, giving me a hug.




Hello hello!
GAH. I know that I need to update more often. Sorry sorry sorry sorry [super junior <3 did you see their teaser pictures?!!! omg. so y~ but i was kinda scared of leeteuk's. oh welllll~ return of the superiors. 5jib. Daeeebakkkkk~]


alright anyway ^____^

I really want to get to the of the story already but I gotta build it up first!

I'm going to LA next week to visit my old friends. Our families are going to have a korean get-to-gether and eat a bunch of bulgogi and kimchi. <3  SOOOOOO. i'll update PLENTY before then because i'm not sure if I can update while i'm on the trip.

i'm sorry that this chapter took a pretty long time to write. just cause i kept changing what would happen in this chapter. it wasn't even that great in the end  -_________-  i'm a bit busy nowadays because all 800 songs on my iPod GOT DELETED. THEY GOT DELETED!!!! ARRHHHHH! they weren't even in my library so I have to redownload all of them again TT.TT

OH and my poster. Do you guys all see it? i spent 1827480127340182374 bilion hours making that simple piece of artwork.

anyway; thank you guys a bunch. I love love love you <333333



&&& I LOVE YOU *=* AGAIN! (:


@mizukeii: My first draft was a little too depressing so i tried to balance it out with cuteness. ^__^ Haha GAH I KNOW. I LOVE HUGS!!!

@TofuBlings: YAY! Welcome new reader!!! <3333 Thank you!!!!

@maddness_92 : Thank you TT.TT omg readers like you make my day. my week. my month. MY LIFE <3 thank you so much for your simple comments that make me so happy!!! ^__^

@StephanieBoo: Kekeke i'm glad that my fic has that effect on you!!! lol jkjkkkk ^___^ thank you for reading!! and i'm in the process of reading your story  "Am I Just Another Girl?" AND IT'S REALLY GOOD.

@vanilemonade: Yes. I just updated! YAY ^___^ And i'll update more soon now!!! (: FIGHTING!

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Chapter 44: I am glad they are together..... so i don't have to cry now like i did after completing The Person Who Once Loved Me.

A Happy Ending.... i loved it.
zettyez #2
Chapter 44: Last 20 chapters i cried a river! Beautifully written!
KokoroNoTakara #3
Chapter 44: OMG this was amazing!!! Thank you so much!!!
KokoroNoTakara #4
I cant wait to read this but alas I have to head to bed... This will be the first thing I read come morning...
Chapter 43: I beg for a special chapter, please! I want to read more <3
One of my favorites fanfic in AFF!!!! Great story!!! I love it!!!! Author-nim, can you make a sequel??? Or special chapter???
Chapter 44: Omg so cutteee!
You were pulling and pushing at my heartstrings there author-nim, but in the end everything was settled ^^
Chapter 44: Awwwww i wish i had a boyfriend like that but i really enjoyed reading your fanfic ^____^
Chapter 25: That's a weird way to break up with someone she didn't even have to guts to tell jonghyun herself -__-