
The Small Little Things

We were all walking to Yongguk’s car when I remembered I needed to go to the library to get a book for my history project.

“Yongguk oppa, I need to go to the library so I’ll walk.”

“I can drive you there.” Yongguk offered.

“Nah it’s ok, it’s not that far from here anyways.” I smiled. Yongguk just gave a slight nod and went off to his car with the others.

“Ara, why aren’t you coming in?” Daehyun asked.

“I’m stopping by the library.” I said as I was about to walk away.

 “I’LL COME WITH YOU ARA BABY~!” Himchan yelled as he tried to get out of the car. Yongguk quickly pulled him back in and started the engine. I had to thank him for that one. Spending another hour with Himchan is too much.

“Bye Ara.” Yongguk smiled and drived away. As they left I went the other direction to the library. It wasn’t that far so I ended up there in 5 minutes.

“Where is it?” I mumbled to myself. “Aha!” I grabbed the book but another hand grabbed it as well. I turned to the person next to me who happened to be Zelo!

“Ara?” “Zelo?” We both said surprised. “Hey Zelo.” I smiled.

“Aren’t you supposed to be with Yongguk and Himchan hyung?” Zelo asked.

“I left because I needed the book for history. Why, do you not want me here?” I playfully pouted.

“It would be better that way.” Zelo mumbled but enough for me to here.

“Zelo, what’s been with you these days? You’ve changed. I missed the old Zelo, my

friend. I don’t like the new, quiet you.” I stared at him sincerely.

“It’s none of your problem.” Zelo said and turned around to walk away. I gripped his arm.

“Zelo,” I tighten my grip on his arm. Zelo pulled his arm back and walked out of the library. I quickly followed him and turned him around.

“If I did something wrong please tell me.” I asked desperately. “Please Zelo, I want you to talk to me again, please just tell me what’s wrong…”

“You’re the problem!” Zelo raised his voice, frightening me a bit. “Everything about you is a problem to me. You talking to me, you talking to my hyungs,” you talking to Daehyun… “Do you like flirting with us? Huh? Is that why you’re always so friendly and talkative with us? You should just leave me alone.” Zelo glared at me before walking away. I stood there teary-eyed. What did I do? What happened to Zelo?  And flirting? I was both mad and confused at Zelo, yet I still felt like I was the one who did something wrong. I quickly wiped away the tears that were falling and went back to the library to get the book.

(Zelo’s pov)

“You’re the problem!” I raised my voice uncontrollably, frightening Ara a bit. “Everything about you is a problem to me. You talking to me, you talking to my hyungs,” you talking to Daehyun… “Do you like flirting with us? Huh? Is that why you’re always so friendly and talkative with us? You should just leave me alone.” I glared at her before walking away. As I turned around tears ran down my cheeks. When she was out of my sight I grabbed a fist full of my hair then punched a near wall.

“Why are you so stupid?!” I punched the wall over and over until my knuckles were fully covered in blood. I slid down the wall with tears falling nonstop and quietly sobbed to myself. Why did I have to see you that night?


“Oh hey look it’s Ara and Daehyunnie hyung! Jongup pointed below us. I turned around to see Ara admiring the view. I smiled at her cute self. I saw Daehyun come near her and say something. Her facial expression stiffened. Jongup was looking outside so I tried to listen to their conversation. The ferris wheel had small square windows that had an opening space. I listened into their talk being curious.

“What’s wrong? You’ve been acting like this since the morning.” Daehyun asked her.

“I told you already, it’s nothing.”

“Ara, tell me.” Daehyun pulled her wrist and faced her toward him. She pushed his hand away and glared at him.  

“I told you it’s nothing why can’t you just except it that?”

“Because I’m worried!” Daehyun stared at her intensely. Daehyun hyung cares for Ara?

“I’m worried about you Ara. I’m not even sure how or why because I’ve never cared about anyone except the guys.” Daehyun hyung mumbled.

“How about Eunmi?” She scoffed. Why does Ara care? I felt a tingle of jealousy. They kept on talking and I was getting way more jealous by the minute.

“Ara.” Daehyun tuggedon her arm. He tugged again with more force which made ended Ara on top of him. I stared at them wide-eyed. Her hands were on his chest while his were on her waist I sat there staring at them with anger and jealousy. The next thing hyung did surprised me.  He closed his eyes as he leaned into kiss Ara! And she wasn’t even bothering to stop him. I stared at them wanting to stop them but with no way to. They were so close and I was just about to scream out ‘Stop’ but then…

“Next!” I heard the employee say. I let out a relieved sigh. They got off the carriage and ran out the exit. We quickly got off afterwards. They came up to us with flushed faces which angered me even more.

“H-hey guys.” I waved awkwardly still trying to recover from what just happened.

“Hey Ara, why are your cheeks so red? They’re like two big tomatoes.” Jongup said as he poked her cheeks. She blushed even more and looked down. I know why, she was about to kiss Daehyun hyung…

“It’s nothing.” Ara murmured. Sure, almost kissing someone is nothing.

“Hey.”She came up to me and smiled. I gave her a slight smile. I just couldn’t look at her face right now.

After a few days…

Ding Dong

I was about to run to the door but Daehyun hyung beat me to it and swung the door open. Ara stood there with wide-eyes. I hid behind the staircase and looked at their flushed faces with anger.

“H-hey.” She waved as she pulled down her headpones. The tension was really awkward between them because of Saturday.

“C-come in.” Hyung’s voice came out muffled behind his mask. She entered the house and stared in awe. He led her to the living room as I ran upstairs.

Later on the day…

“ARA~ OVER HERE~!” Himchan waved over to their table. Daehyun, Ara, and I blushed in embarrassment and shuffled over to the table.

“I MISSED YOU SO MUCH~ I MISSED YOU ARA BABY~” Himchan squealed as he snuggled against Ara’s arm.

“Can I change my seat?” She asked desperately. Everyone in the table shook their heads with wide eyes. “Daehyun?” She asked hopping him to say yes. He shook his head and went back to devouring his pizza. Why did she ask Daehyun but not me?

“Ara!” A boy called out her name. Another guy? I saw the guybeing followed by a group of girls. He escaped from the crowd and jogged over to our table.

“Hey Ara.” He smiled as he put his tray down and squished in between Ara and Daehyun. I was happy he split the two apart but the fact that he was being all clingy to her was making me slightly pissed. Everyone else in the table looked puzzled and amused that someone would just sit at our table. The Kingkas’ table.

“What are you doing here?” Ara glared at him.

“I told you! I’m sitting with you today, oh and remember later you’re showing me around the school.” The Baekhyun guy said as he bit into his apple. Now he’s just totally pissing me off, doesn’t he see that he’s not wanted here?


“You’ve changed a lot Jihye noona.” I shook my head and ran out of the cafeteria to look for Ara. I was avoiding her but I can’t just sit and watch her be taken care og the other guys.

 “Are you okay?” I asked worriedly. She just gave a small smile and nod.  

“Yeah but I don’t think that girl’s okay though. She probably has to get her wrist checked out.” She said. She’s so confident and tough, that’s what I love about her. She’s so hard to avoid. I wish I could talk to her like I used to again, but I just can’t make myself do that.

End of flashback

I put face in my hands. I miss her so much. Why did I say that to her?

“Ugh!” I punched the wall again. Both my knuckles bled unconsciously as I cried sliently.





This is probably the longest chapter I've ever written xD Zelo's feelings are finally told and now you know what happened. Poor Zelo :( 

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one1hana #1
Chapter 49: Ahh. I hope you'll still continue this story!! It's going to be spring break soon so...I hope you'll update T_T
jenisee_ #2
Chapter 49: Updateeeeeeeee
JungDeYa #3
Chapter 49: The story isn't over yet, right? You just wanted us to see your new fanfic. Okay ^.^ By the way, I'm a new reader and asdfghjkl Daehyun and Zelo are so cute, but I really hope she ends up with Daehyun ;3 Keep updating, or update sooooon please. Thanks omg (: I'm really loving this fanfic.
Cynthiaaa419 #4
Chapter 47: updateeee :/
Cynthiaaa419 #5
Chapter 9: Omfg daehyun doe
Chapter 47: Ohhhhhh....Whats going to happen now...
Chapter 47: Ohh
I want here to end
Up with DAEHYUNNIE!!!!!!
Chapter 47: Kai...? So they dated? :o
MissMinniMii #9
Chapter 47: Ooh~
Noeemy #10
Chapter 47: I love it ♥ give me more too read please :)