
The Small Little Things


“Omg are they like friends now?”

“That b**ch is stealing our boys.”

“What a .”

“Why do they even hang out with her?” murmurs filled the hallway as BAP and I walked through.

“Don’t listen to them.” Zelo put his hand on my shoulder. I let out a small smile and shook my head.

“I’ll go ahead.” I waved as I walked away from them.

“Wait.” I heard Zelo call my name but I disappeared in the crowd before he could catch up. I finally had some space. Those fan-girls cling onto BAP way too much, and me being in the middle of it didn’t really help.

I walked down the hallway looking at the colored tiles when I saw a pair of bright pink high heels. I looked up to see no other than Kim Hanmi. She eyed my body and face as she walked closer.

“I wonder what they see in you. You’re not even that pretty.” Hamni tossed her hair back. “I mean look at me and look at you. Anyone would obviously choose me over you. Heck, anyone would choose anyone else over you.” She praised herself. “It doesn’t seem right that boys as hot as BAP would hang out with you.” She said as she walked around me. I stared at her blankly as I listened to her ramble on. “What did you do? Seduce them? Or did you pay them to be your ‘friends’?” She smirked.

“Are you done now?” I asked tiredly. She nodded with a confident look on her face. “Ok, first of all I just met them yesterday. We’re not even that close. And no I did not seduce, pay or do anything to ‘your BAP boys’.” I blankly said. “So we’re done?” I saw her confident face turn into a scowl. I walked away and heard her scoff as she walked up behind me. She turned me around and slapped me straight across the face. It caught the attention of every student in the hallway. It was a pretty loud slap and it shocked me too.

“You’re such a b**ch. You think you’re all that. You probably seduced or paid the boys, it’s obvious. I mean who the hell would like a know-it-all b**ch like you?” She scoffed as she crossed her arms. She was about to slap me again when someone grabbed her wrist. It was Daehyun. He threw her wrist to her sides and glared at her.

“We hang out with Ara because we want to, not because she ‘seduced’ us, or ‘paid’ us.” Daehyun glared at her one more time and dragged me out of the crowd. I looked at Hanmi’s shocked and pissed face and smirked. She deserved it.  

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one1hana #1
Chapter 49: Ahh. I hope you'll still continue this story!! It's going to be spring break soon so...I hope you'll update T_T
jenisee_ #2
Chapter 49: Updateeeeeeeee
JungDeYa #3
Chapter 49: The story isn't over yet, right? You just wanted us to see your new fanfic. Okay ^.^ By the way, I'm a new reader and asdfghjkl Daehyun and Zelo are so cute, but I really hope she ends up with Daehyun ;3 Keep updating, or update sooooon please. Thanks omg (: I'm really loving this fanfic.
Cynthiaaa419 #4
Chapter 47: updateeee :/
Cynthiaaa419 #5
Chapter 9: Omfg daehyun doe
Chapter 47: Ohhhhhh....Whats going to happen now...
Chapter 47: Ohh
I want here to end
Up with DAEHYUNNIE!!!!!!
Chapter 47: Kai...? So they dated? :o
MissMinniMii #9
Chapter 47: Ooh~
Noeemy #10
Chapter 47: I love it ♥ give me more too read please :)