chapter 29

The Empty Space for You

Wanting to make the best out of the little time they have left before Didi's leave is over, the two of them went sightseeing all around Bali.

They had even sacrificed their sleep one fine day in order to trek up Mount Batur to view the sunrise.

It was activities after activities, hence they had decided to slow down and spend the last few days relaxing at the beaches nearby Didi's house.

"I dread work." Didi suddenly spoke, her head still comfortably on Yoochun's shoulder.

"You dread me?" Yoochun asked, his eyes squinting in amusement.

"I said i dread work, not you." She frowned, lightly slapping on his arm.

"But i am work right?" He grinned, holding her hand so that she couldn't slap him anymore. "You said that once before."

"You remember?" She looked up, surprised that he still remembered.

"I'll remember everything you said." Yoochun replied, leaning his head on top of hers.

"Cheesy." She chuckled, looking away.

She caught sight of a group of people crowding around something. Being the curious person she is, she sat up away from Yoochun's shoulder and started straining her head to find out what's happening.

It was, apparently, a couple who are taking their wedding photos by the beach.

Realising that, Didi's mood dampened and hugged her knee while burying her face in it. That didn't go unnoticed by Yoochun, who had moved nearer to her.

"Are you alright?" He asked, nudging her for a response.

"Yoochun..." She looked down, the tug in her heart happening once again. It happened once, when she was at Kang’s wedding.


"Will there be a day when we become like them?" She asked, looking towards the couple.

Yoochun's eyes followed after hers and landed upon them. The bride and groom.

"If you want, we can arrange for a photoshoot together." He casually replied, sitting back with his palms securely planted on the ground.

"No, i mean... getting married." She asked, turning toward him that instant with a serious look.

Yoochun was frozen for a split second, before looking away.

"Didi, i love you. I can give you anything you want in the world... except for this." He said, eyes never meeting hers while speaking.

Didi didn't reply. She lowered her eyes on her kneecaps.

Yoochun tried to reach for her hand, but she moved it away.

"Didi, you do know that i have no intention for marriage from the start, so why...?"

"Yoochun, i knew that. But i thought that you will love me enough to be able to commit... guess i am wrong." She muttered under her breath, clearly upset.

"I have no confidence." He uttered, looking out at the horizon. "Feelings will fade, and unhappiness will arise."

"It takes two to maintain a relationship. If i can have the confidence, why can't you?"

"I just don't." He mumbled. "Why can't you just be happy with our present status? We are happy, aren't we?" He asked, turning towards her and moving her chin so that she is facing him.

"Yoochun. I am just but a normal woman. I'm not like you, a highly sought after bachelor. I have a simple dream. I just want a successful career and a happy family. Is it that hard?" She asked, searching his eyes, hoping to find an answer within it.

'Yoochun, do you understand what i am trying to say? Please tell me you do.'

"I did not stop you from pursuing your career," Yoochun retorted, holding onto her arms. Irritability flashed through his eyes for a split second. "And we can still be happily in love with just the two of us like this."

Didi scoffed, pulling herself away from him. "You just don't get it, do you?"

"Didi, please." He said with a firm voice. "I've compromised with your going away to become an apprentice, can't you just do the same for me this time?"

"Sorry, i just..." She bit her lower lips, trying to stop it from quivering. "We don't seem to share the same viewpoint..."

"That's why we are talking it out now, right?"

'Both of us standing firm on our viewpoint, how is this talking it out?' She thought at the back of her mind.

"Didi, please spare a thought for me. I... don't want to do something like this. I don't believe in commitment on pen and paper..."

"Spare a thought for me too! I need a sense of security too! I want a family i can call my own too!" She flared up suddenly. ‘What’s wrong with wanting that?!’

"I can give you security! We can have a family if you want! Just not marriage!"

Didi looked at him in shock, in disbelief, speechless.

"You're unbelievable." She finally managed to utter out after a while. "I think... we should..."

"No, Di, don't say it..." He pleaded, his hands holding tightly onto her shoulders.

She gently removed his hands away with a bitter smile on her face.

"It's not going to work out, Yoochun." She mumbled softly under her breath. "Let's just put a stop to this relationship."

With that, she turned around to leave the beach.

What used to be her most favorited beach became the beach on her blacklist in that instant.


She couldn't sleep that night.

Everytime she closed her eyes, the earlier scene of their 'discussion' would magically replay before her.

'What a way to end things.' She mentally told herself, covering her eyes with an arm over them. She hoped that the darkness would aid in her sleeping but no, it just added more loneliness to her current situation.

"It's a good decision. Better earlier than later." She tried brainwashing herself.

No, she still couldn't sleep.

Finally deciding that it was of no use to coax herself to sleep, she got off the bed and went out of her bed for something to drink.

No, he hasn't gotten home yet'. She realised, peeking into the guest room after her en route to get herself a drink.

'Maybe he won't come back again.'

Letting out a deep sigh, she slowly trudged back to her room. Along the way, she found herself stopping in front of her mother's room.

Yoochun's words echoed in her mind once again.

Shaking him out of her mind, she stepped into her mother’s room for the first time since she came back. It was still in the similar state that she had left home with.

Simple and plain with minimal number of furnitures.

She chuckled to herself, realising that there were a couple of her photos being pasted on the inner of her wardrobe.

'Hmmm... somewhere where she can hide things...' She considered, racking her brains to figure out the possible locations.

Soon, she had found herself producing a box from the bottom of the bed.

'Trust my mother to hide stuff in such obvious places.' She giggled, lifting the lid away.

Like what she expected, it was almost entirely related to her precious memory in France - Her uniform, her recipe book, sketch book for creating new desserts, photographs from back then.

She thought she would have luck from the photo albums, but all she can see are photos of her mother and Uncle Gong, and some other girls she didn’t know.

'Where is dad then...' She wondered.

Her eyes suddenly landed on a small leatherback book. Didi reached forward to claim the book, flipping it curiously. It was mainly about her adventures in France.

However, at some point of time, all Didi could read were things written about Uncle Gong.

'I have fallen in love with my best friend, Gong. What should i do?'

Didi read it in shock.

'He confessed. We are together!'

"Mum and Uncle Gong... dated?" Didi stuttered, finding it hard to comprehend the new information. Nevertheless, she continued reading.

'Graduation is coming. It's time for us to head back to our respective countries. Gong suggested for me to move in with him...

...But when i hinted about marriage, he told me he didn't want it. He is afraid of marriage after his first failure.'

"Another. So mum went through the same agony as me..."

'We separated amicably. But today, i found out something important. I am carrying his baby...

... I will raise her up on my own, no matter what it takes. She’s the proof that we have once loved...’

By the time she finished reading that entry, Didi had gone into shock. Too stunned for words, she felt her legs giving way as she plopped herself onto the cold, hard floor.

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NOTE: I'm taking a day off updating!


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chunnea #1
Chapter 37: thank you for writing such a nice and sweet was well written...keep up the good work author-nim..pls write more of yc story..:D
anneanne #2
Chapter 37: omg... i cried at the end of the story. its really sweet that i cry. huhu what a way to end a fanfic. thanks again author-nim :'')
Samantha24 #3
Chapter 37: Its still A very romantic proposal with all the distractions hahahaha... ADVANCE HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
kimbap876 #4
The empty space (in my heart) is for Chunnieeeeee....
Chapter 37: Simply loved it! Read it in one breath(except a class I held for 1.30h) even though I have an exam tomorrow morning!! That much I liked it <3
Chapter 2: JYJ and GONG YOO!!! You fulfilled my dreams! :D <3
kimbap876 #7
I was reading this while waiting for my eye appt. this a.m., and was sad to see it end-but it was at least a happy ending. To namelessyun and dheeliciouz, many many thanks for a well written fanfic.
ashmita123 #8
Chapter 37: really loved this fanfic..its d end i liked it very much!! keep up d good work!!
anylia #9
Chapter 37: the end...
it's the end already. T___T
I'm going to miss their bickering so much.

and yes please.. after a good rest.. I'll be waiting for Storybook.

really craving for an update from that one.

thank you~~ thank you thank you for a wonderful journey yet again :)
Samantha24 #10
Chapter 36: so sweeeet.. hay...