chapter 13

The Empty Space for You

“We should put it here, beside the fridge.” Yoochun suggested, carrying it to the empty space just beside the fridge. Stepping back, he observed to see if it would fit into its surroundings, or would another move be required.

“No, it would be better beside the shelf.” Didi said, pointed to the other empty space where the previous oven used to be sitting at.

The previous oven had been sent over to the salvation army upon Didi’s insistence, despite Yoochun’s suggestion to just throw it into the bulk garbage station.

“No, the fridge.” Yoochun decided, readjusting the oven by a few degrees towards the left hand side. ‘Perfect.’

“Shelf.” She insisted, pointing towards the direction of the shelf.


“Yoochun, i bought the oven, i should have the right to choose where i place the oven.” She said, before starting to explain why it would be a better idea to place it at where the previous one used to be at.

“But the kitchen is mine, i have the final say.” He grinned.

Didi sighed. “Then don’t expect me to cook or bake for you.” She said, walking out and lugging the ingredients back into the kitchen.

At times, she just couldn’t figure out how and why did she end up liking a stubborn guy like that.

‘What a one sided love.’ She grumbled, harshly stashing the raw ingredients inside the fridge.

Yoochun looked at the oven, then towards Didi, and back.

Having no other way to retort, he obediently placed it by the shelf and plugged it into the switch. Turning around, he started to clear up the styrofoam bits that broke apart when Didi was happily unboxing her new toy.

Didi, seeing the final location of the oven, grinned. ‘I won!’

“Yoochun, just leave those by the side, i’ll clear them up later.” She chimed, placing the ingredients at their respective places before pulling out a bag of chips from the cabinet and starting to munch on it.

“I have nothing to do now anyway, just let me clear.” He replied, continuing to clear and sweep the floor. ‘Knowing her, it will take her ages before this floor is clean.’ He chuckled as he proceeded to sweep the whole floor instead.

“You’re such a homely man.” She smiled, walking towards him and feeding him a piece of chips before standing right in front of the oven and observing it carefully.

“It sounds weird when it comes from your mouth.” He teased, packing up the last bit of rubbish before setting it aside.

Didi did not reply, for she was too engrossed in her world of oven.

After washing his hands clean and dried with a towel, he went to lean on the kitchen island and watched Didi observe the oven.

“When’s dinner going to be served? It’s 6 in the evening already.” He finally asked after a few minutes of silence.




“I asked about dinner, not tidbits.”

“Here, have some chips.” She said, pushing her almost finished bag of chips in his face. Her gaze was still towards the oven.

“Didi..” He whined. He wasn’t about to lose her attention to an... oven.


“I want seafood stew for dinner.” He said, pointing to the neatly written recipe that had been stuck in between the fridge and the fridge magnet weeks ago during her first experiment in making seafood stew.


“How about some chicken pies? We have a new oven.” She suggested, throwing the empty chips bag into the dustbin before picking up a towel to wipe the oven clean.

After making sure that it was spick and span, she stood up with a satisfied smile.

“Seafood stew.” Yoochun insisted. He was not about to back down when it comes to food requests. 

He had been thoroughly spoilt by Didi throughout her stay in his home, with her accommodating to his overflowing food requests. She had even picked up some new cooking tips and recipes from Jaejoong since Korean cuisine is not exactly her speciality.

“Seafood pie?” She said jokingly.

“Didi!” He pouted, wrapping one arm tightly around her neck. “I want a proper meal!”

Didi started laughing, wriggling herself out of their entanglement. “Alright, i was just joking. Seafood stew yeah?” 

Yoochun nodded, grinning like a kid.

“Help me out with washing the ingredients.” She said, moving to the fridge to pull out the necessary items for the stew. Her eyes lingered on the half packet of rice cakes sitting inside the fridge.

‘I feel like having some tteokbokki...’

She shook herself out of her trance before turning around to start on the preparation work for the seafood stew, occasionally stopping by the recipe to check if she had left anything out.

“Didi?” He called out once he had completed his part of work that he had been allocated with.

“Hmm?” She looked up. “Yes?”

"Can we have rice cakes in the stew as well?" He asked, pointing to the packet of rice cakes that were by now on his hand. He had apparently taken it out of the fridge when she wasn’t noticing.

She stopped slicing the mushrooms that were on top of the chopping board and thought for a while. She was seriously trying to recall for any instances where she may have seen such a combination. But no, there were no recollections.

"Why? I don't think there's any rice cakes in a seafood stew?" She pondered, "Maybe we should check for it online..." She thought, about to reach for her phone.

"You wanted to eat tteokbokki, don't you? You were looking at it just now." He explained, "So maybe... we could combine both dish together so that we can get the best of both worlds?"

Didi almost found herself laughing out loud if not for the fact that Yoochun was actually asking her seriously.

'Yoochun, how can you be so caring and attentive? You're everything i like in a guy... how can i not fall for your charms?'

"In that case, shall we try combining both dishes together?" She said, motioning for him to throw the packet towards her. He cheerfully obliged.


"Didi ah, can i come in?" Yoochun asked meekly as he peeked into her room a couple of hours later after dinner. 

He was taking a break from the song composition in his room since it had reached a stagnant state where there are no inspirations in his brain. 

He was hoping to find some from Didi.

Didi took her concentration off her schedule book. With a frown on her face, she asked, "Since when did you have to ask if you can come in? Come on." She continued, sitting up straighter on her chair as she gestured for him just come in.

His expression softened and changed into a grin as he walked in quickly before she changes her mind. Like any other days, he dived right into her bed and took out his manga, flipping a few pages before closing it. 

Didi secretly peeked at the manga in his hands and sighed.

"Yoochun, that's the fifth time you have been reading this volume." She said matter of factly, "Within this week."

"So you have said." He grinned. "But i'm too bored! Didi, stop doing your work and accompany me for a while."

"My iPad is at the bedside if you need entertainment. I have some movies in it if you want to watch. Or games, if you wish."

"Didi!" He whined, akin to a big baby.

"Yoochun, i have to get this done or i'll not be able to go on my leave at the end of this week." She frowned, stopping her work for a bit and turning around to patiently explain to the big kid on her bed. Once done, she went back to her work.

"So be it, we'll be together during your leave anyway." He shrugged, reaching out for her iPad and started browsing around her gallery that had been filled with pictures. 

Lots and lots of pictures taken during her work. Of the props, the venues, the staff... and also of JYJ, especially of Yoochun.

He couldn’t help but to bite back a smile, knowing that he is probably her favourite amongst the three of them.

"That's because you were always calling me to do or buy things for you whenever i'm out." She reasoned, "No thanks, if you were about to say something like 'you should be grateful that i am willing to spend my free time with you'. I do not appreciate your kindness."

"Ok... but if i hadn't interrupted, you'll end up being at the Gongs anyway." He reasoned. 

It was actually the truth, since it was always the case whenever he had called up on her during their break day. To help him run some errands.

"That's true." She considered, stopping to think before continuing with double checking the schedule on her phone with the list as provided by the agency.

"So it's alright if i take your leave away, right?" He grinned, moving closer to her and dug his head onto her shoulder. 

"No way." She complained, pushing him away. "I have a date this coming weekend, so you'd better not interrupt me on that day, or else..." She raised her hand to her neck and cut an imaginary slit across.

"You have a date?!" Yoochun yelled, standing upright. He abruptly turned her around and grabbed both sides of her shoulders. "Who is it? Do i know him?"

"Not telling!" She smiled before turning back to her work. "Ah! I'm looking forward to the weekends..."


A/N (JY):
Shall we do a 'ask the character' corner? Where readers can ask any of the characters in the story any questions?  (It'll probably not work since nobody is talking at the comment section *shrugs and goes back to bed*)

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NOTE: I'm taking a day off updating!


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chunnea #1
Chapter 37: thank you for writing such a nice and sweet was well written...keep up the good work author-nim..pls write more of yc story..:D
anneanne #2
Chapter 37: omg... i cried at the end of the story. its really sweet that i cry. huhu what a way to end a fanfic. thanks again author-nim :'')
Samantha24 #3
Chapter 37: Its still A very romantic proposal with all the distractions hahahaha... ADVANCE HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
kimbap876 #4
The empty space (in my heart) is for Chunnieeeeee....
Chapter 37: Simply loved it! Read it in one breath(except a class I held for 1.30h) even though I have an exam tomorrow morning!! That much I liked it <3
Chapter 2: JYJ and GONG YOO!!! You fulfilled my dreams! :D <3
kimbap876 #7
I was reading this while waiting for my eye appt. this a.m., and was sad to see it end-but it was at least a happy ending. To namelessyun and dheeliciouz, many many thanks for a well written fanfic.
ashmita123 #8
Chapter 37: really loved this fanfic..its d end i liked it very much!! keep up d good work!!
anylia #9
Chapter 37: the end...
it's the end already. T___T
I'm going to miss their bickering so much.

and yes please.. after a good rest.. I'll be waiting for Storybook.

really craving for an update from that one.

thank you~~ thank you thank you for a wonderful journey yet again :)
Samantha24 #10
Chapter 36: so sweeeet.. hay...