chapter 20

The Empty Space for You

‘I found you, my love, the person I've been looking for

I want to embrace you passionately

Stay still and close your eyes

So that I can kiss you

Stay still and close your eyes

So that I can kiss you

I love you, I love you

I found you, the one person to put beside me

Thank you for coming to my side...’


“Have a happy life with your wife, Manager Kang! Congratulations once again!” Jaejoong greeted once their performance for Manager Kang’s wedding came to an end.

They subsequently walked down the platform and walked towards the table that they had originally been allocated to before the performance.

Didi welcomed them back, giving each other them a quick hug and encouraging words like ‘well done’ and ‘you’ve sang well’.

Junsu was still hyper after singing his heart out, and couldn’t sit still.

“Didi, did you watch me singing just now?” He asked happily, shaking her arm every few seconds to get her attention.

“Yes Junsu, you did very well!” Didi laughed, patting his head as an encouragement.

In fact, all three members were still basking in their happiness of being able to sing in front of a crowd.

Thanks to Manager Kang who had requested for JYJ to sing during his wedding dinner.

“Manager Kang is such a lucky chap.” Jaejoong muttered, looking over at the bride and groom a table away. “I want to get married too.” He grumbled.

“The bride is pretty. Kang is indeed lucky!” Yoochun added, making funny gestures at the groom, beckoning for the man in question to come over to entertain them.

“I want to sing at another wedding ceremony soon.” Said Junsu. He started playing with the utensils in front of him.

“Don’t worry Junsu, we have loads of friends who are at the right age for marriage. I’m sure they will invite you to sing for them.” Jaejoong laughed, looking at Kang who was finally free from his friends’ teasing and was walking over to them.

“Hey guys, thanks for coming over despite your tight schedules!” Kang said, giving each and every member a grateful hug.

He turned towards Didi and gave her an encouraging pat on her shoulders. “Thanks for attending and sharing my joy with me.”

“I’m not here for you. I was curious who the lucky lady is.” She teased, earning herself two fists digging into her head. She continued laughing even when Kang was ruffling her unusually neat hairstyle.

“Yah, Kang.” Yoochun pouted, removing Kang’s hands off her. He pulled her nearer to him. “You may be my manager, but i still won’t allow you to touch my girl that easily.”

Kang threw his head back in laughter seeing how protective the love struck guy is. Didi, on the other hand, pulled his hands away and turned away in embarrassment.

“Yoochun, your girl is so shy, it’s unbelievable.” Jaejoong teased, “She’s always so rough and goes around punching people. What have you been feeding her with?”

“Kim Jaejoong, stop it!” Didi pouted, throwing her napkin in Jaejoong’s way.

“I still want to sing for another wedding soon.” Junsu pouted, not exactly following their conversation by now.

“Junsu, sing for mine!” Jaejoong suggested, “I’ll build you a big stage!”

“You don’t even have a girlfriend.” Junsu replied nonchalantly, continuing to play with his chopsticks.


All of a sudden, he looked up, as if a lightbulb had lighted up on top of his head. “I know! I’ll sing for Yoochun and Didi’s wedding instead!” He grinned. “It won’t take long before they get married, right?”

Both Yoochun and Didi looked at each other before starting to laugh.

“Junsu, you must be kidding!” Didi spoke, shaking her head happily. ‘I’d like to get married soon too, but Yoochun still hasn’t serve his army duties yet...’

“Yeah, you’re such a joker, Junsu. We don’t have any intention to get married, do we?” He chuckled, looking at Didi’s direction.

Didi froze in her position.


“Yoochun, you shouldn’t be joking about this.” Kang said, patting his back as he tried to ease the tensed atmosphere. He could feel that Didi was too stunned to speak, Jaejoong had his jaw dropped to the floor, and even Junsu had snapped out of his play time.

“No i’m not joking, Kang.” Yoochun said, still not sensing the change in the mood. “Didi, right?”

Didi almost choked on whatever she had in . Air perhaps.

“Didi, are you ok?” Yoochun asked worriedly, seeing her cough so suddenly. He finally noticed that her face went pale.

“Yeah... i’m alright.” She managed to utter out that three words after a while.

“Let me go get some plain water for you.” Yoochun said frantically, immediately leaving his seat in search for a waitress.

“Are you ok?” Jaejoong’s soothing voice asked. He had moved to Yoochun’s seat right after he left, and had his hands on hers right at that moment.

‘Her hands are cold. She’s definitely in shock...’

“Don’t worry, Didi.” He started speaking, “I’m sure that Yoochun will change his mindset soon. He used to say that he didn’t want to get married, but that’s because he hadn’t met you then. Just give him some time.” He assured. “You are too precious to him.”

“I... I guess.” Didi stuttered, forcing a smile out.

All the three guys looked at her worriedly.

“Don’t worry Didi, if Yoochun doesn’t want to get married with you, i’m on the waiting list!” Junsu exclaimed, raising his hand up happily.

Hearing that, Didi’s shoulders visibly loosened. “Junsu, you may be willing to get married with me, but i certainly don’t want to have a kid husband.” She joked.


“Hey! I’m not a kid!” Junsu pouted. “I make a good husband ok!”

“Actually, i’m quite worried about his future wife. She has to tidy up that pig sty of his daily.” Jaejoong joined in to tease Junsu. He side eyed to check on Didi. Her smile is finally back.

“Whatever.” Junsu pouted, crossing his arms and looking away angrily.

“Hey guys, i need to entertain the other guests. Enjoy yourselves ok?” Kang informed. Before he left them, he reached for Didi’s hands and gave it a little squeeze, as if telling her to be strong.

Didi returned his gesture with a grateful smile, before pushing him towards his bride.

“Anyway how is the preparation for your concert coming along? Mr stage director?” Didi teased, nudging Jaejoong’s elbow.

Once again, Jaejoong has been appointed the stage director for their upcoming concert. He had been busying himself with making sure that every aspect of the concert will be perfect for the fans, hence had stayed up nights after nights in preparation.

Jaejoong gave a thumbs up, indicating that it is all going smooth.

“Although i would appreciate it if Junsu could actually spare some time to help me out.” He grumbled, giving Junsu an accusing glare. “Everytime i call him up to discuss something about the concert, he will either be at home watching tv or at the soccer field.”

“It can’t be helped.” Junsu shrugged. “Everytime i try to give some suggestions, Jaejoong will tell me to go watch tv instead.”

“That’s because you always give some weird suggestions.” Jaejoong retorted. “Didi, do you know, Junsu actually suggested to have a soccer match with our fans as part of our fanmeet segment?”

Didi looked blankly at Junsu. “Junsu, you’d better continue watching your tv.”

“Not you too!” Junsu let out an exasperated sigh and dug into his food instead, ignoring the both of them

“By the way, your boyfriend is taking a long time.” Jaejoong pointed out.


“Oh. Yoochun...” Didi realised, and started looking around to search for the man in question. “He’s gone missing.”

Jaejoong chuckled. “Look behind.”

Didi turned around, and it was then that she realised Yoochun was walking towards them with a small plate of cheesecake in his left hand and a glass of water on his right.

“Yoochun?” She raised her eyebrows as she looked at him curiously.


“Comfort food for the pretty lady.” He grinned, placing the plate on her table. “Hope you’ll get better soon?”

Both Jaejoong and Junsu looked at Didi with envy.

“Didi ah, will you share this piece of cake with a cute kid like me?” Junsu asked, making an extremely cute expression at her.

“No way, it’s especially for Didi. I had to run down to the cafe at the lobby to buy this.” He uttered, pulling the cake away from Junsu and putting it in between him and Didi instead.

“Thanks Yoochun.” Didi thanked him with a grateful smile, although the heavy heart did not seem to subside even with the comforting gestures he had displayed for her.

‘Yoochun definitely loves me. He is definitely a keeper. But...’

“Didi? Are you tired? Should we head home first?” Yoochun asked worriedly, squeezing her hand with both of his.

She shook her head. “I’m fine.”

‘Yes, i am fine. I’m sure things will go well, like what Jaejoong says. Yoochun will definitely have a change of mind soon. I just need to wait...’

Just then, Didi’s phone rang, indicating an incoming call.

She took a quick look at the phone, before standing up hurriedly.

“Didi?” Yoochun questioned, looking at her with a confused expression.

“It’s nothing, i just need to get this phone call.” She said, dashing right out after saying it.



“Yes Uncle Gong?”

“Didi? Am i disturbing you right now? Do you have some time to spare?”

“I’m at Manager Kang’s wedding dinner but it’s alright. What is it?”

“Sorry to have called you at such a timing, but i was just too excited upon hearing the news. I just had to get to you as soon as possible.”

“What happened?” She queried, curious as to why Uncle was speaking in such an excited tone.

“Remember the cake that i had requested for you to make last week?” He asked, eager to spill the news.

“Yes?” She replied. How could she forget? She had so much fun making that cake, with Yoochun at her side.

“It is actually for my mentor who had taught me back in France.”

“Oh?” She uttered, genuinely shocked. “Why?”

“To be simply honest with you, i had been constantly sending your bakes from our lessons to him.” He explained slowly, making sure that she was following the pace. “That cake that you have made recently is actually a test that he had set.”

“What test?”

“To see if you are worthy to be his apprentice.”

“To be your mentor’s apprentice?” She repeated. She felt her heart beating rapidly.

“Yes. He has been working in Korea for the past few years and he thought that it’s time for him to return to France for retirement. To set up a cakery there. And he thinks that it will be great if you could join him at the cakery as his apprentice.”

“Wait.” Didi interrupted. “Let me get this right. Your mentor is inviting me to join him in France, at his cakery, to be his apprentice?”

“That’s right! Isn’t it exciting?” Elder Gong exclaimed excitedly. “You’re going to learn directly from a master!”

‘It would be, but...’


“Uncle Gong, when do i need to let him know about my decision?”

“Well, he says he is willing to wait up to a few months, since he’s still trying to finalize things here in Korea and there in France... but you’re going to accept it, aren’t you?”

“I don’t know, Uncle Gong. I have work here, remember?”

“But your dream is to become a good baker, isn’t it? This will be a very good stepping stone.”

“I’ll take this into serious consideration, Uncle Gong.” Didi replied, taking in a deep breath. “Thanks for creating this wonderful opportunity for me.”

“Anytime for my bestie’s precious daughter. Didi, you know i practically treat you as my own daughter already, don’t you?”

Didi giggled. “Yes, yes. I’m hanging up now.”

“Enjoy your night! Bye!”

Didi stared blankly at her phone screen, leaning her back onto the wall behind her.

“What should i do...” She mumbled to herself, shutting her eyes to sort her thoughts out.

Little did she know, Yoochun had been listening to their conversation from the side.


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NOTE: I'm taking a day off updating!


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chunnea #1
Chapter 37: thank you for writing such a nice and sweet was well written...keep up the good work author-nim..pls write more of yc story..:D
anneanne #2
Chapter 37: omg... i cried at the end of the story. its really sweet that i cry. huhu what a way to end a fanfic. thanks again author-nim :'')
Samantha24 #3
Chapter 37: Its still A very romantic proposal with all the distractions hahahaha... ADVANCE HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
kimbap876 #4
The empty space (in my heart) is for Chunnieeeeee....
Chapter 37: Simply loved it! Read it in one breath(except a class I held for 1.30h) even though I have an exam tomorrow morning!! That much I liked it <3
Chapter 2: JYJ and GONG YOO!!! You fulfilled my dreams! :D <3
kimbap876 #7
I was reading this while waiting for my eye appt. this a.m., and was sad to see it end-but it was at least a happy ending. To namelessyun and dheeliciouz, many many thanks for a well written fanfic.
ashmita123 #8
Chapter 37: really loved this fanfic..its d end i liked it very much!! keep up d good work!!
anylia #9
Chapter 37: the end...
it's the end already. T___T
I'm going to miss their bickering so much.

and yes please.. after a good rest.. I'll be waiting for Storybook.

really craving for an update from that one.

thank you~~ thank you thank you for a wonderful journey yet again :)
Samantha24 #10
Chapter 36: so sweeeet.. hay...