chapter 15

The Empty Space for You

"What's on your mind?" Yoochun asked as he sat down beside Didi on the foldable chair, snapping her out of her trance from her earlier phone conversation with Elder Gong.

He shivered a little although they were sitting inside the makeshift tent which has been installed with a temporary heater. The weather was just too cold for his liking, and he was someone who likes winter.

'Didi, don't be such a workaholic. It's been several months since you came over to Korea, but you have seldom gone out for a proper sightseeing trip. Take some time off to take a stroll around; it will be a good experience for you, walking around the streets during this winter season to enjoy the piping hot street food.’

Didi turned to her side to catch a glimpse of the tired looking guy beside her. His eye bags were getting thicker due to the piled up schedules. In her mind, she was already starting to reconsider if she should ask him along, or to kick him home immediately after work for a good rest.

There were pros and cons, she realised, but the temptation to ask him along was greater.

'Besides, he would probably tag along somehow as usual...'

"Didi?" Yoochun called out once again, nudging her by her shoulders.

"Do you want to accompany me to the night market for some street food? Uncle Gong told me that it would be a nice experience for me." Didi directly asked, since it was obvious that Yoochun wouldn't let her off unless she reveals her thoughts to him.

"Well, street food sounds good... but i thought someone has been complaining that she has gotten pudgy?" He replied, glancing straight at her - the culprit who had said that not too long ago. That very morning to be precise.

Didi rolled her eyes, giving him an annoyed expression. "Please make up your mind. Yes or no?" She chided, pushing him away since he had been inching nearer to her whilst trying to about the pudgy comment.

"Maybe i should get Yooppa to bring me there instead." She spoke softly, tapping her fingers on her chin as she reconsidered about the possibilities.

"I'll meet you at the main gate leading to the night market right after this outdoor photo shoot is done." He said in a strong, yet panicked voice.

‘No way am i going to let them go on another date together alone again.’ He thought to himself. Even since his last interception which ended up with them returning to JYJ’s base together, he had been having weird thoughts that Gong Yoo may have ulterior motives for being so nice to Didi. ‘It sounds weird, but Gong Yoo may be interested in her... in a non sibling way...’

"And don't even think about getting the rest to come with us. Just the two of us is fine." He added with a smirk, pinching her red and freezing cold nose, making it redder than ever.

"Ok, now please concentrate on your shooting." She replied in a cool, calm voice, slapping his hand away before turning around swiftly to walk out of the tent and towards the set to find the other staff. She may look calm and indifferent at that point of time, but beneath her cool mask was a little girl skipping around happily.

She had to lock up every single brain cells of hers for fear that they would betray her and reveal her actual expression right at that moment.

'This girl, can't she at the very least pretend that she's happy to be hanging out with me?' Yoochun wondered, rubbing his hands to warm them up before turning towards the makeup tent for their makeup artistes to do some touch up.



'Didi ah, i'm sorry but i'll be a little late. There's something that i need to take care of first. It'll take me a while before i can reach our meeting venue. Probably in 30 minutes time? 45 max.'

Didi stared at the message that she received less than a minute ago. She frowned.

"Whatever could happen?" She thought, blowing some heat onto her mittens. They had left the set at almost the same time, just a few minutes of difference in between since it wasn't exactly a good idea for them to leave together - Jaejoong and Junsu may realise that they are up to no good (aka; ditching them to go play by themselves) and may decide to tag along.

It would have been perfectly fine for other people, but it was a bad idea for the three prominent figures to be seen walking together on the famous streets of Seoul.

Just try to imagine what would happen when they get spotted. Even calling police would not help with the rowdy crowd.

'We could cancel this you know? I'll just go on my own.' She replied back. It was a lie if she said that she wasn't bothered by the sudden change of plans. But work is work, she couldn't just make him ditch work for a mere snacking trip.

She eyed the tteokbokki stall from a distance - it looked extremely tempting at that point of time. Who wouldn't? Considering how cold the weather is (and how warm the tteokbokki looked), and how hungry she is (she was too busy and had forgotten to eat her lunch).

'No, it's fine. I'll rush over as soon as i'm done here.' He replied, not offering any more explanations.

Didi pouted, eyeing the row of stalls in the near distance from where she was standing at - The left pillar of the main gate. "I must get those goodies later." She grumbled, holding the side of her head as she felt her migraine slowly coming to her.

Suddenly, the temptation to ditch Yoochun and to go eat on her own was tugging on her heartstrings. She turned around, away from the food stalls.

"Damn. Why am i so considerate?" She silently scolded herself, pulling out her bottle to take a big gulp of water out of it, hoping that it will ease her of the symphony that was currently being played in her stomach at that point of time.

She raised her right hand and stared at her wrist where her watch was hanging at. "That idiot said he will be here between 30 to 45 minutes... that's enough time for me to take a stroll around." She mumbled to herself, blowing hot air into her freezing hands as she started walking away from their meeting point. She took another look around before spotting a row of stalls selling various cute novelty items.

An evil thought came to her mind. She recalled about how Junsu had 'accidentally' revealed to her that Yoochun had been using extremely cute items for a period of time. Although the latter had insisted that they were all fan gifts and he had found it extremely wasteful to not use them, they were still excuses in the eyes of Junsu.

So says the duck guy who had worn piyo piyo boxers in the comfort of his messy home.

She tried to hide her smile and walked briskly towards the stall, picking out a few items that would definitely 'look good' on the cool guy she is working for.

'It wouldn't hurt trying out a new style.' She figured, 'At the very least, nobody would imagine it is THE Park Yoo Chun who is walking down the streets wearing a pair of hello kitty spectacles, hello kitty mask and a hello kitty beanie. We could shop around without being disturbed.'

Just as she was turning to her side to ask the shop owner for the total amount payable, she spotted a familiar figure just across the small one way street. She froze for a second before turning towards that direction for a clearer view.

It was a heavily disguised (or rather, heavily wrapped due to the chilling cold weather) Yoochun. With a woman. As if it couldn't get any worse, his hand had made his way to her lower back as he gestured for her to make her way towards a cafe. Smiling, as if enjoying every moment.

Didi stood frozen in her tracks. She couldn't decide if it was better to pretend not to have seen that scene, or to storm right up to them and to demand for the truth.

'The truth? Didi, who are you to demand for an explanation from him? You are just his personal assistant.' Something in her mind just kept echoing that few sentences in her mind.

"Miss?" The shop assistant suddenly shook her gently, causing her to lose grip of all the items in her hands. It unexpectedly caused a small commotion, as Didi tried to profusely apologise to the shop assistant for her clumsiness.

At the same time, she just wanted to pick the items up as fast as possible and return them back to the shelves, back to where they belong before running away. To hide.

Evidently, she was bad at camouflaging herself.

"Didi?" A familiar voice came from behind her. How could it not sound familiar to her? She had last heard it barely 20 minutes ago.

The owner of the voice was obviously shock at their encounter, judging by how his voice wavered. "Didi...? W..wait, i can explain..."

"Haha... haha..." Didi forced a laugh out of her as she picked up the last of the items before plopping them into the shop assistant's arms.

"It's such a surprise seeing you here! Oh wow, and you are with someone else! Guess we should cancel on our appointment after all!" She blabbered on and on before swiftly turning around to walk, or rather, run away.

She had barely ran a small distance before she got caught and pulled into a secluded alley.

"Park Yoochun, let go!" Didi shouted, although she knew it wouldn't help her much in getting herself freed.

"Didi, just let me explain..." He pleaded, grabbing her shoulders to stop her from moving away from him.

"What's there to explain?! You leaving me all alone in the freezing cold weather just to hang out with another woman? The truth is already right smack in my face!"

"No, it wasn't like that!" Yoochun tried to calm her down, pushing her towards a wall so that she had limited space to move about. "She was just my ex colleague, the rest are there as well, even Junsu and Jaejoong..."

"Stop it, i don't care about all these useless information that you are trying to brainwash into me. Stop playing with me, stop messing around with me. If you don't have any intention to accompany me, just don't!"

"I want to accompany you! I want to! It's just that the situation just now made it hard for me to not go along with them! I had decided to just sit around for a while before sneaking out to meet up with you!" He tried to explain, ruffling his hair in frustration. ‘This girl isn’t listening!’

"Save your lies for other girls who will actually fall for it!" Didi shouted and pushed him away as he stumbled a few steps back. "I don't care anymore!" She continued yelling, trying to hold back on her tears as she started hitting him on his chest, trying to vent out all the mixed emotions she had pent up in her heart since day one. "Just go to her!”

“Why are you so agitated anyway?!” Yoochun asked, his voice raised in slight anger as well in response to mirror her behaviour. He held onto her hands once again so that he wouldn’t have to get hit anymore.

Not at least without a valid reason.

“Besides, why should you care about who i meet up with anyway? Even if she does mean something to me, why should you be mad about tha...”

“I know! I freaking know that much! I am just another ‘someone’ who works for you!” Didi interrupted, not caring about the consequences of her flare up anymore. The tears that she had been trying to hold back on slided down her cheeks just as naturally as how her pent up frustrations exploded. She didn’t know why, but the fatigue in her body had just suddenly decided to break apart her inhibitions.

“Di... Didi... are you crying...?” He asked, surprised at the burst of emotions happening in front of him. He froze, and it was not due to the cold weather.

“No! It’s just the freezing winter weather!” She barked, struggling and trying to get away from the human barrier that he had conveniently made using his body.

“Besides, it’s none of your business as well! We are just colleagues who merely live under one roof, there’s no emotions involved so you can jolly well pack up your act and go back to your precious ex colleague!” She shouted.

What the hell am i talking about now?’ She thought, although the words kept on flowing out like lava spurting out from an erupting volcano.

“How many times must i tell you, she’s just...”

“I shouldn’t have pinned that much hope into these feelings! Who am i to think that you may somehow fall for me the way i fell for you?!” She cried harder, now repeatedly hitting his chest. “I’m such a fool!”

‘She... she likes me? Really?’ He thought, a rush of happiness rushing through his entire body.

“Didi, just listen to me...” He tried to calm her down, tightly clutching her hands near to his chest.

“No i won’t!” She retorted, looking away from him, not wanting him to see her tears any more than she had already revealed. She was, however, still trying to hit him despite being bound by his hands.

As swiftly as he had pulled her into that secluded alley so as to create a chance for them to talk, he did the same once again - this time to shut her up. Like lightning, he had, without warning, narrowed in on their distance between each other and had pressed his lips onto hers.

Kisses should be, in general, sweet to the taste.

‘But why is it so bitter?’ Didi thought to herself as more tears poured down her cheeks. She didn’t want a kiss like this, even if it was with a person she was utterly in love with.

She tried her best to desperately push him away, but he was just too strong. For every attempt she tried to push him away, the force of the lip smacking rebounded with twice the strength.

Finally, she managed to put an end to her torture by biting on his lips instead. Hard.

“What the hell?!” He yelled, glaring at her with an unreadable expression.

“You’re a freaking jerk. I hate you.” Didi spoke, wiping her lips furiously using the back of her hand with a disgusted look. Her voice was cold to the point where it could easily slice through anything.

Not waiting for him to even speak for another millisecond, she dashed away from the spot, leaving Yoochun frozen in his place.

She was extremely tired of the whole fiasco. Her eyes were burning in pain, her head was heavy, and so were her limbs. She just wanted to get out of the cold quickly and back into her warm bed.

But, does she still have a warm bed? After all that had happened?

Wiping another tear away, she started mumbling endlessly as she slowed down her pace, walking around with no destination in mind. “Stupid Yoochun. I hate him. Jerk. Jerkface. Chunface. Chun... no... jerk. Jerkface...”

Evidently, she had forgotten the traffic safety lessons she had taken when she was young, for she had unconsciously tried to walk across another side of the road without looking left - right and left again.

Without any warning, she found herself facing an oncoming car heading towards her direction.

“No!!! Didi!!” Was the last thing she heard from Yoochun.


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NOTE: I'm taking a day off updating!


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chunnea #1
Chapter 37: thank you for writing such a nice and sweet was well written...keep up the good work author-nim..pls write more of yc story..:D
anneanne #2
Chapter 37: omg... i cried at the end of the story. its really sweet that i cry. huhu what a way to end a fanfic. thanks again author-nim :'')
Samantha24 #3
Chapter 37: Its still A very romantic proposal with all the distractions hahahaha... ADVANCE HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
kimbap876 #4
The empty space (in my heart) is for Chunnieeeeee....
Chapter 37: Simply loved it! Read it in one breath(except a class I held for 1.30h) even though I have an exam tomorrow morning!! That much I liked it <3
Chapter 2: JYJ and GONG YOO!!! You fulfilled my dreams! :D <3
kimbap876 #7
I was reading this while waiting for my eye appt. this a.m., and was sad to see it end-but it was at least a happy ending. To namelessyun and dheeliciouz, many many thanks for a well written fanfic.
ashmita123 #8
Chapter 37: really loved this fanfic..its d end i liked it very much!! keep up d good work!!
anylia #9
Chapter 37: the end...
it's the end already. T___T
I'm going to miss their bickering so much.

and yes please.. after a good rest.. I'll be waiting for Storybook.

really craving for an update from that one.

thank you~~ thank you thank you for a wonderful journey yet again :)
Samantha24 #10
Chapter 36: so sweeeet.. hay...