
The Small Little Things

“Oh and we can even watch-“ I covered my ears as Himchan continued to ramble on as he sat me on the couch.

            “Himchan stop bugging Ara.” Yongguk shouted from the kitchen. Himchan pouted.

            “I’m not bugging you, am I Ara?” Himchan turned to me.

            “I’m going to go help Yongguk and Youngjae oppa with dinner.” I smiled but ignored his question and walked to the kitchen. 

            “Ara~ come back~!” I heard Himchan whine as I walked into the kitchen.

            “Hey Youngjae you need help?” I stood by his side. He was awkwardly cutting carrots into different sizes and shapes.

            “Kinda.” Youngjae struggled with the knife.

            “Here let me help.” I took over and cut the carrots and other vegetables professionally.

            “Where’d you learn to do that?” Youngjae asked wide-eyed.

          “I had to cook for myself for a long time so I just got used to it. You can go rest I’ll help with Yongguk oppa.” I smiled. Youngjae nodded and went off to the living room.

            “Yongguk oppa, what are we exactly making?” I asked him as I handed him the vegetables.

            “Beef stew and sides.” Yongguk poured the vegetables in the huge pot.

            “Wow oppa, you can rap, compose songs, and even cook. What else can you do?”

          “I can also sing a little,” Yongguk let out a proud smile. “But how did you know I could rap and write songs?”

            “I over-heard from your fan-girls.” I smiled. “Oppa, you’d be like the perfect boyfriend or husband. On top of that you’re handsome.” I poked him and chuckled.

            “How about you be my girlfriend?” Yongguk winked playfully.

            “Very funny oppa.” We laughed.

            “I’ll text you every day when I leave.” I back-hugged him.

            “I’ll miss you kiddo.” Yongguk turned me around and ruffled my hair. I smiled and stood by him.

            “Are you guys almost done yet? I’m hungry!” We heard Daehyun shout.

            “Wait a little!” We both yelled back at the same time. I rolled my eyes at Daehyun’s impatience with food.

            “He really loves his food.” Yongguk chuckled. “Are you a good cook Ara?”

            “I’m pretty decent.” I smiled.

            “When you start dating Daehyun, that’s probably all you’re going to do.” Yongguk smiled.

            “I start dating who?” I asked crossing my arms.

            “Daehyun. Who else would it be? Or is there someone else you like?” Yongguk winked.

            “What makes you think I like him?” I made a face but inside my heart was beating uncontrollably.

           “It’s obvious. You guys should just start dating right now.” Yongguk said causally as he took a sip of the stew. “Oh that tastes good.”

            “Oppa!” I turned red faced.

            “What?” Yongguk smirked.

            “Urgh.” I groaned and walked out of the kitchen. I heard Yongguk chuckle behind me.

            “Call the boys for dinner!” Yongguk shouted as he continued laughing. I groaned again and went upstairs to call the guys.

            I knocked on Daehyun and Youngjae’s room and slightly opened the door.

            “Guys, come down for dinner.” I looked inside to see Youngjae on his IPad, like usual, and Daehyun lying down on his bed with a frown.

            “Finally food!” Daehyun’s face immediately brightened as he ran down the stairs. I raised an eyebrow as Youngjae just shook his head at Daehyun’s weirdness. I moved onto Himchan’s room which was shared with Yongguk.

            “Himchan oppa.” I knocked on his door. The door opened revealing a smirking Himchan.

            “What did you call me for?” He leaned against the door and smile.

            “For dinner.” I blankly said.

            “That’s it?” Himchan’s face fell. I simply nodded.

            “What did you think I was calling you for?” I raised an eyebrow.

            “For some time with your oppa.” Himchan wriggled his eyebrows.

            “Just go downstairs oppa.” I rolled my eyes. I moved onto Jongup and Zelo’s room. I hesitated to knock, scared of what’ll he say or if he’ll talk at all.

            “Guys, d-dinner is ready.” I knocked on the door. Jongup opened the door with a bright smile making me sigh in relief.

            “Ok Ara.” Jongup ran down the stairs. I looked behind him to see Zelo lying on his bed with his phone in his hand.

            “Z-zelo, are you going down?” I stuttered. He didn’t respond back. I was slightly hurt but I was used to it.

            “You should eat, you’ll be hungry later.” Now I wished that Zelo would’ve just opened the door and left to go downstairs instead of Jongup. Zelo looked up from his phone but didn’t look at me. He stood up from his bed and walked past me without a single glance. I stood there slightly happy that I convinced him eat but slightly sad by the ignorance.

            I walked downstairs myself and walked into the kitchen. I saw one sit left between Daehyun and Yongguk. I quietly seated myself on the chair and began to eat with the rest. The whole dinner table didn’t mutter a word. Everyone felt uncomfortable with the silence but no one bothered to speak. After 5 minutes of eating in complete silence Himchan seemed to be a bit annoyed.

            “Why is it so quiet? Guys talk~ we can talk about UFOS and stuff, just talk about something~” Himchan whined. Zelo stood up and walked away from the table.

            “Zelo, you barely ate.” Yongguk called out.

            “I’m done.” Zelo replied and walked upstairs. I let out a small sigh that thankfully went unnoticed.

            “What’s him being all moody? It’s like he’s pms-ing.” Himchan made a face. “Anyways, like we were talking about before, I found this video about a UFO in the states.” Himchan started talking which made the mood brighter. Everyone began to talk again and I tried to forget about Zelo for the moment. We soon all finished the food and cleaned up. I helped Jongup with the dishes as we ended up having a bubble fight. I blew bubbles in his hair and laughed. He wiped his foamy hand against my cheek and laughed uncontrollably. In the end Daehyun ended up joining and we got scolded by Yongguk. We laughed as we cleaned up the mess.

            “I missed a bubble fight?” Himchan whined as he walked inside the kitchen. “Oh come on!” He stomped out the room as we all chuckled. 





Do you guys see how I used the UFO topic? ;) They said in a recent interview that they talk about a lot of weird things such as UFOS. AW THEY'RE SUCH CUTE DORKS~ <333 I just wrote this and it's like 3:00am and I'm so tired but it was worth it to upload again ^^ Zelo's so moody and mean :( you guys just have to wait till a few more chappies until Zelo's him old self again :) 

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one1hana #1
Chapter 49: Ahh. I hope you'll still continue this story!! It's going to be spring break soon so...I hope you'll update T_T
jenisee_ #2
Chapter 49: Updateeeeeeeee
JungDeYa #3
Chapter 49: The story isn't over yet, right? You just wanted us to see your new fanfic. Okay ^.^ By the way, I'm a new reader and asdfghjkl Daehyun and Zelo are so cute, but I really hope she ends up with Daehyun ;3 Keep updating, or update sooooon please. Thanks omg (: I'm really loving this fanfic.
Cynthiaaa419 #4
Chapter 47: updateeee :/
Cynthiaaa419 #5
Chapter 9: Omfg daehyun doe
Chapter 47: Ohhhhhh....Whats going to happen now...
Chapter 47: Ohh
I want here to end
Up with DAEHYUNNIE!!!!!!
Chapter 47: Kai...? So they dated? :o
MissMinniMii #9
Chapter 47: Ooh~
Noeemy #10
Chapter 47: I love it ♥ give me more too read please :)