Hopeful Wish & Going To Nu'est?

Secrets of The Eclipse

Elayna woke up and saw herself on a nice comfy bed. Beside her was the sleeping baby. She kissed the baby's cheek gently as he sleeps soundly. She she turned to her side and saw a familar face she longed for.

She watch as he sleeps soundly beside her. She sat up and had an idea. She placed the baby in between her and Ren and saw a camera on the table by the bed. She grabbed it and turned it on, quickly doing a selca as she laid in bed beside the sleeping two. 

She had tears in her eyes as she watch their similarities. She look out the window and saw a star in the sky. She went out of the house through the window and look up into the sky. There amongs all the stars she saw one that twinkles more than the rest

She put her hands together and in prayer she made a wish *I wish he can stay and we could just be happy together* When she opened her eyes the star twinkled brightly and Elayna climbed back into the room. 

She sat still in the dim room and watch the two person in her life sleeping soundly. She was hoping he will get to stay longer this time without leaving her again. She didn't expect him with a proposal that blew her away 

the next morning she was woken up by the smell of breakfast. She took a glance all around the room as she found Ren gone. She brought the baby to her chest as he already wide awake and went out of the room to find Ren in the kitchen. 

He saw her came in and with a smile he said "Good morning" she was feeling awkward "G-good morning" she replied as she sat down and he placed a bowl of rice in front of her.

She saw the texture and content of the bowl and was surprised. "Kimchi Fried Rice with a slice of bacon and egg just for you" he said with a smile. 

Her eyes watered as she smiled "Thank you Ren" she took the spoon and began to eat. "Mmm...delicious as always" she complimented and he smiled. 

Elayna finished eating and drank her glass of orangje juice when Ren said "Elayna...let's go to Nu'est together" she spit out everything she drank and was coughing violently. "Bwo?!" 

He came closer to her "Come to Nu'est with me" he said more clearly as Elayna was still shocked by what he just said. "Is there a reason why I have to go?" 

"Let's get married" he said and her eyes went wider than before "Bwo?! Married?" she said "You have got to be kidding me, Ren!" she laughed thinking it was a joke. 

Ren scowled "I'm not kidding" he said and Elayna knew he was being serious. "But what about your engagement with Princess Seolhyun?" she ask 

"It's over." He answered and it shocked Elayna more knowing something must've happen when he was there "Ren.." she smiled and said "I'll go" 

"Huh?" Ren said confused "I said I'll go" she repeated once more "Even if something bad happen you'll be there by my side, right?" she assumed but there was silence "Eh? Uhm yeah." Ren answered and Elayna knew something was wrong. 

"What's wrong Ren?" she ask concerned. He stared deep into her eyes "You believe in me don't you Elayna?" he ask and it made her worried. "Yah! What's wrong?" she ask

He looked away and she knew she must've ask anymore. "I...trust you Ren.." she said slowly. He turned his head to her and smiled "Good. We're leaving tonight" he decided made Elayna surprised "Eh?" 

Elayna was still in shock was left alone in the kitchen, million thoughts running through her head. "Bwo? Going to Nu'est? Why so sudden? Is it because he was forced too?" she thought aloud."Something doesn't seem right" she suspected and she hoped they will be answered soon. 

AN: Hi! Well! I hope you all like this short chapter. So little time and lack of sleep. Hope everyone likes it. Will update soon as I can! Bye for now!

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Final Chapter! Thanks everyone for all the awesome support you all given me!


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aung-aung22 #1
Chapter 15: wooooooo, That room , I want that , That's so cooolllll.........I envy ren.
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 60: Wow!!! This is a really great story! I love it <3
Chapter 4: Wow it keeps me interesting :D but I think I'm gonna stop reading this from here and go to read her mom's story first cause I'm curious yeahhh~ xD hehe
Chapter 60: what is the next fic called? I want to subscribe to it already~ I loved the ending, i thought that it brought a nice conclusion to the story that was not too complicated and ended their journey with happiness. Thank you for taking me on this journey with your story and i can't wait to subscribe and read your next fan fiction~ You rock authornim~! :3
kayeuyvico #5
Chapter 60: No!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol!! hahaha Why does it have to end??

Eshh! by yay!! they got married!!!!! hahahaha
Chapter 59: EEEEp! ElRen finally back together! woop woop! i love you for this authornim~ update soon~ :3
Chapter 58: Yeah!!! Seolhyun is out of the picture! Muh ElRen feels is healing now~ thank you authornim~ update quickly :3
kayeuyvico #9
Chapter 58: Yeah Back off Seolhyun!! hahaha
Chapter 56: AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! WHAT IS SHE GONNA SAY? I NEED TO KNOW! update quickly, i kind of want her to agree but a small part of me is undecided! ottokaji?? :3