chapter 33

The Empty Space for You

"Didi, i've just received the new script for the drama that i'm acting in. Can you please help me make markings for the parts that i will be in? Using the highlighter or something." Jaejoong asked as he pass over a booklet to Didi.

"Yeah, sure." Didi replied, turning around from where she was sitting - the dressing table. "I'm getting bored of waiting for your filming to end anyway. How long has this been going on for? A week? Two? I’ve completely lost count..."

"What to do? This is the life of an actor." He sighed. With a smile, he continued, "The filming this time round is actually quite relaxing as compared to my previous drama."

Didi nodded with a bitter smile. "Yoochun had it pretty bad for his previous drama as well. He had to practically live in the van for a few days straight."

Jaejoong chuckled, "Yeah, that was when you came in to help, wasn't it?"

Didi looked away and offered no further comments. She turned back to the table and started reading the script booklet.

"I wonder how is Yoochun. That busy guy hasn't been contacting us for a while." Jaejoong wondered.

His curiosity was easily answered when Kang walked into the room. "Yeah that busy guy." He said with a tinge of sarcasm. "He forced me to plan many schedules back to back like old times. And now he finally reached his limit."

Jaejoong looked at him in anticipation, waiting for him to continue whatever he was saying. Didi pretended not to be interested, although her ear was in full concentration.

"He fell sick." Kang simply said.

Jaejoong merely turned around and continued with whatever he had been doing. "About time." He shrugged.

Although she didn't want it to be happening, she had found herself agreeing to his words. Even the strongest person will weaken with that devilish kind of a schedule.

Before Didi went on board Yoochun's team of staff, his schedules were so packed that there were barely empty spaces on Kang's planner.

"Jaejoong, can i have Didi back? That's the only way Yoochun would lessen his schedules." He complained.

He then pointed to his eyes. "Look at my dark eye rings. My wife has been complaining that i haven't been returning home for a while... and i can only come out now for a little break when Yoochun is in his hibernation."

Plopping down on the nearby couch, he added, "And that stubborn boy refuses to go to the doctors', neither does he want to eat store bought medicines!"

"That's something to be concerned about..." Jaejoong replied as calmly as he was, as if it was something that happens frequently.

Which was exactly the case. THE Park Yoochun who refuses to see a doctor unless he is extremely sick, THE Park Yoochun who would not eat the prescribed medicine even after seeing a doctor, THE Park Yoochun who would only agree to eat his medicine only when he's completely controlled by sickness.

It was normal for both Kang and Jaejoong, but it wasn't for Didi. 

'Being worried' is considered an understatement.

Although she was physically in the same room as Jaejoong and Kang, her mind had already drifted off to Yoochun's house.

"Anyway, i have to go now." Kang said, getting up from the couch. "Heading home for some family time before checking on the sick guy at around evening time."

"Good luck with explaining to your wife." Jaejoong replied, turning around to bid him goodbye.

Similarly, Didi waved a goodbye as well before getting back to her highlighting. Although, she hadn't made any progress since Kang's appearance.

'Is he feeling alright?'

"You know, it's ok for you to leave now." Jaejoong suddenly said amidst the silence after Kang left.

"I didn't say anything!" Didi furiously denied, her eyes wide opened, her hands waving all about.

Jaejoong tried to hold back on his laughter but failed, causing the whole room to be filled with his laughter in a matter of seconds.

"Didi, i didn't say you said anything!" He chuckled, clutching on his stomach in pain, "It's just that i don't have any schedules after this filming ends, so i was thinking of letting you off from work early." 

‘She’s so easy to read, like an open book!’

"But i have work to do." She said, lifting up the booklet in the air.

"You can do that tomorrow." Jaejoong replied casually, snatching the script booklet back, "I won't be using it until next week's filming anyway."

"Well... if you say so..." 

Under her poker face, Didi was already jumping around and thanking the gods for bestowing her with the luck she wished for.


"I'll be going now..." She muttered, packing her bag slowly before making her way out, forgetting to bid Jaejoong goodbye even.

Jaejoong shook his head in amusement after Didi left the room. How could he not have noticed that the girl was dying to check on his buddy? They may have, according to Didi, 'broken up', but it's obvious that both of them still love each other, if not even more.

But that was something nobody could help the couple with. It was something that the both of them need to sort out by themselves. All they could do was to create opportunities for them to have chances to meet each other. Not of them constantly meeting each other like previously, for that would let Yoochun take her presence for granted, but short glimpse kind of meeting. Only then would they realise how precious it is to even have a quick moment with each other.

Less is more.

Pulling out his phone, Jaejoong pressed a number on his speed dial before waiting for the dial tone to appear.


"Gong Yoo, Jaejoong."

"Oh, yes? I'm about done with my job here. I'll drop by to pick my sister up after that."

"Gong Yoo, i'm afraid you'll have to go home alone for today."

"Why? Your filming for today is ending soon right?" 

"It has gone into an overrun. I don't think Didi will be able to go home anytime soon."

"Ah... it's ok then, i'll just go home on my own. Thanks for letting me know!"


Jaejoong soon hung up after he was done with the call. 

"The only other problem is Gong Yoo..." He whispered, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Ever since he got to know the reason behind their breakup, Gong Yoo had been acting like a protective big brother and trying to forbid her from meeting Yoochun. Which was to be expected, since he was all for marriage, although he had the first hand experience of having a broken family as well.

'Whatever, let's just solve this little by little...'


Exactly thirty minutes later, Didi found herself standing in the middle of a very familiar living room.

She first proceeded to his room to make sure that he was asleep before heaving a sigh of relief.

'Yes, be a good boy and sleep soundly. Please don’t wake up until i leave the house.' She thought, sitting down on the floor right beside his bed. She couldn't help it, but she had found her hand pushing stray strands of hair away from his face.

'What a fool. You should take good care of your health, not torture it.' She chided mentally, placing her palm over his forehead to check his temperature.

It was of a worrying temperature.

Panicking, she ran down to the kitchen to get some necessities before dashing up the room again.

Placing an iced towel over his forehead, she sighed. 'Will this be enough?'

She certainly hope so.

She ran over to the other side to switch on the air ionizer, hoping to get rid of dirty particles in the air for fear that his asthma may be triggered once again.

And then, there was practically nothing else that she could do. 

But she was still worried about letting him stay home alone. Hence, to prolong her stay there, she decided to tidy the house. 'So that he will have a cleaner surrounding, so that he wouldn't get sick that easily.' was what she was thinking.

Soon, it was nearing dusk. 

Didi had just finished cooking up a simple dinner for him and had brought it up with his medicine placed at the side of the makeshift table.

Taking one last look at him before leaving, she whispered softly, "Please don't get sick anymore..."


Yoochun woke up a while later, and as he did, Kang had conveniently made his way into his room.

"Oh, you're up?" Kang asked. "Feeling better?"

Yoochun nodded. "You left this on my forehead?" 

"Huh?" Kang uttered, thinking. When he figured out who the person responsible for this act was, he faked a cough before replying, "Yeah, works wonders, doesn't it?"

'Didi, you should have given me a warning if you are coming...' He silently grumbled under his breath.

"Oh, there's food here." Yoochun continued, lifting the makeshift table onto his bed. 

Kang said nothing else.

"Nice." Yoochun commented. 

Kang continued to keep his silence.

"Where did you buy this from?" He asked, pointing to the bean stew in front of him.

"Oh, here and there."

Yoochun squinted his eye as he stared into Kang's eyes. 

"Whatever. I'm hungry." He declared, continuing to dig in on his food.

"I'll be outside at the base if you ever need me." Kang said. At that very moment, he wished he could just get out of the stuffy room.

Yoochun nodded, and just used a hand wave to dismiss him away. A small smile crept onto his face.

'Kang, did you think that i would fall for that? Even if the sky falls, i would recognise Didi's cooking anytime.'

He confirmed he wasn't hallucinating when he had earlier felt Didi's presence in the house, seeing the meal in front of him. He was feeling better already.



A/N (JY):


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NOTE: I'm taking a day off updating!


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chunnea #1
Chapter 37: thank you for writing such a nice and sweet was well written...keep up the good work author-nim..pls write more of yc story..:D
anneanne #2
Chapter 37: omg... i cried at the end of the story. its really sweet that i cry. huhu what a way to end a fanfic. thanks again author-nim :'')
Samantha24 #3
Chapter 37: Its still A very romantic proposal with all the distractions hahahaha... ADVANCE HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
kimbap876 #4
The empty space (in my heart) is for Chunnieeeeee....
Chapter 37: Simply loved it! Read it in one breath(except a class I held for 1.30h) even though I have an exam tomorrow morning!! That much I liked it <3
Chapter 2: JYJ and GONG YOO!!! You fulfilled my dreams! :D <3
kimbap876 #7
I was reading this while waiting for my eye appt. this a.m., and was sad to see it end-but it was at least a happy ending. To namelessyun and dheeliciouz, many many thanks for a well written fanfic.
ashmita123 #8
Chapter 37: really loved this fanfic..its d end i liked it very much!! keep up d good work!!
anylia #9
Chapter 37: the end...
it's the end already. T___T
I'm going to miss their bickering so much.

and yes please.. after a good rest.. I'll be waiting for Storybook.

really craving for an update from that one.

thank you~~ thank you thank you for a wonderful journey yet again :)
Samantha24 #10
Chapter 36: so sweeeet.. hay...