Whatever it takes

We are just friends, aren't we?


You woke up to a sunny Sunday morning, you had falling sleep crying after your argument with Seung Hyun. You felt so tired of being stuck on this one sided love and where done waiting for him to notice what your heart really felt.

“Is like if I’m invisible in front of his eyes. To him I will always be the silly 14 year old girl he met 9 years ago; he will never see me as the woman who can stand by his side” you whispered while seating in your bed trying to hold back the lump you felt forming on the back of your throat.

“Jinjja, Sun Hi, after so many years I still remember the touch of his lips on mine and how I felt my heart about to burst out of my chest, I just can’t forget the way he act that night, Seung Hyun, you where the one that I never thought I will find in my life, none could ever touch me more than you, I had only hope that It will turned out that in the end I had made the right choice to save the best of me for you. But I guess last night it was the ending of my hoping heart.”

You felt a tear rolling down your cheek and decide it was the best to get out of bed, before you started crying again.

You took a quick shower and decide it will be for the best to go out to grab breakfast, you where hoping that with a quick walk you could clear up your mind. You took a glance of yourself at the mirror and saw your poofy eyes; “God, I better put on my sunglasses, I don’t want to scare anyone out there”

You grab your phone, wallet and keys, and made it outside. The weather was so nice, you felt like spring was blooming all around you and couldn’t help but smile at the sight of the cherry blossoms in their full splendor. You kept walking until you reach your favorite café, made your way in and took a seat next to the window but in a secluded area of the place, soon a waiter came to take your order and finally you where left once again alone with your thoughts.

You kept glancing at the cherry blossoms that cover the side-walks and soon a conversation you had with your mom echoed in your mind.

Omma, why does the cherry blossoms only blooms once in the whole year?” you asked your mom with intrigued eyes.

“Well sweetie, like all things in life, all cycles have a beginning and an ending, the cherry blossom may only bloom once a year, but it does it to reminds us that maybe things may seem short but they took a lot of effort to get there and we must always be grateful of the opportunities life give us to appreciate them, because even if it is for a little while, we deserve the right to appreciate the beauty and the happiness of the little things that life gives us, just like the joy the cherry blossoms bring to us every spring” your mom answered while giving you a warm smile.

“Omma, I guess you where right all along. The cherry blossoms remind us of how cycles begin and end. I guess is time to end one cycle and give the start to another one. I mean… Seung Hyun did made a valid point last night, Dae sure understands me the most in this whole world. Would it be wrong that I try to give myself the chance to be happy next to him?”

Soon your thoughts where once again interrupted by the waiter that brought your order; you ate your breakfast and kept daydreaming while looking out the window. After you finished, you got up, pay your bill and head outside. You decide to took a walk since it was such a beautiful morning, instead of just going back to your house.

After a short walk you arrived to the park and took a seat under a cherry blossom tree, you felt how the little petals kept falling over your head and this help you relax a little bit.

“Will it be wrong if I let Daesung into my heart while it’s still full of my feelings for Seung Hyun? I don’t know if this feeling will ever go away, but who better than Dae to help me forget about Seung Hyun, he is so sweet and caring, he has always stand by my side, even when life has gotten hard for the both of us. Should I give him the chance to win over my heart? But more importantly, can I even love Dae? I have always care about him, after my family and Seung Hyun, he has always being the most important person in my life, but how do I truly feel about him? Do I even like him?”

You felt your phone vibrating and took it out to see a message that made you smile

It sure is a beautiful day, the cherry blossoms sure look beautiful. Couldn’t help but remember that they are your favorite flowers. Hope you have a nice day.

From: The Smiling Angel”

“He sure knows me well… I don’t even remember telling him that cherry blossoms are my favorites”

You got up and made your way into your house with a decision set in your mind. You changed your clothes into a nice pale green dress; you let your hair down and send a text.

Let’s have a picnic; the day is so beautiful that I feel like watching the cherry blossoms all day long. I bring the food; you take care of the drinks. See you in 30 min”

You hit the send bottom and made your way to the kitchen to made some bibimbap and get some snacks. You got into your car and drove to the park that was cover with cherry blossom trees. Soon you saw him, waving his hand to you and smiling so much, you couldn’t help to say to yourself "this is how it should be"

“Sun Hi-ah, OMO, you look so beautiful, you should wear dresses more often” Daesung said while taking the basket from your hands and offering his arm so you wouldn’t fall on the grass.

You took your friends arm and made your way under a cherry blossom tree, where Daesung had already place a nice table cloth on the grass.

“I know you would rather be seating on the grass and it wouldn’t be a picnic without seating over a table cloth” he said while helping you seat down.

“Well you sure did thinked about everything, I only thought about the food” you said while smiling back to your friend.

The both of you starting eating and chit chatting over the home works you had due over next week, but after a while the both of you remain silent. That’s when you knew you had to talk.

“Dae, about our conversation last night; I have already made a decision about it”

Dae look into your eyes and you could see the anxiety on them, waiting for an answer that could either break him or make him feel like the luckiest guy alive.

“Sun Hi, like I told you last night, I am not waiting for an answer right away and if you are going to reject me, I would hope you would do it in another time, it’s such a beautiful day that I wouldn’t like to remember it for something like this” Dae replied while biting his lip at the end of the sentence.

“Actually Dae, I’m not here to reject you… but neither to become your girlfriend right away; you know you mean so much to me and I truly care deeply about you, but I’m confused, I don’t know if what I feel for you is as strong as what you feel for me; but I don’t want to lose you, but I just don’t know what to do” you finally said.

“So what you are saying is that in your heart there is a little feeling of love towards me?” He said and you could see a spark you have never noted showing up in his eyes.

“In a way yes, but I want to be sure of how I truly feel about you before giving you my final answer” you said.

“Then give me 3 months Sun Hi, just go out with me for 3 months before giving me your final answer, in those 3 months I will do whatever it takes to made clear to your heart that I’m the guy you have being looking for” Dae said while holding your hands.

“3 months?” you asked just to be sure

“Yes, 3 months Sun Hi, that’s all I’m asking from you, give me this 3 months to show you how much I love you” Dae finally said and you felt the grip of his hands getting tighter, it was like if with that touch he was trying to express how much this chance meant for him.

You lower your eyes and you answer him “Ok Dae, I will give it a chance for 3 months”

“Jinjja? You really mean it Sun Hi?” an excited Daesung said, to which you look into his eyes and answered with full confidence “Yes Dae, I am willing to give you a chance for this 3 months”

You felt Dae hugging you tight and whispering into your ear “Thanks Sun Hi, I promise I will do my best to open up your heart towards me”

You nodded and hug him back, while saying to yourself: “This is how it should be, I’m ending one cycle and welcoming in another one. I need Dae; Dae is the one perfect for me”




A/N: I just wanted to thank all of you my amazing subscribers and silent readers for all the support you keep giving me week after week, seen your comments is what gives me the extra push to publish each week. *Bows* ^_^

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noutori1 #1
Chapter 7: Oh... Im reeally crying rite now.. Good job authornim.. Cant wait to finish this storyy.. <3<3<3
Chapter 40: Loved this story a lot!!!
Chapter 40: ive finished in one day... great story authornim... deabak....
Musicislife1295 #4
Chapter 40: I enjoyed this story; I found that even better than the plot were the insightful musings of the characters with regards to serious topics like love and loss. Keep up the good work! :) (I'm happy that the sweet angel is getting his chance too!!)
Chapter 40: I can't believe it's the end. I only started this story yesterday and I have already finished it. I loved the story line but I couldn't help but always picture T.O.P with his blue hair. Thank you for this story <3
Ramshey #6
Chapter 40: So I started reading this storie last night and I said: "I am only going to read 5 chapters" and then one more and one more and then another before I know it was 4am and dead tired and I only stop because my phone die!! So good job!! Ohhhhhh and I finish the story as soon I awaken!!! Kakakaka
Chapter 40: OMG!!!! IT's the end T_T I love this fic, its story line, its characters, the main character and of course, BigBang, kekekekekeke.
Thanks for the last 3 chapters and for all the fic!!!! I enjoy so much while i was reading it and posting my comments in every chapter...
I hope all your next fics are daebak and will be reading for many people, so...Fighting with you next proyects!!! ^_^
Chapter 40: Read this in one sitting, it was super cute!
niknac #9
I enjoyed reading this cute story. Thanks for writing it!
claribelmiranda #10
Chapter 40: Awwww.hehe. Such a lovely story, done reading this one, loooove this bestfriend story ^^