chapter 8

The Empty Space for You

"Good job guys! See you at the next filming!" Yoochun bid his farewell properly before walking out of the studio, following closely after both Kang and Didi.

"Good job, Yoochun." Kang commented, patting his back as an encouragement as they walked on ahead towards the elevator.

"Thanks." He smiled in reply. He was waiting for Didi to say the same but that never came.

"Hey... why didn't you praise me for the completion of my filming for the day?" He asked, nudging her side to force an answer out of her once they were in the elevator.

She had only returned him with a disappointed glare before resuming to looking down at her sneakers.

"Kang, what's with her?" He asked, giving Kang the questioning look.

Kang took a quick glance at her. "She's probably upset."

"About?" He asked, raising his hands as if confused. Only, he is indeed confused.

"You? More like your role." He spoke, chuckling at how Didi had her fist clenched so tightly together when they were filming Yoochun's scene where he had snatched his buddy's girlfriend away from him.

It was obvious that she was fighting the urge to storm right into the set and to pull the girl away and back to her boyfriend.


"What?" He asked again.


"How could you snatch your buddy's girlfriend?”

Didi finally erupted.

"That's a total betrayal, don't you think so?" She continued, slapping Yoochun's arm as she spoke. "You shouldn't do this to him!"

Yoochun started laughing to himself, not even bothering to cover his mouth, an action that he does out of habit. "You like my 'buddy'?"

"I ship their coupling!" Didi exclaimed happily, but had a deep furrow shortly after. "But you had to come by and separate the both of them."

"But i don't see anything wrong with that.” Yoochun shrugged nonchalantly.

“In the story, the boyfriend couldn't commit himself to marriage but the girlfriend wants to get married. Isn't it better off if i come by and sweep the girlfriend off her feet, since i like her and i can give her the legal document she wants?" He reasoned, leaning his head comfortably on top of hers.

"But she doesn't like you, does she?" She countered, turning and looking straight at him.

"She will, in the later part of the drama..." He mumbled, knowing that she wouldn't be exactly happy to get another spoiler.

She frowned, stepping out of the elevator as they made their way towards the vehicle.

"Thanks for the spoiler." She muttered sarcastically.

"I still think you shouldn't have done that. They are definitely in love with each other, who knows the boyfriend may cave in to her request and agree to get married?" She questioned, making a face after. "Although it may be a different case if she is older. She's only like, what, 20 years old?"

"No way will that happen." Yoochun said, his tone serious and grim. "He will not change his mind about getting married."

"Oh?" She smirked, "And how is it that you know that?"

"That's because our Yoochun belongs to the 'i don't want to get married' clan!" Kang's voice made a sudden appearance in the midst of their discussion. "And if the both of you don't mind, can you please get on the car now?"

"Oh." Didi blushed, looking blankly at the vehicle in front of her before getting on. "Sorry, i was too engrossed in the topic." She grinned sheepishly.

Yoochun got on right after her quietly.

"It's ok, there's no rush anyway." Kang replied kindly. "So, we are free for the night. Any plans?" He asked through the rear mirror. "How about having a drink together?"

Didi grimaced for a split second before changing back to her usual expression. She doesn’t like alcohol. But she couldn't exactly reject either since he is her senior after all.


"No thanks." Yoochun interrupted Didi, his eyes closed. "Let's go to a family restaurant for dinner. I'm famished."

"Sounds good as well." Kang replied. "Ok with you, Didi?"

"Of course!" She said happily, leaning back on the car seat before shutting her eyes to catch some rest before their dinner.

Yoochun carefully opened his eyelid to sneak a peek at the resting figure beside him. 'Did you think that i wouldn't realise that you cringed when Kang was talking about having drinks?'



"Uncle Gong, we're here!" Did yelled ecstatically as she pushed open the door to the cafe and ran straight in. They were there right after dinner since Didi kept saying that she was still hungry.

"Didi?" Elder Gong asked, peeking out from behind the kitchen. "Yoochun... and his manager?"

The two guys awkwardly bowed while Didi dashed towards the elder to give him a hug.

"Uncle Gong i miss you!" She pouted cutely.

Elder Gong gave her a warm grin before ruffling her hair. "Our Didi ah, it's only been a day and you are already missing me?"

"Of course! I'd rather face the kitchen and do something than to constantly wait for someone to be done with his work while i do almost nothing." She complained.

"She's a weirdo. Other people would have jumped at the chance to earn money just doing minimal amount of things." Yoochun shrugged, walking towards the display case that was showing an array of sweets.

'Something less sweet...' He thought, scanning through the variety.

"Try the bitter orange cremeux." Didi suggested, walking behind the counter and retrieving two slices of cheesecake for Kang and herself, and another slice of bitter orange cremeux for Yoochun. "It's not as sweet as the rest."

"How did you know that i was..."

"I noticed that you were avoiding sugary food and drinks during the filming today, so i kind of guessed?" Didi said, walking back towards the table with the three plates in her hands.

"How is it? Do i make a qualified personal assistant?" She asked, poking his shoulder for an answer after she set the plates properly on the table.

"I don't know?" He replied, seemingly wanting to continue the previous night's prankster effort.

"I'll just assume that it's a yes." She said before digging in to the delicious treats in front of her.

“So, how’s work?” Elder Gong asked as he went up to them to serve them beverages. He noticed how Didi had attempted to steal a bit of Yoochun’s cake as the latter had to move his back to face her while shielding his sweets from the glutton.

Didi looked up with a grouchy face and sent a glare towards Yoochun. “Can i tell the truth?”

“Go ahead, although i can’t be sure if you can wake up with the same face you do when you sleep.” Yoochun shrugged, digging his fork into the cake for another bite.

He side eyed his manager, who looked eager to find out about her thoughts about her first day at work as well.

“Didi, don’t worry. He won’t dare to do anything to you. I’ll schedule more work for him if he does.” Kang grinned, earning himself a high five with her.

‘It can’t be that bad.’ Yoochun thought, rolling his eyes and adjusting his seat so that he’s sitting more comfortably. Although, he can’t help but to keep his focus on the female on his side - what kind of comments will she actually say?


Yoochun’s ears perked up - What, what?

“It’s boring.”


“What? Boring?” Elder Gong stuttered, while Kang just leaned back laughing out loud since he was well aware of that.

Whilst he was pacing around the filming studio to get his part of job done; liaising with the agency to get an update of the schedules, phoning the stylist to chase after his new sponsored clothes etc, he had managed to catch a glimpse of the bored looking Didi surfing the net with her phone, and also with chips hanging on .

Didi nodded, not amused. “I could’ve sworn that i was almost becoming a fossil.”

“There’s nothing you can do about that anyway, can you?” Elder Gong comforted, placing another piece of cake in front of her. “Take that as a training, to train your patience. You’ll need that.”

Didi’s smile immediately returned to her face upon seeing the cake.

“I’ll probably need loads of patience.” She nodded, “He can be irritating at times.” She commented, pointing at Yoochun with her fork which had a small bit of cake on it. He leaned forward immediately and ate the cake before returning back to his original position.

She looked back and forth between her fork and Yoochun in bewilderment. He was giving her a teasing smile, leaning on his elbow which was comfortably placed on top of the table.

Giving up, she turned back towards Elder Gong. “This is what i was referring to.”

“Don’t you think that he resembles someone though?” Elder Gong asked, directing his head towards the door leading to the second floor. “Someone extremely near to us.”

Didi sat up with a look of realisation.

“He does! He’s like the older version of Yoochun!” Didi added with a small giggle, mentally thinking about the similarities among the both of them. “They’re the same while at work as well, being the staff magnet. Everyone practically likes them!”

“Wait, who?” Both Yoochun and his manager asked interestedly, sitting nearer towards the table.

“Gong Yoo, who else?”

Both guys stared at each other before letting their thoughts wander around, thinking about how the both of them could possibly be similar in Didi’s eyes.

‘It’s quite similar, now that i think about it...’ Kang considered, comparing both their working style and interpersonal relationship between the staff. Both were serious when it comes to work, but could still manage to be the happy virus during filming.

‘How can we be the same?’ Yoochun scoffed, looking away. ‘At least i’m younger, hmmph.’

“Speaking about Gong Yoo,” Elder Gong said, “He was practically flaring up when he found you missing this morning. He almost called the police until i told him about your new work arrangement.”

Didi giggled, “Really? He was quite calm when we spoke on the phone this afternoon.”

“I warned him.” Elder Gong said, chuckling. “Told him not to do anything out of the ordinary if he still wants to hang out with you. He’s getting too attached.”

“I spot someone slacking on her job.” Yoochun muttered, stealing some cake from her while she didn’t notice.

“I wasn’t.” She defended, “I was just bored.”

“You could have helped the staff there or something.” He continued grumbling, now stealing Kang’s cheesecake.

Didi stopped him before he could do that. “You’re going to get fat with this binge eating.” She rolled her eyes, “Besides, with such a majestic introduction, which by the way i am grateful for, who will dare let me help out?”

“Of course, you are my exclusive personal assistant. How can you do other people’s job as and when you are free? I won’t allow that.” He grinned, turning around to peek at the display case full of cakes. 'Maybe something sweet this time...'

“See?” Didi asked, raising her eyebrow with a challenging tone in her voice.

“Whatever, just continue looking out for me. That’s your job. Full stop.” He said, turning back and picking up his glass of water to drink. 'No more cakes, must maintain body for drama filming...'

“Whatever.” She pouted, resuming to eat her cake.

Yoochun took quick glance at the sulky Didi. ‘Shall ask Kang to delegate some easier task for her so that she won’t be that bored while waiting for me to complete my schedules...’



A/N [JY]:



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chunnea #1
Chapter 37: thank you for writing such a nice and sweet was well written...keep up the good work author-nim..pls write more of yc story..:D
anneanne #2
Chapter 37: omg... i cried at the end of the story. its really sweet that i cry. huhu what a way to end a fanfic. thanks again author-nim :'')
Samantha24 #3
Chapter 37: Its still A very romantic proposal with all the distractions hahahaha... ADVANCE HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
kimbap876 #4
The empty space (in my heart) is for Chunnieeeeee....
Chapter 37: Simply loved it! Read it in one breath(except a class I held for 1.30h) even though I have an exam tomorrow morning!! That much I liked it <3
Chapter 2: JYJ and GONG YOO!!! You fulfilled my dreams! :D <3
kimbap876 #7
I was reading this while waiting for my eye appt. this a.m., and was sad to see it end-but it was at least a happy ending. To namelessyun and dheeliciouz, many many thanks for a well written fanfic.
ashmita123 #8
Chapter 37: really loved this fanfic..its d end i liked it very much!! keep up d good work!!
anylia #9
Chapter 37: the end...
it's the end already. T___T
I'm going to miss their bickering so much.

and yes please.. after a good rest.. I'll be waiting for Storybook.

really craving for an update from that one.

thank you~~ thank you thank you for a wonderful journey yet again :)
Samantha24 #10
Chapter 36: so sweeeet.. hay...