chapter 17

The Empty Space for You

Didi didn’t have the chance to think about what was happening, neither did she have the time to do so.

Reason: Kim Jaejoong and Kim Junsu.

Apparently, both of them caught news that she had fallen sick when Yoochun had called Kang the night before. They were still hanging out with the staff (and the ex colleague) when he called.

He had used up his entire lifetime worth of requests when he pleaded for Kang to push back all the schedules he will be having for the following day.

Yes, Yoochun may have averted himself from the hectic schedules in order to take care of Didi at home, but he hadn’t taken into account of the hectic ‘impromptu’ schedules from the two other irritating guys.

“Didi ah! Why are you up and about? You should be staying in bed!” Jaejoong reprimanded when he and Junsu dashed into Yoochun’s house uninvited.

He walked briskly towards them, noticing the half cut carrots on the kitchen island before giving Yoochun an angry look. “Yoochun, she is still sick, how could you make her prepare breakfast for you?”

“What? No, i...”

Yoochun was still not yet out of his trance.

Didi and Yoochun were lucky that they had heard the sound of the doors opening, and hence had broken apart just before the intruders could catch a glimpse of them kissing.

“Didi, you should get more rest and regain your health first before thinking about this idiot’s wellbeing!” Junsu said, walking up to her and placing his palm over her forehead. “Jaejoong! She’s still burning!”

“What?!” Jaejoong turn to his side to check her forehead for her temperature. “Yoochun, see what you have done!”

“No, Jaejoong, i’m actually fine already.”

“Didi, you don’t have to shield him.”

“No, i’m really fine.”

“How can you be fine? See how red and hot you still are!” Jaejoong reprimanded.

‘That’s cos Yoochun and i just...’ She thought, but she would never let them know. Never.

“That’s it. Junsu, lets bring Didi down to rest.”

“Ok! I want to see how her room is like anyway!” Junsu exclaimed, holding her up by her arm on one side while Jaejoong held her other arm as they made their way down to the basement. Yoochun followed after them right after.

“Park Yoochun. Did you leave Didi to rot by herself? Why isn’t there anything in her room? No trace of medicine, cold pack or even water? Don’t you know that she needs to keep herself hydrated at all times?” Jaejoong started scolding once they stepped into her room.

Junsu nodded his head frantically before tucking her into her bed comfortably. “Yoochun you are too much...” He said, sitting at the side of the bed and patting her head, trying to induce her to sleep.

“No, guys, you have misunderstood. He did take care of me...”

“No Didi, you don’t have to defend him...” Junsu insisted, continuing to pat her head but Yoochun had already reached his limits. He walked up to Junsu and threw his hand off of her head.

“Yes Yoochun?” Junsu asked, looking at him and then at his hand.

Even Jaejoong was looking at the scene with a partially amused look.

“Urm, don’t touch her so casually.” He stuttered, releasing his hand before stepping a few steps back. He looked at anywhere but the three of them.

“And why is that so?” Jaejoong asked, a sly smile making its way to his face.

“Urm, i don’t want any of you to be sick as well...” He mumbled. All of a sudden, the wall looked so interesting to him.

“Junsu?” Jaejoong spoke, focusing his glance on Yoochun even when he was speaking with Junsu.

“Yes Jaejoong?”

“I need you to run an errand for me.” He said, still keeping an eye on Yoochun.

Junsu nodded his head and got off the bed. “What is it?”

“Please proceed to the crime scene on the second floor and report to me if there are any abnormalities.”

“What? No Junsu!” Yoochun exclaimed, trying to stop Junsu but Jaejoong was faster. “Junsu, get back right now or i’ll burn down your soccer shoes and uniform!”

“Yoochun, you know there’s no way for you to escape out of this.” Jaejoong chuckled, looking at Didi who could finally get out of the bed since Junsu wasn’t there to hold her back.

“Jaejoong, let him off the hook.” Didi said, although she could not help but to let out an almost inaudible laugh.

It was seldom that Yoochun would get ganged up to be bullied. Usually it was Junsu who was the bullied.

“Jaejoong! I found the evidences at the crime scene!” Junsu’s voice echoed from above. He came back soon after, holding two post it notes in his hand.

Didi literally crawled back into her bed to hide from the two childish boys’ weirded smiles. ‘Oh my god. I forgot to keep the notes away!’

“Didi?” Both of them asked at the same time. If they want an answer, it would be better to force it out of Didi. Yoochun was immuned to their attacks, but not Didi. Not yet.

Our sleeping beauty?” Jaejoong grinned, looking at the note with an amused smile. “Since when is our Yoochun so cheesy?”

Our Yoochun tried cooking? He doesn’t even attempt to cook for us! Not even when i was sick!” Junsu complain, jokingly punching his arm.

“Guys, don’t do this. Didi is still sick, remember?” Yoochun finally said, letting out an exasperated sigh. “Junsu, you’re the one to complain. You didn’t even visit me when i was hospitalised...” He muttered.

“So, are you going to enlighten us?” Junsu smiled, giving him the innocent puppy eyed look. "Or shall we ask Didi instead?"

“Spill!” Jaejoong grinned, patting him on his back.

Yoochun sighed. "Guess there no way out of this huh?" He asked, looking at the two excited guys before walking towards Didi.

“Well, there’s bad ventilation here in the basement...” He stuttered, “... and there’s no air humidifier here. So..."

"So?" They asked excitedly, inching nearer like kids seeing their favourite candies.

"So i carried her to my room to take care of her?" He said unsurely. Standing straighter now, he nervously touched his fingers and wrists before looking at the door.

"Ok that's all. Kthanksbye." He mumbled before attempting to dash out of the room.

"Not so fast, loverboy!" Junsu, who was the one nearer to the door stopped him before he could escape. "Or should i say, our prince? Tell us the full story before we kidnap our sleeping beauty."

Didi was on the verge of dying from embarrassment. "Really, guys. That's all!"

"Didi, it's not the first day that we know you guys. There is something more to this, isn't it?" Jaejoong said, wiggling his eyebrows teasingly.

"Ok! Fine, don't torture her anymore!" Yoochun finally said, raising his hands in surrender.

Walking towards her, he grabbed her hand, raising and placing it to his chest. "We are together. Happy?"

"Yeah! Finally!" The two of the cheered, jumping and dancing around the room in a celebratory mood.

Didi snapped her head towards Yoochun in confusion. "Are we?"

'But he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend... right? Or have i missed that out at some point of time?'

"We are... right?" Yoochun said, although he started to question himself as well. "You know, that... kiss..." He added, whispering as soft as he could.

Didi blinked her eyes. Once. Twice.

"Really?" She asked again to reconfirm that she hadn't heard wrongly.

"Oh gosh, this is so awkward. I can't watch this anymore." Jaejoong said awkwardly, heading towards the door. "I'm heading up to prepare breakfast for us."

"Jaejoong, i'm coming with you!" Junsu said, running after him. Before he closed the door after him, he said something. "Yoochun, you're an idiot."

"The idiot is calling someone else an idiot..." Yoochun mumbled under his breath, his hand still intertwined with hers.

He then clutched onto her shoulders, turning her to face him. Leaning down, their foreheads touched each other as he led for her to wrap her hands around his neck, while he had his around her waist.

He breathed in deeply with his eyes closed, trying his best to enjoy every moment of bliss before it (possibly) breaks down. 'She may like me, but it doesn't mean that she wants to be with me.' He thought to himself. 'What a fool i am to assume everything.'

"Yoochun?" He heard her whisper.

"Yes?" He stuttered, his heart skipping a beat hearing her that up close. His glance somehow focused on her lips. 

'To kiss or not to kiss...'

"You haven't answered my question just now." She muttered, fidgeting a little due to the extreme silence of their surroundings. She wanted a confirmation, not ambiguity.

'Lips, stop moving...' He kept reciting that line mentally, hoping that he could get the message across using telepathy.

"Yoochun?" She called out once more.

'Just do it, idiot.' He mentally scolded himself, before pulling her nearer to him.

"Didi, i am going to kiss you right now. If you are willing to become my girlfriend, accept my kiss. If not, just... reject it. Or just... slap me or something." He whispered, closing his eyes once he finished saying his piece.

Taking in a deep breath, he inched nearer and nearer to her face...

... Until their lips met.

It seemed that time had stopped for the both of them instantly as their lips danced together as one. He could have sworn that he could hear his own heart beating furiously against his ribcage. 

He could still taste the faint mint flavour of the toothpaste she had used earlier that morning. 'Sweet and refreshing.'

He smiled as they finally parted after a while, their lips just millimetres apart. Their gaze not leaving each other.

"Didi?" He whispered, their lips briefly brushing against each others'.


He leaned towards her ear, whispering "You're mine."

She nodded, whispering back with "I'm yours."

He moved towards her forehead. "Je t'aime..." He whispered, before placing a gentle peck on her forehead.

"我爱你..." A peck on her right eye.

"I love you..." The tip of her nose.

"사랑해..." Cheeks.

"Aku cinta kamu..." He finally said, before taking her lips.

They could have sworn that they had heard the door opening slightly and close again, with Junsu muttering from a distance with "Oh my god, get a room please."

He had initially wanted to inform them that breakfast is ready.


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NOTE: I'm taking a day off updating!


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chunnea #1
Chapter 37: thank you for writing such a nice and sweet was well written...keep up the good work author-nim..pls write more of yc story..:D
anneanne #2
Chapter 37: omg... i cried at the end of the story. its really sweet that i cry. huhu what a way to end a fanfic. thanks again author-nim :'')
Samantha24 #3
Chapter 37: Its still A very romantic proposal with all the distractions hahahaha... ADVANCE HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
kimbap876 #4
The empty space (in my heart) is for Chunnieeeeee....
Chapter 37: Simply loved it! Read it in one breath(except a class I held for 1.30h) even though I have an exam tomorrow morning!! That much I liked it <3
Chapter 2: JYJ and GONG YOO!!! You fulfilled my dreams! :D <3
kimbap876 #7
I was reading this while waiting for my eye appt. this a.m., and was sad to see it end-but it was at least a happy ending. To namelessyun and dheeliciouz, many many thanks for a well written fanfic.
ashmita123 #8
Chapter 37: really loved this fanfic..its d end i liked it very much!! keep up d good work!!
anylia #9
Chapter 37: the end...
it's the end already. T___T
I'm going to miss their bickering so much.

and yes please.. after a good rest.. I'll be waiting for Storybook.

really craving for an update from that one.

thank you~~ thank you thank you for a wonderful journey yet again :)
Samantha24 #10
Chapter 36: so sweeeet.. hay...