chapter 18

The Empty Space for You

'Rest and rest again' is important’, says Ven. Haenim.

Like what was being said, Yoochun finally found the time to 'rest' after weeks of piled up schedules to fulfill. That also meant that Didi was finally having her well deserved off day.

She should have spent this meaningful day doing meaningful things (ie, baking goodies for the whole day), but there she was, plastered to the sofa in the living room doing nothing.

She was just too tired.

"Today i don't feel like doing anything, i just wanna lay in my... couch." Didi sang, placing a neck cushion with her right hand and scooping another spoonful of ice cream into with her left.

"Meditate, and you shall feel your body awakening." The newcomer chuckled, patting her head as he took a seat beside her. "No more fatigue." He continued, turning her around and helping her massage her shoulders.

"So says the person who took a shower for the second time today to keep himself awake." She grumbled, glancing at the wall clock. "And it's barely noon."

"Oh well, it's my way of meditating." He chuckled as he made his way towards the fan to adjust the wind direction. "Haven't you seen those documentaries where the people meditate under the waterfall?"

Feeling satisfied, he plopped himself back on the couch and laid on his back, snuggling comfortably on Didi's lap. "This is nice..."

She chuckled, trying to jokingly push him away, which he resisted.

He took her hands in his and placed it over his chest. "I don't mind having more free days like this if you're here with me."

Didi smiled, patting his stomach. "We'll be couch potatoes if we spend time this way. Someone is starting to have a belly."

"Alright, alright. I get it." He pouted, reaching up and pinching her cheeks. "What a mood spoiler."

"Thank you very much for the compliment." She grinned, pinching his cheeks as well.

Yoochun could only laugh at her childish expression as she continued grinning and went back to poking her half melted ice cream.

Not realising what he was doing, his hands had already made its way towards her fringe, sweeping the strands of hair that had stuck out back to their respective places.

"...... What do you think you are doing, Yoochun?" She asked, putting her ice cream away in case it spills onto him.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm tidying up your bird nest hair."

"It's not bird nest hair. It's one of the neater hairstyles that i've had. I combed it this morning." She mumbled inaudibly.

"I know. You always run out to work with your bed head." He smiled, pulling her down by her neck and giving her a short, but sweet kiss. "What a sweet kiss." He grinned, ruffling her hair.

"Now you've messed up my hair for real." She blushed, trying to fix her hair.

Out of childishness, she went ahead and tried to 'stir fry' his hair with her hands. "Lunch will be stir fry noodles!"

"Sounds good to me." He chuckled, still gazing into her eyes while he allowed her to continue with her 'cooking'.

All good things must come to an end. In this case, Didi's cooking show had been abruptly halted when Jaejoong decided to make an appearance in Yoochun's house. Didi rushed to the door to invite him in.

"I hope i am not interrupting..?" Jaejoong asked as he casually strolled in. He decreased his speed when he noticed Yoochun's annoyed expression. "Did i?"

"It's ok, we were just running about a strawberry field patch and catching butterflies..."

"Ignore him, Jaejoong." She interrupted, covering his mouth to prevent him from speaking. "He's just being 4D due to the boredom."

"Did not."

"Did to."

"Did not."


"Well, why don't we go somewhere then? To do something productive?" Jaejoong gleamed with happiness, eyes sparkling.



"So, this is your so called 'best location to do something productive' place?" Didi asked as she stared at the place with an incredulous expression hanging on her face. Suddenly, she was so glad that she hadn't put in much effort to tidy her hair; it would have gotten messed up soon anyway.

"Isn't this a wonderful place?" Jaejoong chimed, jumping repeatedly off the floor like a giant baby.

Yes, this is THE Kim Jaejoong from JYJ.

"I want to go home..." Both Yoochun and Didi mumbled, turning around with every intent to leave the scene.

"Stop there!" Jaejoong commanded.

"What now?" Both of them replied together once again.

"If you guys don't accompany me, i'll... i'll..."

"You'll what?" Yoochun asked, a smirk making its way to his face.

Jaejoong turned to look at Didi with a innocent pitiful look. "Didi, i just wanted to spend the day with you guys..."

Didi grinned. "Let's go in then, we have already came all the way here anyway."

Yoochun facepalmed himself as he slowly followed after the two kids, his every steps feeling heavy.

"Didi, Didi! Let's get on this ride! Hurricane!" Jaejoong exclaimed excitedly, pushing her towards the queue. Didi immediately grabbed Yoochun's hand as he got forced to get on the ride as well.

"That was fun!" Both big kids commented as they finally got off the ride a few minutes later, grinning from the excitement.

"Yes! It just kept spinning and spinning, i couldn't see anything at all!" Didi replied happily, clutching onto her bag to help contain her excitement. "How about you, Yoochun?" She asked, turning towards the quiet Yoochun. "Yoochun?"

"It was alright." He replied coolly, looking away.

'Did he not enjoy the ride?' She wondered, before she got pulled away by Jaejoong once again.

This time it was the Pirate Ship.

"Ship ahoy!" Jaejoong yelled out happily, raising his hands up in the air as the ship went higher and higher.

All Didi could do was to keep laughing from seeing how Jaejoong was behaving.

At some point of time, she realised that someone seems to be missing out from the fun. She turned to her other side, only to find Yoochun's head facing down. His hands were clutching tightly on the metal bars.

"Yoochun? Are you alright?" She asked, speaking right next to his ears since that was the only way he could hear her amongst all the screamings.

"I... i'm acrophobic." He admitted, his head buried even nearer to the floor of the ride.




"Why didn't you tell me that you were acrophobic?!" Didi chided once they got off the rides. "And you, Kim Jaejoong! You should've known that, so why did you bring him here?!"

Both boys sat down on the bench side by side, not daring to speak up.

"Yoochun, if you were afraid, why did you still get on the rides with us?" She tried asking again once she calmed down a little.

"That's because i was pulled along?" He suggested.

"Oh." It was her turn to be quiet. "I'm sorry, i got too excited."

Yoochun shrugged. "It was fun, i guess?"

She rolled her eyes. "That doesn't sound fun to me. You know, you could've gotten a panic attack and..."

"Oh! It's such a hot day! I'll go get us some drinks!" Yoochun exclaimed, making a quick peck on her lips before standing up and making a quick escape before she could start preaching.

"That guy..." Didi huffed a puff of air towards her fringe a annoyance. "I wasn't even finished with him..."

"But that's what makes him so Yoochun-ish, isn't it?"

"That's true..." She said with a small giggle under her breath. The next couple of minutes passed by with the both of them watching the passersby walk past them in silence.

"Drinks are here!" Yoochun announced, holding three bottles in his hands. He first passed a bottle of mineral water to Jaejoong, who took it gladly. Then, he dangled a bottle of mineral water and juice in front of her. "Choose one." He asked.

"Hey, that's not fair! Why does she get to choose but not me?" The older guy complained, pointed at the two bottles in his hand.

"That's because both drinks are what she likes?"

"Not like i don't." Jaejoong pouted.

"You don't. You don't like sweets, remember?"


"Argh fine." Jaejoong looked away in defeat. "But that doesn't mean you are not biased." He whined, crossing his arms in front of his chest. "My soulmate is ditching me for his baby."

Yoochun shook his head with a resigned smile. Turning towards Didi once again, he shook both bottles, indicating that he was asking her to make her choice.

"Thanks!" She beamed, taking the mineral bottle.

When they were finally done with the drinks, they decided to get on rides that Yoochun could play with - which was almost none.

"How about that haunted mansion?" She pointed, and without getting any reply, she quickly made her way up towards the entrance.

"You should let her know that you can't handle horror stuff. I don't want to carry a fainted person home." Jaejoong whispered to Yoochun as the both of them were smiling at her back view.

"I'll be alright..."

Once again, Yoochun had proven himself that he is an idiot.

Barely walking in a few steps into the haunted house, he had already pushed Jaejoong right in front of them so that he had to face whatever they were about to face first. However, 'Jaejoong shield' was useless since Yoochun still managed to trip over his own feet. Although, he did not yell out of fear even once. He just kept commenting 'It's so dark around here, someone please switch on the lights' repeatedly.

He had gotten so irritating that both Jaejoong and Didi had to speed up their walking instead of closely scrutinizing the props that had been used. It was to be expected. The both of them were not afraid of horror movies. In fact, they were even laughing at some of the 'ghosts' that had appeared before them.

Didi was irritated, no doubt. But whenever she recalled about him making the attempt to join them, she felt her anger simmering.

'What a dork.' She thought before holding his hand in hers tightly to protect him from the 'ghosts'.

"It's getting late." Didi said, glancing at the watch on her right hand. "We should get going soon."

Both guys nodded silently, since they were pretty much exhausted as well. Jaejoong from pacifying the baby Yoochun, and Yoochun from the scare back in the haunted house.

"Oh! There's one more ride that we left out." Jaejoong suddenly said, pointing to the large ferris wheel. "A must go."

Didi looked up, eyes sparkling with anticipation before she grabbed both guy's wrist and started running towards it.

"Ok, so i'll go on the ride with Didi and Yoochun can stay on the ground to look after our belongings."


Both Didi and Jaejoong looked at him with an 'are you crazy?' look.

"You are acrophobic." Didi simply said with a smile before she pulled Jaejoong towards the queue.

However, somehow in the midst of everything, she had found herself facing Yoochun in the cabin instead.

"Don't say anything. I just want to ride this." Yoochun reasoned, crossing his arms and looking out of the cabin.

It lasted for a while, 20 seconds to be exact, before he suddenly shut his eyes and sat more properly in his seat.

"Reached your limit already huh?" Didi teased, making a few exaggerated movements to shake the cabin a little.


"Didi! Stop that!" He pleaded, using both his hands to hold onto the edge of the seats tightly.

Didi was laughing so hard seeing his expression, but gradually softened when she saw that he was genuinely scared. Pulling his hands to hers, she gave them a tight squeeze. "Don't worry, i'm here."


"You are really scared, aren't you?"


"Isn't it obvious?"

"Kinda. You know, girls love ferris wheel rides. What are you to do if your girlfriend drags you to this ride, supposing i'm not your girlfriend?"

"I'll break up with her, kill her and chop her into pieces."

She rolled her eyes. "Nice try."


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NOTE: I'm taking a day off updating!


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chunnea #1
Chapter 37: thank you for writing such a nice and sweet was well written...keep up the good work author-nim..pls write more of yc story..:D
anneanne #2
Chapter 37: omg... i cried at the end of the story. its really sweet that i cry. huhu what a way to end a fanfic. thanks again author-nim :'')
Samantha24 #3
Chapter 37: Its still A very romantic proposal with all the distractions hahahaha... ADVANCE HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
kimbap876 #4
The empty space (in my heart) is for Chunnieeeeee....
Chapter 37: Simply loved it! Read it in one breath(except a class I held for 1.30h) even though I have an exam tomorrow morning!! That much I liked it <3
Chapter 2: JYJ and GONG YOO!!! You fulfilled my dreams! :D <3
kimbap876 #7
I was reading this while waiting for my eye appt. this a.m., and was sad to see it end-but it was at least a happy ending. To namelessyun and dheeliciouz, many many thanks for a well written fanfic.
ashmita123 #8
Chapter 37: really loved this fanfic..its d end i liked it very much!! keep up d good work!!
anylia #9
Chapter 37: the end...
it's the end already. T___T
I'm going to miss their bickering so much.

and yes please.. after a good rest.. I'll be waiting for Storybook.

really craving for an update from that one.

thank you~~ thank you thank you for a wonderful journey yet again :)
Samantha24 #10
Chapter 36: so sweeeet.. hay...