Hot tubs and Snow

The Small Little Things

We spent the next 2 hours riding family and solo rides. We got tired and headed outside to the hot tubes. They were HUGE.  It was big as a 40 feet swimming pool. We went inside and our bodies were soon filled with warmth.

            “It’s so warm~” I cooed.

            “It’s nice isn’t it?” Yongguk smiled and sat down next to me.

            “AH! HOT! HOT!” Himchan screamed as he jumped out of the water. We all got splashed by Himchan’s jumping and kicking.

            “KIM HIMCHAN.” We all growled. Himchan let out a small smile and an awkward chuckle.

            “So, did you enjoy the day?” Yongguk asked.

            “Definitely.” I smiled and nodded. “It’s nice to know that I’m spending my last few days with you guys.”

            “You’re choosing to leave?” Yongguk turned to me with a calm but hurt expression. I slowly nodded.

            “You told me that I was running away from my problems, so I’m going back to face them. Sure I’m running away from my problems with Zelo but what about the problems back home? I have to face them too, especially when my family is a part of it. You might think it’s because of Zelo and the queenkas I’m running away but it’s not. I have to deal with stuff back home and I feel like leaving here is the best for everyone.” I weakly smiled.

            “If you feel that it’s the best, I won’t stop you from going. But just remember think what’s best for yourself not for others. Do what you want to do, not what others expect you to do.” Yongguk put his arm over your shoulder and patted your shoulder.

            “Thanks for being there when I needed you oppa.” I leaned on his shoulder as a tear rolled down my cheek.

            “I’m really going to miss you Ara.” He gently kissed my forehead in a brotherly manner. Tears fell from my eyes uncontrollably as I tried to keep in my sobs. Thankfully no one saw since they were all busy fooling around and there was fog everywhere.

            “Me too oppa. I think I might miss you the most.” My lips trembled. He turned to me with tears in his eyes.

            “Not Daehyun?” Yongguk’s voice came out hoarse but he still softly chuckled.

            “Oppa!” I hit him on the chest and sniffled. “I’ll really miss you the most oppa. You made my dull life happy again. All of you guys did.” He turned to me with tears in his eyes.

“Don’t cry, we still have video calls and text messages right?” Tears finally fell from his eyes. He wiped my tears with his thumbs.

 “I’ll miss you kiddo.” He smiled and ruffled my hair. Kiddo… I’ll miss that nickname.

“Oppa, can you not tell the others? I don’t want to tell them unless they ask me.” I asked. Yongguk nodded.

“Yonggukie! What are you doing with your arms around my Ara?” Himchan yelled. We both rolled our eyes and chuckled.

“Imma go calm Himchan down. Remember you can always change your mind.” Yongguk smiled before going to Himchan. I sighed and slumped down.

“What were you talking to Yongguk hyung about?” Daehyun sat next to me.

“Huh? Oh, it was nothing really.” I sat up straight.

“I saw him kissing your forehead… are you guys like together?” Daehyun turned to me.

“No!” My eyes widened. “He’s like an older brother to me.” I softened.

“Oh, ok.” Daehyun sighed in relief. “W-what am I to you?”

“H-huh?” I felt my cheeks warming up. He was just a friend, a brother like Yongguk, right?

“You said Yongguk was a brother to you, what about me? What am I to you?” Daehyun gazed into my eyes.

“You’re like a brother to me too, all of you guys are.” I smiled awkwardly.

“A brother huh?” Daehyun his chin and pretended to think. “Which one of us do you like the most?” He smirked.

“Yongguk oppa.” I said obviously waiting for his reaction. His smirk fell and he frowned. I kept a poker face but I was dying from laughter inside.

“Why? How come I’m not your favorite?” Daehyun pouted. I chuckled at his childish behavior.

“Well I’m a lot closer with Yongguk oppa, and he’s the most brotherly to me.” I smiled.

“How is he closer? Did he kiss your cheek? Huh? No, he kissed your forehead! Those are two very different things.” Daehyun crossed his arms. I blushed but soon laughed at him.

“Maybe I like Gukkie oppa’s kisses better.” I stuck a tongue out.

“Oh really?” Daehyun started to lean in which startled me. I started leaning back but he trapped me in between his arms. I panicked and tightly shut my eyes. I was about to kick him in his ‘places’ when I didn’t feel anything. I didn’t feel anyone’s presence in front of me either. I opened my eyes to see Daehyun standing in front of me with a huge smirk plastered on his face.

“You’d really think I’d kiss you?” He playfully scoffed. “I won’t blame you for wanting to kiss these plump lips.” Daehyun tapped his lips and smiled. I scrunched up my face in anger and clenched my hands into fists.

“YAH!” I yelled and splashed him with water. “You’re the one who leaned in! And that’s two times now!” I screamed and tried to run to him but the water slowed me down. Daehyun flinched and tried to run away but I grabbed him and pushed him inside the water. He soon came out of the water coughing non-stop. Omo. What did I do? “Daehyun, are you ok?” I asked worriedly. Daehyun kept coughing but soon stopped and smirked. My eyes widened and I tried to run away but he splashed with me water non-stop. I laughed and splashed back.

“WATER FIGHT!” Yongguk screamed and they all jumped inside and joined us. Even Himchan who was actually forced by Yongguk. We all splashed each other and laughed I saw Youngjae just standing there watching when I splashed him. He stared at me shocked. I laughed and stuck a tongue out.

“Oh you’re on Ara.” Youngjae smirked before splashing me. We all started splashing everyone not caring who they splashed. Soon, we all got tired and decided to leave. We went back to the locker rooms and changed back into our clothes. I quickly took a shower before the guys could come out. I blow-dried my wet hair and slipped onto my sweater and jeans. I walked out to see everyone there except Himchan.

“Where’s Himchan oppa?” I asked.

“He usually takes this long to get himself ‘ready’.” Yongguk rolled his eyes. I chuckled and waited for Himchan to come out. It took him about 5 minutes and he came out nicely dressed in his clothes. “Let’s go.” Yongguk slung his arm on shoulder and started walking to the car.

“It’s been only half an hour and I already miss Ara in a bikini. I think you should wear it every day to school.” Himchan winked. I rolled my eyes and hit his arm.

“You guys want to eat?” Yongguk asked everyone. They all nodded and some stomach’s even growled, including mine.

            “Where?” Himchan slung his arm on my other shoulder.

            “You guys up for nangmyeon?” Yongguk asked. Everyone cheered. Yes we did just go to a water park with very cold water. First the ice cold ice cream and now nangmyeon. Don’t judge us.

            We hopped inside the car and drove off to Hongdae for our nangmyeons! It was still 6:30 so we had enough time to get home early. We were there in about 10 minutes and we all ran inside with our stomachs growling in hunger. We sat around a huge table and ordered our food. Yongguk, Himchan, and I got mul-nangmyeon while the others got bibim-nangmyeon. We happily devoured our food.

            “Ara, say ah~” Daehyun held out some of his and smiled. I raised my eyebrow but ate it anyways.

            “Thanks Daehyun.” I muttered with the food in my mouth. Of course I covered my mouth while talking. “Here.” I held out some of mine. Daehyun leaned in slurped the noodles.

            “I think food taste better when you feed me.” Daehyun whispered in my ear and cheekily smiled. My cheeks reddened and I whacked his arm.

            “Stop acting so greasy.” I shivered. Daehyun pouted and went back to gobbling down his nangmyeon. Soon we were all finished and Yongguk paid the bills. We went back inside the car but since it was still 7:30 we decided to go to a park in our town.

            “Whaaa~!” Jongup ran around and plopped down on the grass. We all joined him and sat there admiring the beautiful stars in the sky. I saw Youngjae’s eyes glisten and his lips curve into a smile.

            “Oppa.” I poked his sides. I jerked and turned to me confused. “The stars are really pretty today aren’t they?” I smiled.

            “Yeah,” He smiled back. “So, why are you deciding to leave?” Youngjae whispered.

            “H-how did you know?” My eyes widened.

          “I overheard your conversation with Yongguk hyung. He’s right, do what seems right to you, not the others.” Youngjae put his hand on my shoulder.

            “I just feel as if it’s the best choice for me you know?” I weakly smiled. “Can you not tell anyone about it yet?” I asked. Youngjae nodded and sighed.

            “Just think about your choice, don’t regret.” Youngjae whispered. “You’re leaving before we even got that close.” He softly chuckled.

            “I’d say we’re close. You’re my brother, my quiet and shy brother.” I chuckled and leaned in to hug him. His eyes widened at first but he returned the hug. It was more of a side hug but we didn’t mind.

            “ARA BABY~! HOW COME EVERYONE ELSE GETS HUGS EXCEPT ME?” I saw Himchan cross his arms and pout. I chuckled and ran to him. I slung my arms around his shoulders and leaned on him. I wouldn’t usually do this, but I’m leaving soon so why not? “AW MY BABY IS HUGGING ME~” Himchan leaned his head on mine. I chuckled and left making Himchan whine.

            “PRINCESS, COME BACK!” Himchan pouted. I rolled my eyes and sat between Jongup and Yongguk.

            “Thanks for the awesome day guys.” I smiled at the both of them. Jongup smiled as usual and slung and arm around my shoulder. Yongguk nodded and ruffled my hair.

            “You’re welcome from me too.” Daehyun pretended to cough.

            “Thanks to you too.” I rolled my eyes and smiled. All of a sudden it started snowing. It was pretty unexpected although it was the end of November so it wasn’t unpredictable.

            “Ara!” I heard Daehyun call my name.

            “Huh- ACK!” I turned around and got hit by a snowball. “YAH!” I screamed. He smirked and ran away. I quickly rolled up a snowball and stood up. “Oh Jung Daehyun I’m going to get yo- EEP!” I felt cold snow on my neck. I saw Youngjae laughing at me and I smirked. I hurled the snowball at him and it splattered on his face. We all started aiming snowballs at each other and ran around the park hiding and throwing.

            “Ara, where are you?” Yongguk smirked. “Ar- AGH!” I shoved snow inside his coat from behind. I laughed uncontrollably and ran away. “ARA!” Yongguk screamed but laughed.

We spent about half an hour running around and soon fell tired. We all decided to head home and got inside the car. Since the park was only a few minutes from my house I arrived home in no time.

“Bye guys~! Thanks for the fun day!” I waved and smiled.


“See you tomorrow kiddo~”

“Bye bye Ara!”

I chuckled and waved goodbye. I entered my house and smiled to myself. I changed into my pajamas and fell asleep on my bed. 





I'll be uploasing the oneshot soon, and the member with the most votes for the main character is Daehyun! 

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one1hana #1
Chapter 49: Ahh. I hope you'll still continue this story!! It's going to be spring break soon so...I hope you'll update T_T
jenisee_ #2
Chapter 49: Updateeeeeeeee
JungDeYa #3
Chapter 49: The story isn't over yet, right? You just wanted us to see your new fanfic. Okay ^.^ By the way, I'm a new reader and asdfghjkl Daehyun and Zelo are so cute, but I really hope she ends up with Daehyun ;3 Keep updating, or update sooooon please. Thanks omg (: I'm really loving this fanfic.
Cynthiaaa419 #4
Chapter 47: updateeee :/
Cynthiaaa419 #5
Chapter 9: Omfg daehyun doe
Chapter 47: Ohhhhhh....Whats going to happen now...
Chapter 47: Ohh
I want here to end
Up with DAEHYUNNIE!!!!!!
Chapter 47: Kai...? So they dated? :o
MissMinniMii #9
Chapter 47: Ooh~
Noeemy #10
Chapter 47: I love it ♥ give me more too read please :)