Bad day

We are just friends, aren't we?


It was the 3rd month anniversary of your parents dead and unfortunately it coincide with the final day of your midterms, you where under so much stress that you felt that you couldn’t keep going and you just wanted to send everything to hell.

You where in the middle of a test that felt it was sent from hell when you heard your professor saying: “Time is up, please turn your answers sheets at this moment otherwise you will be not be graded” The only thing that came to your mind was: “, I’m screw…” You didn’t manage to finish answering all the questions and you where a 1000% sure you had fail.

You turned your paper and start walking to the opposite exit of the auditorium, because you knew Daesung will be waiting for you at the other exit and you didn’t want to show him the I-have-totally-fail face to him, not specially when he had help you study so much. You just couldn’t help it, you where overwhelm when you saw that the first question was regarding the influence of Bronte sister’s works in modern day literature, those where your mother’s favorite authors and you could barely write down two sentences without having to stop to hold in the tears you felt where about to stream down your face.

You quickly made your way out to the parking lot, got into your car and started driving without a certain destination, you soon heard your phone ringing like crazy but you didn’t had to look at the screen to know it was Daesung at the other end of the line, trying to get a hold of you. You just turn off your phone and kept on driving, you drove around 3 hours, just trying to clear your head, but suddenly you arrived home, like in an automatic notion. You stop the car; saw your house, but you didn’t feel like going in “If I go in right now, I might as well go crazy”

You tried to turn on your car to go somewhere else, but it just wouldn’t start “What the hell?? Why aren’t you starting?” You walk out just to see smoke coming out of the engine, you open up the hood and saw that the engine was over-warm. “Great, this is just freaking great, now what the hell am I going to do, I can’t go anywhere like this”

But this didn’t stop you; you just close your car, grab your stuff and start to walk. Soon you where getting farther and farther away, you walked for heaven knows how long but it was already night when you enter a tteokbokki stand and order a bottle of soju. Let’s face it, you weren’t much of a drinker but just for one day, you wanted to drown the voices, the feelings, the heaviness that you where feeling in your chest that kept making breathing harder by the second.

Time went by, as well as a large number of bottles of suju and beer, but you finally got up from your seat, paid the ahjumma and started walking –well, if you could call the very drunk you a walking person- once again into the cold night of Seoul.

On the other hand Daesung was becoming desperate by the minute for haven’t heard from you all this time, he had already went to your favorites places, cafes, your house and your other friends homes. He kept getting worried, because he had called you numberless times but you still wouldn’t pick up. He finally called the guys and told them that it was almost 7 hours since the last time he saw you and he was starting to get worried.

“But Dae, what do you mean by not knowing where the hell my cousin is? I mean, how could she just disappear?” An angry Jiyong kept scolding his donsaeng.

“I’m sorry hyung, but I kept on waiting for her after our test, but she didn’t came out, I just assumed she had went to the bathroom but I waited for her for 20minutes and nothing, I try calling her but I only got her voice mail” a pitiful Daesung explained.

“Well, is not your fault Dae, you aren’t Sun Hi’s personal bodyguard to know her every move, don’t you feel bad about this, we just need to find her” Young Bae said.

“Yes, hyung, we just need to keep looking for her, maybe she has already return home and is sleeping” Seungri said trying to make sense out of this mess.

“No, she is not home, I just checked before coming here. Her car is in the garage but there is none home. I’m worry; she has never done this before” Seung Hyun said while scratching the back of his head.

“And she still hasn’t pick up her phone, seriously Sun Hi is trying to give me a heart attack, especially in a date like today. What the hell is going through this girl’s head?” Jiyong said trying to calm himself down.

“But how was her mood before the test Daesung? What could have made her do this in the first place” Young Bae asked.

“Well, the test wasn’t that hard, yes it was pretty long but we had studied everything with enough time, and someone with the amount of knowledge that Sun Hi had could have very easily finish up everything with time to spare, but still she took all the time to finish the test” Dae said while lowering his head.

“Well the date certainly didn’t help out, but there has to be something else, I mean this is the 3rd month anniversary, she didn’t react like this the past months, something in the test must have made her be like this, hyung” Seungri said.

“Well, it was about British literature, so I don’t see what could have being the thing that made her like that. I mean the moment I saw the Bronte sister’s mentioned I knew that Sun Hi would do great in the test, I don’t know what got into her, to be honest”

“Wait, you just said Bronte sisters, Daesung?” A shocked Seung Hyun asked.

“Yes hyung, why?” Dae replied.

“The Bronte sisters where Sun Hi’s mom favorite author, she used to read their books to Sun Hi when she was little, Sun Hi always said that her mother love for reading was one of the things that motivate her to major in literature. No wonder she reacted like this, it was too much for her to handle, her mind just couldn’t take so many mixed emotions” Seung Hyun said while looking at the guys.

“So that’s what triggered her behavior. But that still doesn’t help out to us finding her, is getting late and I don’t like the idea of my cousin alone in the streets of Seoul, we need to think where she can be right now” Ji said.

“Let’s try again at her favorite spots, every place we can imagine she could be right now and let’s keep on calling her, she has to pick up eventually, let’s split so we can cover more ground” Young Bae said and everyone just nodded in agreement.

Seung Hyun walked out and started thinking where the hell his beloved friend would be right now.

Wait, it can’t be, right? Common Seung Hyun of course she is there, why didn’t you figure it out sooner?” And with that Seung Hyun started running with all his might into the night.



A/N: Thank you my beloved subscribers and silent readers for all the love you have showed to my story... Since you have being so kind to me, I just wanted to let you know that unfortunately I will be updating my story only once a week, since I'm going back to college starting this monday so my time is gonna be really limited now... But i will not abandon this story... Just wanted to let you know.

Thanks for all of your support!  

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noutori1 #1
Chapter 7: Oh... Im reeally crying rite now.. Good job authornim.. Cant wait to finish this storyy.. <3<3<3
Chapter 40: Loved this story a lot!!!
Chapter 40: ive finished in one day... great story authornim... deabak....
Musicislife1295 #4
Chapter 40: I enjoyed this story; I found that even better than the plot were the insightful musings of the characters with regards to serious topics like love and loss. Keep up the good work! :) (I'm happy that the sweet angel is getting his chance too!!)
Chapter 40: I can't believe it's the end. I only started this story yesterday and I have already finished it. I loved the story line but I couldn't help but always picture T.O.P with his blue hair. Thank you for this story <3
Ramshey #6
Chapter 40: So I started reading this storie last night and I said: "I am only going to read 5 chapters" and then one more and one more and then another before I know it was 4am and dead tired and I only stop because my phone die!! So good job!! Ohhhhhh and I finish the story as soon I awaken!!! Kakakaka
Chapter 40: OMG!!!! IT's the end T_T I love this fic, its story line, its characters, the main character and of course, BigBang, kekekekekeke.
Thanks for the last 3 chapters and for all the fic!!!! I enjoy so much while i was reading it and posting my comments in every chapter...
I hope all your next fics are daebak and will be reading for many people, so...Fighting with you next proyects!!! ^_^
Chapter 40: Read this in one sitting, it was super cute!
niknac #9
I enjoyed reading this cute story. Thanks for writing it!
claribelmiranda #10
Chapter 40: Awwww.hehe. Such a lovely story, done reading this one, loooove this bestfriend story ^^