chapter 5

The Empty Space for You

"No!" Didi yelled, taking quick big steps along the walkway with her ears fully covered by her hands, hoping that at the speed she's walking, she could somehow shake him off.


"Please?" The pestering continues.


"No!" She yelled once again. She spotted a fire extinguisher in the near distance.

'If only i could use that...' She grinned evilly, imagining how he would be like, getting covered all over his body in white foam.

Her day dreaming was abruptly cut off when his irritating voice echoed beside her ear. He had somehow managed to catch up with her pace.


"You'll be a great help to me!" He persuaded, trying to pull off the sympathy trick by putting on a pitiful look on his face.

Didi gulped.

‘Didi, don’t be fooled by his looks!’


"No, no and no!" She replied, raising both her voice and tone by a notch in panic.


"Didi, why are you so stubborn?" He tried once again, pulling her long sleeve as they continued walking towards god knows where.


"This isn't called stubborn. This is called ridiculous!" She exclaimed once again, climbing up the stairs to the rooftop, hoping to clear her mind. However, the source of her headache was following so closely after her, so it was actually of no use to come up for the breather.


"It's not ridiculous! I'm just offering you a job. That's all!" He explained agitated, hands waving all around as he tried to narrate what he had just said.


“And the pay is really good! Like really!” He tried illustrating it once again by drawing a big area with his hands.

He failed badly.


"Why me? I don't even have a clue about what i am supposed to do! I didn't even take the examination to become a qualified artiste manager!" She whined, walking nearer to the railing, trying to calm herself down by taking in big breaths of fresh air.


"Ah, the air is so..."


"That's because i am hiring you as a personal assistant. There's no need for you to take certifications of any kind."

(For the record, it is a must for all to have a qualified certification before they can become an official artiste manager.)


"...Suffocating." She stared at Yoochun. "The air here is so suffocating "

‘Smooth. Didi, that’s real smooth.’ He thought with a look that was on the verge of surrendering to the stubborn girl in front of him. He was being nice for offering a job to her, why did she have to make it so complicated?


"Come on, let's work out a deal, shall we?” He attempted once again, racking his brain to figure out what would attract her to accept the job offer. “Even when you are working for me, i'll still allow you to go for baking lessons with Uncle Gong. Fair enough?"


She thought for a while. "Go on."

‘So... she was actually resisting because of her lessons?’ He thought, and started analyzing the whole situation. ‘She’s residing at the Gong’s... working at the Gong’s... could she be trying to repay Uncle Gong’s lesson and the lodging by working there?’


"Since you are responsible for my personal wellbeing, you can stay in my house." He mentioned, trying to prove his theory right.


"What?! I'm not going to..." She refuted, although it sounded that her voice was slightly wavering. Tempted.



"...Free lodging." He added, trying to hide the smile from creeping out.


"Why should i when i can stay at Uncle Gong's house?"

‘What a stubborn girl. You’re obviously tempted by my offer alright.’


"You're not seriously staying there forever right?" He asked, tilting his head to his left. ‘You and i both know that your conscience will not allow you to keep staying there.’

'It does make sense that i shouldn't be imposing on them already...' She thought, biting her fingers.


"Besides, i'll give you full access to my kitchen. You can do whatever you want in it. Be it cooking or baking." He said.


Recalling about the cupcake he had just eaten a while ago, he let out an embarrassed cough before saying, "That cupcake tastes good anyway. I don’t mind having it everyday."


"But... but there are so many people out there who could have done the job better. Why me?"


Yoochun stopped to think for a while. "I don't know." He honestly admitted. "I just felt that i could let you into my world instead of some other strangers."


"Smooth. Real smooth." She replied, looking away with a tinge of pink on her cheeks.


"Anyway, it's a very easy job. Just follow me around and make sure that i'm healthy and injury free."


"What's the catch?" She asked, a little more interested by then. "This deal sounds too good to be true."


"Well... you gotta be with me 24/7." He explained, “You’re taking care of my personal well being after all.”


"But you just said you were going to let me continue my lessons with Uncle Gong!"


"I know, i know. We'll work this out alright?"

Didi pondered for a while before nodding her head unconsciously.


"Does that mean you have agreed to become my personal assistant?" He grinned, pulling out his phone to type in a quick message to inform Mr Baek and Kang of her acceptance to become his personal assistant.


"I didn't say so!"


"But you just nodded!" He exclaimed, looking up from his phone. ‘Sent!’


"Argh." She looked away with annoyance plastered over her face. "One last question."




"Why me?" She asked.


She was then faced with a confused looking Yoochun in front of her. Feeling the need to explain a little more so as to let him understand, she continued reasoning. "We bicker all the time, you probably hate me secretly if not for the fact that i am acquainted with Yooppa..."


"I don't hate you, Didi." Yoochun sighed, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed in front of his chest comfortably.


"We are able to bicker so much because i am comfortable around you. I don't have to put on the 'perfect Mr Park' mask in front of you. That's what makes you the perfect candidate for this job."


"I'm naggy. I'll irritate you if i'm your personal assistant. Remember just now?" She smirked, recalling about how she made him agree to a body check up almost immediately due to her insistence.


"Isn't that good? Kang and Mr Baek wants someone who can control me well." He shuddered at the thought. "Although i hope that there will be no need for the earlier episode to recur."


"Well..." She tried to squeeze her brain juice for more questions, but found her brain completely wrinkled like a dried raisin. She was defeated.


"I gather that you have agreed by the silence?"


"I guess so.” She shrugged, “Park Yoochun, i hope you won't regret your decision cos i will be constantly doing things to irritate you!" She declared.


Taking in a deep breath, she instantly felt refreshed. "Now the air is so fresh and sweet!"


Yoochun shook his head with a slight chuckle. "So you're actually looking forward to becoming my personal assistant?"


She gave him a blank look. "Not really. I don't deny that it's a good offer though."

‘I will have free lodging, a fixed income to pay for my lessons with Uncle Gong, a kitchen to practice my baking anytime i want, and i get to buy new toys for my bakes!’


"Yes, that's because you are looking after one of the best celebrities around. Of course the offer will increase along with the popularity scale." He explained with a look full of pride.


"Conceited much?"


Ignoring her, he slung an arm over her shoulders and dragged her away from the railing. "Miss Personal Assistant, it's time you bring your conceited artiste to the hospital for a checkup. We're running out of time!"


"W...what?! I'm starting today... now?!"


“Why not? The earlier the better."


Didi literally face palmed herself. "Can i retract my agreement?"




"Urm. So you mean to say that you are leaving our house?" Elder Gong asked with an upset expression on his face a few hours later. "Today? Now?"


Didi nodded slowly. "My boss needs his personal assistant to start work immediately, so i have no choice either..." She said, glaring over at the person responsible for the dull atmosphere surrounding them.

The person merely shrugged before sitting upright.


"That's right, Uncle Gong. My company is extremely worried about my personal well being following the accident yesterday morning. They thought that it would be a good idea to get her to start work as soon as possible." He explained politely, "Don't worry, i'll take good care of her as well."


"That is not needed. I'm hired to look after someone, not getting looked after." She muttered grudgingly under her breath, which caused Uncle Gong to chuckle in amusement instead.


"So, what about our baking lessons? I mean, it's ok if you stopped working at the bakery cafe, but the lessons..." He looked worriedly at her.

Being the father of a celebrity, he understood how irregular their working hours are. Similarly, being a celebrity's personal assistant would require for them to be with their employer 24/7.

'If that's the case, then how? Don't tell me she's having second thoughts about becoming a partisere?'


"She'll continue to take lessons from you, if that's ok with you..." Yoochun spoke before she could even speak up. She in turn responded with a blank look, waiting for him to continue since he was the one who initiated it.


"Didi, go pack up while i discuss about your lesson dates with Uncle Gong." He said, nudging her off her chair.


"But i am the person involved, let me listen in as well!" She retorted, giving him an evil glare. "Don't i have any say in this?"


"No." Yoochun replied with a nonchalant look. "Now go pack up."


"You bully!" She pouted.


Elder Gong started laughing once again seeing the two people bickering and lightly pushing each other as well. "Didi, Yoochun is right. Go pack."


"Uncle Gong! You're siding with him!"


"Go, go, go." Yoochun said repeatedly, poking her arm as he spoke.

However, as she was about to turn around to head for her room, she was suddenly pulled nearer to him.


"Doesn't this situation feel like someone who is asking your parent for your hand in marriage?" He snickered while whispering softly into her ear.


"Doesn't this situation feel like someone who is asking for a beating?" She whispered back, smiling sweetly at him while lifting her fist up to reach his eye level.


"Tch." He uttered before sitting back on the chair. "Uncle Gong, this girl can't even take a joke."


"Shall we call the deal off then?"


"Go pack up." He immediately replied, turning to Elder Gong. "As i was saying, my schedule..." He spoke halfway and looked at Didi, "Shoo shoo, don't disturb the adults at work."


"... I'm actually a few months older than you..." She mumbled, walking away.


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NOTE: I'm taking a day off updating!


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chunnea #1
Chapter 37: thank you for writing such a nice and sweet was well written...keep up the good work author-nim..pls write more of yc story..:D
anneanne #2
Chapter 37: omg... i cried at the end of the story. its really sweet that i cry. huhu what a way to end a fanfic. thanks again author-nim :'')
Samantha24 #3
Chapter 37: Its still A very romantic proposal with all the distractions hahahaha... ADVANCE HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
kimbap876 #4
The empty space (in my heart) is for Chunnieeeeee....
Chapter 37: Simply loved it! Read it in one breath(except a class I held for 1.30h) even though I have an exam tomorrow morning!! That much I liked it <3
Chapter 2: JYJ and GONG YOO!!! You fulfilled my dreams! :D <3
kimbap876 #7
I was reading this while waiting for my eye appt. this a.m., and was sad to see it end-but it was at least a happy ending. To namelessyun and dheeliciouz, many many thanks for a well written fanfic.
ashmita123 #8
Chapter 37: really loved this fanfic..its d end i liked it very much!! keep up d good work!!
anylia #9
Chapter 37: the end...
it's the end already. T___T
I'm going to miss their bickering so much.

and yes please.. after a good rest.. I'll be waiting for Storybook.

really craving for an update from that one.

thank you~~ thank you thank you for a wonderful journey yet again :)
Samantha24 #10
Chapter 36: so sweeeet.. hay...