chapter 3

The Empty Space for You

"Dad, my colleagues are coming by the bakery later!" Gong Yoo informed happily, running down the stairs in his usual laid back attire when he was at home - a black tank top with grey sweatpants.


"Son, couldn't you have tidied yourself up a little better before coming down? Your fans are going to be upset if they saw you like... this." Elder Gong reprimanded, throwing a towel towards his son's way.


"At least do something about that hair of yours!" He sighed, looking back at Didi who was already hard at work, sifting the flour that were to be used for the baking that morning. "And we have a lady with us here you know?"


Didi giggled, "I don't really mind, i'm used to seeing him like this." She said matter of factly, since it had been approximately a month since she had moved in with them.

Throughout the weeks, she had been diligent in learning from Elder Gong, although the tasks that he had been assigning her to were simple ones.


"Good morning to you Didi dear, and i love you too!" Gong Yoo crooned, making his way nearer to Didi.


"On another thought, i do mind." She joked, trying to refrain herself from laughing. "Uncle Gong, please get him away from me before i waste these flour."

Elder Gong started laughing before reaching forward to pull his son back by the collar before he could get any nearer to Didi. It had practically become a routine for that small skit to be acted out everyday. Didi had been bringing fun and laughter to the two of them, and it was apparent that the both of them adored her as well.


"Didi, you've hurt my fragile heart!" He faked a few tears, walking to the fridge and pulling out some milk to drink.

Didi ignored him, although a smile was lingering on her face.


"Anyway, you were saying your colleagues were coming over?" Elder Gong queried.


"Yeah. The JYJ boys are."


"Oh! JYJ!" Didi looked up happily, looking straight at Gong Yoo, "Yooppa, really?"


After their initial meeting at the advertisers, Didi had met up with the JYJ boys for a few more times whenever Gong Yoo went for meetings and photo shoots with the advertisers. Besides the photoshoot for the advertisers, Gong Yoo was actually the male lead for JYJ's new MV, which explained why they had so much interactions.


Gong Yoo looked up lazily. 'Not again.' He thought. "Didi ah, why are you so excited when you are going to meet the boys, but turn so cold when you are with me?"


"Let me think..." She pretended to think, "Maybe they are more mature than Yooppa? Although you are supposed to be the older one."


Elder Gong let out a loud laugh as he leaned forward and gave a high five to Didi.


"Seriously." Gong Yoo rolled his eyes, leaning by the wall as he silently observed the two bakers who were diligently at work despite having fun making fun of him.


"By the way, is Yoochun coming?" Didi asked out of the blue, her eyes still fixed at the flour that were falling down gently from the sieve.


Both Gong Yoo and his father's ears perked up.


"Oh..?" Gong Yoo teased, poking her shoulders. "Why did you ask that? Are you perhaps...?"


"Nahs. I just wanted to know if he will bring Harang along. Cassy seems like its missing its friend."

She nonchalantly commented. Along with the meeting of JYJ, Cassy and Harang also met each other at the same time. They had met up with each other so much that they had become friends as well.


Both father and son sighed.


"What a bore. I thought we can expect something better, maybe lov..."


"Yooppa, you'd better go fix yourself up. I think i spot some of your fangirls pacing outside the store."


Gong Yoo rolled his eyes. "You're such a mood spoiler, Didi!"


"That's actually one of my forte." She replied with a serious look on her face. It melted down into a puddle of giggles soon after.


"I'm going up." Gong Yoo finally surrendered, lifting his feet and was about to make his first step away when he stopped. "I'm not sure if he will be coming or not. He's been pretty busy recently." Looking up at the wall clock, he continued, " I'm quite sure that he is still at work right now, since yesterday evening."


'Since last evening?' She frowned. "Isn't it tough on his body?"


"Hey, i do the same as him frequently, but why do you worry more about him than me?" Gong Yoo pouted at the difference in treatment between the two of them. "Injustice! Discrimination!"


"Yooppa, that's cos you look like a beefsteak, and him, a chopstick." Didi replied before turning away to carry the tray of eggs to the working table.

The JYJ boys dropped by a couple of hours later, without their Y. Disappointment was evident in Didi’s face, but the rest did not mention anything since they were not sure if her expression was due to the absence of their member, or due to the fatigue from her work the entire morning.


She had been waking up early in the morning to help Elder Gong out with the baking, and continued the day by becoming a part time waitress for the bakery cafe.


‘The best way to understand your customers’ likes and hates is through interaction and observation.


Working here at the bakery is the best platform for you to interact and observe your customers.’ She recalled Elder Gong telling her that the first day they met.


She had insisted on working at their cafe as well since she wasn’t comfortable on staying at their house and taking lessons from Elder Gong without repaying them.


“Didi, do you want to join us at the table to rest for a while? You look tired.” Junsu finally gathered his courage to ask her just as she walked past them with an empty jug.


“I’m fine, Junsu. I’ll take a break awhile later. It’s quite busy...” She continued, directing her gaze at the packed cafe.


Suddenly, Jaejoong stood up along with his drink in his hand before placing it behind the counter. With a swift action, he pulled out an apron and wrapped it easily around him.


“Free labour is here!” He joked, posing cutely with a notepad in his left hand and a pen in another. “Can i have your order please?”


“That’s some expensive employee...” Gong Yoo laughed, slugging his arm around Jaejoong’s shoulders. He had, amidst all the busy situation, seen how Jaejoong had offered his help. “Besides, don’t you have any schedules after this?”


Jaejoong shook his head. “We have our off day today. Except for Yoochun, the busy guy.”


“Shouldn’t you relax and rest then?” Didi frowned. “It’s very tiring, the work here...”


“Don’t worry, we have much more stamina than you think we do.” Jaejoong grinned. “Don’t underestimate these muscles.” He joked, flexing his arms.


“Well, i do know someone who has those babies purely for viewing purpose...” She replied truthfully, pointing at Gong Yoo. “Such a let down.” She pretended to sigh.


“Didi!” Gong Yoo whined as the other two boys stared at the childish side of their hyung that they had not seen before. “Well, if you insist, we will accept your help then. Thanks!” He said before walking away to a customer who had been waving to them for the bill.


‘Well, they should seriously help anyway, considering how they were the ones who attracted so much people here in the first place..’


“Ok!” Junsu exclaimed happily, following after his hyung’s footsteps and placing his drink behind the counter. “What shall we do to help?”


“Oppa! Here! Please take our orders!” A female fan interrupted their conversation.


“Guess i wouldn’t need to tell you...” Didi chuckled, walking towards the counter. “By the way, your drinks will be in the kitchen. It’s going to go missing if you kept them behind the counter.”

A few hours later, four dead bodies were seen lying on the table of the cafe nearest to the kitchen, away from public view outside. The cafe was officially closed for the day, and customers had been ushered out promptly. At the same time, the boys had already gotten their managers’ help and had staged an act to let their fans think that they had ‘left’ the cafe along with their managers.

Only they didn’t.


“Didi is this what you have been doing everyday?”Jaejoong managed to mumble out his thoughts with his face sticking to the table, too tired to move. “It’s too exhausting.” He admitted.


Junsu nodded, moving nearer to Didi and lying on her shoulder instead, hugging her arm with a pout. He was exhausted, and he needed some warmth instead of the cold, hard table.


Didi could only laugh as she proceeded with patting the big baby’s slightly messed up hair due to the busy day. “I wonder who was the one who said something about having stamina and what else? Muscles?” She asked.


“Yeah, Gong Yoo’s muscles are definitely for show.” Junsu commented. Although he had quite heard her wrongly since he was too tired.


Even Jaejoong nodded despite his fatigue.


There was no reply from the person himself, as he had already fallen asleep on the table.


Didi giggled. “That teaches you not to underestimate a baker-to-be’s stamina. We need all the energy in the world in order to work you know?”


Jaejoong forced a smile in reply.


After a while of rest, Didi stood up and went into the kitchen. She promptly returned with some sweets and drinks, much to the delight of the guys.


“Didi is the best!” Junsu exclaimed happily, holding tightly onto the most colourful drink amongst it, a mango smoothie. He then quickly dug into a fruit tart. His good mood was back in a matter of minutes.


Unlike Junsu, Jaejoong had reached for the black coffee and the cupcake with dark chocolate topping instead. He didn’t have a sweet tooth, and Didi had already noticed that. Which was why she had brought out the desserts that were entirely different in terms of sugar level.


Gong Yoo was about to reach out for his sweets before his hand got slapped by Didi. “Didi ah, let me eat too!” He pouted, making a pitiful face.


“That’s my strawberry shortcake.” She grinned, pulling it to herself in record time before sticking out a tongue at him in response. The older guy rolled his eyes and took a cupcake with peanut butter topping instead.


“That’s childish. There’s another one here you know?” He said, pointing towards the tray.

Didi grinned. “Mine!”


“When is Yoochun coming anyway? He’s coming right?” Gong Yoo asked, head turning to Jaejoong to look at him.


“He’ll be reaching anytime soon.” Jaejoong replied, taking another sip of his black coffee in the process. “Although it has been 15 minutes since he said that.”


All of a sudden, Didi stood up.


“Where are you going?”


“Getting more food?” She replied, pointing to the almost empty tray, “Didn’t you say he will be coming soon?”


Gong Yoo nodded in understanding


As expected, Yoochun came in soon after Didi went to the kitchen.


“Hey guys, sorry i’m late.” He apologised, pulling a very excited Harang into the shop together with him.


“Yoochun... why did you bring Harang along?” Junsu asked, with Jaejoong looking at Harang with a very amused look at the same time.


“Well, i thought Cassy may be missing its friend?” He answered. Looking at Gong Yoo, he asked, “Where is Cassy by the way?”


“You know, i think i’ve heard of such words before...” Gong Yoo muttered, thinking hard about when did he last hear about it. “Ah. Didi said the same thing this morning, about how Harang must have missed Cassy and vice versa.”


“Oooh....” Both Junsu and Jaejoong singsonged, interested in where his speech was heading to.


“Stop that, it’s nothing.” Yoochun dismissed their thoughts away, sitting down on the empty seat. “Get Cassy down to meet Harang.”


“Ok.” Gong Yoo replied. “Shall i get Didi out at the same time?” He asked with a sly smile hanging on his face.


“Shall i get Harang to stand up and hug you?” Yoochun retorted.


“No way, your Harang stands up to 170cm tall! I’ll die!” Gong Yoo complained, dashing off to the third floor to find Cassy instead.


“So, what have i missed out on?” Yoochun asked, patting Harang as it stood obediently by his side. “You guys have been here for the past few hours.”


“Nothing much, just helping Didi out in the shop?” Junsu said, digging into another cake. “Yoochun, you should try out the cakes, they are yummy!”


“Oh ok...?” Yoochun answered, eyeing the remaining cakes. Without hesitation, he reached out for the strawberry shortcake.


Both Junsu and Jaejoong giggled amongst themselves, as if finding out a highly classified information.


“What?” Yoochun asked irritatedly, annoyed at the weird faces as shown by s. The other two guys just looked away animatedly.


Finally, Didi came out of the kitchen with another tray of goodies and a cup of coffee. “Oh, you’re here?” She asked, putting down the tray and placing the coffee in front of him.


“Thanks!” Yoochun nodded, taking a sip of the coffee happily. “It’s boring to be resting at home.”


Didi shook her head. “You should seriously stay at home to rest instead. Yooppa was telling me that you had overnight filming till just now.”


“I have coffee now, so i can’t sleep already!” Yoochun replied with a cheeky smile, raising his cup in front of her.


“Now you’re blaming on me?” Didi asked as she pretended to be angry, which failed terribly.

That was when she had noticed her other slice of strawberry cake in front of Yoochun. She frowned.


“Americano~” Yoochun started singing as he looked away. Satisfied that he had pissed her successfully, he turned back to continue with his strawberry shortcake. “By the way, Uncle Gong is really talented at baking cakes... hey!”


Didi grinned widely, to the dismay of Yoochun. She had stolen the only strawberry on his cake right in front of his eyes. “It’s so sweet!” She praised, purposefully taking a bite right in front of him.


“My strawberry!” Yoochun complained, staring at her wide eyed.


“It’s mine now.” She grinned, showing a victory sign with her hand. She was about to claim full ownership of the strawberry by eating the rest of the fruit when her hand got pulled towards Yoochun by the man himself. Yoochun had taken ownership of the rest of strawberry with just a bite.


“It’s mine now~” Yoochun said, mimicking her earlier words.


“Yah! Park Yoochun! I’ll get Cassy to bite you senseless!”


“It’s ok, i have Harang to take revenge for me. Harang is taller than you right?” He asked, patting her on her head.


“I don’t like you.” She declared, pouting and leaning forward to dig into her remaining strawberry shortcake.


Both Junsu and Jaejoong who were snickering by the side were happily watching the show in front of them.


“This cake is nice, isn’t it?” Yoochun asked, turning to look at Didi who was sitting beside him.


She did not reply, but stuck out her tongue and made a stupid face at him instead.





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NOTE: I'm taking a day off updating!


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chunnea #1
Chapter 37: thank you for writing such a nice and sweet was well written...keep up the good work author-nim..pls write more of yc story..:D
anneanne #2
Chapter 37: omg... i cried at the end of the story. its really sweet that i cry. huhu what a way to end a fanfic. thanks again author-nim :'')
Samantha24 #3
Chapter 37: Its still A very romantic proposal with all the distractions hahahaha... ADVANCE HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
kimbap876 #4
The empty space (in my heart) is for Chunnieeeeee....
Chapter 37: Simply loved it! Read it in one breath(except a class I held for 1.30h) even though I have an exam tomorrow morning!! That much I liked it <3
Chapter 2: JYJ and GONG YOO!!! You fulfilled my dreams! :D <3
kimbap876 #7
I was reading this while waiting for my eye appt. this a.m., and was sad to see it end-but it was at least a happy ending. To namelessyun and dheeliciouz, many many thanks for a well written fanfic.
ashmita123 #8
Chapter 37: really loved this fanfic..its d end i liked it very much!! keep up d good work!!
anylia #9
Chapter 37: the end...
it's the end already. T___T
I'm going to miss their bickering so much.

and yes please.. after a good rest.. I'll be waiting for Storybook.

really craving for an update from that one.

thank you~~ thank you thank you for a wonderful journey yet again :)
Samantha24 #10
Chapter 36: so sweeeet.. hay...