chapter 12

The Empty Space for You

"Yoochun! Yoochun!" A voice shouted out as it moved from room to room, finding the man in question. "Yoochun, where are you?"

"Here, i'm outside the balcony in my room." Yoochun replied, turning to look into his room just as Didi's head peeked in.

He had been playing with Harang at the balcony just outside his room while Didi called for him.

"Yoochun, here you are!" She continued shouting happily, dashing into his room and plopping straight onto his bed. She reached for his pillow and hugged it while rolling on his bed.

Yoochun chuckled, standing up and leaving Harang alone on the balcony while he walked into the warm room. "What's the occasion? You look happy." He asked, although he was well aware of the reason behind her happiness.

How could he not be aware? He is her employer after all. Sort of.

"Guess!" She singsonged.

"It's your birthday?" He jokingly answered, sitting down at the edge of his bed while playing with her hair by trying to braid it.

"You're impossible." Didi frowned, sitting up and ready to get off the bed. "How can you not even know your precious personal assistant's birthday?"

"Hey hey hey," He laughed, holding her back by wrapping an arm around her waist, "I remember ok. Besides, how could i forget?" He smiled, removing his hands away once he felt that she wasn't leaving already.



Over the past few months, Yoochun and Didi have been going to various places during their off days to purchase items that she needs for her baking practices.

It started off with a weighing scale and a mixer, then miscellaneous items like baking trays, non stick baking pad, moulds... and the list goes on, except for the existing oven that Yoochun had in his kitchen.

It was until Didi finally declared war with the temperamental oven that Yoochun had in his kitchen, that she decided that a new oven is definitely needed.

"Let’s go get a new oven when my next payday comes." Didi exclaimed, pointing at the oven model that she had her sight on.

"Which?" Yoochun asked, looking at the brochure that Didi had been pointing had. "The silver one? Or the black one?"

"The black one." She replied.

"Looks good. Ok, i’ll try to free up some time on your next payday so that we can go get the oven together." He muttered, keying in a reminder on his planner in his phone.

"You’re the best!"

And the reason why Didi had been so hyperactive was due to the fact that her ‘next payday’ would be in less than 24 hours.

"Evil chunster." She pouted, giving him the evil eye. "I really thought you forgot."

He shook his head with a grin. "We'll head to the electronics shop right after the last interview ends tomorrow."

Didi looked up, eyes shining brightly like stars in the sky. "Really?"

He nodded. "My precious personal assistant who will be receiving her salary tomorrow is eager to purchase that oven that she has been eyeing, how can i prolong her wait?"

"Oh my god, Yoochun, you are an angel!" She yelled, throwing her hands into the air. Tell me what you want for lunch tomorrow, i'll make a super bento just for you!"

"Haven't you always been making super bentos for me? They are so delicious that i find myself finishing the whole lunch, even when i originally have a small appetite."

He chuckled, rubbing his tummy at the thought of that. "But it'll be nice if i can have some bulgogi..."

"Deal!" She said, snapping her finger that instant and getting up to leave the room. "I'll make preparations!"

Once again, she got held back.

"Take a breather. You have been working all day without stopping." He murmured, pulling her back and making her lean her head on his lap to rest. "I don't want people to say that i overwork you."

"But i have a timeline that i have scheduled myself to adhere to. It's time for me to prepare the ingredients for tomorrow's lunch. Oh, i have to iron your outfit for tomorrow as well, and i haven't even chosen them..."

"Hush hush, just relax for the next ten minutes or so..." He crooned, covering her eyes with his palm, the other hand smothering her hair. "Don't think about work."

Didi rolled her eyes, although nobody could even see it. "You are work."

She sensed that he was grinning, and her intuition was proven right when she felt his hand shaking from holding back on the laughter.

"Yoochun, you can laugh if you want to, although i don't understand what's so funny about it."

"I'm not laughing."

"I'd be a fool if i believe you."

Yoochun then calmed down with a smile. He suddenly thought about how the distance between the two them have drastically narrowed throughout the past few months.

It was true that they had instantly clicked without any awkward ‘making friends’ moments, but they had indeed started off not knowing anything about each other after all.

‘Look how much we know about each other now...’

"Didi?" Yoochun suddenly mumbled, playing with the supposedly ‘large forehead’ as claimed by the girl herself.

"Hmmm...? Yes Yoochun?"

"Remember the first game we played?"

Didi remained silent and tried to recall. "Hide and seek with Cassy and Harang the first time we met? Is that even a game?"

"Not that." He grumbled. "Think harder."

"Wii? You are so bad at sports." She laughed, remembering of the large disparity in scores the last time they played. He had lost to her in tennis, ping pong, running and even dancing.

"Not that." He frowned.

"Seriously, have we actually played any games before?" She asked, "Other than Wii? Because i don’t recall any other occasions."

"You're an idiot." He pouted, poking his index finger on her forehead. "I was referring to the one where you kept asking questions about me. 5 Q&A. Remember now? Or do i need to give you more reminders?"

"Ah. Yes i remember. You were a bully." She grumbled, bumping her head onto his lap repeatedly as part of her revenge.

He tried hard not to smile at her cute little revenge, but failed anyway.

"Shall we play another game then?" He suggested.

“Another game? What do i get in return?" She asked, not bothered to look up at him.

"Same game in reversed format. If you answer all my five questions correctly, i'll give you a prize."

"Deal!" She grinned, moving slightly to her side in order to lay more comfortably. "Bring on the questions!"

Yoochun grinned in response, mirroring her happy look on her face. He loved looking at the different expressions shown on Didi’s face.

"What’s my favourite food?”

“Jaejoong’s kimchi stew and spicy rice cake. Other than that there's grilled pork ribs, edamame etc.” She replied effortlessly, "But actually, all food becomes your favourite when you get to eat it in a group. It's who you are eating with that matters the most to you."

“Favourite drink?”

“Red wine, and anything alcoholic.” She sighed, "I know you love drinking, but please think about your health."

He chuckled in response, “Ok, i'll try. Favourite season?”

“Winter for the snow, Summer for the water.”

“Items i cannot leave home without?”

"Music player, headphones, sunglasses, wallet, your rhinitis and asthma medicine, and your phones." She listed, "Although you don't always seem to care about where your phones went to."

"I don't need to care about where my phones went to, Didi. I'll just need to go to you and you will always produce my phone. You constantly look after all my items so carefully." He shrugged, gently brushing her fringe away from her forehead.

"You’ll have to learn not to be that dependent on me, Yoochun." She said sternly, sitting up and looking directly into his eyes. "What if i'm not by your side one day, how will you survive?"

"That," He whispered softly such that it is audible for the both of them. He then placed both his hands on top of hers, his gaze directly on hers as well, as he said, "We'll think about it when that day comes."

By pure of luck, their gazes somehow fell and before anyone realises, they were sneaking peeks at each others' lips. Looking back up, they abruptly moved away and had their gazes on anywhere but at each other.

Yoochun was the first one to snap out of it.

"Hey!" He exclaimed, squishing her face with his palms, his eyes looking at her forehead, "You got all the questions right this time!"

Didi growled, pushing his hands away. "How can i not? It'll be weirder if i don't." She said, all the while looking away.

"Ah. That's right." He thought.

He knew that she would answer them correctly anyway. That was the reason why he had suggested the game.

"Where is my prize?" She asked, stretching her hands out towards him, awaiting for the promised gift.

Yoochun raised his hands and dramatically plucked something from the air before putting it on her hands. "There, your present."

"What? Where?"

"Air. That's your present." He laughed, leaning back onto the bed, arm behind his head as a pillow.

"Bully as usual." She pouted, standing up to leave the room. "I shouldn't have expected anything good out of you."

"Go look through the shelves." Yoochun said lazily, pointing towards the shelves near his work station.

"What are you up to now?"

"Behind the Chopper figurine."

She sighed. Although reluctant, she still trudged over to where Yoochun had mentioned to look at what was there.

There it was, a brand new ipad mini hiding right behind the Chopper, attached together with a small post it note pasted on it.

'Dear Personal Assistant,

This is to reward you for the hard work you have done over the past few months. I've noticed that you are constantly browsing the internet, so i thought this present is the most suitable for you. Use it well!


Didi read the note with her jaws still wide open from the shock. Turning to look over her shoulders, she looked at the sleeping (or pretending to be sleeping, judging by how stiff he is) figure on the bed.

"Thanks Yoochun, i'll continue to work hard." She muttered before walking out to complete her remaining work for the day.

Yoochun had a small smile on his face right after he heard the door clicked shut.

A/N (JY):
Okies i think i'm back on track. Tomorrow's update will be back to one chapter a day :)

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NOTE: I'm taking a day off updating!


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chunnea #1
Chapter 37: thank you for writing such a nice and sweet was well written...keep up the good work author-nim..pls write more of yc story..:D
anneanne #2
Chapter 37: omg... i cried at the end of the story. its really sweet that i cry. huhu what a way to end a fanfic. thanks again author-nim :'')
Samantha24 #3
Chapter 37: Its still A very romantic proposal with all the distractions hahahaha... ADVANCE HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
kimbap876 #4
The empty space (in my heart) is for Chunnieeeeee....
Chapter 37: Simply loved it! Read it in one breath(except a class I held for 1.30h) even though I have an exam tomorrow morning!! That much I liked it <3
Chapter 2: JYJ and GONG YOO!!! You fulfilled my dreams! :D <3
kimbap876 #7
I was reading this while waiting for my eye appt. this a.m., and was sad to see it end-but it was at least a happy ending. To namelessyun and dheeliciouz, many many thanks for a well written fanfic.
ashmita123 #8
Chapter 37: really loved this fanfic..its d end i liked it very much!! keep up d good work!!
anylia #9
Chapter 37: the end...
it's the end already. T___T
I'm going to miss their bickering so much.

and yes please.. after a good rest.. I'll be waiting for Storybook.

really craving for an update from that one.

thank you~~ thank you thank you for a wonderful journey yet again :)
Samantha24 #10
Chapter 36: so sweeeet.. hay...