chapter 31

The Empty Space for You

“Ready?” Jaejoong asked as his hand stayed on the handle of the wooden door.

Didi gave him a shy smile before she nodded. “I think so...”

He tried searching for any hint of backing out within her eyes, but no, there weren’t any.

He smiled inwardly. ‘So our talk yesterday worked.’

“Didi, You’re lucky that you know who your father is. Think about those orphans out there, who will never know who their parents are. Besides, Elder Gong is a very good man and a father. I’m sure that now, knowing your existence, he will do his best to be a father figure for you.

Open your heart, just like how i did. Look, now i have two great families supporting me! I am very happy that i’ve accepted them. You won’t regret it, trust me.”

Pulling open the door and hearing the familiar chimes of the bells, he started pulling her luggage in, with Didi following closely after her.

“We are still not open yet... oh...” Elder Gong said with a surprised look. “Didi... you’re back...” He muttered softly under his breath, although his facial expression showed everything.

He is happy, no, elated to see her back.

“Uncle Gong, look who i’ve brought back? Your precious daughter!” Jaejoong chimed, nudging Didi to take a step forward.

Didi bit her lower lips and walked a few steps ahead, carelessly touching her wrist to ease her nerves.


“I’m back...” She whispered softly. She turned back to look at Jaejoong, hoping that he will continue to be the good guy and help her out with the extremely awkward situation.

“Well...” Jaejoong said with his hand rubbing his neck nervously, noticing her call for help, “Didi was wondering if the offer to let her stay here is still valid...”

“O..of course!” Elder Gong exclaimed, his eyes smiling so brightly that it could barely be seen. “I’ve always maintained and kept your room clean so that you can come home anytime. Back home.” He spoke, putting strong emphasis on the word ‘home’.

“Thank you... Dad.” Didi shyly whispered before making her way up to her room. Jaejoong followed her up, stifling his laughter to himself.




Shortly after, she was pulled down to the ground floor by Jaejoong. He had insisted for her to make a cake for him as thanks for the lodging and consultation session the night before.

‘And it should be made together with your father.’ So says Jaejoong.

And that’s why Didi was currently standing side by side with her father whom she hasn’t seen since she was born.

“Didi ah, what cake should we make for Jaejoong?” Elder Gong asked, careful with his words so as to not offend her away.

“I don’t know.” She truthfully replied. The thought that her father was standing beside her was already overwhelming her whole mind. There was no space for her to think about what flavour Jaejoong would like.

Hence she thought of the next best thing.

“Jaejoong!” She yelled out, successfully gaining the attention of the guy who was playing with his phone at the door frame.

“What? I’m just a few steps away from you. You don’t have to shout!” He complained, rubbing his ears.

Didi pouted, “I’m just too nervous.” She admitted, peeking beside her where Elder Gong was standing at.

Elder Gong gave her an encouraging smile. “Don’t worry, we’ll gain back on the lost times soon, right?”

Didi nodded.

“So?” Jaejoong asked, “You’re calling me for?”

“What cake would you like to have?” She questioned lazily. “We can’t make anything if you don’t specify what kind of cake you like.”

“Surprise me.” Jaejoong replied before walking out of the kitchen. “I’ll be outside if you guys need me.”

And so, only the two of them were left in the kitchen.

“So... what shall we do?” Elder Gong asked for the second time.

“Well... something special? Since Jaejoong has been helping me out with a lot of things. He’s a special person to me.” Didi pondered. “Everytime i see him, he seems to give off different colours.”

Elder Gong tapped on his chin for a bit before a smile escaped his mouth. “Well then, let’s make him something special then.”



Miraculously, the barrier between Didi and her father melted down somewhere in the middle of their baking session. Soon, they were talking and laughing like before.

Baking connected her mother and her father together. Similarly, it helped connect the bond between the father and daughter as well.

“What’s that?” Jaejoong asked curiously when the cake was presented right in the middle of the table for the three of them to enjoy. He raised his eyebrow, observing the plain white vanilla buttercream coated cake.

Both Didi and her father looked at each other with a knowing look, seemingly hiding a secret between themselves.

“Why don’t you find out for yourself?” Elder Gong said, passing over a knife to Jaejoong. “Do us the honour and cut the cake.”

“Hmm? I’m cutting?” Jaejoong asked curiously.

Both of them nodded.

Jaejoong grinned greedily before making his first slice. “Hmm?” He uttered when he saw how the inside of the cake looked like. “Rainbow?” He whispered, amazed at the layers of colours hidden within a plain white cake.

“We made it while thinking of you!” Didi grinned. “It was dad’s idea!”

“Didi was telling me how you give of different colours whenever she sees you, so yeah.” Elder Gong explained. “Thanks for helping us reunite, and always keeping a lookout for her at work.”

Jaejoong smiled, lowering his head shyly. “I didn’t do much...”

“Come on, let’s eat!” Didi grinned.


As they were happily enjoying the cake amongst the three of them, Jaejoong received a call. Upon looking at who the caller is, Jaejoong stiffened, and this did not go unnoticed by the two.

“Jaejoong?” Didi asked curiously, wanting to move nearer to see who the caller is, but Jaejoong spared her the extra movement by telling her who it is.

“It’s Yoochun.” He announced carefully. Putting an index finger towards his lips to let them know that they should quieten down for a while, he picked up the phone.

“Yoochun ah?” Jaejoong asked in a relaxed manner, as if he wasn’t in the cakery at the present moment.

Didi and Elder Gong looked at each other before resuming to eat their cakes silently while waiting for Jaejoong to be done with his call.

After a few minutes, Jaejoong was off the call, and frowning. “Didi... you left him in Bali?”

“We didn’t make plans to return together.” Didi said, looking away. However, she managed to squeeze in another sentence. “How is he?”

“Still coping, i think.” He shrugged, looking at her. “He just said that he has returned and is going straight home... for reasons we can not fathom.”

Didi just resumed eating, purposefully ignoring Jaejoong’s hidden meaning.

“Wait, am i missing something again?” Elder Gong asked, looking at Jaejoong and Didi, and back to Jaejoong.

“Ask your daughter.” Jaejoong answered, pointing at Didi with his fork.

“Didi, what happened?” Elder Gong asked, placing his hand on top of hers so as to stop her from eating for the time being. “Can you let your daddy know?”

“Dad, it’s nothing...” She nonchalantly replied, before lowering to a whisper, “...Just that i’ve broken up with Yoochun.”

Imagine the shock on Elder Gong’s face.

“But why? I thought you guys were doing well?” He urged, determined to get to the bottom of the matter. If he bullied his daughter, he will bring hell to Yoochun.

Didi shrugged, pretending to be alright. “Let’s just say, history is repeating itself.”


“What?” Elder Gong was seriously confused.

“He doesn’t want to get married.” She shrugged.


“Oh.” was what Elder Gong could say.


“What did he say?” Jaejoong inquired further. He wasn’t going to take sides, not until he knew what exactly happened.

“He doesn’t believe in ‘commitment on papers’, Jaejoong.” She mumbled, feeling the pain from that day returning to her once more. “He said he can give me the ‘security’ and ‘family’ i want, just not marriage.”

“What an ...” Jaejoong muttered under his breath before looking up, coincidentally meeting eyes with Elder Gong. “Oh, sorry... i wasn’t refering to you.”

Elder Gong just shook his head in reply, indicating that no offense was taken.

Didi showed a bitter smile. “At least Jaejoong understands what i feel.”

“But, to help Yoochun for a bit...” He said, leaning his elbow on the table with his chin on his palm, “Is marriage that important to you?”

“Jaejoong, you have no idea...” She heaved a deep sigh. “My mother... was constantly the main topic for the gossip ladies in my neighbourhood. An unwed mother, a child with no father. Can you imagine what kind of things they gossiped about us?” She recounted, the edge of her eyes burning with each word spoken. “And... the kids at school. They always teased me for having no father. I was an outcast for many donkey years.”

She suddenly stopped talking, finding it difficult to continue anymore. “I...”

“I’m sorry Didi... i didn’t know that the both of you had to suffer because of my selfishness...” Elder Gong apologised, truly regretting about his actions. “It’s my fault...”

She bit back her tears before taking in a deep breath to calm herself down. “It’s ok dad. Besides, we have reunited. That’s already the best gift for me.”

“Didi...” Jaejoong spoke, patting her back. “It’s ok, you have us now.”

She nodded.

“Jaejoong, i’m not trying to be unreasonable by wanting to tie Yoochun down. It’s just that, someday, i would need a status, to be admitted by everyone as the wife of someone legally.” She stuttered, “Look at my mother, just because she is an unwed mother she got scrutinized to the extent of having to secretly cry by herself when she thinks i’m sleeping in my bed.”

Leaning back to her chair since she no longer had the appetite, she continued, “I’m just but a woman. I want to have kids as well. I love kids.” Looking at Jaejoong now, she said, “You told me to wait... to wait until he changes his mindset. But Jaejoong, there’s an expiry date tagged on me, on every woman actually. I couldn’t possibly wait for him for forever. What if he never turns around for me?”


“You really love him a lot, don’t you?” Elder Gong asked. “That’s why you are so hurt.”

“Yes dad, i do. But i wonder if it’s the same for him.” She admitted, voicing her uncertainty, “He let me go that easily. He hasn’t even contacted me even once since the day we parted.”

“You’re so silly.” Elder Gong chided, “I’m sure he loves you as well. This is coming from a guy who has been through it all.” He gave a sincere smile, “I love your mother, even up until now. And Yoochun loves you then, now, and for forever.”

“Thanks dad.” Didi smiled. Taking in a deep breath and raising her hands up, she declared, “But it’s all over now. I’m starting on a new clean slate!”

“What about work?” Jaejoong asked, “You’re still his personal assistant after all.”

“Well... that’s...”

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NOTE: I'm taking a day off updating!


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chunnea #1
Chapter 37: thank you for writing such a nice and sweet was well written...keep up the good work author-nim..pls write more of yc story..:D
anneanne #2
Chapter 37: omg... i cried at the end of the story. its really sweet that i cry. huhu what a way to end a fanfic. thanks again author-nim :'')
Samantha24 #3
Chapter 37: Its still A very romantic proposal with all the distractions hahahaha... ADVANCE HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
kimbap876 #4
The empty space (in my heart) is for Chunnieeeeee....
Chapter 37: Simply loved it! Read it in one breath(except a class I held for 1.30h) even though I have an exam tomorrow morning!! That much I liked it <3
Chapter 2: JYJ and GONG YOO!!! You fulfilled my dreams! :D <3
kimbap876 #7
I was reading this while waiting for my eye appt. this a.m., and was sad to see it end-but it was at least a happy ending. To namelessyun and dheeliciouz, many many thanks for a well written fanfic.
ashmita123 #8
Chapter 37: really loved this fanfic..its d end i liked it very much!! keep up d good work!!
anylia #9
Chapter 37: the end...
it's the end already. T___T
I'm going to miss their bickering so much.

and yes please.. after a good rest.. I'll be waiting for Storybook.

really craving for an update from that one.

thank you~~ thank you thank you for a wonderful journey yet again :)
Samantha24 #10
Chapter 36: so sweeeet.. hay...