chapter 11

The Empty Space for You


"Stop moving."


"Stop covering, i'm trying to focus here."

"But you're too close to my pants, i am a little... uncomfortable." He mumbled, looking away with a tinge of pink on his face as his hands continued to cover that mentioned area.

Didi rolled her eyes, trying to keep her facial expression as normal as possible.

"How else will i be able to secure the pins to get your pants adjusted again? Do me a favour Yoochun, stop losing weight. It's not like i never fed you." She complained, spurting out nonsense just so that there wouldn’t be silent moments in between them during the awkward moment like now.

"It's the hectic schedules," He grumbled grudgingly, "Get me some time off for rest like you always do!" He whined, "Kang always heeds your advices, so tell him that i need a break."

"How has that got to do with your weight loss?" She asked, slapping the side of his pants in amusement, "You don't stay home to rest anyway."
‘Maybe i should really talk to Kang about this...’ She mentally thought to herself while keeping her expression serious, noting that dark eye rings were more prominent in the boys’ under eyes.

The boys had been working themselves to the bones in preparation for their upcoming album and also following through their individual schedules, so much that they were squeezing in napping time as much as they could in between schedules. Even a fifteen minute shut eye was welcomed.

"Plenty!” Yoochun exclaimed, interrupting her thought, “For starters, we have to go for dance practices. It's killing me."

She rolled her eyes. "We both know that that's an excuse. "

"We stay up late due to schedules and rehearsals." He tried once again, hoping that it would be a valid enough reason.

"Don't think that i don't know you have been sneaking out at late nights to drink with Jaejoong." She said, continuing to observe the outfit that Yoochun had put on. After making sure that all loose areas have been marked, she tapped on his back twice, an indication that he could change out of his outfit.

True to the promise he had to himself months ago, he had gotten Kang to delegate tasks for Didi to work with, and the responsibilities got heavier and heavier, not that Didi was complaining anyway.

"Damn." Yoochun grumbled under his breath once he got out of the last outfit for fitting, "You know me too well. I bet you know me better than my mother."

"She's like a female version of Yoochun, and a protector of Yoochun." Jaejoong laughed, walking out of the curtain shield after his own fitting session with the coordi from across the room. "Look at how similar they are to each other? Their dressing style... and look, they even unknowingly adopted each others' small gestures!"

Junsu turned towards the two of them. Didi had bitten her lips in concentration while trying to adjust the pins while the other was trying to irritate her by pinching her cheek. It wasn’t hard to see how close they had gradually gotten with each other over the months of working together. 

"She is his personal assistant after all, Jaejoong." Junsu reminded. "They are practically together 24/7, it's only inevitable that they become similar to each other. It's just like the three of us."

"No, it is not, " Jaejoong laughed, covering his mouth. "I don't adopt your idiotic way of speaking in English."

"For the record Jaejoong, i speak better English than you now." He reminded, giving him an evil glare before returning his gaze towards the two. 

Blinking his eyes a couple of times as he racked his mind, he smiled in realisation before calling out to the busy girl across the room. "Didi, you're having your lesson today with Uncle Gong later right?"

"You remembered?" Didi looked up from her work smiling, once again excited at the thought of having her lessons once again. "I'll be heading there once my work here is done. I've already tied up the loose ends with Manager Kang earlier on..."

Yoochun had also made true of his promise, letting her off on their agreed days and time. With or without him.

"What are you guys making today?" Junsu asked, secretly winking at both Jaejoong and Yoochun as the both of them stifled back their laughter.

Didi groaned, hitting her head against Yoochun's shoulder, "You guys are coming again? You guys are always there when i have my lessons. Besides, aren’t you guys busy with schedules?"

"Cleared todays’ schedule.” He shrugged, “Yoochun started it by following after you to Uncle Gong's. Anyway, we don't always go there. There are times where we don't... like the lesson two days ago..."

"Jaejoong, that's the only lesson that i had without any of the JYJ members present since all of you had clashing schedules." Didi said with an expressionless look. "And remember, Yoochun sent me home after that."

"Blame Yoochun! He started the trend!"

"Junsu, you traitor!" Yoochun yelled, throwing his military cap towards the duck . "I so did not!"

"So tell me who was the one who called me one fine day saying, 'Junsu ya, Didi's having her lesson today at the Gongs, but i'm stuck with work here. Can you please give her a lift there?' huh?"

"That's cos she needed a lift from someone, and i know you're free!" He stuttered, throwing Jaejoong's beanie towards him this time. "That doesn't mean that you have to stay there the entire lesson!"


Junsu shrugged. "Of course i have to, you told me to send her home after lessons because 'it will be late and the streets home are so dark and isolated'. Besides, she offered to let me have a taste of the desserts once she completed it."


"But that was just a one time thing. How did the subsequent followings come about? Even with Jaejoong tagging along?"

"Hello... i'm still here..."

"Yoochun, to answer your question, Junsu came back with the dessert that one fine day to share with me. It's yummy so..."

Didi raised her hands in defeat. "Guys, please have a nice discussion then, i'm knocking off."

She was about to stand up to look for Kang, hoping to hitch a ride from him since they were heading the same way when she got held back by her wrist.

"No way are you leaving without me." Yoochun grinned, his arm slung lazily across her as he pulled her back to meet his chest.

"Knock it off, i'm really late." She mumbled, "And i finally get to see Yooppa after all these while..."

"He's at home?" He asked, pulling her nearer to him.

Didi nodded. "He just came back from an overseas gig."

"I see..." He replied absentmindedly, loosening his grip and hurriedly packing up his personal belongings. "Then we should hurry up..."

Both guys' eyes twinkled. Had they seen something in their member's eyes?

"It's ok, i can hitch a ride from Kang..."

"I'm craving for some sweets anyway, so let's go together." He insisted, presently even more rushed to get everything packed before she runs off.

"But you don't like sweets, remember? You get headache from the sugar rush." She tried reasoning, moving a few steps back towards the door.

"It's ok, i'm going to stay up all night to compose." Yoochun shrugged as if it was an everyday thing. He gave her a sharp glare to make her stay before turning back to his bag. "No biggie."


"Alright, no more buts. We can leave now." He cheered, patting the sling bag gently. Looking over his shoulders, he asked, "Are you guys coming?"

Didi sighed, although she couldn't help but smile afterwards.


"Uncle Gong, i'm here!"

"Great, i'm just done with the ingredients preparation! We can start anytime you want!" Elder Gong informed, pointing to the neatly laid out bowls. "And we are making enough desserts for the 3 guys as well." He added with a wink.

Didi rolled her eyes, turning back to face the 3 guys who were hiding behind the door, "See? Even Uncle Gong knows that you guys will be here!"

The 3 intruders grinned back sheepishly, bowing and mumbling words of thanks as they walked into the kitchen.

"It can't be helped that we like Uncle Gong so much, can we?" Junsu said, sitting at the usual seat at the side of the kitchen, "Although i'd prefer to stay out until the desserts are complete like usual. I'm the taste tester."

"Me too!" Yoochun said, sticking his index and middle finger out to make a victory sign. He casually strolled across the room and started helping Didi put on her apron while she concentrated on reading the recipe for that day.

"Thanks," She muttered, continuing to read her recipe.

Yoochun shrugged and looked at her from head to toe. 'Something is missing...'

"Jaejoong, lend me your hairband." He called out at the boy who was playing with Cassy just outside the kitchen.

"Why? You don't even have long hair."

"Just give me the hairband."

Jaejoong gave him a weird glance before pulling out the Hello Kitty hair band and throwing it towards his direction.

Yoochun then returned to his original place and started tying up Didi's hair.

"Yoochun, what are you doing?" She asked. She tried to turn around to face him but he had held her head to face the front.

"Tying your hair. It's getting long." He shrugged, gently combing through her hair with his fingers.

"Urm, thanks?" She mumbled, stiffening up every time she felt the tips of his fingers on her scalp. 'Ok, it's getting a little hot in here...' She thought, her cheeks and ears slightly burning.

"The things i do to make sure i get my desserts." He replied, turning her around once he was done with her hair. ‘Although i have to admit, i like this kind of skin contact between the two of us.’

Didi's blush turned into a glare. "I'm giving your share to Yooppa." She blurted out, hearing how he had treated her better just because he wanted food.


"Now, now..." Elder Gong chuckled, interrupting the two of them. "Let's not get our dear girl agitated shall we? It takes good mood to make good desserts... although i don't mind seeing the both of you together..."

"Uncle Gong!"

"What? Both of you look so cute together! If only you were my daughter, i'd make the both of you marry each other!"

"Uncle Gong!" She exclaimed, her face rapidly turning into a tomato.

Secretly, she was actually happy that her favourite uncle had mentioned it that way. She is slightly attracted to Yoochun after all.

"Guys, Didi is blushing!" Elder Gong teased, grabbing the attention of both Junsu and Jaejoong, who had rushed in to participate in the teasing.

Didi was about retort to them, but someone else came into the picture.

"Our Didi is blushing? Wow, this i have to see!"

"Yooppa!" Didi exclaimed, rushing in for a hug immediately.

Gong Yoo laughed, patting her head. "I missed you too," he said, even when Didi hadn't said anything.

Amongst the commotion, the group failed to notice the change in Yoochun’s emotions. First, panic, and second, frustration.


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NOTE: I'm taking a day off updating!


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chunnea #1
Chapter 37: thank you for writing such a nice and sweet was well written...keep up the good work author-nim..pls write more of yc story..:D
anneanne #2
Chapter 37: omg... i cried at the end of the story. its really sweet that i cry. huhu what a way to end a fanfic. thanks again author-nim :'')
Samantha24 #3
Chapter 37: Its still A very romantic proposal with all the distractions hahahaha... ADVANCE HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
kimbap876 #4
The empty space (in my heart) is for Chunnieeeeee....
Chapter 37: Simply loved it! Read it in one breath(except a class I held for 1.30h) even though I have an exam tomorrow morning!! That much I liked it <3
Chapter 2: JYJ and GONG YOO!!! You fulfilled my dreams! :D <3
kimbap876 #7
I was reading this while waiting for my eye appt. this a.m., and was sad to see it end-but it was at least a happy ending. To namelessyun and dheeliciouz, many many thanks for a well written fanfic.
ashmita123 #8
Chapter 37: really loved this fanfic..its d end i liked it very much!! keep up d good work!!
anylia #9
Chapter 37: the end...
it's the end already. T___T
I'm going to miss their bickering so much.

and yes please.. after a good rest.. I'll be waiting for Storybook.

really craving for an update from that one.

thank you~~ thank you thank you for a wonderful journey yet again :)
Samantha24 #10
Chapter 36: so sweeeet.. hay...