chapter 34

The Empty Space for You

Ever since that day at his house, there had been occasional times where they will see each other for a split second when they walked by within the agency building. On those occasions, both would be pretending that nothing had ever happened between them. A simple glance, a simple nod, a simple hello, and off they went on their way.

Yoochun would be lying if he said that he wasn’t resisting the temptation to reach out for her, pull her into a secluded corner and confront her head on. He was fully aware that Didi’s feelings for him had never once faltered, and it was further affirmed when she took care of the sick him.

Didi wasn’t the problem. He was. He wanted to be clear of what he wants before confronting her.

It felt like he was running a 30 km marathon by himself - Torturous, but something he could excel in if he makes the effort. Similarly, the process of figuring out what to do was torturous. He was torn between his heart and mind - his heart told him that he should go after Didi and that she would be the key to unlock his phobia, but his persistent mind kept repeating the scene where he saw his parents signing the divorce documents at the lawyers right in front of his eyes, and the consequence that followed.

‘Just a little bit more, Didi. We will definitely have that overdue talk soon.’ He told himself. But that ‘little bit more’ gradually got dragged on further and further...



‘What has to come will come eventually.’ This sentence was easily proven when the day Yoochun and Didi had to work together inside a studio for the whole day came.

Photoshoot for JYJ’s NII print ad for the new season.

The good news is, they won’t be left alone since there were a lot of staff on the same set. The bad news on the other hand, is that all the JYJ members are in the same waiting room like usual.

So, the both of them did what they had been doing the whole while - put on an act.

It was the only way they could face each other normally in the presence of others.

“Didi, do you think i should get my hair styled up or to the side?” Jaejoong asked, checking out his reflection at the mirror, ruffling his hair as he attempted to style them up to check out how it will look like.

Didi walked to his side with his photoshoot attire in her hands, trying to check if the attire is free from defects. She looked at him from his reflection and pondered for a while.

“Leave it down, it will suit your outfit better.”

“Ok.” Jaejoong replied, turning around and plopping himself on the couch together with Yoochun. Junsu was still on the way to the set.

Didi turned the other way, avoiding the slightest chance to meet eyes with the guy who had been listening to his ipod with his eyes closed ever since they came into the waiting room. Yet, she had tried to take several peeks through the mirror. She had a lot she wanted to tell him when he was absent in her life, but now that she is in the same room as him, she could barely think straight.

Jaejoong, being the usual sensitive guy he is, had wanted to leave them alone so that they can have a decent talk. However, when he stood up, he met eyes with Didi.

‘Please Jaejoong, don’t leave me alone with him.’ was what was shown on her face.

Jaejoong deeply sighed and walked towards her. He lightly knocked on her head and softly whispered ‘what am i to do with you’ in her ears before plopping down on the chair before the mirror.

“Maybe i should get curls instead.” Jaejoong decided.

“You’ll look like an auntie that way. It’s going to look weird.” She visibly relaxed and commented with a giggle, rolling her eyes and checking on the other outfits on the hanger.

“No, i won’t.” Jaejoong insisted, chuckling at her reply. From the mirror reflection, he could see that Yoochun’s jaws had visibly stiffened. He was starting to suspect that he wasn’t listening to any music on his ipod after all.

“Yoochun, should i get curls?” He asked, turning around to him.

“No, you’ll look weird with curls.” Yoochun instantly replied without looking up.

Point proven.

“Still in sync, i see...” Jaejoong cautiously mumbled under his breath, pouting. He was actually serious when he questioned them about getting his hair permed but, whatever.

Didi was about to retort to his sentence, but Junsu had timingly walked into the waiting room at that exact time. She gave a sharp glare at Jaejoong, who only replied her with a shrug.

“Didi! I’ve missed you!” Junsu exclaimed, running in to give her a big bear hug. “It’s been awhile since we’ve last met!”

Her glare softened upon hearing that, before returning her attention towards Junsu. “Such a big baby as usual.” She smiled, returning his hug. “I’ve missed you too!”

“Maybe i should get my manager to plan a whole list of schedules so that i have a legit excuse to get you to become my assistant too...” Junsu blabbered, completely ignorant of the fact that Yoochun was in the room.

Didi immediately pinched his arm to stop him from saying any further. She gave him glare and sent him off looking in the direction where she had directed him towards.

“Oops.” He whispered, covering his mouth.

Only a handful of people was aware of the real reason behind the change in personal assistant arrangement, and Yoochun was obviously not included.

“Guys, it’s time for you to get into your outfits.” Kang announced by the door frame. “I’ve got something to discuss with the rest of the staff, so get ready by yourselves. Didi, please assist them.” He said before turning to go on his way, not before sending a quick wink in her way.

Didi raised her eyebrows, fully understanding the meaning behind that wink. He wanted to set aside some time so that Yoochun and her could speak more freely without outsiders around.

She sighed, feeling a headache coming her way. ‘Act normal Didi, you can do it!’

“So now, i have to take care of three big babies instead of one.” She grumbled, trying to put on her best act ever.

Turning around to the rack, she threw Jaejoong’s outfit in his way before starting to check on the other two’s outfit. Jaejoong flipped his imaginary long hair like a diva before trotting to the corner of the room where the temporary changing area was at.

“I am an adult, i can be responsible!” Junsu chimed happily, walking towards her and taking his outfit from her hands to check it on his own. “Only Yoochun isn’t, he’s a kid. He still needs Didi to look after him.” He added, sending a wink towards her direction.

A thump went through Didi’s chest as she almost choked on air. ‘What’s with the both of them, doing all these?’

What she didn’t expect was, Yoochun had in response, stood up and took his outfit from the rack. “I’m not a kid, i can be responsible too...” He mumbled, although it was audible enough for the three of them to hear.

Junsu stifled back his laughter, walking away to change into his outfit before he actually laughed out loud.

Didi felt a blush creeping up her cheeks with the knowledge that he was currently within an arms’ length from her. In fact, they were standing so close that she could faintly feel his body heat.

‘I can be responsible too...’ kept on repeating in Didi’s mind.

“Ha... Yoochun,” She stuttered, “Admit it, you’re still a kid! I’ve heard from Kang about your childish antics for the past few we...”

She suddenly stopped speaking. She had blurted out something that he shouldn’t know. That she was concerned and had been checking up on him even up till that day.

“You...” Yoochun asked, turning to her direction with his eyes wide opened. He felt his heart beating rapidly, yet it felt so heartwarming, so cosy. ‘She... she is constantly looking at me even when we are apart...’

There was no way that he could have continued to put on the acting gig between them.

“Didi, you...”

He was about to directly confront her, regardless of the fact that Junsu and Jaejoong was in the same room as them. But, Didi wasn’t about to let him do that.

As soon as Jaejoong appeared within her sight from behind the curtain, she dashed right up to him so that she could pry herself out of the tensed situation.

“Kim Jaejoong! You’re wearing the outfit wrongly!” She chided with a stiff smile, adjusting his collar down to wipe out the 60s feel that the old boy had made it to be. “Where’s your neck tie?” She asked, her hand outstretched and waiting for him to pass his tie over.

“I thought it is kind of cool to style it that way though...” He pouted, pulling the tie out from his side pocket obediently.

“It would be, but we are not doing the 60s theme today.” She replied, now completely ignoring the earlier moment between Yoochun and her, and concentrating on Jaejoong instead. She easily helped him with his cufflinks before looking up at him. “Now, be a good boy and put on your tie.”

“It’s stuffy, i’ll put it on later.”

“Kim Jaejoong.” She warned, giving him an unhappy look. He returned with a puppy look, making her softening up once again.

“What am i to do with you?” She sighed. A smile appeared before she shook her head in surrender as she started putting on his tie for him. 

“Didi! Help me tie mine too!” Junsu chirped from behind her, throwing his tie in her direction and wrapping her neck with it.

Didi shook her head amusedly. “Junsu, didn’t you say that you’re an adult and you can be responsible?”

“It depends on situation.” He replied definitely, stomping his feet like a kid.

“Well, you’ll have to queue in line. I’m still helping Jaejoong with his outfit...” She said, pulling his tie up and conveniently dusting away particles from the black suit. She then continued to help him button up his vest..

But she hadn’t managed to finish up the buttoning, for Yoochun had stormed up to them and pulled her back by her arms, away from Jaejoong’s body.

Didi gasped in shock. 

“Yoochun, if you don’t mind, please release your grip on me. I still have work to do.” She said with the best smile she could muster up, preventing herself from stuttering.

“We need to talk.” He said sternly, the seriousness in his voice not faltering despite her attempt to ease up the situation. He had been trying to put off the time for their talk, but it was then that he realised that pushing it off isn’t a good solution.

“We are talking right now though.” She looked away, her smile slightly falling.

“Didi, i am serious when i say we need to talk.” He sighed, gently cupping her chin and making her look at him.

“Like i’ve said, we are talking...” 

“Are you trying to make me jealous by being so intimate with my members?” He suddenly asked, recalling how close they were as compared to him.

“What? No!” 

“No? But you were so chummy with them.” He reasoned, thinking back about how she was, tying Jaejoong’s tie and putting on his cufflinks for him. 

“You’re not being reasonable right now.” She turned her head, feeling something radiating in her. Anger. “That is part of my job scope.”

“Ok fine, what about the hug with Junsu?” He said, his grip not loosening even a little. He suddenly remembered how attached Junsu had been towards her.

“Friends hug.” She replied with a durh look, “I don’t see what’s wrong. Besides, even if there is some other meaning to the hug, it’s of no concern to you. We’ve already broken up.”

‘Sorry Junsu, i hope you can rest in peace if Yoochun tries to kill you in your sleep.’ She mentally thought to herself, noticing how Yoochun’s other fist had clenched up tightly.

Yoochun would be lying if he didn’t have the urge to throw his fist at the poor boy a few steps away. But he knew better than that, after finding back his rationality, that Junsu wouldn’t have betrayed him. He wouldn’t dare to.

He was glad that his jealousy hadn’t overpowered his rationality. He didn’t want to make any more mistakes than he already had committed.

A deep breath later, Yoochun turned to his side and looked at both Jaejoong and Junsu. “Guys, would you mind stepping out of the room for a while? Didi and i need to talk. Alone.”

Didi was about to protest, but she noticed Jaejoong and Junsu’s look. They were pleading for her to let him say his piece. She shut immediately, looking away as the guys exited the room.

“There’s very little time until the photoshoot.” She started blabbering, finally conscious that it was the first time in a while that they were alone, and standing so close to each other. “You have to get into your outfit soon.”

The effects he had on her hadn’t disappeared even after such a long time.

Yoochun said nothing, which made her look up at him in confusion. 

“Yoochun, if there’s nothing you want to say, i’ll get the boys back so that they can get ready.” She said, wiggling her hand out of his and walking towards the door.

She hadn’t managed to take a few steps before she was rudely spun around and found herself in Yoochun’s embrace. What followed wasn’t within her expectation.

Oh, who was she kidding. She should have known better, since it had already happened once.

He leaned down and kissed her, to her surprise. 

As he was planting gentle pecks on her lips with his utmost affection, hoping that she would reciprocate with hers, many thoughts were hovering around Didi’s mind. She couldn’t deny how much she wanted to kiss him back, but she is well aware about their status. 

When Yoochun felt that the kiss is only one sided, he reluctantly pulled back, although only enough so that their foreheads were still touching.

“Yoochun...” She stuttered, feeling his gentle, but warm breath on her face. “You can’t kiss me like this anymore.”

“And why is that so?” He asked, a small grin appearing on his face, knowing how much of an impact he still had on her with the slightest thing he does.

He felt her stiffen up, as if suddenly out of her trance. She took a step back, creating a space in between them. “We have already broken up.”

At once, he pulled her in and gave her another peck on her lips. He then inched towards her left ear and with a low seductive voice, he whispered, “I don’t remember agreeing to break up.”


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NOTE: I'm taking a day off updating!


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chunnea #1
Chapter 37: thank you for writing such a nice and sweet was well written...keep up the good work author-nim..pls write more of yc story..:D
anneanne #2
Chapter 37: omg... i cried at the end of the story. its really sweet that i cry. huhu what a way to end a fanfic. thanks again author-nim :'')
Samantha24 #3
Chapter 37: Its still A very romantic proposal with all the distractions hahahaha... ADVANCE HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
kimbap876 #4
The empty space (in my heart) is for Chunnieeeeee....
Chapter 37: Simply loved it! Read it in one breath(except a class I held for 1.30h) even though I have an exam tomorrow morning!! That much I liked it <3
Chapter 2: JYJ and GONG YOO!!! You fulfilled my dreams! :D <3
kimbap876 #7
I was reading this while waiting for my eye appt. this a.m., and was sad to see it end-but it was at least a happy ending. To namelessyun and dheeliciouz, many many thanks for a well written fanfic.
ashmita123 #8
Chapter 37: really loved this fanfic..its d end i liked it very much!! keep up d good work!!
anylia #9
Chapter 37: the end...
it's the end already. T___T
I'm going to miss their bickering so much.

and yes please.. after a good rest.. I'll be waiting for Storybook.

really craving for an update from that one.

thank you~~ thank you thank you for a wonderful journey yet again :)
Samantha24 #10
Chapter 36: so sweeeet.. hay...