Sneak peek~

The Small Little Things

Hi guys~ It's just me trolling~ (I don't even know if that makes sense ._.) 

I'm sorry for not updating ;A; I've been slightly busy because I'm going to Washington D.C. to visit my aunt very soon~ I'll probably bring my laptop and still write while I'm there ^^ I've also had a hard time writing the next chappie because everythings so complicated and there's Zelo and there's Daehyun, then there's that mystery guy coming in and, gosh I need to plan everything out. Since I made you guys wait for a while, here's a sneak peek! *Even though who it may be seems obvious, who knows, maybe it really isn't 'him' ;)* 



            I froze in my spot and grew stiff.  That voice… I was scared to turn around, not because I was caught, but because who I thought the person was.

            “Ara.” He called out again. I closed my eyes and swallowed. I wasn’t ready to face him, not yet. I took a step, ignoring the fact he was calling me, and tried to walk away.


            “Ara.” He gripped my wrist and turned me around. 


I'm staying up today to finish the next chappie ^^ it's 2am right now and I still have a long way to go, so to keep me company here's a poll~! You can also comment where you're from if you'd like to ^^ I'm actually from Korea but now I live in America :)




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one1hana #1
Chapter 49: Ahh. I hope you'll still continue this story!! It's going to be spring break soon so...I hope you'll update T_T
jenisee_ #2
Chapter 49: Updateeeeeeeee
JungDeYa #3
Chapter 49: The story isn't over yet, right? You just wanted us to see your new fanfic. Okay ^.^ By the way, I'm a new reader and asdfghjkl Daehyun and Zelo are so cute, but I really hope she ends up with Daehyun ;3 Keep updating, or update sooooon please. Thanks omg (: I'm really loving this fanfic.
Cynthiaaa419 #4
Chapter 47: updateeee :/
Cynthiaaa419 #5
Chapter 9: Omfg daehyun doe
Chapter 47: Ohhhhhh....Whats going to happen now...
Chapter 47: Ohh
I want here to end
Up with DAEHYUNNIE!!!!!!
Chapter 47: Kai...? So they dated? :o
MissMinniMii #9
Chapter 47: Ooh~
Noeemy #10
Chapter 47: I love it ♥ give me more too read please :)