Sleepover and Girl Time

Secrets of The Eclipse

Elayna invited Juniel to come over for the sleepover and when 7 came she heard the doorbell and saw her two girl best friends together at the door. 

"Elayna! We're here!" Juniel said with a bright smile. Jin Hye came in together behind her with a wide smile as they hugged. (AN: I have no idea how a sleepover is like coz I never done it before)

She let them in and the three girls went straight to her room where the bed is  now prepared for all three of them. The TV is on, food was ready and Elayna sat on the futon on the floor. 

Jin Hye and Juniel sat in front of her and Elayna smiled happily. "So spill!" Jin Hye said after a long silence "Spill what?" Elayna ask innocently 

Jin Hye was getting annoyed threw a pillow at her "Owww" Elayna said faking her cries "Juniel unnie! Jin Hye is bullying me!" 

Juniel just chuckled "You need to act like an adult now Elayna..." she said patting Elayna's head making the girl pout. "Arraso unnie.." 

"Now care to tell us what's been going on with you?" Jin Hye ask teasing "I see you blush whenever you and Ren see each other" 

Elayna shook her head "Nothing happened" but she couldn't help but blush. "Oh....then care to explain to us why you're blushing?" Jin Hye ask

Elayna pouted * hard to explain to them* Juniel patted Elayna's shoulder "Gwenchana..we won't ask anymore if you don't want to, right Jin Hye?" 

Jin Hye pouted "but unnie..." she whined Juniel just chuckled "We have to be patient arrachi Jin Hye-ah" Jin Hye slumped her shoulders and finally nodded. Juniel smiled and said "Why not we start painting our nails?" 

Jin Hye's face brighten up and soon the three painted their finger nails and toe nails taking turns with colorful nail polish. 


"Uwah! Daebak!" Jin Hye said

"I know! I'm talented" Elayna said, proud

"Is pretty dongseng" Juniel complimented 

"Kamsahamnida unnie" Elayna said with a wide grin. Elayna was proud of herself. "So, who's up for some Truth or Dare?" Jin Hye ask with an evil grin upon her face. Elayna knew her best friend wants to know what she's been keeping for so long. 

"I'm up for it. Are you joining us dongseng?" Juniel ask *Ottoke if I reject they will think I am hiding it too long* Elayna thought and then after thinking longer "I'll join in" she said with a smile. 

The game starts and Elayna brace herself for the upcoming questions. Elayna saw her two best friends doing dare and Elayna did dares as well to be on the safe side. But finally after the was right in the middle, she chose Truth and Elayna thought she saw Jin Hye's grinning evilly a her. Elayna felt shivers down her spine *Oh crap!* 

"Did something happen between you and Ren?"she ask with an evil grin. Elayna gulped and looked at her two best friends. "I..." she look down hiding her already blushing red cheeks "was kissed by Ren on a rooftop earlier this morning"

"Ooooooh!!!!!!" Jin Hye said in pure excitement "Was he a good kisser?" she ask but Elayna look at her "Yah! I already done my turn! Juniel unnie is next! Truth or Dare unnie?" 

"Truth" she said with a soft smile. Elayna smiled "Who was your crush you kept all these years?" Elayna ask and Juniel answered while blushing slightly "It's Joo Hoon oppa" 

"Oooooh!!!!! Another love struck!" Jin Hye said "Aigoo you two are so  hopeless" she did *mehrong* and Elayna threw her pillow at Jin Hye who avoided it quickly. After a long pillow fight they sat back on the futon and shared the shares of food and drinks


Jin Hye went to her bag and took out two bottles of soju. Elayna was surprised "Yah! How did you get soju?" her best friend just smirked "I have my ways" she said as she placed it in the middle. 

Elayna got the clean cups and Jin Hye started pouring some into the cups as they had oneshots. After both bottles are finished they were drunk. Elayna whispered in a drunken mumble "You know....if I have never met Ren...*hiccup" on my birthday...*hiccup* I would never *hiccup* find out about my mom *hiccup*..." she soon falls asleep soundly, arms lying on Jin Hye's stomach while Jin Hye's leg was on top of her Elayna's leg.

Juniel who didn't drink the soju decided it's best to sleep. They were both tucked in and Juniel cleaned up the mess, throwing away the empty bottles and pizza box in a corner she washed up and soon laid in bed, tucked up. 

She looked at the side and watch as Jin Hye and Elayna sleeping soundly. "Good night you two" she said silently and soon falls into a deep sleep knowing the sleepover was a fun thing for the three best friends. They didnt know what surprises will be happening for them soon. 

AN: Hi! Well here's another chapter! Miane! I had a rather well lazy day. I hope everyone like this chapter! Will update tomorrow! Bye for now!

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Final Chapter! Thanks everyone for all the awesome support you all given me!


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aung-aung22 #1
Chapter 15: wooooooo, That room , I want that , That's so cooolllll.........I envy ren.
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 60: Wow!!! This is a really great story! I love it <3
Chapter 4: Wow it keeps me interesting :D but I think I'm gonna stop reading this from here and go to read her mom's story first cause I'm curious yeahhh~ xD hehe
Chapter 60: what is the next fic called? I want to subscribe to it already~ I loved the ending, i thought that it brought a nice conclusion to the story that was not too complicated and ended their journey with happiness. Thank you for taking me on this journey with your story and i can't wait to subscribe and read your next fan fiction~ You rock authornim~! :3
kayeuyvico #5
Chapter 60: No!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol!! hahaha Why does it have to end??

Eshh! by yay!! they got married!!!!! hahahaha
Chapter 59: EEEEp! ElRen finally back together! woop woop! i love you for this authornim~ update soon~ :3
Chapter 58: Yeah!!! Seolhyun is out of the picture! Muh ElRen feels is healing now~ thank you authornim~ update quickly :3
kayeuyvico #9
Chapter 58: Yeah Back off Seolhyun!! hahaha
Chapter 56: AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! WHAT IS SHE GONNA SAY? I NEED TO KNOW! update quickly, i kind of want her to agree but a small part of me is undecided! ottokaji?? :3