Date(s) Part 5

First love

''WOAHHHH!!'' Yoora screamed. ''Great isint it?! '' Kwangmin exclaimed. Kwangmin and Yoora then bought Seok-hyun over the children's ice rink where there are coaches to coach kids how to Ice skate and then headed to the Skate Shoe counter to collect their Shoes. ''Oppa! Do you know how to ice-skate? Im so nervous!'' Yoora asked as she tries to figure out how to tie the Skating shoe. ''Of course! I'm kind of a professional Skater. Don't you know?! How about you Yoora ah ?! Are you good in skating?'' Kwangmin said. ''Im not really good at skating.. I've only been to the skating rink once during our class outing. Do you remember Shinwoo oppa?! He was there to guide me the other time.. But he's not here today.. '' Yoora said disappointedly and still trying to figure out how to tie the skating shoes.

 *Actual ice rink in Lotte World*

''ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Im done!'' Kwangmin said and stood up ''Ah?! Thats fast! Oppa Jam-kkan-man (Wait for a while) . I'll just gotta finish tieing my shoes..'' Yoora replied and quickly tie her shoe laces in a rush. After finish tying her shoe laces, Kwangmin held his hand out and held Yoora's hand. Yoora stood up slowly and couldnt balance herself that well . Kwangmin paitently guided her to the ice rink. He first stepped in to the rink and slowly pulled Yoora into the ice rink . When they got onto the ice rink , Kwangmin held Yoora slowly skating backwards trying to move away from the entrance.  

''AHHH OPPPA! NOT SO FAST! I'M GOING TO FALL!'' Yoora screamed. ''Relax! Im here.'' Kwangmin said continuing to skate backwards. *Bam* Both Yoora and Kwangmin turned to their side and saw a girl fall down on the rink . Yoora instantly turned to Kwangmin and said '' KwangMin oppa! Dont ever try to let go of my hands.'' Kwangmin looked into Yoora's eyes and said '' I will never let go of you .'' Yoora let out a relieve ''I ...dont want to.. fall down.. Dont let go okay..'' Yoora stuttered. So KwangMin guided Yoora '' Left leg, right leg. Ani... You gotta stretch it out ..ANI! Yoora , Its like this. '' KwangMin unconsciously let go of his hands wanted to demostrate the right way to skate. The moment he let go of his hands, Yoora couldnt balance herself and was moving to forward uncontrollably by herself  '' KWANGMIN OPPAAA!'' Yoora shouted , her mind when blank as she couldnt think straight she tried to shout for Kwangmin but Kwangmin has skated away . ''KWANGMIN OPPPAAAA!!!'' Yoora kept shouting and couldnt look where she's heading .

Yoora just kept shouting '' Joe-song-hab-ni-da (Sorry) '' to the people infront of her and around her cause she couldn't control herself. A random skater suddenly skates across her very fast causing Yoora to lose balance more ''AHHHHHH!'' and when she was about the fall , Kwangmin held her from her back and stopped her from falling . Kwangmin turned Yoora to face him to see if she's injured but Yoora suddenly hitted Kwangmin lightly and saying ''OPPA! Where did you go!? I told you not to let go....'' Yoora's head was facing the ground, Kwangmin took one of his hands and pushed Yoora's face up. ''Mian-hae Yoora and, dont cry..'' Kwangmin apologise to Yoora and wiped her tears away. Yoora hugged Kwangmin tightly crying and said '' Dont you ever dare to let go again..'' Kwangmin hugged Yoora back and kept apologising .

After 3 minutes of crying and comforting, Kwangmin pulled Yoora away and said '' If you want to continue crying on my shoulders, we can do it when we get home . But dont you want to skate already?'' Kwangmin teased. Yoora chuckled and wiped her tears away. '' I can continue to skate but you can't let go okay! '' ''Arrasso!'' Kwangmin yelled and Slowly teaches Yoora how to skate. After skating for awhile Kwangmin suddenly stopped and let go of his hands. ''OPPA!'' Yoora shouted. Kwangmin the placed Yoora''s hands on his shoulders and squatted down . 

''I'm just gonna tie your skate shoe laces properly, you didnt even tie it the right way. You would fall down more if they laces wasnt tied the right way.'' Kwangmin explained and tied Yoora's skate laces . '' Ouh.. '' Yoora said and hold on to Kwangmin's shoulders. '' OK!'' Kwangmin said and stood back up and held Yoora's hand. ''Komawo oppa! '' Yoora exclaimed and smiled at Kwangmin and they continue skating. After skating for awhile, Yoora already kinda got a hang of it and tried to skate herself but ending up still grabbing onto Kwangmin's hand tightly. 

They skated around happily and played around.  While they are playing, Kwangmin suddenly let go out Yoora unconsciously and forgotten that Yoora is still not that good at skating. Yoora let out a scream and fell down . Kwangmin quickly turned back and saw Yoora already fallen on the ice rink . He skated back and let out a small tease at Yoora . Yoora didnt cry or anything but stared at Kwangmin when she tries to get up. Kwangmin stretched out his hand wanting to pull Yoora up. 

Yoora stretched her hands towards Kwangmin's and when Kwangmin's guard was at his lowest, she pulled Kwangmin causing Kwangmin to fall down . But because Kwangmin was holding tightly to Yoora's hand, when he fell down he pulled Yoora towards him and Yoora landed on Kwangmin . Yoora's face was so close to Kwangmin that Yoora blushed. Yoora's eyes looked to her left and right then looked and Kwangmin.  Kwangmin slowly move his lips closer to Yoora and quickly gave peck on Yoora's lips. 

The ice-skating scenes in my fanfic are similar to Personal taste's ice-skating scene . I was watching that episode so.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
The video above is similar to my fanfic so if you play it you will understand the scenes. 


Yoora stunned for moment and pushed herself away from Kwangmin . Kwangmin sat up and blushed . Yoora stood up and slowly skate her way back to the entrance . Seeing this, Kwangmin quickly stood up and catch up with Yoora. When Yoora's at the entrance, she quickly make her way back to a nearby bench and sat there. Kwangmin caught up with Yoora and slowly sat beside Yoora. Yoora saw Kwangmin sitting beside her and looked away. '' Mian-hae if i scared you...'' Kwangmin mumbled. ''Geu-ge nae cheo kis-eu...(That's My first kiss...)'' Yoora muttered.  Kwangmin was shocked to hear that but also happy at the same time . ''It's my first kiss too..'' Mwangmin muttered back shyly.  

They sat on the bench for 10 awkward minutes. Yoora took her handphone out and said '' Its 7.50pm now. Lets change back our shoes and fetch Seok-hyun .. '' Yoora said awkwardly. ''Ok..'' Kwangmin replied . But maybe because Yoora is too nervous she couldnt seems to untie her skate laces . Kwangmin saw Yoora struggling to take untie her Skate laces, he quickly took out his Skates and stretched his hands to Yoora's skates and untied her skates laces for her. ''Kam-sa-hab-ni-da. (Thank you in formal) '' Yoora murmured. 

''Yoora, im sorry for what happened just now. But i dont want us to be strangers because of that..'' Kwangmin said. ''Ani...'' Yoora tried to explain to Kwangmin but couldnt seem to find an explanation. ''Mian-hae oppa...'' Yoora said and looked at Kwangmin . ''gwaenchanh-na'' (It's okay) '' Kwangmin smilled at Yoora and took Yoora's skates to return it. Yoora followed Kwangmin and after returning the skates they headed to the kids skating rink and fetch Seo-hyun . 

''Did you have fun?'' Yoora asked Seok-hyun . ''Ne!'' Seok-hyun yelled. ''APPA!'' Seok-hyun screamed when he saw Kwangmin and ran towards Kwangmin and gave him a big hug. Kwangmin laughed and carried Seok-hyun to a bench and untied his Skate laces for him . The skate coach walked out

Coach : Seok-hyun's parents? ..
Yoora : Neh..
Coach : Waa. Sucha young couple. Anyway, im Coach Hwang. 
Yoora and Kwangmin : Ouh, Annyeong-ha-sae-yo *bowed*
Coach : I just want to tell you i was the one coaching Seok-hyun, I really think he has a talent for Skating . 
Kwangmin : Jeongmal-yo?! 
Coach : Ne.. Did both of you though of giving him lessons and training him into a ice-Skater?
Yoora : This is his first time skating,  he did that well? 
Coach : Ne.. He must have inherited his skating talents from one of his parents.
Kwangmin : It should be me. Im quite a good ice-skater. 
Yoora : Ne.. Maybe its THE DAD he inherited. 

The coach laughed at Yoora's emphasing on her last sentence. ''I hope you guys can consider about allowing Seok-hyun to train to Ice-skate.Here's my namecard. '' The coach passed a namecard to Yoora and left. '' Yoora kept the name card and looked at her handphone . ''OPPA! We're late! its 8.02pm already!'' Kwangmin quickly return the skates back and carried Seok-hyun and the 3 of them quickly make their way to the fountain to meet Hyunseong .

When they reached, Hyunseong is already there sitting by the fountain. Yoora ran towards Hyunseong and apologise for being late. Hyunseong didnt mind and said its okay. Kwangmin put Seok-hyun down on the floor.'' Annyeong hyung, Annyeong a-duel (son). Yeobo Annyeong'' Kwangmin shouted and quickly departed to look for the rest of the members. ''Why did Kwangmin called you Yeobo?'' Hyunseong said in a shocking voice. '' AH! ANI! He's just teasing me ! Lets go oppa! Ka-ja ka-ja!'' Yoora said and held Seok-hyun's hand and walked away and Hyunseong followed her. 


Annyeong readers! I just finishing updating this chapter! Hope its romantic enough for you guys cause its really romantic to me and took me 2 hours to type this out.  Give me comments about how'd you feel about this chapter alright!!? Hope you guys enjoyed it cause i did when i was typing it out !

@Minkwang_  : Dont need to thank me for replying your comments! I LOVE TO REPLY MY READERS COMMENTS! I TOTALLY ENJOYED IT! Its should be me thanking you for posting your comments!~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ!  Hope you will enjoy this chapter too! Hehehe! I hope Kwangmin in this chapter is romantic enough since i requested my readers to anticipate it! ~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ♥

@fren123 : No you'r not a loner! You have me! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ !~ Yaa! I totally miss Infinte alot!! He's sucha cutie! Unfortunately there are no cameos in this chapter. I might add some cameos for Hyunseong's date next but no promises! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ !~ Hope you enjoyed todays chapter! Comment me on Kwangmin's romantic-ness(?) okay. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Komawo!~♥


Comment me about Kwangmin's date with Yoora today okay readers!? I look forward to reading all of your wonderful comments!~ ♥


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steph_ly0013 #1
Please let yoora end up with zin :) theyre so sweet together. and plus love your update :)
Aika0330 #2
eeyyy i kinda really want her to end up with zin.. >.<
both of they.. I want you tell about them equal.. can you? i'm so loving this fanfic!
awww my~!!<br />
totaly wanna know what happens next~!
Aika0330 #5
wahhh~ why did she have to leave? that's so sad :'C but anyways, please update soon! I love your fanfic! <3
ghiseop #6
wieeeee.! finally an update.! ^^
update soon~~
where next part??
emiliehtelost #9
as;dlfaks;dflkasdjf Dongjun is one of my ZE:A loves~ <br />
Just eek >u< *happy dances* ... Anyway, I can't wait for more DongJun<br />
(Watch Out is too cute! Did you see the comeback stage? It's adorable ~(///u///)~ Gahhh~!)
SungHyoBin #10
'' Zin oppa...? '' Yoora replied. i hope she likes him