chapter 2

The Empty Space for You

"We're leaving now, dad!" Gong Yoo called out, raising his voice a little louder as he pushed Didi out of the door, closing it immediately behind him before his father could start his long and naggy reminder about how he should remember to take care of himself and of Didi.


"Yooppa, that was pretty rude of you."


Slightly raising his eyebrows, Gong Yoo gave her a mixed expression - one of amusement, confusion and annoyance. "You should be thankful to me, my dad is so long winded that the sky would turn orange before he can finish his endless reminders about how we must take care of ourselves when we are outside. I've heard it so many times that i could even publish a book by transcripting what he says."


Didi lowered her head as she looked down on the concrete stone path. "At least you have someone who can nag at you. I don't even have the luxury of experiencing that anymore."


"Didi..." He whispered under his breath, his brows furrowed as a crease formed in between. He didn't exactly know what to do in this kind of situation. He was panicking although it wasn't apparent on the surface. All he could think of was to pat her head like how he usually does to Cassy. And that's what he did. "You still have us!"


"That's right." She suddenly spoke up, a small smile appearing on her face once again. "I have you guys!"


Gong Yoo heaved a sigh of relief. "And you'll definitely have your fair share of dad's naggings soon."


"Then, i'll be looking forward to it!" She chuckled, pulling Cassy by its leash towards Gong Yoo's car as he followed close behind her, carrying a basket full of food for their picnic.

Elder Gong had ended up being the one to prepare for their food.


"It's been a long while since i've last been to a picnic!" Didi said excitedly, patting Cassy who was obediently sitting behind at the back passenger seat while she took the seat beside Gong Yoo. "Cassy, you're happy that your daddy is bringing you out too, aren't you?" She asked, earning herself a woof as a reply. She chuckled and turned back to look in front.


"Actually, me too." He replied unabashedly, pressing a button to start the car's engine. "Work is always piling up, so much that i can't even take a breather."


"Must be hard on you huh?"


He nodded. "So, let's enjoy this day to our fullest!"


Just as he said that, he heard an incoming message tone from his phone. He groaned as he started reading the message. "Not this again."


"What happened?"


"My manager just messaged me that there is an urgent meeting in 30 minutes at the advertisers'. And it’s a must for me to attend it since i'm one of their models for the new season." He grumbled. "To think that i had even specially specified that i do not want to be disturbed on my days off..."


"There's nothing much you can do, that's your job."


He nodded, agreeing to her comment. "That's true."


"Shall i get off right now so that you can get on with your trip to the company?" She asked, her hands already on the door handle.


"Actually, no." A grin appeared on his face. He had a very good solution to solve his precardiment.

To bring Didi and Cassy along with him to the company.

He recalled how spacious the company building is, with open space practically everywhere. Cassy would adapt into that environment easily, since he could've sworn that he had seen a few pets roaming around here and there every time he was at the company.


"You’re coming with me to the company.” He grinned, finally releasing the clutch to start on his journey towards the company.




“Are you really sure that it’s okay for me to be here?” Didi asked for the fifth time upon stepping into the building. She took a look at her surroundings - it was as nice, maybe even better, than how Gong Yoo had described to her within their short drive there.


“Yes, Didi.” Gong Yoo replied, leading her towards yet another corner of the building. “I’m very sure. In fact, i think i should hide you somewhere just in case the guys get too interested in you...” He mumbled absentmindedly.

He had almost forgotten who the other models for that season were, and was already in deep thoughts, trying to come up with ways such that he could get her away from them.

He was doing that not due to fear of getting embarrassed of being seen with her. It was more of out protecting her. Just imagining three single hot blooded male hovering around her like hawks targeting their prey...


“Didi, i’m going to have my meeting over in the room over there,” He suddenly called out, pointing to the room with frosted glass doors. “Meanwhile, play with Cassy somewhere around here. Just call out to me if there’s any problems.”


“Ok!” Didi replied happily, already half engrossed with playing catch with Cassy.

Gong Yoo snickered as he looked at them for a while more before turning around towards the meeting room. ‘She sure is happy go lucky.’

The happiness apparently ended quickly for Didi, for she was suddenly met with a little situation. A minute situation.


“Cassy!” Didi shouted out, half panicking as the golden retriever started running away from her, seemingly chasing after another dog - a siberian husky. “Cassy! Stop running!” She called out once again, losing sight of them in an instant.


“Oh dear, what should i do?!” She looked into the distance where the two dogs were last seen before turning towards the meeting room Gong Yoo had pointed to before.


“Yooppa! Cassy ran away!” She said in a slightly raised voice due to panic right after she opened the door to the room.


“Yoopa?” Everyone else echoed almost immediately, leaving Gong Yoo looking at Didi with a worried expression.


“Didi, it’s ok. I’m sure Cassy will make its way back in a while.” He tried to calmly assure her while trying to block the other two boys who were sitting beside him from burning a hole behind his head with a ‘Who is she? Shouldn’t you introduce her to us?’ look.

Of course, there were other people in the room who were looking at Didi with a ‘Who the hell is she, making a ruckus in the middle of the meeting’ and other expressions which they could not fathom, but they couldn’t exactly be bothered with either.


“I... no, i think i’ll go find Cassy right now!” Didi said in response, turning around and closing the door behind her before Gong Yoo could even reply.

At that exact point of time, someone else had tried to make his way into the room. They ended up bumping into each other, with Didi almost falling down if not for the quick reaction from the other person.


It was the typical kind of scene whereby guy and girl bumps into each other, guy catching girl in his broad shoulders, breaking her fall with his strong arms.


The only difference was - the guy had forgotten to eat his breakfast. Hence, he lost his grip on her and sent her crashing onto the floor.


Well, at least he managed to break half of her fall.


“I’m sorry!” The guy quickly apologised, reaching for her wrists and pulling her up immediately.


“No, it’s my fault for turning around so quickly. I’m sorry!” She replied, feeling her ears burn up from embarrassment. “Thanks for, you know, pulling me up.” She added, before trying to walking away from their awkward situation.

She hadn’t forgotten about the missing Cassy, although she had to admit, she was slightly wavered by the good looks from this beautiful stranger.


“Wait!” The stranger suddenly called out shortly after Didi made a step away, holding her wrist for the second time within that minute. “What’s with the rush?”


“Cassy... i mean, my dog ran away. I’ve got to find my dog.” She replied, their gaze on each other never breaking away. It was wrong of her to be thinking about something else other than to find her dog, but the pair of eyes in front of her were drawing her in.


“Shall we look for them together?” He suddenly spoke, still looking intently into her eyes, seemingly no intention to look away from her anytime soon. He later let out a wide smile, revealing his pearly whites. “My dog is missing as well.”


Didi felt her heart skip a beat. In fact, many beats. Feeling the need to break their eye contact, she looked away uttering, “Don’t tell me your dog is a siberian husky.”


The beautiful stranger threw his head back and gave a chortling laughter. “I’m Yoochun, how about you?”


Didi shook her head amusedly, not believing her current situation. “Didi here, and my Cassy was the one who went chasing after your dog. Sorry about that?”


The beautiful stranger Yoochun offered his hand as he looked at her expectantly. “Let’s go? The mother of Cassy, aka kidnapper of my dear Harang.”

Didi could only laugh, slapping his hand away in a joking manner as she walked past him. They had only met for a few minutes, but it felt like they had known each other for a while. He had such an approachable character that one cannot help but to be attracted to his charms at first and subsequent glance.


Hiding a small grin, he ran up and started walking right beside her. “By the way, i’ve never seen you around before. Are you new here?”


She shook her head. “Yooppa, i mean, Gong Yoo brought me here.”


“Gong Yoo hyung?”


Didi nodded her head. “You know him?”


Yoochun nodded, leading her into another walkway. They were currently heading towards the garden a distance away from the meeting room, hoping to find their dogs there. “We are working on the same project. Gong Yoo and JYJ. JYJ, meaning Jaejoong, Yoochun, which is me, and Junsu.”


“You’re a model?”


“Don’t i look like one?”


“With all due respect...”


“I don’t?” He asked once again, a look of horror reflected upon his face.


Seeing how panicky Didi looked at that moment, he eased up and gave a small chuckle. “Ok, i don’t. I’m not one in case you are wondering. Not on a full time basis at least.”


“I knew it.” Didi laughed, slapping his arm as the latter made an ugly face to about her reaction. “So you’re an actor? Like Yooppa?”


Yoochun thought about it for a while. From the corner of his eyes, he could spot Harang and Cassy playing with each other at a corner on the far left. He bit his lower lip, trying to make up his mind. He was having fun talking to her, and don't feel like ending it anytime soon.




“Oh!” Yoochun replied, startled. “I’m both a singer and an actor.” He said, directing her towards yet another corridor on the right, away from where the dogs were.


“I see...”


“You mean, you have never heard of us? JYJ?”


She shook her head. “Are you guys new in the industry? I’m sure i’ve heard of some Kpop groups back home in Indonesia... but not of you guys.”


“You’re from Indonesia?” He asked as she bobbed her head up and down happily just at the mention of the country she came from. “Your Korean is pretty good.”


“It will be better in time to come.” She joked, “So, you’re new?”


“Come on, i’m old enough to be a senior to those young kids in the industry.” He laughed, ruffling her hair, “I can’t believe you haven’t heard of us.”


“Blame it on yourselves for not coming to Indonesia. I’m sure my friends would be spazzing about you guys if you did come. They are crazy over Korean idols.”


It only made Yoochun laugh louder. “I can’t defend myself on this.” He said, raising his hands up as if to surrender.

Didi laughed along heartily. They walked a while longer around the vicinity before they finally caught sight of the two dogs who were by now, friends.


“Cassy!” She shouted out running towards the dogs, forgetting that she was actually with Yoochun.

The guy who got left behind could only let out a look of mixed emotions - amusement, disappointment, and annoyance. Amusement due to the fact that she could actually leave him behind for her dog. Disappointment since their time together was cut short as their dogs were ‘found’. Annoyance... why can’t their dogs hide themselves better?


“Oh hooray...” Yoochun mumbled as he started squishing Harang’s face in annoyance. ‘I wanted to have a longer conversation with her, she’s a fun person to hang out with.’


“Thanks for accompanying me to find Cassy!” Didi said, turning around, holding Cassy’s leash in her hand. “I got to get back to Yooppa, he will be worried since i’m away for quite awhile already.”


Yoochun nodded with an understanding expression on his face. “Let’s go, i’ll lead the way.” He was actually contemplating on walking her back via the long route but hearing her explanation, he couldn’t bear to do that anymore. Besides, he himself was late. Extremely late. ‘I bet the meeting is already over...’


He was right.


By the time he arrived at the meeting room with Didi, only Gong Yoo, Junsu and Jaejoong were seen leisurely chatting with each other. He was lucky that his attendance wasn’t exactly compulsory since he had Jaejoong and Junsu to brief him afterwards.

"Didi! There you are!” Gong Yoo called out, running towards her immediately after spotting her from the door. “Where have you been?”


“Yooppa, i was looking for Cassy with Yoochun.” She replied, point to Yoochun and then at both dogs which were obediently walking side by side with each other.


“I see you have met him.” Gong Yoo replied with a gloomy look.


Didi nodded happily. “Cassy and my savior!”


Yoochun laughed happily, ruffling her hair once again.


“Hey, who’s that?” Jaejoong asked, looking directly at Didi. Junsu nodded along, finding the girl very familiar. ‘Ah. That girl who was with Yoochun just now!’


Apparently, Junsu had earlier caught Yoochun in his act of diverting Didi to the opposite route from where their dogs were supposed to be at.


“Oh! She’s Didi, she’s my dad’s best friend’s daughter!” Gong Yoo introduced her as the two boys went nearer to shake their hands with her.


“She’s from Indonesia!” Yoochun added, proud that he knows a little bit more information than his two members.


“Yes, yes...” Gong Yoo laughed, “She came all the way from Indonesia on her own, so she’s all alone in Korea. And she’s here to learn baking from my dad.”


“Ohhh... a lady who bakes is very attractive.” Jaejoong teased, winking at both Junsu and Yoochun. The only female in the room blushed, looking away from them.


“Guys, don’t even think about it. She’s out of bounds.” Gong Yoo said, poking Jaejoong in his ribs. He had already seen it coming, only earlier than expected. “I’m keeping a close watch on her, so don’t even think about it.”


“Hyung, i was only joking...” The oldest member pouted, resting his chin on his arms lazily on the table.


Didi tried to hide her laugh, which ended up failing on her badly.


“Well, it doesn’t hurt to warn you guys in advance.” Gong Yoo shrugged, standing up from his chair as he walked towards Didi. “We’re going, see you guys around!”


“Bye guys!” Didi waved and was about to walk out after Gong Yoo when a voice stopped her in her steps.




“Yes Yoochun?” Didi asked tilting her head in confusion.


“We’ll meet again, right?”


"I guess so?"


Didi could’ve sworn that she could hear Gong Yoo mumble something along the lines of ‘Aish, to think i just gave them a warning less than a minute ago...’


A/N (JY):

Random Fact 1: The part where Didi mentioned about JYJ never going to Indonesia was written on purpose. I recalled about my conversation with one of our readers (please show yourself :P) about how the concerts were cancelled. I STILL REMEMBER. APRIL'S FOOL. hmmph. Anyway, yeah. If JYJ's staff happens to read this, PLEASE REMEMBER ABOUT INDONESIA AND SINGAPORE FOR THEIR CONCERTS!

Random Fact 2: I'm hungry.

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NOTE: I'm taking a day off updating!


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chunnea #1
Chapter 37: thank you for writing such a nice and sweet was well written...keep up the good work author-nim..pls write more of yc story..:D
anneanne #2
Chapter 37: omg... i cried at the end of the story. its really sweet that i cry. huhu what a way to end a fanfic. thanks again author-nim :'')
Samantha24 #3
Chapter 37: Its still A very romantic proposal with all the distractions hahahaha... ADVANCE HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
kimbap876 #4
The empty space (in my heart) is for Chunnieeeeee....
Chapter 37: Simply loved it! Read it in one breath(except a class I held for 1.30h) even though I have an exam tomorrow morning!! That much I liked it <3
Chapter 2: JYJ and GONG YOO!!! You fulfilled my dreams! :D <3
kimbap876 #7
I was reading this while waiting for my eye appt. this a.m., and was sad to see it end-but it was at least a happy ending. To namelessyun and dheeliciouz, many many thanks for a well written fanfic.
ashmita123 #8
Chapter 37: really loved this fanfic..its d end i liked it very much!! keep up d good work!!
anylia #9
Chapter 37: the end...
it's the end already. T___T
I'm going to miss their bickering so much.

and yes please.. after a good rest.. I'll be waiting for Storybook.

really craving for an update from that one.

thank you~~ thank you thank you for a wonderful journey yet again :)
Samantha24 #10
Chapter 36: so sweeeet.. hay...