chapter 21

The Empty Space for You

“Have you gotten everything?” Kang’s voice echoed from outside the room, seemingly in a rush ask he dashed from one place to another, mad busy like a bee. The staff who had following right behind him checked the clothes that were hanging on the movable hanger before replying with a short ‘Yes.’

“How about the accessories?” He asked again, popping his head into the room that JYJ were currently lounging out at - their homebase in Yoochun’s house. The stylist which the question was directed at turned around and gave him a thumbs up sign, indicating that everything is going on fine.

“Take a chill pill, hyung!” Junsu’s bubbly voice sounded, with him sitting right behind the dresser and getting his hair styled. He then changed his focus of attention to his mirror reflection as he started warming up his voice by doing some drills.

“Kang, stop running around like a madman. It’s giving me a headache.” Jaejoong added on, looking up from the pieces of paper that had the whole concert chronology and detailed information like their assigned positions during different songs.

Kang stopped in his tracks as his head popped into the room once again, eyeing the boys. “How can i not? We have to make sure that it’s perfect!”

Both boys mentally face palmed themselves.

“We have gotten everything in control, Kang.” Didi chuckled, appearing from one of the other rooms in the house with a couple of travel bags in her hand. “It’s going to be alright!”

The manager who was in his mid thirties shook his head as a smile appeared on his face. “You’re right.” He shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck. “I shouldn’t be so tied up.”

The tensed mood within the room eased up a little following the smile of the panicking manager.

“Didi ah, you should stop running around the place as well!” Jaejoong chided, waving his index finger left and right and clicking his tongue, making an extremely annoying sound.

Didi rolled her eyes. “If you haven’t realised, we have to get going to the stadium very soon.”

Junsu suddenly stood up from his seat. “We have gotten everything in control, it’s going to be alright!” He reenacted the earlier scene before focusing his attention on Didi, “I wonder who said that just a while ago.”

“Righttttt.” She replied lazily. She pulled open one of the bags containing Yoochun's personal items, making sure that everything is in the bag. She heaved a sigh of relief when she was sure that she didn’t miss out on anything. “I did say that, but we have to consider the timing as well.”

“You’re contradicting yourself!” Junsu teased, pointing happily at her as she called over a staff to have all the bags loaded onto the van.

“Junsu, you’re noisy!” She rolled her eyes, throwing a nearby empty bottle in his direction. The childish boy retaliated by using picking up the tissue box in front of him and hitting the bottle away as if playing baseball.

“Home run!” He cheered before running away to join Jaejoong, who was walking out of the room to make his way to the van that was already waiting outside the home.

‘27 and still a kid at heart.’ She thought with a faint smile on her face, shaking her head in resignation. She was about to walk out of the room to join the boys outside when she realised that the last member of JYJ, aka the Y, was still in the room. He was cooped up at the corner where the single seater stood, sitting in a fetal position as his face gets burried in the couch with his back facing her.

‘He’s awfully quiet. In fact, he hasn’t been himself for the past few weeks since Kang’s wedding...’

“Are you alright?” Didi asked, worried about the lone figure. She tiptoed right up to him, gently nudging him on his shoulders. “Yoochun?”

The figure stirred a little.

“Is it time already?” He mumbled, sitting up at an extremely lazy pace. He was still not out of his sleepiness.

Didi nodded with a small giggle. “Sleepyhead.” Like usual days, her hand automatically reached out for his hair to help him tidy up his bed head.

“I...” Yoochun suddenly pulled back once he was a little more awake, “It’s alright, i’ll do it myself.” He replied, sitting up and walking out of the room, leaving her all alone.

‘What’s with him? Is he nervous from the concert?’ She wondered, standing up and dusting her clothes before following right after him.


The same scene of Kang running around like a bee recurred once they reached the stadium where JYJ's concert would be held at.

"Yoochun, are you alright?" Didi asked for the second time that day. He gave her a blank expression, although he seemed to have something to say.

"Are you feeling nervous?" She tried once again, her hand making its way to his neck as she tried massaging it to ease his nerves a little.

His stoic expression remains.

Running out of ideas already, she walked right in front of him before pulling him down to her eye level. "You're making me worried Yoochun. What's eating you?"

"I'm just nervous." He reassured, forcing a smile on his face seeing how worried the person in front of him was. His hands reached out for hers, bringing them up to his chest. "I'll be fine when i get on stage."


He nodded, his usual chunface appearing on his face. "Now get busy with your work!"


Didi shook her index finger right in front of his face with a sly smile. "It seems like my employer has forgotten that my job is to make him look handsome for all his fans out there..."

"Oh really?" He openly questioned, walking a few steps in front while she, on the other hand, stepped back.

"Park Yoochun, what are you doing?"


He nonchalantly shrugged, a smirk appearing on his face afterwards when she was finally trapped in between him and the dresser. "I wonder?"


Yoochun held back on his laugh as he turned around to make his way towards the rows of clothes. Finding his first outfit for the concert on his rack, he went behind the curtain. "Don't peek!" He shouted out from behind.

"I won't, idiot!" She giggled, opening the bag of accessories and lining them up on the table according to members and concert lineup.

"But you know, what were you thinking of earlier on? You were blushing." He asked, the muffled sound still audible for Didi's hearing.

"I did not blush. It's just... it's hot in here."

"Ooooo..." He replied with a suggestive tone in his voice.

"It's the truth!" She insisted, throwing his scarf over the curtain, hoping that it will inflict some pain on him.

"But i didn't say anything..." He said, snickering at the same time.

She rolled her eyes, realising that she got trolled once again.

At that point of time, Didi's phone started ringing.

"Yes Yooppa?" She picked up her call after fumbling through her items in her bag.

Yoochun slided the curtain away, having done with dressing his first outfit. He went towards her and propped his chin onto her shoulder, listening in to her conversation.

"Didi ah, i'm sorry i won't be able to make it for JYJ's concert. My filming has gone into an overrun."

"Oh." She replied, turning to Yoochun and shaking her head to let him know that Gong Yoo isn't coming. Although that wasn't quite needed as he could hear their conversation clearly. He gave her a gentle smile. "It's ok, work is more important."

"Sorry..." He apologised once again, before a pause of hesitation was heard. "By the way, have you come to a decision? About the offer."

Gong Yoo had gotten to know about the apprentice offer during one of their quick hangout at the broadcasting building’s cafe a few days ago.

Yoochun immediately stepped back, creating a distance away from her. She turned to her side to look at him, confusion spreaded all over her face. 'Why?' She mouthed.

"Didi?" Gong Yoo called out.

"Sorry Yooppa, i've been so busy recently..." She mumbled, her gaze on him that whole time with the latter looking away.

"It's alright, just let my dad know soon alright?"

"Ok..." She muttered before hanging up the call.

"Are you going to accept the offer?" Yoochun suddenly asked, his eyes avoiding hers. He stiffened for a bit as he felt his chest tightening up.

Didi looked down on her shoes. "You knew?"

He could only nod his head in reply. He bit his inner lips, feeling as if the air in his airway was slowly thinning. He reached out for a bottle of water and started gulping down furiously. A shiver ran through his entire body.

"I'm not sure yet. I've been too busy to set aside some time to consider it." He heard her reply. It felt like her voice was drifting off to a distance.

Yoochun was about to tell her that she should take up the offer, considering how much she loves baking. He was supposed to do that, with a big heart.

But that glorious moment got interrupted by the interference from Kang. "Hey Yoochun, Didi, get his hair fixed quickly. We're 45 minutes away from the big show." 

Didi nodded, briskly walking to the dresser to pick up a comb and hairspray.

"Yoochun, you look terrible." Kang commented, seeing how pale he looked, squashing the water bottle in one hand and clutching his chest in the other. When he got no response, he started shouting aloud, making Yoochun feel more frustrated than he already was. "Are you having an asthma attack?!" 

Yoochun should really try to control and calm himself down when he's having his asthma attack, like usual. However, in such a situation where he has so much repressed feelings in his mind with regards to Didi, overly sensitive nerves from the nearing concert, and the noise coming from all the yelling by his manager...

That was what set off the alarm trigger.

"Didi! Get Yoochun's inhaler, quick!" Kang yelled, sending Didi into an equally panicking situation.

"It's not here!" She asked with a quivered voice, running all around and opening up all the bags that were placed in the room. "I can't find his medicine bag! It's not here!"

She turned to look at Yoochun who was currently lying on the floor. Kang had propped his head on his lap so that he can have a clear airway. She felt her limbs go weak. 'Yoochun... hang on, i'll definitely find it...'

"Go find it right now! How can you be so irresponsible?! It's his important medication, and you lost it?!" Kang yelled louder, making some staff pop by to find out what the commotion was.

"I'm sorry... i'm really sorry..." Didi apologised profusely, bowing lower and lower. Suddenly, she saw a familiar person from the corner of her eyes. "Hey!" she suddenly yelled out, pointing to the staff she had asked to bring the bags to the van and afterwards, the dressing room. "Some of the bags are missing! Where are they?!" 

"I... i don't know. They should all be there.. i think?" The staff whimpered, hiding behind one of her colleagues and about to cry.

If it wasn't for the fact that a life was currently at stake, she would have pulled the staff out and have her butchered into pieces. 

Didi pressed on her temples, trying to think of a way. 'It will be too late by the time i go back to the house to search for the inhaler. Pharmacy is 20 minutes away from the stadium. What should i do?!'

Yoochun's breathing was getting more difficult by the second.

'Think, Didi, think!' She reprimanded herself, before a resolution came into her mind. "I'll be right back." She croaked, dashing straight to the cafe right outside the doors to the rehearsal rooms.

Within 3 minutes, she was back with a big mug of black coffee. 

She had recalled about how the caffeine in black coffee would help dilate the airways. 

"Drink it up," She prompted Yoochun, handing the mug to Kang with trembling hands since she could feel that the last bit of strength in her body was rapidly depleting. She then directed the straw towards Yoochun, guiding him to drink the black coffee.

Within minutes, Yoochun's breathing got better, although he seemed to be extremely fatigued by the attack.

Kang pulled Yoochun up to guide him towards the sofa. Turning back to Didi who was still on the floor, he raised his voice, "Didi, whatever came over you? Yoochun could have died because of your carelessness!"

"I'm... i'm sorry..." She apologised, not daring to look at anyone in the face. She was laden with guilt. Worried about Yoochun's condition, she finally plucked up the courage to check on him.

She shouldn't have done that. 

Yoochun was staring at her with a menacing glare.

"I... i'll... i'll go back to retrieve the medicine... he will still need it..." She muttered under her breath before pushing her way out of the room.



Once she was out of the room, she ran to a corner and sat down on the floor, her limbs totally giving up on her. She leaned her head back on the wall behind her, trying to clear her head so that she could figure out where the medicine bag disappeared to. 'It doesn't make sense, i've checked that everything is being taken out of the room before i left the house...' A deep crease formed, with her frowning at the discrepancy.

All these while, someone has been looking at her sitting position in confusion. He saw her fear. He saw her fighting back her tears. He saw how serious and deep in thoughts she was. He was about to walk up to her to ask if she was alright when she stood up to dash off in the opposite direction instead.

"Junsu, are you coming in with us?" One of his dancers asked, pointing at the door.

Junsu turned towards the direction where Didi had ran off to and sighed. He was unaware of what had been happening for the past 15 minutes or so. 

But he was about to find out soon.

"Junsu?" The dancer asked once again.

"Coming!" Junsu replied scurrying to the doors and closing it after him.

A/N (JY):
Disclaimer: Usage of caffeine (eg: black coffee) to relieve asthma attacks do not work on all people! Please do not try this unless as a last resort!


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NOTE: I'm taking a day off updating!


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chunnea #1
Chapter 37: thank you for writing such a nice and sweet was well written...keep up the good work author-nim..pls write more of yc story..:D
anneanne #2
Chapter 37: omg... i cried at the end of the story. its really sweet that i cry. huhu what a way to end a fanfic. thanks again author-nim :'')
Samantha24 #3
Chapter 37: Its still A very romantic proposal with all the distractions hahahaha... ADVANCE HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
kimbap876 #4
The empty space (in my heart) is for Chunnieeeeee....
Chapter 37: Simply loved it! Read it in one breath(except a class I held for 1.30h) even though I have an exam tomorrow morning!! That much I liked it <3
Chapter 2: JYJ and GONG YOO!!! You fulfilled my dreams! :D <3
kimbap876 #7
I was reading this while waiting for my eye appt. this a.m., and was sad to see it end-but it was at least a happy ending. To namelessyun and dheeliciouz, many many thanks for a well written fanfic.
ashmita123 #8
Chapter 37: really loved this fanfic..its d end i liked it very much!! keep up d good work!!
anylia #9
Chapter 37: the end...
it's the end already. T___T
I'm going to miss their bickering so much.

and yes please.. after a good rest.. I'll be waiting for Storybook.

really craving for an update from that one.

thank you~~ thank you thank you for a wonderful journey yet again :)
Samantha24 #10
Chapter 36: so sweeeet.. hay...