chapter 36

The Empty Space for You

‘Our famous star! Welcome home!’ Both Junsu and Jaejoong enthusiastically lifted the fan boards showing the words when they caught sight of the female figure strolling out from the arrival gates.

The lady, upon noticing the flashy board, let out a string of chuckles as she tried to cover her face and walk away from them. She wondered how the two guys were able to do all that without catching the attention of the others, considering how famous they were worldwide.

She shook her head and picked up her pace when she saw that the two guys were making even bigger actions by then, showing their displeasure for getting ignored even when they were welcoming her back with arms wide open. Literally.

“Didi!” Junsu started whining, running to her and locking her arm in his in an attempt to stop her from escaping any further, “How can you do that to us? We came here especially to pick you up!” He pouted. “Or does our star despise us now that she’s getting a little fame from winning the baking competition?”

Didi giggled under her breath, stopping in her tracks and giving the cute pouty boy beside her a big hug in reply. “If only you guys didn’t do all those extravagant fan boards and waving around like mad men, i would run up to you both right away.” She grinned, “It was so embarrassing that my first reaction was to run away.”

She then turned to her side and did a high five with Jaejoong, who had by now realised what kind of a commotion they had brought up. He scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. “Besides,” she continued with a matter of factly facial expression, “I didn’t win the competition, Junsu.”

The ever childish boy shrugged, “Doesn’t stop us from acknowledging the fact that you are still a good patisserie. I mean, reporters from all over the world headed to your mentor’s bakery to do reviews on your bakings, and mind you, those reviews are all positive!”

“I still have a long way to go.” She smiled, silently thanking Jaejoong who had taken her luggage in his hands.

“It’s good that you’re back now.” Jaejoong commented sincerely, gently pushing her towards the direction of the car park. Junsu nodded along.

Over the past 3 years, Didi had been diligently studying and working hard under her mentor over at France. It was tiring, yet fulfilling. It was difficult for her initially, but it slowly picked up, and she had built up a small fame for herself due to the creative and delicious cakes that she had created for the shop.

Like Junsu mentioned, she had entered a baking competition not too long ago. Although she didn’t win (since the other competitors were famous partiseres), she did gain even more recognition for getting into the top 10 positions.

“How’s the preparation for your new shop coming around?” Jaejoong asked as they got onto the car. “Yoochun mentioned that you were looking for a good location?”

“I’ve gotten the agent to shortlist some locations for me. I’ll probably be heading down to view them soon.” She replied, turning her phone on and checking for updates instantly.

“What time is Yoochun’s press conference by the way? Kang only mentioned that it would be today afternoon.” She asked, briefly pouting. “We’re headed for the press conference location right? You promised!” She reminded, recalling how she had pestered for Jaejoong to bring her to the press conference location so as to give her boy a surprise.

“Don’t worry,” Jaejoong replied, sitting comfortably behind the steering wheel as the car cruised down the expressway towards the city. “We’ll definitely make it there, but first...”

Didi looked up from her phone. “But first?” She asked, her eyebrows raised in query.

“First, we have to get you prepared and dressed properly.” Junsu offered his reply from behind at the passenger seat, sitting up with his body leaned on the front passenger seat where Didi was at.

“What?” She asked, “Why should i?”

“Well, for one, Yoochun’s press conference is being held in a hotel...” He slowly explained, eyeing her outfit. “And you’re not exactly in the best outfit.”

Didi gave her own outfit a look over. A simple top with muffler around her neck, a simple pair of jeans that fitted her perfectly, and a pair of flats. “I don’t see what’s wrong with my...”

She wasn’t able to complete her sentence, as Junsu had by then, covered with his hand.

“Didi, just calm down and come with us to get yourself dressed up. It’s Yoochun’s precious press conference for the first album that he is going to release after getting out of his military duty after all.” Junsu said with a smile. Jaejoong took a split second off the road and looked her way once again, giving her a similar smile as well.

Didi pouted and nodded.

She knew how important this press conference is to Yoochun, seeing how it would be his iconic comeback to the entertainment after two years of ‘official’ absence from the surface of the entertainment industry. However, his name would still be drifting about here and there as he was constantly helping the other artiste compose and produce songs. He wasn’t able to show his face during the period of time, but he had never once left his fans as he had communicated with them via his compositions.


“We’re late! Jaejoong, Junsu, hurry up!” Didi exclaimed impatiently, slapping the back of the drivers seat as she felt the panic rising. “How can you guys be so bad at time management!” She chided, once again slapping on the leather seats. “I’m going to miss his press conference if you drive any slower!”

It turned out that Jaejoong had so helpfully supplied her with the information that Yoochun’s press conference had started just when the hairdressers (which both Js had pulled her to) were done with her hair and makeup.

“It’s only a few roads away, we won’t miss the whole press conference.” Jaejoong assured.

Junsu secretly giggled to himself as he read the message on his phone. Looking up to Didi, he tapped a few keys on his phone. “Don’t worry, we have him on live feed.” He said, showing her the video feed from his phone.

Didi finally quieted down and released a small smile as she sat back on the chair. The rest of the ride was smooth while Didi had happily watched how Yoochun had professionally introduced his album to the press, and had skilfully answered questions from the floor. She was feeling proud for him.

Soon, Yoochun had started performing his first, also the title track of his album. Didi found herself pouting at that.

“If only i can listen to it live...” She commented, feeling jealous of the people who were there.

“Let’s go listen to it live then.” Jaejoong grinned, easily parking the car into the lot.


They arrived at the conference hall soon after, just as Yoochun was singing the last verse of the song. It was short, but Didi found herself mesmerised as usual. It had been quite a while since they last saw each other, and she couldn’t deny how much it was taking her from dashing right up to him, right into his arms.

She was too lost in her little world that she didn’t realise that Jaejoong and Junsu were grinning from behind her, sending secret signals to both Yoochun and Kang.

As soon as Yoochun was done with his song, he returned back to the couch where he had originally sat on during his interview in preparation for the second part of the interview. He was beaming from ear to ear.

Without waiting any further, he started speaking into the microphone once again.

“Once again, thank you guys for attending my press conference. If you remember, i have avoided certain questions with regards to my album earlier on. I’m ready to reveal my answers right now.” He spoke, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

Before the interviewers could raise their hands to question what he meant, he had started spilling what he meant.

“The second track of my album is really meaningful to me,” He explained, his eyes finally landing on Didi. "I'm fulfilling my promise to a special girl through this song." He smiled.

Even before Didi could question him any further, he turned away to get himself prepared for his performance. The backup instrumental music suddenly played through the speakers as Yoochun stood up, getting ready to sing.

(A/N: Do me a favour. Open this link and put it side by side your monitor. Read the lyrics too! )


Didi would be lying if she said that her heart didn’t skip a beat. Multiple beats to be exact.

As the song started, memories started flowing out from her brain. How they got together, partially broke up, made a promise, stayed apart due to her pursuing her career and him with his military service, how frustrating it had become for them when the time they had for each other was getting lesser, quarrels getting more frequent, but yet they had still stayed on strong despite those obstacles.

Throughout the song, Yoochun's eyes were kept on Didi's. It felt like they were the only people in that big hall, like they were the only ones in their world. Like Yoochun was singing the song to her, only for her.

Both Jaejoong and Junsu stood on either sides of Didi, playfully nudging her as they noticed her blushing face.

Their plan, or rather, Yoochun's plan to surprise her was a success. It turned out that even before Didi's plan to surprise him at his press conference, he had already made plans to surprise her instead by presenting that song to her.

Even after a few years of absence from each other, they are still in sync like the usual days. Truly soul mates.


Finally, when the press conference came to an end, they rushed to the waiting room where Yoochun was at.

"Park Yoochun! What was that earlier on?!" Didi exclaimed, pushing him back onto the couch where he had earlier sat on before standing up to greet them.

Yoochun groaned from the sudden impact. Yet, it didn't deter him from wrapping her waist, bringing her down with her onto the couch as well. "I missed you too." He said, his voice muffled from the fact that his face was buried on her neck.

Didi softened and grinned. "I missed you." She finally said, returning his hug by wrapping her arms around him.

"But what on earth was that?" She started questioning, visibly upset that her plan to surprise was counterattacked. "You were the one who was supposed to be shocked from my sudden appearance, not me."

"Were you shocked?" He continued grinning, his hug around her seemingly not going to let loose anytime soon.

"What's with that?" She pouted, "That song... that lyrics..."

"Well..." He said, dragging his words, "I'll tell you soon, but not now." He continued, looking around where a couple of staff were still loitering around. Kang and the two boys were standing at the corner of the room, talking.

"Tell me now..." She pestered, feeling her cheeks burn upon recalling the lyrics of the song. She had a vague idea what he was about to say, but... "Or else i'm leaving for home." She ended her words and turned to look the other way.

"Di..." Yoochun pouted, lightly tapping her back to calm her down. And to hope that Didi would speak to him again.

Didi maintained her silence, although she was mentally giggling at how cute Yoochun was looking like at that moment.

Finally, she heard him sigh.

"Fine, i'll tell." He mumbled grouchingly. He then released her from his hug and effortlessly brought her on her feet before he stood up himself. With another swift action, he gestured for her to sit on the couch and to wait for him for a while.

Seconds barely passed by before she was greeted with a large bouquet of flowers in front of her. She curiously pushed the flowers away to see who was behind it.

It was obviously Yoochun. An obviously blushing Yoochun.

"Yoochun?" She asked. Her nervousness started piling up even more when she saw that he was on his knees.

"To answer your question just now, it is a song specially written for you. To fulfill my promise to you, to ask for your hand in marriage, to make you put on a wedding veil, to build a happily family together."

"Yoochun..." Didi started stuttering. She had been expecting for this day to happen, but when it finally came, she found herself at a loss for words. Lost in happiness.

"In front of everybody here, i'm going to renew my promise to you. I may not be the most romantic guy in the whole wide world, but i will make sure that our love for each other will never falter.” He promised, shuffling his hold on the flowers a little so that it is easier for him to grip it on.

He added, “While other couples' love may run out like evaporated water, i will constantly replenish the water so that our love will never run dry."

"That's so corny." Didi chuckled, forgetting that she was in the middle of getting proposed to.

"Didi." He reprimanded, not welcoming the interruption.

"Sorry, my bad." She giggled, "Please continue."

Yoochun rolled his eyes. "Is it me, or is this a deja vu?"

"I wonder..." she replied. She finally noticed that a crowd had formed in the room and outside of the room.

'Oh my god.' She thought, involuntarily reaching for Yoochun's hand. He took a look at her hands before scanning the area around the room.

"This is what you get for interrupting me." He teased.


"Smooth. Real smooth, Yoochun." She mumbled, trying to pull away when she got stopped.

"Anyway, to cut things short," He continued, before adding in a whisper "and to save you from the embarrassment," to which Didi poked him in his waist, "Will you marry me?"

Although she had already mentally prepared herself for the words when Yoochun had kneeled down, she couldn't help but be overwhelmed by his question. "I..."

"YES!!!!!" A guy's voice suddenly shouted out.

"Kim Junsu! Shut up! I wasn't asking you!" Yoochun exclaimed, although he couldn't help but be amused by it.

"Didi! Don't agree! See how evil Yoochun is!" Junsu continued, which even Jaejoong started chuckling at since it was really uncommon for such a funny proposal scene to be happening.

"Junsu, shut up!" Yoochun chided once more, giving him the evil stare, topped with a gesture of his finger sliding across his neck.

"Jaejoong! Yoochun is so scary!" Junsu pouted, but he suddenly felt his mouth getting covered by a hand.

"Junsu, shut up. I'm trying to get this on camera." Jaejoong warned, instantaneously shutting Junsu up as he adjusted the lens on his phone camera a little.

Yoochun sighed. "What a nice distraction." He grumbled, looking dejectedly down at the floor. “What a proposal...”

Didi giggled. "Well, where's the ring?" She asked, lifting his chin up, making him look directly at her.

"What?" He asked, still mulling over the untimely interruption.

"Don't tell me you're expecting me to marry you without a ring." She chuckled, loving the confused look on him.

"Ah... ah!" He exclaimed, finally getting her meaning. He reached out for his pocket and took out a box, revealing the ring that he had bought earlier on. 

"Can i?" He questioned her, asking for her permission to put the ring on her. Didi nodded and lifted her hand for him to slip the ring on her finger.

Cheers of happiness erupted from around the room as Yoochun pulled her into his embrace, elated that they are finally going to belong to each other at long last.

"This is so not romantic. I was planning to make it a completely romantic proposal event..." Yoochun grumbled at the side of her ears. “I had planned to ask for your hands at the party later on at the ballroom... i just had to wait for a little while more...”

‘So, that was the real reason why the guys pulled me away to dress me up before coming here...’ She thought, mentally shaking her head from that knowledge.

Didi pulled back from their hug, "This is the best event you have ever done for me. It's memorable, so thank you, Yoochun." She said sincerely.

Yoochun raised his eyebrows. "Hubby."

"What?" She asked, not getting what he meant.

"Call me hubby, we're now engaged already." He prompted once again, the teasing smile slowly slipping out. He leaned his head in closer towards her, so close that if they were to move a little, their skin would touch.

"Well..." She hesitated, taking in a deep breath from the sudden close contact. Something caught her eyes. It was the pair of lips that she had dearly missed.

"Please?" He pleaded with a small pout, showing her an utmost innocent expression. Their lips vaguely brushing against each other.

"Fine. Hubby. There, i called you that. Happy?" She pouted, the blush on her face getting more apparent.

"Yes, yes... my dear wifey. I'm happy." He replied, finally leaning in and letting both their lips meet for the first time in years.









A/N (JY):


Many thanks to everyone who have been following this fanfic (Including the silent readers, will you guys pretty please comment since it's already the last chapter? Consider that as an early birthday gift for me please?)!!! I love you guys!!! <3<3<3

Fun fact: Chapter 35 was supposed to be the last chapter. I had originally wanted to give it an ending whereby you guys are open to guess if they will end up together or not... (since this story originated from Didi's dream which had no ending... ;P). BUT, i'll probably get lots of unhappy faces (yes i can predict the future), so, i went for the safe route and gave it a good ending :P

Besides, i wouldn't be called namelessyun if i don't adopt a song for my fanfics, would i? ;)

*melts into a puddle cos the song is just too romantic. I WANT A GUY TO SING THAT TO ME!*

So, that's it for TESFY! *bows*

I'm gonna go get a real good rest before i get back to Storybook (poor baby, it's been isolated for such a long time.. T_T)





Aaaakkk!! its end already?? T__T
i thought its gonna have like 40 chapters
*get evil glare from JY* *grin*
Anyway, many many thanks for JY, my dear author-nim for creating a very sweet story of my dream..
it is sooo beautiful *proud tears* *hug*
i still amazed for how JY put every detail from my dream (and her 'interview' of me) into the story
i believed in JY from the very first time i was asking her to made this project
and its proven ;)
SO, everyone lets give a bow (AND COMMENTS!!!) for our beloved author-nim.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for the hard work
(i wish i could sent her a birthday gift ;)
Like this story? Give it an Upvote!
Thank you!
NOTE: I'm taking a day off updating!


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chunnea #1
Chapter 37: thank you for writing such a nice and sweet was well written...keep up the good work author-nim..pls write more of yc story..:D
anneanne #2
Chapter 37: omg... i cried at the end of the story. its really sweet that i cry. huhu what a way to end a fanfic. thanks again author-nim :'')
Samantha24 #3
Chapter 37: Its still A very romantic proposal with all the distractions hahahaha... ADVANCE HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
kimbap876 #4
The empty space (in my heart) is for Chunnieeeeee....
Chapter 37: Simply loved it! Read it in one breath(except a class I held for 1.30h) even though I have an exam tomorrow morning!! That much I liked it <3
Chapter 2: JYJ and GONG YOO!!! You fulfilled my dreams! :D <3
kimbap876 #7
I was reading this while waiting for my eye appt. this a.m., and was sad to see it end-but it was at least a happy ending. To namelessyun and dheeliciouz, many many thanks for a well written fanfic.
ashmita123 #8
Chapter 37: really loved this fanfic..its d end i liked it very much!! keep up d good work!!
anylia #9
Chapter 37: the end...
it's the end already. T___T
I'm going to miss their bickering so much.

and yes please.. after a good rest.. I'll be waiting for Storybook.

really craving for an update from that one.

thank you~~ thank you thank you for a wonderful journey yet again :)
Samantha24 #10
Chapter 36: so sweeeet.. hay...