The Aftermath

We are just friends, aren't we?


You stood still on the bench, you where trying hard to collect all the things that just happen and trying hard to make everything make sense in your head.

“What the hell just happen? Did I just hear Daesung confessing his feelings for me? I mean for real DID HE JUST CONFESS???” you finally said out loud, trying to catch the air you felt was having  a hard time reaching into your lungs.

“Why did he do that? I mean aish I don’t even know what to think about this. How did he fell for me? I mean I am a mess of a girl, and none better than him knows that… He knows every bad side of me, he knows my weakness and craziness and he still says he wants to keep being by my side… Is he crazy?” you sighed.

You couldn’t keep still inside your place, so you decided that you needed to get out of your place and walk to clear your mind, you simply grab your phone, keys and a coat and made your way out. You kept walking to the one place that always offered you silence and calm whenever you felt troubled. After a 15 minute walk, you arrived to the playground.

You sat on one of the swings and start talking to yourself again.

“Really, I mean, Dae sure is a perfect gentleman and is my guardian angel, but let’s be real… I don’t like him, I care deeply for him and I will give an arm and a leg just to see him being happy, but I don’t think I’m the one that can make him happy. I have so many flaws and he is such a perfect guy, he can do way better than being stuck with me. But he is Daesung… I have never met such a perfect guy that him… But seriously I don’t know what to think about all of this… I really need to talk with someone about this…”

You close your eyes and start to slowly swinging yourself, you felt like something similar just happened recently. You felt like if someone was standing by your side, you opened your eyes but none was there.

“That’s weird, I could have sworn that someone was standing next to me, Aish Daesung you are turning me into a crazy girl. But I mean, let’s face it… the one that I like is Seung Hyun… That idiotic babo bingu has stolen my heart a long time ago, but despite the fact that he hurt me deeply over the kiss incident in the past, I can’t seem to get angry at him, really Seung Hyun why the hell I like you this much that I cant seem to be able to forget you despite all of the things that has happened between us?”

You close your eyes again and you felt a little flashback coming to your mind, you where talking to Seung Hyun seating on the same swing, but you couldn’t seem to remember what you where talking about with him. You open your eyes and remember the talk you had with Seung Hyun earlier that day, he asked you if you remember anything that happened yesterday. “So I did see him yesterday, but what the hell did we talk about that it seem so important to him?” But another piece of the conversation you had came to your mind again, ““And remember, no matter what happens tonight, listen to what your heart really feels””

“Why did Seung Hyun told me that no matter what happened tonight I should listen to what my heart feels? Did he already knew that Dae was going to confess to me? Then why the hell he didn’t say anything to me?? He could at least have give me a heads up, so I wouldn’t stood like an idiot in front of Dae while he was confessing. Seung Hyun you are dead” and with that you got up and made your way to your best friend’s house.

You arrived in front of his house, but it was kind of late, so instead of using the door bell you decided to call him.

“YAH!!! BINGU SEUNG HYUN!!!! Im outside your place, get out now, we need to talk” you said and didn’t even gave a chance to your friend to replied.

You saw Seung Hyun getting out of his house wearing a plain white t-shirt and a pair of jeans, “Damn it, im here to fight with you and you come out wearing that… But Sun Hi keep focus”  you said to yourself trying to keep your composure.

“So did you remember already what happened yesterday?” a hopeful Seung Hyun asked you and was making his way to reach for your hand but your answer cut him off.

“No, sorry, but I didn’t came here to talk about that. If you already knew that Dae was going to confess why the hell didn’t you told me anything before hand, it would at least gave me a chance to be prepared”

Seung Hyun just stood there looking at you, “why is she so dense?” but finally replied:

“Would you like that someone told the one you like beforehand that you were going to confess? Does that even make sense Sun Hi?”

“Well, no… but I mean, its Daesung!!! He is like my brother, why the hell didn’t you told me anything, I just stood still like an idiot”

“So he really did confess, he sure didn’t waste any time. But wait, you told me you stood still like an idiot, that means you didn’t answer him?” he said with a spark of glow on his eyes.

“I didn’t had the chance to tell him anything, he told me that I should think about it, really is he crazy? How the hell did he fell for me?”

“Well, you are a girl Sun Hi, so what is weird about that? Besides don’t play the innocent here, you did lead him on” Seung Hyun said slightly piss off.

“Mwo? Me? Leading him on? Are you crazy? How did I ever do that?” you replied.

“You sure did, you always go bragging about Dae, that he is so sweet and perfect, and he understands you the best in the whole world, the he is your guardian angel and he is always there, blah blah blah…” he said using a sarcastic tone and looking slightly piss off.

“And what if I said all those things? They are all true, he is the only one that has always treated me like a woman, he takes seriously what I said and think, unlike others that only know how to make fun of me” you said getting piss off also.

“So if he is so freaking perfect for you, why don’t you go and tell him that you will be with him?” he said trying to hold on to the jealousy he was feeling inside.

“Because I cant, I just cant” you replied, “I cant because I already love you idiot” you said to yourself.

“Why Sun Hi? Tell me why?” he said looking into your eyes.

“Just because, aish! Stop asking things and help me set all this mess straight”

“I cant do that… I have told you to be true to what your heart feels”

“Aish, you are really of no help, I don’t know why the heck did I ever came here in the first place” you replied irritated.

“Yes, I don’t know either, maybe you should go to your guardian angel and talk to him, after all he is the perfect one in this whole situation” Seung Hyun said with a hateful tone.

“Why are you getting angry? The one that should be angry is me for your complete lack of help im getting from you, why the hell are you acting like an immature child?”

“The only immature child I see here is you, expecting that I will help you with this, what the hell I am to you that you expect that I come and fix all of this for you?, you are on your own on this one Sun Hi” he said with a hateful glare that scare you.

“You know what Seung Hyun?, you are right, I keep waiting for the impossible to happen, Im tired of waiting for my luck to change, like you said you can’t do absolutely anything to help me with this, and I am tired of waiting for a miracle to happen” you said while a single tear escaped your eyes. “Im done waiting for something that is definitely not meant to be, while the perfect guy is begging me to be with him” you said with a hateful and sad tone.

“Well looks like you have already made your choice” Seung Hyun said trying to keep the composure.

“It sure looks like I did, bye Seung Hyun and thanks for your incredible help” you said with a sarcastic tone.

that bastard, how the hell doesn’t he know that I was waiting for him to give me a reason to say no to Dae, why is he so dense to see how I truly feel? But he is right, Daesung is the perfect guy… and I owe to myself to stop being in this stupid one side love that is getting me nowhere, I deserve to receive love and who better than Dae to do that” you toughed while walking back to your home.

On the other side, Seung Hyun had already got back to his room and whipped away a tear he was trying hard to hold in: “You made the right call Seung Hyun; you took the wise decision, you got your chance and blew it away, now is Dae’s turn… you need to let her go…” he said while letting another tear roll down his face. 

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noutori1 #1
Chapter 7: Oh... Im reeally crying rite now.. Good job authornim.. Cant wait to finish this storyy.. <3<3<3
Chapter 40: Loved this story a lot!!!
Chapter 40: ive finished in one day... great story authornim... deabak....
Musicislife1295 #4
Chapter 40: I enjoyed this story; I found that even better than the plot were the insightful musings of the characters with regards to serious topics like love and loss. Keep up the good work! :) (I'm happy that the sweet angel is getting his chance too!!)
Chapter 40: I can't believe it's the end. I only started this story yesterday and I have already finished it. I loved the story line but I couldn't help but always picture T.O.P with his blue hair. Thank you for this story <3
Ramshey #6
Chapter 40: So I started reading this storie last night and I said: "I am only going to read 5 chapters" and then one more and one more and then another before I know it was 4am and dead tired and I only stop because my phone die!! So good job!! Ohhhhhh and I finish the story as soon I awaken!!! Kakakaka
Chapter 40: OMG!!!! IT's the end T_T I love this fic, its story line, its characters, the main character and of course, BigBang, kekekekekeke.
Thanks for the last 3 chapters and for all the fic!!!! I enjoy so much while i was reading it and posting my comments in every chapter...
I hope all your next fics are daebak and will be reading for many people, so...Fighting with you next proyects!!! ^_^
Chapter 40: Read this in one sitting, it was super cute!
niknac #9
I enjoyed reading this cute story. Thanks for writing it!
claribelmiranda #10
Chapter 40: Awwww.hehe. Such a lovely story, done reading this one, loooove this bestfriend story ^^