Oh (Words that will be repeated frequently throughout this chapter)

Love is Forbidden on the Soccer Field

You felt annoyed. Now that Doojoon knew you had NOTHING going on with the other Kingkas, he doubled his efforts to ask you out.

"GO AWAY ALREADY!" You yelled at him as he followed you around like a puppy dog.

"No." He sang, skipping behind you. "Because I love you, ~~~~~~~-ah........"

"AAAAAAAAAARGH, YOU DRIVE ME CRAZY." You snarled, running away.

He easily followed you. Damn his super-long and kinda y legs.

"~~~~~~~~-ah, wait up!" He called cheerfully.


"Why would you want to do that?" He asked, tilting his head in puzzlement.


He smiled. "Hate is a strong word. You know, hate isn't far off from love......"

You shook your head, sighing. "Hate is completely different, head."

"Nuh-uh." He insisted, smiling. "Hate and love are both spelled with 4 letters, and they both share the same kind of passion. Hate and love is connected."

"Wanna know what's going to be connected in about two seconds?" You growled. "My foot up your . Now GO AWAY."

He laughed. "I know you love me, ~~~~~~~-ah! We were meant to be together!"

You were so intent on running away from the hot annoying-as-hell jerk that you ran right into Junhyung.

Oh .

Acting on reflex, he immediately wrapped a hand around your waist when you slipped backwards, preventing you from falling. His eyes widened when he realized who you were.

"~~~~~~~~~-ah," He smirked evilly.

Oh .

You struggled to get away, but he kept a tight hold on your waist. "You know, ~~~~~~~~-ah, if I didn't know better, I'd say you've been avoiding me for the past few days." He said, amused.

"Well, you DON'T know better, then, because that's what I've been trying to do." You snapped. "Now let. Me. GO."

He smirked even wider and leaned in close. You felt your heart stop. "Woah, what are you doing? S-stop, go away!"

His nose lightly touched yours. You shivered and tried to pull away.

Doojoon appeared.

Oh .

"JUNHYUNG, let go of my future wife!" He growled.

"Future wife?" Junhyung and you yelled in unison.

"Don't stake a moronic claim like that!" He hissed.

"Since when the am I your FUTURE WIFE?" You yelled.

Doojoon took the moment of shock to drag you out of his way. "If you want a competition for ~~~~~~-ah, you'll get one." He snarled.

Junhyung smirked. "Isn't that what Cube High's best at? Competition?"

"Why don't we let ~~~~~~-ah decide who she likes best then?" Doojoon said triumphantly. "~~~~~~~-ah!.............................~~~~~~~~~~~~~-ah?"

You had taken their moment of rivalry to run away.

"Oh , ~~~~~~~~-ah!" Doojoon groaned, turning to run after you.

He felt a hand tighten on his shoulder. "Junhyung?"

Junhyung glared at him, all signs of playfulness gone in his face. "You've beaten me one too many times on the soccer fields, Doojoon. This is payback. I'm going to steal something that you cherish, and if it isn't your sports title, it's HER. I will steal her from you if it's the last thing I do in this school, and it will be my revenge on you."

"Son of a ." Doojoon hissed. "Don't you ING DARE drag ~~~~~~-ah into our rivalry. She has nothing to do with this."

Junhyung smirked at him. "You're wrong. The minute you became attracted to her, she became part of our rivalry. I will beat you in something, Yoon Doojoon, and if it isn't sports, it will be love. You better watch your back."

With that, he disappeared into the crowds.

"Bastard." Doojoon growled. "If he tries anything on ~~~~~~-ah........oh ....."

He shook his head and ran after you.


Thank god you managed to escape! Now, luckily, you can manage to avoid Doojoon or ANY Kingka for that matter until the end of school.

During lunch, you had just finished eating outside and had stood up to escape to the library before any of the Kingkas could find you.

You bumped into someone.

You looked up slowly. "Kikwang?" Oh !

Kikwang's cute face broke into a heavenly smile. "~~~~~~-ah!" He said joyfully, looking genuinely happy to see you.

You looked around quickly, relaxing slightly when you saw no other Kingkas nearby.

"Are you looking for someone?" He asked carefully.

You shook your head. "No......I'm just trying to avoid the Kingkas....."

"Oh, I see...." His face fell. "Guess you don't wanna talk, huh?"

He looked so sad you couldn't help but say "N-no, it's okay! I don't mind talking to you, as long as the other Kingkas aren't around!"

He smiled and sat down next to you, asking you lots of questions. How have you been, what have you been doing lately, etc etc etc etc etc.

"Tiring. Doojoon is always following me around." You complained, bending over to pick a tiny pink flower from the ground. "It's so annoying."

"Hmmm...." Kikwang's eyes sparkled. "Would you mind so much if I followed you around?"

You shrugged. "I dunno. Depends on what you do."

"So.....if I happened to do this.......would you mind?" He said, smirking arrogantly, reaching out to put an arm over your shoulders lightly.

Oh . RED FLAG POPPING UP!!!!! Bad, bad, bad BAD signals going through your body!

"Um....well......" You stammered, panicking slightly.

"What if I do this?" He closed his eyes and puckered his lips slightly, leaning in close to you. When you tried to edge away, his grip around your shoulders tightened and brought you closer to him.

OH .

Your eyes were wide open in shock. Kikwang was only five inches away from your lips......four......three.......two......one........

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Chapter 42:
Nilde9 #2
Chapter 42: Nice!!!!!!
Nilde9 #3
Chapter 1: Just starting and something smells really good!!!!
Chapter 42: Omo! Omo! Omo!!!!! I love this fanfic *sobs sobs*
Yurichin #5
Chapter 42: Great ending!! Love this story so much!! Waiting for your news stories, I have finished seeing all you completed stories!! Daebak
Chapter 42: great ending!!! loved it!!!
Chapter 1: great beginning!!!
iluvEXOforever #8
Chapter 42: kyah~~~~ great ending! Another great finish, PrincessBubbleTea!
iluvEXOforever #9
Chapter 20: I love your freakishingly awesome stories, PrincessBubbleTea!!!! ahhhhh they're so good!
CrystalizedAmber #10
Chapter 42: Ur stories are in awesome!!