I gave you

We are just friends, aren't we?

The last 2 years have being an emotional roller coaster for you. It was like that day that you went with the guys to the amusement park and Seung Hyun dare you to climb to that ride; you felt like that day was just the beginning of the ride. You truly didn’t expect all the things that were coming your way. But despite all of the things that happen, you where finally beggining to see clarity in your life.

Finally, after a lot of hard work, you had open up your small café and despite being open only for the last 6 months, it was doing great. You finally had something you felt a passion for and despite the craziness with the constructions, the search for employees and all the things that went with opening a new business Seung Hyun had stood right by your side every step of the way.

Things where doing great between the two of you, but it hadn’t being easy. You have had some big fights that usually involve with the both of you yelling at each other like crazy dogs, but at the end of the day you always manage to make up; you both had learned to listen to each other and to negotiate despite the stubbornness of your tempers and the strong personalities you both had, but all this things only help the both of you to grow stronger and be more sure that definitely you where the perfect match for each other. 

You kept pounding on all of these things, while fixing your hair in the mirror, but soon where pull out of your thoughts when you heard Seung Hyun calling out your name. You made your way down stairs and saw him all groom up with his black suit. 

"Aren't we here early? Sometimes I keep forgetting that you don't live here" you said while smiling, because he had manage to even learn your home password to get in, allowing him to spend most of your time together even when you wheren't expecting him. This had lead to a line of really akward situations, from the time he had found you in the kitchen when you where baking while singing at the top of your lungs I'm the best or the time he found you wearing only a pair of mini shorts and a sports bra while you where working out in the living room, both times he had learn his lesson the hard way, but still didn't manage to learn it as it best. 

“I know, but i was bored at home. Are you ready?” he asked you and you could see him holding a bouquet of white tulips. You couldn’t help but feel a smile drawing in your face at the sight of him.

“Yes, just let me just grab the car keys” you replied.

You both got in the car and you drove for around an hour until you reach your destination, the cementery. Yes, today was the 2 year anniversary of your parents dead and Seung Hyun had insisted to accompany you this time. Last year he respected your wish of going alone but this time, he didn’t took a no for an answer.

“You ready?” he asked you while fixing his suit and offering you his hand.

You nodded and took his warm hand into yours. There was something in his touch, that whenever you grab into his hand, everything felt like it was going to be ok. The pain of the lost of your parents still linger inside your heart, but having him by your side was a comfort beyond words.

The both of you made your way to your parent’s graves and then after you paid your respects you started talking.

“Omma, appa do you remember Seung Hyun? Last year I told you about him being my boyfriend and today he came with me to visit you. Look omma, he even brought you your favorite flowers. I know he is a bit distracted, but he always surprise me of how thoughtful he can be” you replied while taking some of the leaves that had being on top of your parents grave.

“Ommonim and Abeoji, annyeong, Seung Hyun-imnida. Sorry I didn’t come sooner to offer my regards, but your daughter wanted to have you all for herself”

“Yah! What are you saying to my parents, are you crazy Seung Hyun?” you replied while smacking him on the arm.

He didn’t look up to you, just chuckle a bit and kept on talking “I know she is a bit of a handful, but I really want to ask for your blessing for our relationship. I know I can't never fill the gap that you both left on her heart, but I will try hard to become the strength she needs to keep on living.

Aboji, I still remember our promise, don’t you worry, I will keep on honoring it for the rest of my life, I will always work hard for making her happy and supporting her in everything she does, I will always fight for that wonderful spark that lives in her eyes to never leave her”

You couldn’t believe what you where hearing, your eyes soon became watery at the words Seung Hyun was saying to your parents, you felt so grateful to your dad for having chosen such a wonderful person to take care of you. You kept listening to his words.

“So I will keep taking care of her, even if she is abusive to me and keeps on hitting me” he said while grabbing your hand “but I will let her do it, because I know she cares about me. Ommonim, you will be so proud of her right now, she is doing great at her new business, her café is blooming and everyone keeps on praising her amazing cooking skills and she is a wonderful boss to her employees, I guess she learn that from you Abeoji”

You felt a tear roll down from your cheek and Seung Hyun quickly wiped it off “Sun Hi, don’t cry, you must show your parents your precious smile. Now I will leave you so you can talk with them for a bit, arasso?”

You nodded and he bowed down and said goodbye to your parents, placing the bouquet of white tulips on top of the grave. You watched his figure walking down and you smile seeing him.

“Omma, appa, isn’t he something else? Appa, why didn’t you tell me you had a promise with Seung Hyun? I never expect for you to do that, after all you where always a bit jealous of him; I remember you telling me not to hang out with him so much, otherwise he will steal me away from you” you smiled at that memory, you where only 16 when your father told you that “I guess you where right that time, but don’t worry, he might nagged me from time to time, but he truly is a wonderful guy. I wish you could see how much he has help me out this last 2 years, specially now with my new café. He always comes to pick me up after work and even helps to unwind after a hard day.

I’m grateful to you both for always believing in me and despite that you are no longer here, you will always be alive in my heart. I truly love you and I’m grateful for being your daughter”

You bowed to them and got up. You saw the sun setting on the horizon and you made your way to the entrance of the cementery where you could spot Seung Hyun waiting for you.

“Thanks for coming” you said while grabbing his offering hand.

“Ani, thank you for letting me come at the end. I really wanted to express my gratitude for allowing me be next to you”

“Aigoo, my cheesy boyfriends strikes again” you replied, but this time he didn’t fight back, simply gave you a kiss on the forehead and lead you to your car. 

"By the way, I didn't tell you how beautiful you look wearing that dress" he said while closing the door. You barely used dresses, but you felt like wearing one today, you felt blushing again and got inside the car and start the engine “Where to Mr Choi? You promise me, you will buy me dinner today”

“I remember, but really, you spend almost all your day at the kitchen and you are still thinking on food?”

“Hey a girl’s gotta eat” you reply giggling.

“Sometimes I wonder if you are really 26 Sun Hi-ah, you sometimes remind me of a teenager with the appetite you have”

“I will forever be young, deal with it” you reply while smirking.

“Haha, Aigoo this girl is delusional” he replied pinching your cheeks “But let’s make our way back to your place, after all the place im going to take you to eat isn’t far from your house”

“So no fancy restaurant then?” you pouted.

“What have a told you about your pouting?”


“See, you know what is going to happen so you better control yourself” he said smirking.

“Aish, jinjja, I have a crazy boyfriend”

“But you love me”

“Yeah, whatever you said”

Since there wasn’t much traffic, you arrived rather quickly to your place.

“Now where to?” you replied jumping off the car.

“Let’s go, I told you it isn’t that far” he said offering you his hand.

You walked for about 10min until you arrived to the place.

“MWO? You brought me to a tteokbokki stand? Yah! Seung Hyun, when you said you where buying me food I though you where buying me something else, aren’t we a bit stingy?” you reply while plopping in one of the plastic seats.

“I never promise such thing, I said I will buy you food and that’s it. And besides don’t act like that, you know very well how much you love this kind of food” he said and smile.

You giggled and nodded, after all he was right on spot, you love this kind of food.

You and him ate and laugh for about two hours and finally you took your leave.

“Let’s walk for a bit before going back” Seung Hyun said and you nodded in agreement. This always happen at the end of your dates, you always tried to find ways to make it longer, since you both enjoyed spending as much time as it was possible with each other.

You walked and soon you realize where Seung Hyun was taking you, you smile and run to the swings the minute you saw your beloved playground show up in front of your eyes. Seung Hyun followed you and took a seat on the swing next to you.

You both remain in silent for a couple of minutes while looking at the Seoul night sky. After what it seem like 15min, Seung Hyun got up and you toughed that it was time to go home; but he stop you from getting up and instead kneel down so he could be at the same height as you where.

“Sun Hi, this place means a lot for us, this is where we share our first kiss, your confession, my confession, and the place where I realize I gave you my heart ever since I met you, and now I want to keep building memories in this place for the rest of my life with you. So, Kwon Sun Hi, will you marry me?”

You couldn’t believe the words that where coming out of his mouth, until he show you a pair of engagement rings he took out from his pocket.

“So, silly girl, what do you say? Will you take this bingu to be by your side for the rest of your life?”

You nodded and got out of your seat “Of course I will marry you, you idiot” you said and finally he crash his lips on yours. You felt sparks in your stomach, it always happen whenever he kissed you, his kiss was one of the things that make you feel complete in this world.

He broke of the kiss and whispered a soft thank you.

“For what?”

“For saying yes” he said smiling and hugging you tight.

“I’m the one that should be grateful, grateful to God, for letting me have you in my life and for letting my best friend to fall in love with me” you replied.

He took your hand and place the ring in your finger “See it first perfectly, I knew noona was wrong”

“What? Hye Yoon unnie knew?” you asked in disbelief, after all you had talk to her earlier today and she didn’t mention a thing about this.

“She helped me pick up the ring. I was sure on your ring size, but I guess I made the right choice and I made her swear she wouldn’t said a thing to you” 

“Well trust me she didn’t told me anything, I can’t believe we are going to get married” you replied smiling. 

“I do, because for me, you are the most perfect match for me” he said and gave you a soft peck.

“Wait, do the guys know?”

“Ani, only Ji because I ask for his permission, but he almost hit me because I did it this morning” he said smirking.

“Haha, I bet his face was priceless, you didn’t left him any room to say no” you said giving him a soft punch on the chest. 

“Well, he is very protective when it comes to you, but from now on, I'm the one that will protect you from everything”

“Aigoo, my cheesy fiancé is the best”

“Said that again, jagi” he said while looking at your eyes with that intense gaze you could feel your heart skipping a bit. 

“My fiancé is the best” you replied kissing him.

“I already knew it, but is nice listening from you” he said stoping the kiss. 

“Always the almighty Choi Seung Hyun, so full of yourself” you said while smirking.

“Better get used to it, from now on, I am yours forever”

“Yes, indeed you are” you said and smile.

“Now, kaja, I want to tell the good news to everyone” he said and took your hand to lead you out of the playground. 

“Mwo? How are we going to do that?” 

“Hye Yoon unnie call the guys for me to invite them to my place, they should be all there by now”

“You really had this entire thing plan out, where you so sure I was going to say yes?”

“I wasn’t sure, I just knew it in my heart; now let’s go before Hye Yoon noona spills the beans”

“Ne, let’s go”

You grabbed his hand and though"guess best friends can be more than that, thank you God for giving me this amazing guy to be my family. Thanks for showing me that despite taking, life also gives us back and that you never let me be alone. Thank you for letting me smile once again from bottom of my heart”

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noutori1 #1
Chapter 7: Oh... Im reeally crying rite now.. Good job authornim.. Cant wait to finish this storyy.. <3<3<3
Chapter 40: Loved this story a lot!!!
Chapter 40: ive finished in one day... great story authornim... deabak....
Musicislife1295 #4
Chapter 40: I enjoyed this story; I found that even better than the plot were the insightful musings of the characters with regards to serious topics like love and loss. Keep up the good work! :) (I'm happy that the sweet angel is getting his chance too!!)
Chapter 40: I can't believe it's the end. I only started this story yesterday and I have already finished it. I loved the story line but I couldn't help but always picture T.O.P with his blue hair. Thank you for this story <3
Ramshey #6
Chapter 40: So I started reading this storie last night and I said: "I am only going to read 5 chapters" and then one more and one more and then another before I know it was 4am and dead tired and I only stop because my phone die!! So good job!! Ohhhhhh and I finish the story as soon I awaken!!! Kakakaka
Chapter 40: OMG!!!! IT's the end T_T I love this fic, its story line, its characters, the main character and of course, BigBang, kekekekekeke.
Thanks for the last 3 chapters and for all the fic!!!! I enjoy so much while i was reading it and posting my comments in every chapter...
I hope all your next fics are daebak and will be reading for many people, so...Fighting with you next proyects!!! ^_^
Chapter 40: Read this in one sitting, it was super cute!
niknac #9
I enjoyed reading this cute story. Thanks for writing it!
claribelmiranda #10
Chapter 40: Awwww.hehe. Such a lovely story, done reading this one, loooove this bestfriend story ^^