chapter 4

The Empty Space for You

“Hey Didi, you’re here!” Junsu exclaimed, rushing over to greet her at the entrance of the meeting room at Cjes.


“Yeah, Yooppa made me come with his lunchbox.” Didi replied with an annoyed expression. “That emotional blackmailing of his is hazardous to me.”

She had visited Cjes with Gong Yoo for so many times that the security guard was already on good terms with her; hence she had access to the building easily.


“It’s good though, we can see more of you this way!” Junsu beamed, helping her carry the big bag of items that she had brought along with her as he tried to bring it away from Cassy, which was trying to con Junsu into sharing some food with it. “What are all these anyway?”


“Oh, this is Yooppa’s lunch cooked by his dad,” She pointed to the blue paperbag within the big bag. “And these are cupcakes that i’ve made. You guys can share them amongst the staff as well, i made enough!”


“Oh! You made those?”


Didi nodded happily. “Uncle Gong told me that it’s good to keep practicing my skills so that i can become consistent in my bakings. He told me that my bakings have ‘mood swings’ just like me.” She pouted, removing the boxes from the paper bags and laying them out on the table. “So, i have to keep practising!”


“It’s good, it’s good. That means we can anticipate more cakes from you?” He grinned, noticing that Jaejoong and Gong Yoo had stepped into the meeting room as well. “Hey guys, come and eat!” He called out, waving at the two of them.


“Oh Didi, you’re here?” Gong Yoo said, his expression changing into that of an uplifting mood immediately.


“Yes Yooppa.” She pouted. “I don’t want to be responsible for starving someone who provides a roof over my head.”


Junsu started laughing out loud. “So that’s how you blackmailed her?”


“I so did not blackmail her.” Gong Yoo frowned. But his expression changed almost immediately after that. “But i think i did say that to her.”


Jaejoong chuckled, walking nearer to the spread of cupcakes on the table. “Are these for the staff?”


“Yes Jaejoong, for you guys and the staff!” Didi chipped happily running to his side.


“Didi made all of them!” Junsu helpfully supplied him with the additional information.


“Really?” Jaejoong looked at her with a look that reflected of admiration. He was proud of the lady in front of him, who was slowly making her way towards her dream.

She nodded enthusiastically.


“So, which one will this future baker recommend me to try?” He asked with a sincere smile on his face.


“Hmmm...” She pondered, looking amongst the variety of cupcakes. “Seeing that you don’t have a sweet tooth... how about green tea? It’s not as sweet as the rest.” She answered, pointing to the beautifully piped cupcake.


“Ok then, i’ll take that!” He leaned forward and took it easily in his hand. “How about Yoochun?” He asked once again, “He will be late so let’s set aside one for him.”


“Hmm?” She thought carefully, scanning through the table. “Strawberry champagne.” She murmured, silently grinning at the memory of their last encounter where they fought over a strawberry.


“Alright, let’s get him that then!” Jaejoong said, swiftly getting it with his other free hand.

Seeing that Junsu and Gong Yoo had taken their share as well, he called for the rest of the staff in the room to help themselves to the food while the four of them moved to the meeting table to enjoy their tea time snacks.


“Don’t you think that Yoochun is awfully late?” Gong Yoo said, tucking into his lunch with his right hand and patting Cassy’s head with his left. “Is he really that busy?"

Both Jaejoong and Junsu nodded.


“He has been surviving on less than two hours of sleep for the past week.” Junsu said, lowering his head and nibbling on his cupcake sadly.


“And he got into an accident yesterday morning.” Jaejoong informed with a worried look.


“What?!” The two other people exclaimed loudly, silencing the whole room as the rest of the staff looked at them curiously.

Junsu had gotten to know that almost at the same time as Jaejoong, hence he wasn’t as shocked at the other two.


“No it’s nothing, just continue eating.” Jaejoong dismissed them before turning back to the two worried faces to explain a little further. “His manager kind of dozed off while driving him to the next filming site a little after midnight, so they crashed into the car in front of him.”


“How is he right now?” Didi had found herself asking unconsciously, “Is he hurt anywhere?”


Jaejoong shrugged. “He kept on saying that he’s fine, but i’ve heard from his manager that he hasn’t gone to the hospital for a full body checkup yet. His schedule is just too packed for him to do so.”


“Stubborn fellow?” Gong Yoo suggested.


“Totally.” Jaejoong replied.

Just as he replied, two guys made their way into the room.


“Hey guys!” Yoochun and his manager greeted the staff happily, waving and bowing around as if the accident hadn’t occurred before. When he spotted the familiar group hoarding around the table, he made his way towards them. “Hey, missed me?” He joked, sliding into an empty seat.


“We were actually talking about you.” Jaejoong said, patting his back. “Are you alright? You know, your accident...”


“Ah, that. I’m okay, just a little aching here and there...” He replied, pointing to the places which were aching. “But other that that, i’m totally fine!” He smiled, “Kang, how about you?”


“Unlike you, Yoochun, i did sneak a little time for the checkup at the hospital. That’s how i know i’m totally fine.” Kang chuckled, poking him on his forehead. “Get a checkup soon!”


“I know, i know. Soon.” Yoochun replied lazily, covering his ears from the constant naggings all day.


Suddenly, he was interrupted by a box being thrown in his way. “What’s that?” He asked with an amused smile, looking at the box of medicated plaster.


“Your body is aching right? Paste them on the sore points, it works. At least it does for me.” Didi mumbled.


“Thanks, i guess?” He was smiling as bright as a rainbow as he said that.


She narrowed her eyes, glaring at him instead. “But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go to the hospital for a complete body check up.


“Yes, yes. Soon.” He repeated the same words all over again, although he had a softer expression on his face this time.

The rest of the guys looked at Yoochun’s expression in awe. ‘So he can listen at times?’


“Soon? When is this soon?” Didi pressed on, poking the left shoulder where he had earlier complained that was aching at. “You’ll keep delaying it, won’t you?”


Yoochun winced in pain, moving away from her. “Ok, ok. I’m going, i’m going!” Turning towards Kang with a look of helplessness, he asked, “Kang, do i have any empty slots after this meeting?”


Kang raised his eyebrows in amusement as he took out his iPad to check his schedule in silence. “I can rearrange your schedule to make the rest of the day free.."


“Ok, let’s go after this.” Yoochun said with a resigned tone in his voice. “Your highness, are you happy with this arrangement?”


Didi nodded with a satisfied look on her face. “Good boy!” She praised, patting him on his head. “Here’s a cupcake for you!”

Yoochun rolled his eyes.

The rest could only look at him with a look of disbelief. ‘Did she just managed to persuade the stubborn Yoochun to go for a checkup?’


“What? You should be honoured that we kept a piece of cupcake for you.” She said, pointing to Jaejoong. “Thank Jaejoong for remembering about you.”

Yoochun turned irritatedly towards Jaejoong. The thought that he had to go to the hospital soon irked (and scared) him.


“No need to thank me, thank her for making the cupcakes.” Jaejoong replied, pointing at Didi instead.

Yoochun's expression softened and immediately turned into one of bewilderment.


“You made this?” He asked with an incredulous expression. “Did you put poison in it?”


“Yeah i did. And yes, there’s poison.”


“Ha. Not believing you!” He exclaimed, pulling the cupcake towards himself.


“Whatever.” She replied, looking away to play with Cassy instead.


“Park Yoochun!” A loud voice bellowed across the meeting room, silencing everyone for the second time. Realising the commotion that he had made, he dismissed them by saying it was nothing before making his way towards him with long, quick steps.

Yoochun literally facepalmed himself. ‘First it was Kang, then it was Didi, now Mr Baek, our CEO?’


“Yoochun, you...”


“Yes Mr Baek, i’m going to get a checkup first thing after this meeting ends alright?” He said with a slight irritation in his voice. His attention was still on his cupcake.


“Oh?” He stared at Yoochun, who was enjoying his cupcake. “Oh... is that true Kang?”


Kang reported. “Like finally.”


“Yes, finally.” Mr Baek nodded. “Riding on to this topic, how about the suggestion that we have brought up yesterday through the phone conversation? About hiring a personal assistant to look after your personal well being?”


“No way.” Yoochun refused sharply, turning his head the opposite way. “I will not allow any outsiders to take control of my personal life.”


“But Yoochun,” Mr Baek tried again, “You’re the busiest member amongst the three, and it’s hard for Kang to help manage your work on his own. Look at what had happened yesterday!”


“Still a no.”


“Yoochun.” Mr Baek frowned. How is he going to drill his words into that thick skull of his?



Suddenly, from the corner of his eyes, he saw Didi still happily playing with Cassy.


“Actually, i could agree to the arrangement...” Yoochun started speaking.


Mr Baek and Kang’s ears perked up in anticipation. “That’s great! I’ll go look for someone reliable to hire then!” Mr Baek cheered and was about to pull out his handphone to dial his HR department’s line before he got stopped by Yoochun.


“I’m not finished yet.” He grinned. “I will agree to a personal assistant only if Didi is the one who works for me.”


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NOTE: I'm taking a day off updating!


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chunnea #1
Chapter 37: thank you for writing such a nice and sweet was well written...keep up the good work author-nim..pls write more of yc story..:D
anneanne #2
Chapter 37: omg... i cried at the end of the story. its really sweet that i cry. huhu what a way to end a fanfic. thanks again author-nim :'')
Samantha24 #3
Chapter 37: Its still A very romantic proposal with all the distractions hahahaha... ADVANCE HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
kimbap876 #4
The empty space (in my heart) is for Chunnieeeeee....
Chapter 37: Simply loved it! Read it in one breath(except a class I held for 1.30h) even though I have an exam tomorrow morning!! That much I liked it <3
Chapter 2: JYJ and GONG YOO!!! You fulfilled my dreams! :D <3
kimbap876 #7
I was reading this while waiting for my eye appt. this a.m., and was sad to see it end-but it was at least a happy ending. To namelessyun and dheeliciouz, many many thanks for a well written fanfic.
ashmita123 #8
Chapter 37: really loved this fanfic..its d end i liked it very much!! keep up d good work!!
anylia #9
Chapter 37: the end...
it's the end already. T___T
I'm going to miss their bickering so much.

and yes please.. after a good rest.. I'll be waiting for Storybook.

really craving for an update from that one.

thank you~~ thank you thank you for a wonderful journey yet again :)
Samantha24 #10
Chapter 36: so sweeeet.. hay...