chapter 26

The Empty Space for You

“Here.” A bottle of mineral water appeared in front of Didi’s face.

Didi looked up from the bench that she was sitting at. They had strolled to the nearby park after the trip to the grave.

It was Yoochun who had came back with drinks to cool themselves off with in the midst of the heat waves in Bali.

“Thanks.” Didi thanked, reaching out for the water.

However, Yoochun retracted the bottle teasingly. He then proceeded to open the bottle before offering it to her. “I’m such a nice guy, aren’t i? Did you tell your mother that?”

Didi rolled her eyes at that. “How are you so sure that i have told my mother about you?”

Yoochun shrugged before walking a step back and joining her at the bench. He leaned back, his arms lazily placed on top of the bench. “You were looking over at my direction for a few times, so i figured.”

“Well, i did.” She shrugged, not bothered by the fact that he knew he was being mentioned to her mother.

“Tell her what a wonderful boyfriend i am?” Yoochun asked, leaning nearer in anticipation.

“No, i told her what a bad guy you are for constantly bullying me.”

“Hey, i did not!” Yoochun pouted, pinching her flushed cheeks from the heat.

He bit his lower lip in deep concentration before standing up.

“Where are you going?” Didi asked, looking up at the tall figure in front of her.

“I’m going back to tell your mother that i’m a great boyfriend. I don’t want her to misunderstand.” He said, puffing his cheeks, expressionless.

“Wha..?” She exclaimed, pulling him back to sit on the bench, hugging his arm so that he couldn’t go away. “No way!”

Yoochun started laughing in amusement, using his free arm to wrap around her shoulders. “Alright, alright...”

Then, silence enveloped them once again.

“You feeling better now?” He asked after a while.

Didi nodded.


“What did you talk to your mother about?”

“Everything.” She smiled, “She’s like my best friend, so we talk about everything and anything under the sky.”

Yoochun had a soft look on his face.

“She’s always providing me with the best she can. She’s the best mother anyone can have.”

“You love her alot.” Yoochun commented, playing with his fingers and he tried to ‘catch’ a bit of the sky in his palm.

Didi nodded before turning towards him. “How are your parents like?”

“My mother is Miss Korea, at least in my opinion.” He grinned, leaning nearer to her.

Didi softly chuckled, pushing him away. “Be serious!”

“Well...” Yoochun considered, “She’s a great lady. She has been doing her best to provide Yoohwan and i with everything.” He smiled bitterly, looking down and started playing with Didi’s hands. “Even during hard times, she’s always there for us. She never stops believing in us. She’s always there for us so that we won’t be alone. She knows i can’t stand loneliness.”


“Make that two now.”

“What?” Yoochun asked, looking up at her. “What do you mean?”

“I’m always beside you, you know?” She grinned, “I’ll always be there for you. With you.”

Yoochun softly chuckled, looking endearingly into her eyes as he squeezed her hands tightly, thankful to hear what she just said. “That’s a promise.”

“Do you still... hate your father?” She couldn’t help but ask, knowing how his parents went the divorce route due to hard times with financial problems back in the States.

Yoochun shook his head. “Not anymore. He felt the remorse, he apologised and made the effort to change after all. Besides, how can i be angry with someone who has already left the world?”

Didi nervously started playing with her fingers. “Is that why you don’t want to get married?” She asked, having no courage to meet him in the eyes.

“Probably.” He said, looking up in the sky.

‘Will there be a day where you will change your mind about this? For my sake?’ She wanted to ask him that question.

She ended up not asking him that; she was afraid of hearing what she didn’t want to hear.

“How’s your father like? I’ve never heard about him.” Yoochun suddenly asked, gently rubbing her shoulders. He had noticed that the edge of her lips went down.

If only he knew the reason why.

“I don’t know. I’ve never seen him before.” She shrugged, returning him with an assuring smile to let him know that she’s ok. “My mother didn’t mention about him much, just that she had met him during her studies in France. They were best friends then apparently.”

“Do you want to meet your father? Maybe, reunite with him or something?” He asked.

“Maybe he’s already not in the world too...” She sighed. “But i would like to at the very least, know how my father looks like...”

Yoochun nodded in understanding. “Ever tried checking through your mother's’ belongings?”

Didi shook her head. “Not yet. I’ve been too hung up with my mother's’ letter that the lawyer handed me. The one that led me to Uncle Gong.”

He nodded. But something started bugging him at the back of his mind.

“You said Uncle Gong was your mother’s best friend in France?” He asked, voicing out what was bothering him.

Didi nodded.

“She had two best friends then?”

Didi shrugged. “Perhaps.”

“Then... maybe you could ask Uncle Gong about your father? He may know something about it?” He suggested, “Or... try checking your mother’s belongings. Who knows she may have your father’s picture.”

Didi nodded. “Maybe i should...”




“Jim... Jim...”



“Jimbaran.” Didi chuckled. “Jim-ba-ran.”

“Ah! This is hard!” Yoochun finally surrendered trying to pronounce the place that they are at for dinner. “I’d rather look at the sunset instead.” He pouted, throwing the menu back on the table as he turned towards the direction of the incoming sunset. Before he turned, however, he did nudge for her to quickly order their dinner.

Didi giggled before signaling the waiter towards them to take their orders.

After a while, the waiter left, leaving the both of them alone at their table on the sandy beach. Sunset is slowly making their way towards them as a small tinge of orange appeared.

“You’re excited about this dinner here.” Didi noticed and commented.

Yoochun turned to look at her. “No i’m not,” He grinned, turning back towards the sea.

Didi smiled, “So says the guy who can’t sit in his seat properly and had his whole attention towards the sea. Not excited huh?”

That was when Yoochun finally broke his attention away from the sea. A sly grin made its way to his face. “So, someone is jealous that i didn’t pay attention to her?”

“Yes.” Didi confessed, “I lost to sunset, what do you expect?”

He chuckled, leaning forward against the table and towards her. With outstretched arms, he reached for her face, cupping and pulling her nearer to meet his midway. “I love the sea, you know that.”

Didi nodded.

Pulling her nearer such that both their foreheads are touching, he continued speaking, “I love your choice of dinner at Jinbarang Bay as well.”

“Jimbaran.” She corrected, holding back a small giggle.

Yoochun rolled his eyes. “Let that pass, will you?”

She nodded again.

“As i was saying,” He cleared his throat, “I....”

“Is it your first time having a seaside dinner?” Didi interrupted, stifling back a laughter, apparently amused at how she interrupted his little speech.

“No. But it’s the first time with you, so i’ll consider that as yes anyway.” He quickly replied. “So, i was saying...”


Yoochun looked at her blankly.

“Aish! I’m not going to do a romantic speech anymore!” He exclaimed, sitting back on his chair and messing his hair in annoyance, “You totally ruined the mood.” He pouted, looking away with his arms crossed.

Didi lifted her fingers to show a victory sign, seemingly pleased at her attempt to infuriate him. She proceeded with leaning her elbow onto the table as her chin rested on her palm. “Too bad, i was looking forward to hearing what you had to say.”

Upon hearing that, Yoochun mirrored her action as well, leaning onto the table. With his free hand, he reached forward to her face and started tracing her facial structure with his index finger.

Forehead... Nose... Lips....

“Didi...” He whispered, his eyes following his tracing.

“Mmmm?” She replied, not exactly able to open to reply for real.

“What are you?” He asked, his gaze lingering on her lips. “What creature are you?”

“W...what?” She stuttered, her eyes wide open from shock. ‘Did he call me a creature?’


She wasn’t able to ask for a confirmation, as Yoochun had placed his index finger over her lips, shutting her.

“You drive like a man, but you shop like a woman...” He started explaining, his gaze locked onto hers, drawing her into his dark brown eyes.

Didi didn’t retort. She couldn’t. She was already lost in his gaze.

“You appear like a woman, but you don’t behave like one...” He chuckled, looking down before looking back up and ruffling her hair. He then started combing and playing her hair.


“Sometimes, you appear like a man, not even bothering to comb your hair,” He continued, still twirling her hair in his fingers. “But your actions are extremely cute.” He smiled, recalling about the little cute things she did without herself knowing.

Didi smiled along with him, not bearing to interrupt the sweet moment with a witty comment.


“But.. you’re really fragile at times...” He whispered. Using his other hand, he placed it over her free hand and squeezed it tightly. ‘The tears which i can’t protect from falling down...’

Taking in a deep breath, he continued, “You cook and bake, but you are messy. You take good care of everyone, but you don’t care about yourself. Do you have a split personality?”

“What?” Didi uttered, blinking frantically. ‘What is this Chunster talking about?’

“Is this your uniqueness? Your charms?” He smiled, bringing both hands to her jaw.

Standing up from his seat so that he could move his body nearer to hers, he leaned forward, closing in the distance in between them. In his deep and husky voice, he whispered softly beside her ear, “Which i like...”

Suddenly, Yoochun’s warm smile became a sly one, of which he ended with a witty comment. “Is this romantic enough?”

Didi had to practically hold herself back from rolling her eyes in irritation. When she felt Yoochun moving back with the intention to sit on his chair, she lifted both her hands to hold him in his place by cupping his face to meet hers. There were barely any space left in between them.

“Didi, my legs are going to get cramps if you make me stay in this position.” Yoochun grinned, although he was clearly enjoying how their lips were faintly brushing against each others at times.

“Don’t ruin the moment, idiot.” She chided, moving her head slightly back to deprive him of the lip contact.

Yoochun groaned from the lack of contact. “Petty.” He mumbled.

She felt her cheeks burning. ‘Is it due to the weather?’ She thought, looking towards the rapidly moving sunset. It had already turned into a deep shade of orange, with hints of darkness seeping out.

“You have a clear direction of what you want and don’t, but you adhere to your policies too strictly.” She mumbled. ‘Like your life plan which you don’t want to change for my sake...’

“Isn’t it pretty much like you?” He muttered, looking directly at her, “Like how you follow to your schedules to the T.”

Didi nodded after a while of consideration. “Perhaps.”

“You’re a bully, but you’re caring and attentive.” She started speaking again, grazing his face with her thumb. “You are serious when it comes to work, but you become a child for the rest of the time.”

“Did not.” Yoochun retorted, pouting, causing their lips to come into contact once again. “I’m not a kid.”

Didi giggled, leaning back a little behind once again, “Did to. You’re afraid of spiders.”

“You’re afraid of lizards.” He countered.

“Yoochun, stop interrupting.” She rolled her eyes, squeezing his face as a small revenge.

“Alright, alright.”

“You’re determined but stubborn. You’re meticulous but not in the culinary department. You’re a clean freak, but you’re lazy to clean up most of the time. You’re funny and witty, but you’re random. You’re one of the most sensible guys i’ve ever met, but you can be unreasonable as well...”

“But, that’s your charm.” She giggled, sticking her forehead onto his, “Which i like.”

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NOTE: I'm taking a day off updating!


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chunnea #1
Chapter 37: thank you for writing such a nice and sweet was well written...keep up the good work author-nim..pls write more of yc story..:D
anneanne #2
Chapter 37: omg... i cried at the end of the story. its really sweet that i cry. huhu what a way to end a fanfic. thanks again author-nim :'')
Samantha24 #3
Chapter 37: Its still A very romantic proposal with all the distractions hahahaha... ADVANCE HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
kimbap876 #4
The empty space (in my heart) is for Chunnieeeeee....
Chapter 37: Simply loved it! Read it in one breath(except a class I held for 1.30h) even though I have an exam tomorrow morning!! That much I liked it <3
Chapter 2: JYJ and GONG YOO!!! You fulfilled my dreams! :D <3
kimbap876 #7
I was reading this while waiting for my eye appt. this a.m., and was sad to see it end-but it was at least a happy ending. To namelessyun and dheeliciouz, many many thanks for a well written fanfic.
ashmita123 #8
Chapter 37: really loved this fanfic..its d end i liked it very much!! keep up d good work!!
anylia #9
Chapter 37: the end...
it's the end already. T___T
I'm going to miss their bickering so much.

and yes please.. after a good rest.. I'll be waiting for Storybook.

really craving for an update from that one.

thank you~~ thank you thank you for a wonderful journey yet again :)
Samantha24 #10
Chapter 36: so sweeeet.. hay...