Love Box

We are just friends, aren't we?

This part was inspired by Seungri’s Love Box, so you might want to listen to it while reading this.

Seungri was standing in front of his hyung apartment; he had being sending him messages and calling him nonstop for the past week, but still no answer. He was truly worried, because his hyung wasn’t the type of guy of not replying.

“Hyung, open up, I know you are in there, open up, I’m not leaving until I talk to you” the maknae keep yelling while banging on the front door.

After a few minutes that felt like hours to Seungri, finally the door open up and he was shock when he saw the person standing in front of him.

“Hyung, what the hell happen to you?” he ask while making his way inside the apartment.

“I give her up to hyung” Daesung finally replied while walking to the couch and seating in the same place he had being the last 2 days.

“Give who up? Hyung you are not making any sense” Seungri replied.

“So they still don’t know about it” Dae said to himself, he took a deep breath before replying “Sun Hi, I broke up with her”

“MWO??? Why would you do that? Are you crazy?” the maknae said with his eyes in shock.

Daesung sighed and replied again “Like I told you, I gave up Sun Hi, so she could be with the one she truly loves, Seung Hyun hyung”

“Wait… What do you mean by the one she truly loves? But she was dating you? What the… I don’t understand anything hyung, so you better explain yourself before I lose my mind trying to figure this one out”

“Sun Hi might have dated me, but she never truly loved me… I mean she loves me, but not the same way I love her. I knew it from the start, I wasn’t blind, I was perfectly aware that her heart already belong to someone else, but I guess I was a fool to believe that I could change all of that just by showing her what I could give to her. I tried to change her mind, God knows I did; but I knew her too well; that’s why I didn’t try to force things on her, I wish that she could fell for me, but the love she had in her heart for hyung was stronger”

“So you are saying that noona loves Seung Hyun hyung? And despite the fact that you knew that, you still confess to her? Hyung, you sure are some brave man. I swear to God that I couldn’t have done that, exposing myself to all of that” Seungri said while looking again to his hyung.

“Well, for a moment I though, that I didn’t have anything to lose, that no matter what happen at the end, at least I wouldn’t regret it, because I would know that I gave it my all. Of course, I really wish that I could change her heart, but guess luck wasn’t on my side this time. I was a fool thinking that I could fight destiny, after all those two idiots belong together” Dae said while chuckling a bit.

“But why where you the one to broke up hyung? Who knows maybe you could have really change Sun Hi noona’s mind?”

“Do you think that would be fair for hyung, for Sun Hi or for me? After I listen to hyung’s confession that night I knew that my fate was lying elsewhere and not with her, after all what I want the most in this world is to see Sun Hi smiling and if Seung Hyun hyung can do it, why should I step into his path?”

“It might sound stupid hyung, but I’m really proud of you. You always put others in front of your own happiness and always care for others instead of you, but mainly you are so brave for letting go someone so precious to you and still be standing; I truly wish I could be more like you”

Dae smile at the maknae’s honest words, it was like a medicine for his broken heart.

“Thanks Seungri-ah, but I believe that it was for the best. I mean, I might have being the one to hug her when she need it someone to lean onto, but if you really look back, the one that always was there for her to wipe away her tears, the one that hug her when she was sick was Seung Hyun hyung, I was just the angel standing next to her, treasuring her, but now I must send her off to the one that has earn the right to have her heart”

“So you are saying that you have definitely giving up on her hyung?”

“Well I don’t think I can just stop loving someone as easily as I wish Ri, I wish I could erase everything and start fresh and to be completely honest, I do regret letting her go a little bit, but I guess it was for the best that it was sooner than later, at least this way, we might remain as friends”

 “So, do you think that they might be together by now?” Seungri asked.

“Probably, otherwise I would have waste the punch I gave hyung” Dae said while smiling again.


“Yah, maknae lower your voice, there is no need to yell, yeah I hit him, I guess it was my way to get even with him, after all he was taking away my girl” Dae said lowering his head in embarrassment.

“OMO, how I wish I was there to see it, our Daesungie Hyung truly brought out the man he has inside”

Dae chuckled; the maknae silly thoughts made him see that anything wasn’t lost.

“Well hyung, fighting! I know you will soon find someone that deserves you. And I bet she will be cute, I really think you dodge the bullet with Sun Hi noona, she isn’t cute at all” he said while pouting remembering all the times that Sun Hi had bullied him.

Dae finally let out a strong laugh “Thank you Seungri-ah, I guess I did”

But before Seungri could reply, the doorbell sound and Dae got up to see who it was and he sure was surprised when he saw Kwon Sun Hi on the other side of the door. 

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noutori1 #1
Chapter 7: Oh... Im reeally crying rite now.. Good job authornim.. Cant wait to finish this storyy.. <3<3<3
Chapter 40: Loved this story a lot!!!
Chapter 40: ive finished in one day... great story authornim... deabak....
Musicislife1295 #4
Chapter 40: I enjoyed this story; I found that even better than the plot were the insightful musings of the characters with regards to serious topics like love and loss. Keep up the good work! :) (I'm happy that the sweet angel is getting his chance too!!)
Chapter 40: I can't believe it's the end. I only started this story yesterday and I have already finished it. I loved the story line but I couldn't help but always picture T.O.P with his blue hair. Thank you for this story <3
Ramshey #6
Chapter 40: So I started reading this storie last night and I said: "I am only going to read 5 chapters" and then one more and one more and then another before I know it was 4am and dead tired and I only stop because my phone die!! So good job!! Ohhhhhh and I finish the story as soon I awaken!!! Kakakaka
Chapter 40: OMG!!!! IT's the end T_T I love this fic, its story line, its characters, the main character and of course, BigBang, kekekekekeke.
Thanks for the last 3 chapters and for all the fic!!!! I enjoy so much while i was reading it and posting my comments in every chapter...
I hope all your next fics are daebak and will be reading for many people, so...Fighting with you next proyects!!! ^_^
Chapter 40: Read this in one sitting, it was super cute!
niknac #9
I enjoyed reading this cute story. Thanks for writing it!
claribelmiranda #10
Chapter 40: Awwww.hehe. Such a lovely story, done reading this one, loooove this bestfriend story ^^