New kid

The Small Little Things

“Ara, wake up.” I slowly opened my eyes and yawned.

“We’re here.” Yongguk smiled and got off the car.

“Oh.” I was about to get up but two heavy heads brought me back down. I remembered that the two of them fell asleep on my shoulders. I fell asleep right after Zelo since I was pretty tired too. I chuckled at both their position. Daehyun was snoring with head up and his hair all messed up while Zelo snuggled my right arm with his mouth open. I slowly took my arm back and shook Zelo.

“Wake up Zelo~” I shook him harder. He blinked a couple time and smiled.

“Hi Ara.” He giggled. I chuckled at his silliness and told him to go the others. Zelo hopped off the car like a kid and ran to his hyungs.

“Daehyun wake up.” I tapped his forehead. Daehyun hummed and threw his arms around me. “D-Daehyun!” I pinked. “Y-you have to wake up.”

“Hmm?” Daehyun opened one eye. He stretched and stared at me with lazy eyes.

“Good morning Ara.” Daehyun smiled. I couldn’t help but laugh. He giggled and sat up straight. 

“We’re here.”

“Where?” Daehyun looked around confused.

“At the restaurant.” I stifled my laughter. He looked so cute and clueless.

“Ohh ok.” Daehyun nodded. We got off the car and caught up with the rest of the guys. We took a seat in a huge table and ordered our food. We all chatted together until our food came out.

“Ara, we have a new student in our school.” Jongup said while he munched on salmon.

“Yeah, he came today.” Zelo nodded.

“What’s his name?” I asked.

“What was his name again? Jongun? Jangin?” Jongup muttered. “Oh yeah! His name is Jongin.”


As soon as I heard his name my stomach tied into knots and my heartbeat increased.

“J-jongin?” I stuttered.

“I think that’s what his name was.” Jongup said unsure. I bit my lip in worry. It wouldn’t be him right? There are a bunch of different Jongin’s in the world. There’s no reason he would come here anyways. I tried not to think about him and shoved a tuna roll in my mouth which caused me to choke.

“Ara, are you ok?” Zelo asked worriedly.

“I’m fine.” My cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

“Eat slowly ok?” Zelo tapped my back and gave me a small smile. I nodded and went back to eating. The guys talked to each other about different things here and there but the only thing I was thinking about was Jongin.

What if it really was him? What am I supposed to do? How will he react when he sees me? I thought back to our memories and let out a sigh.

“Yahh! Let me down!” I squealed as Jongin lifted me up and twirled me around.

“But you’re so huggable~!” Jongin laughed. I giggled as he gently placed me back on the ground.

“The sky looks so pretty today.” I looked up at the stars in the sky.

“It does, doesn’t it?” Jongin smiled. “Jongin-” My words were cut off by the music playing.

“May I have this dance?” Jongin put out his hand and gave me one of his killer smiles. I giggled and nodded.

“Ara~ Ara~”

“Ara, Ara, are you ok?” Youngjae shook me a few times.

“Huh?” I looked around and saw the guys staring at me worried and confused. “Sorry I just blanked out.” I laughed trying to lighten up the mood.

“AWW PRINCESS IS SO CUTE EVEN WHEN SHE’S DAYDREAMING. YOU KNOW WHAT, WE SHOULD ALL GO FOR ICE CREAM. YONGGUK WILL PAY~” Himchan squealed and dragged me to the car whilst Yongguk paid the bill. The rest of the guys sighed and shook their heads from Himchan’s carelessness and followed.





The new character is no other then Kai! I'm using his real name in the story but his nickname will still be Kai ^^ YEHET <3 

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one1hana #1
Chapter 49: Ahh. I hope you'll still continue this story!! It's going to be spring break soon so...I hope you'll update T_T
jenisee_ #2
Chapter 49: Updateeeeeeeee
JungDeYa #3
Chapter 49: The story isn't over yet, right? You just wanted us to see your new fanfic. Okay ^.^ By the way, I'm a new reader and asdfghjkl Daehyun and Zelo are so cute, but I really hope she ends up with Daehyun ;3 Keep updating, or update sooooon please. Thanks omg (: I'm really loving this fanfic.
Cynthiaaa419 #4
Chapter 47: updateeee :/
Cynthiaaa419 #5
Chapter 9: Omfg daehyun doe
Chapter 47: Ohhhhhh....Whats going to happen now...
Chapter 47: Ohh
I want here to end
Up with DAEHYUNNIE!!!!!!
Chapter 47: Kai...? So they dated? :o
MissMinniMii #9
Chapter 47: Ooh~
Noeemy #10
Chapter 47: I love it ♥ give me more too read please :)