Falling into place

We are just friends, aren't we?

It was already 7:00pm when you reach your place, after a hectic day of picking up final grades; it was official you where already a literature major. You had barely seen Daesung today, it seems like you always miss him by a few minutes. You sighed; it had being already 3 weeks since you last saw him at his apartment, but you had decided to give him some space, as much as It kill you not talking to him for the first time since you where friends, you knew he needed some space to deal with his feelings.

You where slowly getting out of your car when you heard your phone ringing like crazy. Your hands where full so you just let it ring until you got inside your house, but when you were about to pick it up they had already hang up.

But 5 seconds later, it was ringing again… this time you didn’t even had to check to know who it was “who else but the Bingu should be calling” you though and smile. You pick up your phone and before you could say a thing, Seung Hyun was already yelling at the other side of the line



“THEN WHY WEREN’T YOU PICKING UP THE PHONE? ARE YOU DEAF OR SOMETHING” Seung Hyun kept yelling, but you knew he was trying hard to suppress his laughs.

“Ani, I already knew it was you, but I have more important things to do right now” you replied while smirking and finally seating down in your living room couch.

“Mwo? More important that speaking to the one and only Choi Seung Hyun? Please, in your dreams Sun Hi. You are just lucky that I lay my eyes on a cuteless and plain girl like you?”

“Can you believe this Bingu? Please right now I will rather go kiss the maknae than you” you said while throwing your hair back, but soon the doorbell rang so you got up to see who it was.

“Please the maknae only dates cute girls and you my dear aren’t one of them” Seung Hyun replied while laughing.

“Says who?” you replied while opening the door.

“Me” Seung Hyun said while standing at the other side of your door and ending the call.

“Excuse me ahjussi, but right now I cannot talk with you, I have to call back my idiot bingu boyfriend who just hang up on me” you said while closing the door in Seung Hyun’s face, but he still manage to get in.

“So now im an old ahjussi?” he replied while smirking.

“Ani, a bingu ahjussi to be more accurate” you said smirking back.

“Aish, this girl is begging to be taught some manners and I have the right method to do so” Seung Hyun said while approaching quickly to you and giving you a quick peck in the lips.

“Aigoo, ahjussi; my boyfriend is going to get jealous” you said while giving him a peck back and hugging him.

“Let him be, after all he did hang up on you” he said while hugging you back and giving you a soft kiss in your forehead.

“So what brings you here today bingu?” you said while getting out of his arms and making your way to the kitchen for some water.

“Yah! Sun Hi, stop it with the Bingu… I’m already your boyfriend; you should call me Oppa… OPPA!” he said while following your footsteps.

“I shall call you whatever I feel like calling you, today I feel like calling you Bingu, so Bingu it is for today” you replied while laughing.

“Aish, this girl always disrespecting her elders, indeed I have to give her an intense class on good manners” he said while approaching you and pinching your cheeks.

“Aigoo, stop it Seung Hyun it hurts” you said trying to stop him pinching your cheeks.

“Not until you said it” he replied smirking and closing the gap between the both of you.

“Ani, never!! You shall be forever be known as the bingu!” you said while sticking out your tongue.

But suddenly Seung Hyun didn’t reply back, he simply grab you quickly by the neck and gave you a deep kiss that took you by surprise, you could feel he was smirking because he caught you off ward but still you couldn’t stop the kiss, instead you started kissing him back. After a while, you both had to break the kiss to grab some air and you could feel your cheeks turning red.

“See, that’s what you get for misbehaving” Seung Hyun said while looking at you with his strong gaze.

“Maybe I should misbehave more often” you replied smirking and giving him a soft punch on his chest.

“Humm, aren’t we playing with fire today Sun Hi, be careful, you don’t want to get burned” he said smirking and closing again the small gap that there was between the two of you.

“YAH!! HYUNG, NOONA STOP IT!! MY EYES!!!!” Seungri yelled from the kitchen door.

“YAH MAKNAE WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?” both of you yelled and immediately put some distance between the two of you.

“He came with me, Sun Hi” Jiyong replied entering the kitchen “Humm this guys, I thought I could trust in you hyung, but you are already trying to ert my innocent cousin” he said and quickly snatch you away from Seung Hyun’s reach.

You could feel your cheeks burn from embarrassment and Seung Hyun was giving dead glares at the maknae who was smirking at the fact he had caught you being all lovey with each other and now he had finally something to tease you guys.

“You are dead maknae” Seung Hyun said in a low whisper and Seungri simply cleared his throat.

“Well, Jiyong Oppa may I know to what do I owe the honor of your company today?” you said trying to change the subject.

“Now do I need permission to come check on my beloved donsaeng?” He said while hugging you and ruffling with your hair.

“Ani, you know you don’t, Oppa, but still you could have at least have call… Especially if you where bringing the maknae” you said while rolling your eyes to Seungri who in less than a minute was already being hit by Seung Hyun.

“Yah! Seung Hyun Oppa, let the maknae go” you said when you saw the maknae getting dizzy.

As soon as he heard the word Oppa he immediately let go of the maknae out of the shock and look at you with a goofy smile drawed in his face.

“OMO, noona, kamsa!” Seungri said running to your side.

“YAH! I only stop him because It was my turn now” and you start hitting the maknae

“YAH! NOONA STOP IT” Seungri said while you keep on punching him.


Jiyong and Seung Hyun just kept laughing at your “discipline” to the maknae.

“Sun Hi, stop it, otherwise he won’t stop whining the rest of the night” Jiyong said while chukling.

“Arasso, aish you are in luck today maknae” you said while pouting.

Seung Hyun came to your side and whisper into your ear “Don’t pout, I might not be able to control myself to not kiss you even if the guys are here”

You blushed and look down, but your cousin look at the both of you and said “That’s it love birds, enough with you, I rather seeing you fighting than smooching, hyung have some respect is still my baby cousin”

“Don’t worry Ji, I will take care of her” he said while smirking and receiving a punch from you.

“Yah! Don’t push it bingu” you said.

All of you laugh at the sudden change of atmosphere and made your way to your living room.

“So I guess you will be staying for dinner guys?” you asked looking at the 3 guys that had taken over your couch.

“Yes, so you can start cooking anytime now, Noona” Seungri said while smiling.

“Bad luck maknae, im not in the cooking mood today” you said while tugging yourself in the middle of Jiyong and Seung Hyun.

“Don’t worry donsaeng help is on the way” Seung Hyun said and with that the doorbell rang once again.

You look surprise at your boyfriend and made your way to the door, to your surprise it was Young Bae followed by Daesung with a bunch of bags.

“Dae? Guys what are you doing here?” you said while the guys made their way to the lving room.

“Hyung text us earlier that he was coming here and he demand us to bring out food” Young Bae said and you could see Daesung nodding behind him.

“OK, now that we are all here together, let’s give our Dae and Sun Hi a round of applause for becoming literature majors” Jiyong said while you and Dae eyed each other and blushed.

“Guys, I wasn’t expecting this” you said.

“Did you really though that we weren’t making a big deal of this? I know you aren’t officially graduated but still, we know the effort you guys did to get here” Young Bae said while hugging Dae.

Jiyong nodded and hug you.

“Well let’s eat before it gets cold” Seungri said.

You looked directly to Dae and he smile back at you. You joined the guys and took your usual place next to Seung Hyun and Daesung and toughed “this is how things must be, everything is falling into the right place again” 




A/N= guys im back! Sorry it took me so long to post again.... But im back ^^ hope you guys enjoy the chapter. 

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noutori1 #1
Chapter 7: Oh... Im reeally crying rite now.. Good job authornim.. Cant wait to finish this storyy.. <3<3<3
Chapter 40: Loved this story a lot!!!
Chapter 40: ive finished in one day... great story authornim... deabak....
Musicislife1295 #4
Chapter 40: I enjoyed this story; I found that even better than the plot were the insightful musings of the characters with regards to serious topics like love and loss. Keep up the good work! :) (I'm happy that the sweet angel is getting his chance too!!)
Chapter 40: I can't believe it's the end. I only started this story yesterday and I have already finished it. I loved the story line but I couldn't help but always picture T.O.P with his blue hair. Thank you for this story <3
Ramshey #6
Chapter 40: So I started reading this storie last night and I said: "I am only going to read 5 chapters" and then one more and one more and then another before I know it was 4am and dead tired and I only stop because my phone die!! So good job!! Ohhhhhh and I finish the story as soon I awaken!!! Kakakaka
Chapter 40: OMG!!!! IT's the end T_T I love this fic, its story line, its characters, the main character and of course, BigBang, kekekekekeke.
Thanks for the last 3 chapters and for all the fic!!!! I enjoy so much while i was reading it and posting my comments in every chapter...
I hope all your next fics are daebak and will be reading for many people, so...Fighting with you next proyects!!! ^_^
Chapter 40: Read this in one sitting, it was super cute!
niknac #9
I enjoyed reading this cute story. Thanks for writing it!
claribelmiranda #10
Chapter 40: Awwww.hehe. Such a lovely story, done reading this one, loooove this bestfriend story ^^