chapter 32

The Empty Space for You

"Take a break in your room first, we have a free day today since you're still on your break." Kang ordered, turning around and was about to head to the JYJ base before he got stopped by Yoochun.

"Kang, do you think i'm wrong? About Didi and i?" He asked.

Kang sighed. He had gotten to know about their situation right after Didi had initiated the breakup.

Who wouldn't, when he had been called up to accompany the heartbroken boy for a drink, which ended up as a table full of empty beer bottles.

During his drunkard state, he had told Kang everything.

"I can't comment on this, Yoochun. Like i've said, different people have different perspectives. What is right to you may not be the right for the rest." He explained, "But i do think that you guys should have a good talk about this."

Yoochun gripped on the handle of his luggage tighter, making his knuckles turn almost white. "She wouldn't want to have a ‘good talk’. She wouldn’t listen. She even left me for the second time. Right after she promised to always be here for me."

"How would you know if you haven't even tried? Have you actually taken her feelings into consideration? Or are you only talking to her purely from your perspective? Besides, i’m sure you should be aware of this, that she did make true of her promise. Think about who has always been by your side apart from me." Kang retorted. ‘Sure, Didi may have gotten a bit of stubbornness from Yoochun, but she would definitely have a good talk with him, if he actually listens.’

Yoochun stood frozen. ‘Was i not listening back then? I thought we were actually seriously discussing about it... guess not.’

"I... i'll be heading upstairs. See you later." He muttered, walking away even before Kang could reply.

"What a blockhead..." Kang thought, pinching the bridge of his nose to massage for a little while. He had hoped that it would relieve him of his fatigue.

In just less than half a step into the room, Kang had received a call from someone.

Kim Jaejoong.


"Kang, do you have any time to spare right now?"

"Yeah, anything the problem, Jaejoong?" He asked, wondering if it is work related.

"I heard that you guys just came back from Bali?" He asked straightforwardly. "You're at the base?"

"Yeah and yeah. He has been putting some schedules off just to take a break in Bali with Didi. But since he is back before his break is up, i was considering to bring forward some interviews." He replied, walking to the work desk and opening his scheduler on his iPad. "That kid, always giving me problems..."

He heard chuckles from his phone receiver. It was Jaejoong.

"That's to be expected, especially now that Didi is away from him."

"It's going to be awkward between the two of them now that they have broken up." Kang sighed, wondering what should he do about them.

"Kang, how's your health recently?" He asked suddenly. "Gotten enough sleep?"

"Yeah, thanks to Didi. She has been taking over most of my roles since i started preparing for my wedding, even after that too. She says i should spend more time with my wife since we are newlyweds."

"How about Yoochun's upcoming schedule? Is there a lot?"

Kang started browsing through his schedules before replying with a 'not really, most schedules are still pending for approval'.

"Ok, Kang can i ask you for a favour?" Jaejoong asked, sounding very serious even through the phone.

"Can you ask Mr Baek to transfer Didi to be my personal assistant instead?"

"What? Jaejoong, you'll get into trouble with Yoochun if he knows about this!" Kang exclaimed nervously, covering his face with his palm.

"I know, that's why i said to get Mr Baek to be the bad guy! I'm helping you out indirectly as well to be honest." He said, "At this present moment, it's going to be weird if Yoochun and Didi work together, or even live under the same roof. You'll be spared from the drama."

Kang considered. "That's quite true."

"Yes, and frankly speaking, i'm in need of a personal assistant as well. Drama filmings are killing me. I don't even have a manager to be bossing me around."

"Jaejoong, you do have a manager. You just kick him away every single time, claiming that you can cope alone. You asked him to stay in the office instead, remember?"

"Oh. I forgot about him. My manager." He confessed, laughing a little to mask away the guilt.

Kang facepalmed himself again. "But i'll escalate your request to Mr Baek anyway. It's good to let the both of them have some breathing space."

"Great! Kang, i'll treat you to some meat the next time i meet you!"

"I just hope this doesn't bring more harm than help." He replied before hanging up.

Thinking, he started tapping the table with his stylus. He ended up making that call after all.


"Yoochun?" Kang called out, peeking into his room as he got caught staring at his ceiling.

"Hmm? What's the matter?" He asked, faking an 'i am ok' voice and facial expression.


"You'll have two interviews tomorrow back to back. I hope that's alright with you?"

Yoochun nodded.

"Oh, and..."

"What's the matter?"

"Mr Baek has just informed me that Didi will be transferred to become Jaejoong's personal assistant. Since you know, Jaejoong’s schedule is getting more packed..."

Silence engulfed them for a few seconds.


"What?! Why is this happening? Who initiated it? When did the news come so abruptly. How come?" Yoochun asked, sitting up straighter from his bed.


"Why are you so agitated anyway?" Kang asked, shutting Yoochun up instantly.

"No i'm not." Yoochun said, returning to his poker face before digging beneath the cover to sleep.

Seeing that Yoochun had nothing more to comment, Kang turned around to walk out of the room to leave the house. 'Kim Jaejoong, you owe me. Big time.'


That night, Yoochun couldn't sleep. He had even allowed Harang to sleep with him on his bed but no, still no sleep.

The faint presence of Didi still linger in his room. It was then that he realised that Didi had indeed, always been by his side all the while. Laying side by side talking about random things, her making him let her listen to his latest compositions, taste testing her latest baking creations, reading manga together, her constantly making him open the windows so that the air ventilation is better...

He still couldn't sleep after all.


Giving up on the thought of getting some sleep before the interview the following day, he started making his way towards the kitchen for some water.

He observed the oven that was standing proudly on the table. Sadness washed upon him, leaving him cold and drenched.

He missed the times when Didi had easily whipped up supper like potato gratin during the nights where he couldn't sleep. Like now.

'Maybe i should try to cook it myself...' He considered before hurriedly walking around to get the ingredients for the simple dish. Or so he thought was the ingredients.

Whilst Didi took approximately 30 minutes to complete the dish, Yoochun found himself taking at least 5 times more than her to complete the cooking. And still be met with a black surface on top of the ramekin.

"Taste is more important than appearance", He tried consoling himself, although he was slightly scrunching up his face for a work not well done.

Bringing the food out to his couch, he stared at the ceiling emotionless. 'I'm bored. Should i watch a video or something?'

He decided otherwise, continuing to dig into his food for the next ten minutes or so while looking at the empty kitchen. He used to do that, watching Didi cook in the kitchen while sitting on the couch.

He was almost sure that he wouldn't be able to wake up easily in a few hours' time.

'Whatever. At the most i'll get the makeup artist to conceal my impending dark eye circles with concealer. I don't have good complexion anyway...' He grumbled, dragging himself out of the kitchen once he got his utensils clean and dried.

'Time to sleep.' He thought. However, instead of going up the stairs like he should, his legs brought him to the basement where Didi's room used to be at.

'Whatever, it's my house anyway. I can sleep wherever i want.' He thought, carefully creeping under the cover.

'Just this once...'

It was weird that although his room on the second floor should be the place he was the most comfortable with, he had found this new location to be more comforting.

It was to be expected, since he was already used to making his way into the room without invitation and laying on the bed to read his manga while watching Didi work at her table.

He fell asleep more easily in her bed that night.



A/N (JY):

If it isn't obvious, Didi was the one who asked Jaejoong to make that call to Kang :P

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NOTE: I'm taking a day off updating!


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chunnea #1
Chapter 37: thank you for writing such a nice and sweet was well written...keep up the good work author-nim..pls write more of yc story..:D
anneanne #2
Chapter 37: omg... i cried at the end of the story. its really sweet that i cry. huhu what a way to end a fanfic. thanks again author-nim :'')
Samantha24 #3
Chapter 37: Its still A very romantic proposal with all the distractions hahahaha... ADVANCE HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
kimbap876 #4
The empty space (in my heart) is for Chunnieeeeee....
Chapter 37: Simply loved it! Read it in one breath(except a class I held for 1.30h) even though I have an exam tomorrow morning!! That much I liked it <3
Chapter 2: JYJ and GONG YOO!!! You fulfilled my dreams! :D <3
kimbap876 #7
I was reading this while waiting for my eye appt. this a.m., and was sad to see it end-but it was at least a happy ending. To namelessyun and dheeliciouz, many many thanks for a well written fanfic.
ashmita123 #8
Chapter 37: really loved this fanfic..its d end i liked it very much!! keep up d good work!!
anylia #9
Chapter 37: the end...
it's the end already. T___T
I'm going to miss their bickering so much.

and yes please.. after a good rest.. I'll be waiting for Storybook.

really craving for an update from that one.

thank you~~ thank you thank you for a wonderful journey yet again :)
Samantha24 #10
Chapter 36: so sweeeet.. hay...