
We are just friends, aren't we?

“So why are you driving hyung around? I though your boyfriend was the one picking you up Noona?” Seungri said to you as soon as you sat down on the couch.

“Yah, maknae, we are not there yet, we are only going out” you replied feeling slightly irritated by his comment.

“Common noona, you don't have to hide your cute side anymore, you can let it out now, I know Dae hyung won't get mad” Seungri said trying to pinch your cheeks.

“Maknae take it easy” Seung Hyun said while smacking the back of his donsaengs head “And I came with her because Dae’s car broke down, so he is coming later”

“Aish hyung why do you have to be like that, it was a simple question” Seungri said while rubbing the spot where he got the hit.

“Not even 5min and you already got discipline, that’s got to be a new record” Jiyong said joining into the conversation and laughing.

“I guess you are right Ji” Young Bae said while coming out of the kitchen and shaking hands with Seung Hyun, he walk by and took a seat in front of you and Seung Hyun.

“Young Bae Oppa, it feels like forever since the last time we came here” You said trying to get your mind off the boyfriend comment that Seungri had made earlier.

“Yes Sun Hi, it’s being a while since we all came together here. But I hate to be like this, but I will hate to lose this golden opportunity now that Daesung isn’t around” Jiyong said while smirking and making himself comfortable in the black leather couch “I want to know how you and Dae are doing? Is he being nice to you? Do I have to go and hit him for making you cry”

“Ani Oppa, Dae is behaving like the perfect guy, I mean he is just being himself, nothing much has change to tell you the truth” you replied but started to feel slightly uncomfortable with this question.

“Well he is a good guy, I still can't believe you said yes to him, but I couldn't be happier to know that you are going out with someone that has my complete trust” Jiyong replied.

“So, noona has he kiss you yet?” Seungri asked.

“YAH MAKNAE” Young Bae and Jiyong yelled at the same time while throwing a couple of punches in Seungri’s direction.

“You don’t ask things like that to a lady, is just not right” Young Bae said.

“She is my cousin who is dating my friend, do you really think I want to hear about them smooching around?” Jiyong said “aish that’s a mental picture im going to have a hard time taking out of my mind”

You felt your cheeks turning red, but you tried to pull yourself together and you hit Seungri on the head.

“Yah stupid!! Do you really think I will tell any of you something about that? Is my personal life, so you don’t get to know about it” you replied

“So that means you have kiss already, otherwise you wont be getting this angry Noona”

“Aish im going to kill you Seungri, why don’t you just shut up” you replied. To be fully honest that was a conversation you didn’t felt like taking part of, specially since Seung Hyun was seating right next to you.

“Excuse me a second, be right back” Seung Hyun said and made his way to the bathroom.

Young Bae just followed his hyung with his eyes and turn back to see you punching Seungri.

“Yah Noona enough!!!! It hurts!!!!”Seungri kept yelling trying to dodge your punches.

“Why do you have to in where none has call you? And for the record, no we haven’t kiss yet… aish, you are making me say embarrassing things, idiot”

“Really noona, who could tell that Dae was such a prude?” Seungri said, earning himself another punch, but this time from Jiyong

“Enough with this, maknae, if they haven’t kiss is their problem, stop butting in”

“I just want to help the love birds out…. I want to see them all happy and lovey-dovey” Seungri said while pouting.

“Common maknae, is my cousin we are talking about, do you see her being all cutesy and lovey-dovey? Sometimes I feel she is the man in that relationship” Jiyong said while laughing

“Yah! Oppa, that’s not fair… I am a girl after all…”

“Yes, you just don’t show it too often, that’s all” Young Bae said also laughing.

“Aish, really you are too much…” you said while pouting.

“Well, let’s just wait for Dae to get here before we could questions you guys a little more, this should be fun” Jiyong said.

You simply shook your head and realize that Seung Hyun was no longer by your side, then you remember he had excuse himself just a couple of minutes ago, this made you feel kind of lonely. “Aish Sun Hi, what are you thinking? You are with Dae, DAESUNG!!! But I feel awful, all this time I haven’t toughed of Dae even one minute, all my focus was place on that stupid bingu… Im a horrible person”

“Earth to Sun Hi” Jiyong said taking you out of your train of thoughs “Jinjja, Dae has you head over heels over him, you keep spacing out”

“Don’t said stupid things Oppa, you know I tend to space out” you said trying to feel a little less guilty about the fact that you were spacing out about some other guy.

You guys kept chit chatting on the living room waiting for Dae to come so you could choose on what to order.

-----------SEUNG HYUN’S POV------

I just got up; I really couldn’t stand hearing Seungri asking those questions to Sun Hi, I don’t want to know whether they have kiss or not. I had to get out, so I excused myself and headed to the bathroom.

I splash water on my face and look at my reflection on the mirror.

Stupid bingu, what took you so long to realize how you truly felt for her? Why I was so blind to all of this… but I mean, she even confess to me that night on the playground, even if she was drunk, I should just stop her right there and kiss her… She looks so adorable in her drunk self.

Tonight before Dae call me up, I was about to text Young Bae telling him that I couldn’t make it tonight. I really didn’t want to see them together. I feel like im loosing my air just thinking on Dae holding Sun Hi’s hand. That hand should be held by me, those lips should only by kiss by mine, her laugh should only be for me… Aish Seung Hyun, common get it together, you had your chance, he is now with Dae, she made her choice.

But she loves me, she told me that night, or is just that she likes Dae more than me? Has he managed to take her away from me?

I don’t know what else to think, except that I have to forget her… she is Dae’s girl now, and I love Dae, he is like a little brother to me, I would hate that my selfishness will be the cause of his suffering. Jinjja, why did things turn out to be like this… is just not fair, not fair at all.

Aish, common is just a couple of hours, as soon as we finish eating I will made an excuse and leave, I can’t see them being lovey-dovey in front of me. Let’s take it like a man Seung Hyun, after all, if she is happy is all that matters right?”

I splashed myself with water one more time and made my way out to the living room, I could hear them chit chatting over what to order so at least I know they had finish their questioning, I sighed in relieved and made my way to the couch.

-------END OF Seung Hyun’s POV------

You saw Seung Hyun returning to the living room and sat down, but this time next to Jiyong, you could see that something was off with him, but you didn’t felt like asking him anything.

Soon the doorbell rang and Young Bae went to open the door, you could see Daesung getting in and as soon as he saw you a big and loving smile drew upon his face, he soon made his way and sat down next to you, took your hand and give it a little squish, “sorry I couldn’t pick you up” he said to your ear and you just nodded and smile to him.

“Aigoo, you look so adorable together” Seungri said and immediately Dae let go of your hand and turn a bit red.

“See maknae, you just ruined their cute moment. You know how rare is to see Sun Hi being cute?”Jiyong said shaking his head at the bad timing his maknae had.

“Ani hyung, don’t worry, is alright, sorry for being late, my car battery died on me, the mechanic had to change it”

“Well, now that we are all hear, lets choose what to eat, Im starving” Jiyong said.

“I want to eat cold noodles” Seungri said “who is with me?”

You saw Jiyong nodding in agreement.

“Well I don’t want to, we always eat that. Can we order pizza or something like that?” you replied

“I don’t want noodles, pizza will be great” Dae said taking your hand again prisoner into his.

“Not fair, of course hyung will agree with everything Noona says” Seungri replied.

“Is not like that Seungri-ah” Dae said turning red again.

“Aish you both make such a cute couple” Jiyong said “ok its 2 votes for pizza, 2 for noodles, what do you guys vote?”

“I don’t care, anything is fine with me” Young Bae said while bringing out some refreshments from the kitchen.

“So the decisive vote is in you hyung” Jiyong said

You felt Seung Hyun eyes going from you, to your hand that was interwind with Dae’s and then back to you.

“I feel like pizza tonight, Sun Hi is right, we always have noodles” he said while looking at you

“So pizza it is, im going to make the call” Young Bae said.

You muttered a thank you to your friend but felt an aching pain in your heart, “this isn’t right, is not fair” you said in your head and let go of Dae’s hand.

“Something's wrong Sun Hi?” Dae said at your sudden change.

“Nothing, I just feel thirsty, so I was going to go get myself a glass of water” you lied to him.

“Don’t worry, I’ll go get it for you, be right back” Dae said and headed to the kitchen where Young Bae and Jiyong where, Seungri had just left to the bathroom leaving you and Seung Hyun alone in the living room.

You started playing with your hands, feeling an awkwardness in the air and you could see Seung Hyun looking everywhere except to you. Soon the guys came back and resume their conversation.

Time went by quickly and soon you all have eaten and kept laughing about a story Seungri was telling.

“OMO, look at the time, is almost 1am” Dae said.

“Wow, time sure flies by fast when you are enjoying good company” Young Bae said

“Yes, hey Seung Hyun hyung, are you ok? You have being quiet most of the night, that is so not like you” Ji asked.

“Sure Ji, don’t worry, I’m just tired, I had a crazy week at work, I think im just going to call it a night” he said while getting up and heading to the door.

“Wait Seung Hyun” you said, you were worried about the sad look you saw in his eyes, he turn around and saw you into your eyes “I mean, I drove you here, do you want me to take you home?” you managed to say despite the look he was giving you.

“Don’t worry, I feel like walking, bye guys” Seung Hyun said and walked out of the house.

“Well, I guess is time for all of us to get home and actually, if it’s not much of a bother, can you give me a ride home Sun Hi? I didn’t brought my car today” Jiyong asked.

“Sure Oppa no problem” you replied to your cousin.

You bid goodbye to Seungri and Young Bae. Dae was walking you and Ji to your car, he open up the door for you and wave goodbye to you and Ji. Soon he got into his car and drove off.

“It was fun tonight, wasn’t it Oppa?” you said to Jiyong while starting the car.

“Yes it was” your cousin replied.

You had being driving around 10min when Jiyong finally spoke up again.

“So Sun Hi, what the hell happen with you and Seung Hyun hyung? Did you guys fight before coming here?”

“Mwo? We didn’t fight, why do you assume that we fight, that’s ridiculous”

“Well, hyung was out of it today, I haven’t seen him like that in ages, plus the moment you guys stayed alone you both remain quiet, and that’s not like you at all, I was expecting for you to be bullying him or the other way around” Ji said.

“You heard him, he was just tired and to be honest, so am I” you said. In that moment you felt like you wanted to tell your cousin the truth, but you didn’t had the courage. The only person you needed to talk to was the last one you could and you felt a lump in the back of your throat.

“Ok, I will call him tomorrow to see what’s wrong” Jiyong said.

You arrived at your cousin place and he got out “Text me as soon as you get home donsaeng”

“I will oppa, don’t worry, bye” you said and start driving again.

You made your way to your place, but in the way you could see Seung Hyun walking on the side walk, you felt like stopping the car and giving him a ride, but it didn’t feel right.

“What am I doing? I feel like I’m betraying Dae everytime I think of him” you though and simply speed up and drove quickly to your house.

You turn off the car and made your way inside your house. The minute you got inside, your knees betray you and you felt the knot in your throat untying, it only took you 1min to break down in tears.

Omma, things shouldn’t be like this… did I really make the right choice that spring morning? If I did, why my heart keeps on hurting me like this” 

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noutori1 #1
Chapter 7: Oh... Im reeally crying rite now.. Good job authornim.. Cant wait to finish this storyy.. <3<3<3
Chapter 40: Loved this story a lot!!!
Chapter 40: ive finished in one day... great story authornim... deabak....
Musicislife1295 #4
Chapter 40: I enjoyed this story; I found that even better than the plot were the insightful musings of the characters with regards to serious topics like love and loss. Keep up the good work! :) (I'm happy that the sweet angel is getting his chance too!!)
Chapter 40: I can't believe it's the end. I only started this story yesterday and I have already finished it. I loved the story line but I couldn't help but always picture T.O.P with his blue hair. Thank you for this story <3
Ramshey #6
Chapter 40: So I started reading this storie last night and I said: "I am only going to read 5 chapters" and then one more and one more and then another before I know it was 4am and dead tired and I only stop because my phone die!! So good job!! Ohhhhhh and I finish the story as soon I awaken!!! Kakakaka
Chapter 40: OMG!!!! IT's the end T_T I love this fic, its story line, its characters, the main character and of course, BigBang, kekekekekeke.
Thanks for the last 3 chapters and for all the fic!!!! I enjoy so much while i was reading it and posting my comments in every chapter...
I hope all your next fics are daebak and will be reading for many people, so...Fighting with you next proyects!!! ^_^
Chapter 40: Read this in one sitting, it was super cute!
niknac #9
I enjoyed reading this cute story. Thanks for writing it!
claribelmiranda #10
Chapter 40: Awwww.hehe. Such a lovely story, done reading this one, loooove this bestfriend story ^^