chapter 16

The Empty Space for You

“Didi... Didi, are you alright?” A worried voice spoke up as the person tried to wipe some sweat off her forehead.

Didi groaned, feeling the aching coming from every part of her body. She tried to open her eyelids, but they were extremely dry and irritated, that she had to squint her eyes for a few times before she could managed to get them half open. She looked around at her surrounding, realising that she was back in the comfort of her bed.

“Didi, how are you feeling right now?” He asked once again, the worry in his voice obviously overflowing from his words. 

“Yooppa, what are you doing here?” She croaked, dry and painful. 

“Silly girl, you were having a high fever and cold.” He said, heaving a sigh of relief that she was at the very least awake. “What were you thinking? Or rather, what happened? You even fainted on the streets!” He reprimanded, flicking his index finger on her forehead, “Luckily Yoochun was around!”

She looked up, darting her eyes at the mentioned person who was standing stiffly at the edge of her bed. He looked away, feeling as uncomfortable as she was currently.

Didi lowered her head as memories of the earlier incident flashed through her mind. 

He had dashed right for her when the car approached them. Luckily for them, the car was moving at a snail’s pace and had managed to stop in the nick of time.

“Yooppa, i’m tired.” She whispered, not wanting to speak another word of what had happened. Disappointment and a slight tinge of embarrassment was evident on her face.

Gong Yoo sighed deeply. “Alright, you get some rest then.” He mumbled, standing up from the edge of the bed where he had been sitting on. “I’ll see you again when i’m back from Thailand ok?”

“You’re not going to accompany me?” She asked, biting her inner cheeks as she tried to hold back the hot tears from rolling down due to her high fever.

“I’m sorry... there’s a fanmeet... i have a flight to catch...” He replied, feeling apologetic. “Or maybe i should get on the next flight....” He considered, seriously thinking of doing what he just mentioned.

“No, Yooppa, it’s ok. I’ll be fine on my own.” She mumbled, forcing a small smile to ensure him that she was alright.”

Gong Yoo looked at her intently to search for any trace that she wasn’t actually going to be fine on her. It was aplenty.

Rubbing his throbbing temples, he decided that it was better for someone to stay by her side. If he wasn’t able to be there to take care of her, then he will have to make do with him.

Although he did not actually like the idea of leaving her in his care for some unknown reasons.

“Yoochun, take care of her while i’m away.” He ordered unwillingly.

Didi wanted to reject the idea, but she didn’t want Gong Yoo to keep worrying about her while he is working hard in a foreign country. Hence, she kept shut.

“Yes hyung.” Yoochun mumbled, taking a peek at her reaction. Nothing.

“Ok, i’m going then...” Gong Yoo said, ruffling her hair and turning around to leave the room.

Sensing that Gong Yoo was not anywhere near the room already, Yoochun finally spoke up. “Are you feeling better?”

She ignored him, turning her body away from him. She needed time to recollect on what had actually happened. ‘Did i actually confessed amidst my emotional breakdown? Amidst my weak state of mind from the fever?’

“Don’t ignore me... please?” He tried again, almost pleading. Looking at her tired back made his heart sink. ‘What have i done to her?’

“I’m really tired. I just want to sleep right now.” She finally replied, her heart feeling all clenched up. She was extremely tired, both physically and mentally, and all she wanted to do was to sleep.


Yoochun looked at the sleeping figure in front of him. ‘She is still mad at me.’

“I’ll... i’ll go send Gong Yoo off then... sleep well...” He mumbled, dragging his feet out of the room with a heavy heart.


By the next morning, she was already feeling better.

She wondered why, but her question was easily answered when she found a wet towel still lightly pressed on her forehead. She turned to her left; the basin of ice cold water was still seen on top of a chair by the bed.

She widened her eyes in realization.

‘I’m not in my room.’

Lifting her body up into a sitting position, she took a quick glance around the room. 

A big standing lamp on the left hand side of where she was sleeping at. A whole row of shelves filled with mangas on her right. A workstation filled with music equipments in front of her.

It wasn’t hard to figure out where she was.

She noticed a post it note on the lamp. Inching nearer, she read what had been written on it.

‘Our sleeping beauty, rise and shine! Hope you are feeling better now. It's such a beautiful day out there, so smile more!

PS: Look down ^^'

Didi could hardly fight back the grin that was threatening to slip out from as she looked down onto the floor. As mentioned in the note, something else was sitting patiently on the floor beside the lamp. A breakfast table tray was set on the floor. A meal consisting of a stew, rice, side dishes were seen on the tray, accompanied with another note.


Had a good sleep? Hope you are feeling better already! I'm really sorry for the episode yesterday, please forgive the ignorant and insensitive me! *kneels down and raises hands in self reflection*

I've bought some breakfast for you to replenish your energy with; you can butcher or transform me into your punching bag as you deem fit when you’re feeling better. I will gladly accept any kind of punishments as long as i can see your smiles again ^^

PS: I’ve tried to cook for you, i swear. But it ended up inedible...'

‘The human species known as Park Yoochun should be declared as illegal. That or to have him classified as an extremely dangerous weapon.' She thought, carrying the table up on the bed as she started poking the side dishes with her chopsticks before starting to dig in. 'His presence accelerates the heartbeat of any living objects, his smiles send fireworks bursting left and right as if it were free, and even the smallest things he does are so sweet that the entire humankind are laden with diabetes.’

She stared at the food in front of her. 'Even these tasteless food tastes so sweet right now.'

After the satisfying breakfast, she felt well enough to get off the bed. She pushed open the drop down window just beside the bed headboard and stepped outside to the small outdoor extension in his room. Stretching her body around to pull away the muscle cramps due to inactiveness and her sickness, she instantly felt even better. Ten Folds.

Armed with a better mood, she started skipping around the room, taking full advantage of being in his room and started poking around to observe his room decoration, from his workstation to the small area dedicated for his action figurine collection. 

It was only then she chanced upon a Gundam clock figurine that she realised the current time - 9.30AM.

'Has he eaten breakfast yet?' She wondered aloud, opening the door and making her way towards the kitchen. Considering how he had probably stayed all night to take care of her, and also tried preparing breakfast for her... probably not yet. 

'Tteokbokki is a must.' She thought, humming an uplifting tune as she swiftly went into action to prepare breakfast for him. Her frequent absence from the kitchen due to various reason deprived her from basking in the comfort that only kitchen can provide her with.


She was sated. 

She then proceeded with the slicing of rice cakes, deciding to have it briefly stir fried at the back of her mind.

"So... you really can't be far from the kitchen huh?" A soft whisper gently spoke out of the blue into her ear, sending the tingly feeling down her spine.

Coincidentally, it sent a wave of panic towards her brain as it activated her defence mechanism as well, sending Didi waving the knife around.

"W...wo wo, woah! Easy on the knife!" The intruder suddenly exclaimed, feeling cold sweat dripping down his forehead as he stretches his arms wide open, trying to create a distance for fear that the knife would come flying towards him, "It's only me!"

She noticed while his hands were flapping about. There were a few burn marks and band aids on his precious hands. ‘Did he injure himself while trying to cook for me?’

Oh the guilt. 

"Yoochun?" She muttered, the knife in her hand lowering as her arms went back to its relaxed position. "Why didn't you make a sound or something? I thought that there was a burglar!"

"Well," Yoochun replied slowly, inching nearer to her and removed the knife from her hand and placing it away from her. "I did, but someone was too engrossed with her cooking..." He continued speaking, so seductively that she could've sworn that she had already melted into a puddle of melted marshmallows.

She obviously hadn't realised that he had closed in on their distance whilst seducing her with his seductive voice. Until it was too close for comfort.

She was already trapped in between his arms and the kitchen table with no way to escape. 

"W...what do you think you are doing right now?" She stuttered, trying to hold up on a brave front as she looked at him straight into his eyes.

Bad move. The close proximity allowed her to see herself, or rather, her reflection in his eyes.

The final blow came when he decided to smile at her. 

"What do you think i am doing right now?" He asked, his pearly white teeth glistening under the sunrays that shone right into the kitchen from the windows.

It sent her heart thumping madly at a speed similar to the speed of light. She wondered if she was still actually alive after seeing that smile so up close.

To save her sanity, she decided to turn away from his glance, which utterly failed as he gently lifted her chin with his hand, directing her to look at him once again.

"I want to apologize." He spoke with a determined voice, looking directly at her to prove his sincerity.

"Apologize? For what?" She asked with confusion displayed openly on her face. Her expression was a dead giveaway.

"For everything that was not right last night."

Didi recalled back on what had happened the night before, considering what actually went wrong. She ended up looking back at him with an expressionless face, prompting him to continue speaking. Technically speaking, she was at fault as well.

Cupping her jaws with both his hands, he lowered his gaze upon her and leaned his forehead onto hers. He took a deep breath and gently closed his eyes. "Those words, about you not having the rights to be mad, and other hurtful words that i've said when i went berserk yesterday. I take all of them back. I'm so sorry, i didn't mean to..."

After the incident yesterday, seeing how he had almost lost her in that instant, he realized the reason why he couldn’t stay away from her for long. He realized the reason why he wanted her attention more than anyone elses in the world. 

He had fallen.

He felt a part of her facial muscles twitch as she tried to bit her lower lip to refrain herself from smiling.

"Urm, so? Is that it?" She finally managed to utter out that short sentence after having an intense battle between her brain and heart. It was obvious which had won.

"I'm extremely sorry for causing you to catch that dreadful fever as well due to the wait in that freezing cold weather..." He apologised, but a corner of his mouth had already moved in an upwards manner, a smirk appearing. "Although i've pretty much taken care of that fever already, haven't i?" He asked, winking playfully at her, 

"Yeah..." She mumbled, a slight tinge of pink appearing on her face.

"One last thing."

"Hmm?" She asked, pulling her head back a little to create some distance in between them as she tilted her head a little, wondering what else he had forgotten to mention.

"This." He smiled before closing the gap in between their lips. It took just a while before he felt her lips creasing in an upward motion, indicating that she was smiling as well.

Unlike their first lip bumping experience, this was on an entirely different level. If the previous episode was classified under the 'disappointment' ranking, this should be awarded a nobel prize.

The kiss, which is technically considered as lips pressing against each others’, spoke of a thousand words.

It spoke of love.


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NOTE: I'm taking a day off updating!


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chunnea #1
Chapter 37: thank you for writing such a nice and sweet was well written...keep up the good work author-nim..pls write more of yc story..:D
anneanne #2
Chapter 37: omg... i cried at the end of the story. its really sweet that i cry. huhu what a way to end a fanfic. thanks again author-nim :'')
Samantha24 #3
Chapter 37: Its still A very romantic proposal with all the distractions hahahaha... ADVANCE HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
kimbap876 #4
The empty space (in my heart) is for Chunnieeeeee....
Chapter 37: Simply loved it! Read it in one breath(except a class I held for 1.30h) even though I have an exam tomorrow morning!! That much I liked it <3
Chapter 2: JYJ and GONG YOO!!! You fulfilled my dreams! :D <3
kimbap876 #7
I was reading this while waiting for my eye appt. this a.m., and was sad to see it end-but it was at least a happy ending. To namelessyun and dheeliciouz, many many thanks for a well written fanfic.
ashmita123 #8
Chapter 37: really loved this fanfic..its d end i liked it very much!! keep up d good work!!
anylia #9
Chapter 37: the end...
it's the end already. T___T
I'm going to miss their bickering so much.

and yes please.. after a good rest.. I'll be waiting for Storybook.

really craving for an update from that one.

thank you~~ thank you thank you for a wonderful journey yet again :)
Samantha24 #10
Chapter 36: so sweeeet.. hay...