chapter 22

The Empty Space for You

'It must be here. I'm very sure it must be here.' She muttered over and over again, digging at every corner of the van. She got out out the driver seat after checking that the bags were not anywhere around. Same goes for the second row of passenger seats. She was starting to lose hope.

But she was right after all.

Yoochun's bag that were holding his medicine had somehow gotten underneath the seats at the last row.

"I need to get his medicine to him right now!" She thought, her mood lightening up. Snatching it swiftly, she got out of the car at top speed and started making a mad dash back to the backstage.

"Sorry, make way please! Excuse me!" Didi kept shouting, snaking her way through the sudden surge of people at the backstage. "Excuse me... ahh!"

In the next instant, she found herself kissing the floor.

'So much so for trying to get the medicine to him as soon as possible...' She grumbled, reaching out to retrieve the medicines that were scattered all over the floor. She felt a sharp pain on her right elbow, but later dismissed the pain as she hurriedly picked up the medications and sprinted back to the dressing room.

“Yoochun! Here’s your inhaler!” Didi exclaimed, pushing the door wide open without caring about the commotion that she was making. Similarly, she did not realise that they were not the only people in the room as well.

Jaejoong had been fussing over Yoochun upon hearing that he had an attack.

The oldest member gave a knowing look at the both of them before sitting back a little to create a distance between him and Yoochun. So that Didi could speak up. He could see that Didi had stiffen up following the cold hard stare that Yoochun had given her in response to her bubbly greeting when the door was opened.

“Here’s the inhaler...” She mumbled, making tiny steps towards him as she stretched her arm towards him with the medicine in her hand.

“I could’ve died just now.” He replied, forcefully snatching his inhaler away from her hand and throwing it on the couch that Jaejoong and him were sitting on. Due to the impact, the inhaler bounced right off the couch and onto the floor with a smack.

Jaejoong’s head made a sharp turn towards the chilly voice on his right. He then stared blankly at the orange inhaler on the floor. ‘Did i hear him wrongly? Is this really Yoochun? What on earth is happening now?’

“I’m sorry...”

Jaejoong turned towards Didi. He could see that the person in front of him was totally in her self reproaching mode. She was trembling badly.

“Are you really taking your job seriously?” Yoochun continued, giving her an accusatory glare.

‘What?’ Jaejoong thought. ‘Is this guy for real? Everyone knows how hard she works for Yoochun!’

“Maybe i should think twice about continuing to keep you as my personal assistant.”

‘What?!’ Was screaming throughout Jaejoong’s head.

But the cold man kept on blabbering. “You’re messy, you’re disorganized, you’re far from meticulous.” He spoke with an unusually low voice, anger seeping through his words. “And you almost killed me due to your sloppiness.”

‘That’s it. This guy needs someone to knock some sense in his thick head.’ Jaejoong decided. He was about to turn towards Yoochun to give him a piece of his mind, and also to get some justice back for Didi, but the heated guy had beaten him to the chance to speak.

“Ah. Weren’t you offered the chance to become so and so’s apprentice abroad? You should just go. It’s better than staying here with me and doing something you don’t like.” He continued, not meeting her eyes even once.

“Yoochun.” Jaejoong finally spoke up, putting his hand on the back of Yoochun’s. “You’re being too harsh on her.”

Yoochun looked away at an empty space, not replying anyone.

Biting her lower lips from trying to stop her lips from quivering any more than it was, Didi swallowed back the lump of emotions down .

“I see...” She managed to utter out that partial sentence. “I’m not welcomed here it seems.” She forced a smile. “Well, i’ll make myself scarce then. Good luck for your concert Yoochun.”

“Didi ah...” Jaejoong tried calling out to her, but the lady had already turned around and out of the room. “Yoochun!” He scolded, not believing what his buddy had just done.

“What?” The depressed guy snapped, staring back at his hyung unhappily.

Jaejoong sighed deeply. “I’ll talk to you when i’m back.” He replied and dashed out to chase after Didi.




Jaejoong had found her quite easily at one of the rehearsal rooms. 'She's really upset ' He noted. He was about to walk up to her when he realised that she was blowing on a patch of the skin on her elbow. It was bleeding, but she did not make any further attempt to nurse the wound.

'Is she crazy? Is she trying to get an infection?' He wondered before turning around to search for something useful.

Within a couple of minutes, he was back at the same place with a first aid kit in his hand. However, he couldn't go nearer towards her than he already was since someone was with her. She (which Jaejoong recognised her as one of the staff) was profusely apologising to Didi and the latter was just smiling and assuring that it was ok.

"Didi, is Yoochun alright now?" The staff asked worriedly, her eyes peeking out from her long fringe.

Didi pondered for a while. "Judging by how he much he spoke just now, yeah i would say he is alright." She smiled.

"Did he get his medication?”

Didi nodded with a smile. “The bag got left in the van.”


“Don’t be sorry. I was at fault for not checking if there were any bags left in the van as well.” Didi shrugged. She was about to get up from her seat to leave the venue when she saw someone familiar from a distance away. “Jaejoong?”

Realising that he was too late to hide from their view, he just lifted his hand and made a peace sign awkwardly. “Hi?”

Didi rolled her eyes smiling, while the female staff giggled a little from the cuteness of the pretty man in front of her. She later excused herself, knowing that Jaejoong had something to tell Didi. “That wasn’t cute at all.” She commented, patting the empty seat beside her.

Jaejoong laughed out loud, covering his mouth with his available hand. “I know you secretly like it.”


“Ok ok, i’ll drop the cheese. Give me your hand.”


“This.” Jaejoong replied, pulling her injured hand towards him. “We need to disinfect and bandage this boo boo.” He grinned, wetting the cotton ball with antiseptic lotion before he started wiping her wound. It was silent for a while after that.

“How is he?” Didi suddenly asked out of the blue.

“Still not dead.”

“I see...” She nodded. ‘If Jaejoong can add some sarcasm in his words, it means that he is really ok...’

“I heard your conversation with the staff just now.” Jaejoong said nonchalantly, not taking his eyes off her hand.

“How much did you hear?”


She lowered her head, not sure what she should say.

“Shall i help you take some revenge?” Jaejoong suddenly suggested, pasting the band aid on her wound. He then rubbed his hands and gave her a evil smirk, as if he had some great plans in his mind. “We can sneak into his room in the middle of the night and shave his head bald...”

Didi started giggling, seeing how silly he looked at the moment. “No thanks, you’ll probably be taken to the mental asylum before you can implement your plans at this rate. Besides, he will be more than happy to have his head shaved.”

“Didi!” Jaejoong pouted, punching her arm lightly. He then huffed a puff of air and crossed his arms, back facing her as he looked in another direction. However, him ignoring her only lasted for 10 over seconds before they broke into laughter together.

“Thanks for this anyway.” She said, pointing to the band aid on her elbow. “And for keeping me company even when your concert is going to start soon.”

“I’ll accept credit card as a payment mode!” He stood up with a sly smile, sticking his hand out to pull her up at the same time.

“Ha.” She rolled her eyes in response. “I’ll see you soon.” She replied, before walking away and leaving the location shortly after.

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NOTE: I'm taking a day off updating!


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chunnea #1
Chapter 37: thank you for writing such a nice and sweet was well written...keep up the good work author-nim..pls write more of yc story..:D
anneanne #2
Chapter 37: omg... i cried at the end of the story. its really sweet that i cry. huhu what a way to end a fanfic. thanks again author-nim :'')
Samantha24 #3
Chapter 37: Its still A very romantic proposal with all the distractions hahahaha... ADVANCE HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
kimbap876 #4
The empty space (in my heart) is for Chunnieeeeee....
Chapter 37: Simply loved it! Read it in one breath(except a class I held for 1.30h) even though I have an exam tomorrow morning!! That much I liked it <3
Chapter 2: JYJ and GONG YOO!!! You fulfilled my dreams! :D <3
kimbap876 #7
I was reading this while waiting for my eye appt. this a.m., and was sad to see it end-but it was at least a happy ending. To namelessyun and dheeliciouz, many many thanks for a well written fanfic.
ashmita123 #8
Chapter 37: really loved this fanfic..its d end i liked it very much!! keep up d good work!!
anylia #9
Chapter 37: the end...
it's the end already. T___T
I'm going to miss their bickering so much.

and yes please.. after a good rest.. I'll be waiting for Storybook.

really craving for an update from that one.

thank you~~ thank you thank you for a wonderful journey yet again :)
Samantha24 #10
Chapter 36: so sweeeet.. hay...