chapter 9

The Empty Space for You

"Remind me again, manager Kang, on why we are here again?" Didi grumbled for the second time since they arrived at the rural part of the country. She took a longing look at her phone, self reprimanding as to why didn't she save some movies or dramas in her phone the night before, before throwing her phone back into her bag.

Although the weather is bright and cloudy, Didi couldn't help but sigh. She had nothing to do, and to make it worse, she was at a place where LTE wasn't exactly at its best. That meant she couldn't use her normal bored relieving method of playing on her phone.

"Would you like to accompany me to the convenience store down the road to get some drinks for the staff then?" Manager Kang asked kindly, shaking his head in amusement, yet fully understanding her boredom. They had been so used to technology that when they are now thrown to the countryside, they were practically handicapped from not being able to do anything.

"Anything to get rid of my boredom." She replied, standing up and observing Yoochun who was currently filming his part for a short while before turning around to follow after Kang.

"But then again, it's a nice getaway from the city." She added, walking alongside him as they made their way to their destination.

Kang nodded in agreement. "Although i'll not survive for more than a week here."

Didi laughed along with him, stepping into a small shop. She quickly scanned through the shop; it was small but well stocked. She let a small smile escape, noting how it reminded her of her mother's hometown.

As Kang and her were both busying themselves with getting the drinks out from the fridge, an elderly woman slowly walked out from behind the curtains.

"Can i help you with anything?" The grandmother queried, letting out a calming smile to the both of them.

Both of them returned her smile with one of their own before Kang went back to getting the drinks. Didi on the other hand, approached the grandmother and led her to a nearby seat.

"Grandmother, we're buying some drinks for our crew who are filming nearby." She answered with a smile, pointing to the direction of the film site. "It's pretty exhausting so we thought that it would be nice to have a drink."

The grandmother looked up with a twinkle in her eyes, her smile getting brighter. "Filming? Drama?"

Didi nodded.

"Ah... i wonder how are our dear boys doing now..." She mumbled, looking at an empty space with a forlorn look.


"Ah, i'm sorry, i kind of spaced out." The elderly smiled, shaking her head. "Hearing you mention about a filming reminded me of the three boys who were here a few year ago.."

Didi smiled, pulling a chair to join her. "Go on, grandmother. Tell me about it."

"Years ago, these boys suddenly came to our countryside with nothing but a few pieces of their clothings. It seemed to the villagers here that they are extremely tired and lost in their life path..." The grandmother reminisced with a bitter smile.

"Initially, they were extremely quiet and were always seen together, as if they have totally given up on life."

Didi looked down, feeling upset for the boys that were being mentioned. "They must have gone through a rough patch."

"They did." She smiled, placing a hand onto Didi's and giving it a light squeeze. "But luckily, they slowly picked themselves up."

Didi smiled. "I'm glad for them."

"They came with sorrow but left with smiles and good memories. I'm glad we were all able to help out those boys. I'm sure they are on the right path now." The grandmother continued, standing up and reaching for one of the cupboards in search of something. "Now, where have i kept the photo at..."

Didi giggled, "Do you need any help with searching?"

"Ah, no worries i've got everything under control." She laughed, eyes twinkling in realisation that she had found the picture she was looking for. "Here, this is a photo i took with the boys."

Didi politely received the photo before freezing in her track. Her eyes widened in recognition.


"You're back?" Yoochun asked, looking up from the foldable chair that had been placed beside the director's seat. He had just completed one of his scenes and was currently monitoring his acting from the screen in front of him.

Didi nodded, holding up the box where half of the drinks were placed in. Kang was currently giving out the bottled drinks on the other side of the filming site. She then proceeded to give out the chilled drinks to the nearby staff.

Seeing this, Yoochun stood up and helped her carry the box while she distributed the drinks. At long last, everybody had their share of drinks, hence Yoochun and Didi decided to take a break under a shaded tree nearby.

Being the gentleman he is, he proceeded to take off his jacket and placed it on the grass patch before directing Didi to sit on it.

Didi looked at him with an unsure expression. "You know, this is a sponsored clothing, we could get into trouble if it gets dirty." She reminded, staring right at the jacket in front of her.

"If it gets dirty, i'll just pay for it. Not to worry." Yoochun shrugged, sitting down on the empty patch beside the jacket and pulling her to sit down.

She relented with a sigh before finally sitting down.

Yoochun took out the last bottle of drink from the box before twisting it open. He was about to place it in front of his mouth before he got stopped by Didi. "What? It's mine, isn't it?" He queried.

Didi shook her head.

"Don't worry, i didn't say i wouldn't share it with you." He rolled his eyes before pushing the bottle right in front of her. "Here, you can have the first sip, Miss Stingy."

Didi rolled her eyes right back at Yoochun before pushing his forehead back with a giggle. She proceeded with grabbing the bottle away from him. "I didn't say anything about not giving you any drinks."

"But that's the last bottle." He replied matter of factly, pointing to the uncapped bottle.

Didi tsked. She then reached for her backpack behind her and took out a plastic bag with something inside before throwing it towards Yoochun. "Here's yours."

Yoochun grinned. "I knew you weren't that heartless."

"May i remind you about someone mentioning that i was 'Miss Stingy' just minutes ago?" She asked, turning away with her back facing him as she started drinking from the bottle.

"Well, i have no comment to that." He chuckled, opening up the plastic bag to reveal a line of yoghurt drinks. "This is certainly an interesting choice of drinks." He raised his eyebrows in amusement.

"You look like you're about to fall asleep anytime soon, so i figured it's a good glucose booster." Didi explained.

Yoochun nodded amusedly.

"Besides, what's life like without some sweetness along the way? Reward yourself with something sweet once in a while in order to get you through the rocky and muddy life." She added, smoothly reciting the two sentences that she had learnt a while ago.

It caught Yoochun's attention, seeing how he had suddenly turned to look at Didi with eyes and mouth wide open.

"I saw the grandmother." Didi helpfully supplied him with the information seeing how he had lost the ability of speech.

A small smile slowly spread across his face after minutes of silence looking at each other. "How's granny?"

"She looks great. She misses you and the two others. A lot." She replied, looking away. Although already immuned to having eye contacts with the beautiful man in front of him, she still tries not to look at his eyes for too long just in case.

"I miss her alot too." He replied truthfully. "I was planning to visit her and the rest after filming ends, but i guess you beat me to it." He grinned.

"You'd better do. I told her that you'll make your way to her house by dinner time. I bet she's trying to gather the whole village for the dinner later."

"You're kidding!" He mused, the fine lines at the side of his eyes creasing up. It wasn't of irritation, but anticipation.

Didi shrugged. "Seems like everyone around here likes the three of you very much."

Yoochun nodded. "We were a wreck when he first came here." He confessed. "It was when we first got into the lawsuit that we had decided to run away from the complex life we had."

Didi didn't say anything, but let him continue.

"Remember how we had mentioned about throwing everything away and reducing to becoming farmers at a countryside?" He asked. Didi nodded, recalling about the article she had read in the collated newspaper articles in the agency record book. "It wasn't a joke. We actually came here to try it out."

"You're kidding." She replied in disbelief, her eyes widening twice as big.

"I'm not. We really tried planting crops and harvested for the family who let us stay with them." He chuckled. "And everyday, we will take turns to help out at granny's shop." Deciding to get more comfortable, he laid down on the grass patch instead. Didi followed soon after, to dismay of Yoochun, but he looked away in defeat soon after.

"Life here is slow but satisfying. We really planned to settle down for good." He frankly said, covering his eyes with his arm. "We'll start by working for the farmers around here, and when we earned enough, we'll buy a plot of land and plant vegetables. We can barter with our neighbours for other vegetable varieties and sell the rest of the harvest to buy meat."

"Seems like you guys really had a plan ready?" Didi commented.

Yoochun removed his arm and looked at her. "We were prepared to go that far to get away from the mess."

Didi nodded in partial understanding. Entertainment life isn't that glitter and fun as people have perceived it to be, she later understood after she started working for him. Even when he has attained such a prestiged status in the industry, there are times when they still had to endure the bad mouthing once in awhile.

"But you guys are back, stronger than ever." Didi replied, raising her bottle in the air as if to give a toast to Yoochun. The latter started laughing before raising his line of yoghurt drink towards her bottle.

"We hadn't realised how we had missed doing music until we got invited to the village's monthly gathering." He smiled, reminiscing that fateful day. "We kind of got pushed onto the stage to do a performance since we were newcomers..." He stopped, scratching his jaw as if trying to figure out how to say what he had wanted to say.

"And the three of you realised how much you missed performing?" Didi helpfully supplied with the right words she thought Yoochun would say.

He nodded.

"It was granny who provided a light for us to get out of the darkness in us." He smiled once again, sitting up. "The night after our impromptu performance, the three of us were huddled at the field patch, drinking in the happiness from the performance. How our audiences were clapping their hands and enjoying our performance."

From a distance, he saw Kang walking towards them. The latter was gesturing to him, informing him that he had to be on standby already. Yoochun raised his hand to signal an okay.

"Well, we'll leave the rest of the talk later after the dinner. I've got to get going." He grinned, lifting himself up before patting the dust away from his pants. He reached forward to help her up as well, which Didi gladly accepted.

"What do you mean, later after the dinner?" She queried, bending down to pick up his jacket and dusting the dust away before walking to face his back. She cringed, realising that some soil had gotten onto his shirt blouse, and had starting patting his back in an attempt to get them off his shirt.

"Well, i'm sure granny would love to see you again. You're coming with me." He grinned, wiggling his eyebrows.

"What?" She exclaimed, suddenly panicking. "I don't think i should..."

"You don't have a choice, Miss personal assistant." He chuckled, taking his jacket away from her hand. He then walked away, raising his hand as a sign to say 'see you later.'

Didi sighed. "Always abusing his rights as an employer." Although she should be mad at him for that, she found herself smiling at how he had subliminally let her into his life, letting her know more about his life and his thoughts.

Thinking that since she had no way out of it anyway, she followed after Yoochun's steps with a small shrug towards the monitor.

Perhaps it was due to the yoghurt drink, Yoochun had suddenly become more focused and performed better in his role for the rest of the filming that day.


A/N (JY):
First of all, i would like to apologise for the lack of update. However, i had a valid reason! How am i supposed to update when i'm extremely sick in bed? Right, right? (Even now, i actually crawled out of bed to do an update _ _"). Don't worry, i will still update a chapter a day, Yoochun style (read chapter 6 if you've forgotten). It will definitely even out to be a chapter a day.

PS: Just in case, if i suddenly go mia again, it means i am sick _ _"

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NOTE: I'm taking a day off updating!


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chunnea #1
Chapter 37: thank you for writing such a nice and sweet was well written...keep up the good work author-nim..pls write more of yc story..:D
anneanne #2
Chapter 37: omg... i cried at the end of the story. its really sweet that i cry. huhu what a way to end a fanfic. thanks again author-nim :'')
Samantha24 #3
Chapter 37: Its still A very romantic proposal with all the distractions hahahaha... ADVANCE HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
kimbap876 #4
The empty space (in my heart) is for Chunnieeeeee....
Chapter 37: Simply loved it! Read it in one breath(except a class I held for 1.30h) even though I have an exam tomorrow morning!! That much I liked it <3
Chapter 2: JYJ and GONG YOO!!! You fulfilled my dreams! :D <3
kimbap876 #7
I was reading this while waiting for my eye appt. this a.m., and was sad to see it end-but it was at least a happy ending. To namelessyun and dheeliciouz, many many thanks for a well written fanfic.
ashmita123 #8
Chapter 37: really loved this fanfic..its d end i liked it very much!! keep up d good work!!
anylia #9
Chapter 37: the end...
it's the end already. T___T
I'm going to miss their bickering so much.

and yes please.. after a good rest.. I'll be waiting for Storybook.

really craving for an update from that one.

thank you~~ thank you thank you for a wonderful journey yet again :)
Samantha24 #10
Chapter 36: so sweeeet.. hay...