Listen to my plead

We are just friends, aren't we?

Shock…. That’s the feeling that had taken over your body the minute your eyes made contact with his. You couldn’t utter a word, you felt your whole body frozen on a second and you felt your mind going into panic mode. “Ani, this isn’t happening, Dear God why the hell is this happening?” you manage to think.

The rain started pouring down again, this time softly, just grazing with soft raindrops your surroundings; while the last person you wished to see right now made his way to your swing and said:

“Since you remember, I guess is time for me to explain myself, but please don’t leave before I finish talking this time” Seung Hyun said and took a seat in the swing next to you. You simply nodded, feeling frustrated, confused but mostly… scared; you weren’t sure if you really wanted to hear what your friend was about to said.

Seung Hyun took a deep breath, looked into your eyes and said:

“If only you haven’t left so quickly that night, I might have said something… But now that I think about it, I regret not saying anything that night six years ago”

“So, you do remember…” you mumble low, hoping he didn’t hear the words you just utter.

“Of course I remember that night, you looked so beautiful even in your high school uniform, I remember every detail of that night Sun Hi, you where wearing the silly panda jacket that Seungri had giving to you for your birthday that year, I remember you where wearing the silver necklace I had gotten you, remember, the one with the small snow flake charm? I remember everything, because that was the night I stop watching you as my donsaeng Sung Hi and started watching you as Sun Hi, the woman that with one look had manage to take my breath away”

You look up and straight to Seung Hyun’s eyes, you couldn’t believe what your ears where hearing.

He simply continued “I don’t regret kissing you that day, what I have being regretting all my life since that day was that I was such a coward back them and I didn’t act upon my actions. To be honest, I didn’t planed to kiss you that day, but seeing you vulnerable, strong but fragile in my arms, I couldn’t help myself, you looked so beautiful and all that I wanted was to protect you and stop your tears from falling down.

But after I took you home, my stupid insecurities took the best of me, I panic, I was scared that what I have done may have hurt you or scared you, I honestly thought you were going to kill me the next day for what I did, never in a million years the idea that you had feelings for me cross my mind, so when I saw you the next day I just act like nothing ever happened because I was scared to take the next step… I  kept wondering what will this do to our relationship, to our family relationship with the rest of the guys, so since you didn’t said anything to me about it, I toughed that maybe you didn’t felt anything for me and that it was for the best, so I kept quiet all this time”

“Scared? Insecure? Panic? I felt the exact same things that moment Seung Hyun, but I also felt that my prayers had being answer, since finally the guy I liked, my friend, had kissed me… but can you even imagine the disappointment I felt  when you acted like you did? I felt like you did it out of pity, like a weak moment of judgment, I drain my brain looking for answers to your behavior until I finally told myself that it hadn’t meant a thing to you” you finally manage to answer back.

“I know, that’s why I regret it, I regret not being a man enough back them to send my insecurities to hell and hold on to you, to us like my heart was begging me to do. But it wasn’t like that, it didn’t mean anything, it meant everything for me. Ever since that day I kept telling myself what an I was and I tried to convince myself that I should do something about it, but I was scare what if I confessed and you reject me? Or what if we go out but you grew tired of me and dump me? How would all of that influence our friendship? I kept making and pounding on the same questions over and over again, I kept doing this for years… Then the accident that took Na Ri’s life took place and I felt like I was dying inside when you locked yourself up, my heart, my body, my soul couldn’t bare the idea of loosing you, so when you finally broke down in my arms that day I felt like the luckiest guy in the world to have you back into my life, but I felt that if I wanted to see you happy I had to remain always by your side only as your friend, that way I could always looked over you and protect you from any harm. It kill me to take that decision, but I couldn’t bare the idea of loosing you, so I fool myself into believe that what I should be feeling for you wasn’t love” he stop for a moment and you could see that his eyes where a bit watery.

You couldn’t believe that he had pondered over all this things over this many years, you where touched at how much he care about you, but suddenly you felt a bit angry, after all you had confessed –even if you where drunk- but he didn’t do anything that time also. You manage to speak up cutting up his words.

“I can’t believe you did all of that Seung Hyun, but tell me, why in heaven’s name did you wait until now to tell me all this… if you heard my confession that night and you knew that my feelings for you where truth, then why didn’t you tell me anything the next day? Why did you hold everything up to yourself? Why the hell where you so stubborn to bottle up everything and not talk to me?” you said while a couple of tears where streaming down your cheeks, you no longer cared if he saw you cry, you wanted answers, your heart demanded answers right now.

Seung Hyun tried to wipe away your tears but you didn’t let him, you instead question him “Why did you let me go to Daesung, If you felt the same way as I did?”

You could see him, looking down and then again staring back at you, with a gaze you felt was piercing through your soul.

“Sun Hi, you left so suddenly that day that I didn’t had a chance to react and follow you, I was dumb fond to realize the girl that my heart desire had feelings for me, but when I was going to talk to you, Dae came to all of us and tell us about his plans to confess. For a moment I felt like hitting him, telling him no, that you where mine… but then again my insecurities, my ego, my fears took over me, I felt like I had missed my chance and timing, and here it was the guy you trusted with everything, the one you called your confident and angel, telling us that he wanted to be with you and even Jiyong gave him his blessing. You know that Dae is like a small brother to me, I couldn’t trample on his happiness to be selfish and have you all to me; I felt my heart broken and I was dying because I knew that I couldn’t bare the idea of hurting him. But then I remember your words of the night before and that gave me hope, but later that day you told us you didn’t remember a thing of the night before, that Sun Hi was the last bullet… since I couldn’t tell if the words you spoke to me the night before where true or simply a side of your drunkenness”

“But still, why didn’t you say anything? Why did you didn’t yell at me like you always do and tell me something?” you yell at him getting up from the swing. The rain was starting to pour down a bit more and you both where starting to get really wet, but that didn’t mind to any of you. You felt his strong grip on your wrist and he made you seat back on the swing.

“I tried Sun Hi, the last time I saw you before I left I asked you if you truly didn’t remember anything at all, I begged you to try to remember and at the end I told you that no matter what could happen that night, please listen to what your heart really feels. So you can imagine my surprise when I heard the news that you and Dae where now dating. I couldn’t take it, so I reach to the conclusion that your feelings for me weren’t as strong as for whatever you could be feeling for Dae” he said and you could hear him choking a bit when he said the last part.

He was right, he did try to make you remember, but you where too hurt to listen to his advice, you had foolish yourself into believe that you where the only one hurting in a one side loved and were blinded to believe that the guy seating next to you didn’t felt anything for you except a brotherly love. You felt guilty and your heart sting a little bit, but he kept on talking.

“But then your parents dead anniversary came, you remember you came over to have dinner in my place, well I accidently over heard you talking to Hye Yoon Noona about it, I felt like the stupidest man alive for letting you go, for not fighting for you, for being so stubborn, for denying the both of us a chance to be happy together, but I also didn’t want to step on Dae’s happiness but I was having a hard time on deciding on what to do… then some things came up and Dae got to know that I had feelings for you, but then I realize that I cared about you too damn much and I had being done with making sacrifices, that for once I was going to stop being rational and start listening to my heart, I owe it to myself, to you, to us to fight for the chance to be happy next to the woman I love” he said while grabbing your hands into his and looking deeply into your eyes.

“You love me?” you mumble out loud. To be honest, you felt happiness pouring down from your heart, but you were also confused and hurt, after all just a few hours earlier you felt like you had broken your smiling angel’s heart but now you where hearing the words you had being dreaming for so long.

“Yes, Kwon Sun Hi, I, the babo Choi Seung Hyun love you. I was waiting for you to finish with your finals before I came and talk to you, but here I am standing in front of the woman I love, begging her to listen to my plead, begging her to forgive her idiot best friend for neglecting her all this time, for being a fool for not wanting to listen to his heart and not being a man enough in the past to tell the world how much I adore the woman that is front of me; I ask the woman that has stolen my heart away if she will be kind enough to take this bingu as his boyfriend and make him the happiest man on earth” he said and smile while getting on his knees, despite the mud, the rain and placing himself in front of the swing you where seating on.

You couldn’t believe your ears, here it was the bingu that you have loved all this time, confessing and pouring his heart in front of you, you felt the tears kept coming from your eyes and finally nodded to him.

You could see his face lighting up and he immediately hug you from your waist, you felt your heart was exploding of happiness, the world felt like it had stop in that spot and time was holding still, the only thing that you could see was Seung Hyun holding tight into you, you felt like if he let go you will feel all of this was just a dream.  The rain kept on falling, but neither of you longer cared, because right here and right now, only the both of you matter.

He broke the embrace and gently cupped your face with his hands, wiping away  the tears that had being pouring all this time and soon he gently place his lips on yours, giving you a sweet kiss. You could felt his love and honesty on that kiss, you started kissing him back, trying to tell him how much you loved him and had being waiting for this moment to happen with this kiss.

He broke the kiss and you slightly pouted at the lost of the touch of his lips with yours. He giggled at the sight of this and flicked your forehead.

“Aigoo, you don’t have to pout like that silly girl, this lips are yours forever” he said while laughing.

“Aish, so cheesy… what did I do to get such a cheesy boy in my life?” you said while pinching one of his cheeks.

“You feel in love with a bingu, that’s what you did” he said and pulled you once again into a kiss. 






---A/N: is it wrong that i fangirl over this? >< LOL I have being waiting so much to type down this part, i hope i didnt left anbody down
thanks for all your comments, i agree with almost all of them kkk, thanks for taking the time to type the down, they truly make my day. 

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noutori1 #1
Chapter 7: Oh... Im reeally crying rite now.. Good job authornim.. Cant wait to finish this storyy.. <3<3<3
Chapter 40: Loved this story a lot!!!
Chapter 40: ive finished in one day... great story authornim... deabak....
Musicislife1295 #4
Chapter 40: I enjoyed this story; I found that even better than the plot were the insightful musings of the characters with regards to serious topics like love and loss. Keep up the good work! :) (I'm happy that the sweet angel is getting his chance too!!)
Chapter 40: I can't believe it's the end. I only started this story yesterday and I have already finished it. I loved the story line but I couldn't help but always picture T.O.P with his blue hair. Thank you for this story <3
Ramshey #6
Chapter 40: So I started reading this storie last night and I said: "I am only going to read 5 chapters" and then one more and one more and then another before I know it was 4am and dead tired and I only stop because my phone die!! So good job!! Ohhhhhh and I finish the story as soon I awaken!!! Kakakaka
Chapter 40: OMG!!!! IT's the end T_T I love this fic, its story line, its characters, the main character and of course, BigBang, kekekekekeke.
Thanks for the last 3 chapters and for all the fic!!!! I enjoy so much while i was reading it and posting my comments in every chapter...
I hope all your next fics are daebak and will be reading for many people, so...Fighting with you next proyects!!! ^_^
Chapter 40: Read this in one sitting, it was super cute!
niknac #9
I enjoyed reading this cute story. Thanks for writing it!
claribelmiranda #10
Chapter 40: Awwww.hehe. Such a lovely story, done reading this one, loooove this bestfriend story ^^